
时间:2023-07-25 13:09:20编辑:coo君


demon英 ['diːmən] 美 ['dimən] n. 恶魔;魔鬼;精力充沛的人;邪恶的事物n. (Demon)人名;(塞)德蒙短语Demon Hunter 恶魔猎手 ; 恶魔猎人 ; 猎魔人 ; 魔狩人Game Demon 游戏悍将 ; 娓告垙镇嶅皢 ; 游戏悍就The Demon 鬼畜 ; 魔鬼出没的世界 ; 鬼婆 ; 任细官扩展资料同近义词devil英 ['dev(ə)l] 美 ['dɛvl] n. 魔鬼;撒旦;家伙;恶棍;淘气鬼;冒失鬼vt. 虐待,折磨;(用扯碎机)扯碎;(替作家,律师等)做助手;抹辣味料烤制或煎煮短语dust devil [气象] 尘卷风 ; 尘旋风 ; [气象] 尘暴 ; [气象] 尘卷BLACK DEVIL 黑魔鬼 ; 黑色魔鬼 ; 魔鬼 ; 哈尔滨哪里有卖黑鬼Bwana Devil 非洲历险记 ; 博瓦纳的魔鬼 ; 博瓦纳的妖怪例句1、They call you devil or they call you god. 他们要么叫你魔鬼,要么称你上帝。2、The cartoon represented the president as a devil. 这幅漫画把总统画成了魔鬼。3、"On mine honour, my friend, " answered Zarathustra, "there is nothing of all that whereof thou speakest: there is no devil and no hell. “以我的名誉起誓,我的朋友,”查拉图斯特拉回答说,“你所说的根本不存在:既没有魔鬼也没有地狱。


恶魔的英文:demon、devil一、demon英 [ˈdi:mən] 美 [ˈdimən] n.恶魔;魔鬼;精力过人的人;邪念demons torturing the sinners in Hell地狱里折磨罪人的魔鬼二、devil英 [ˈdevl] 美 [ˈdɛvəl] n.魔鬼;家伙;淘气鬼;冒失鬼vt.虐待,折磨;(用扯碎机)扯碎;(替作家,律师等)做助手;抹辣味料烤制或煎煮They believed she was possessed by devils.他们认为她是魔鬼附身。扩展资料反义词:一、angel英 [ˈeɪndʒl] 美 [ˈendʒəl] n.安琪儿;天使,天使般的人;守护神;善良可爱的人Poppa thought her an angel 爸爸视她为小天使。二、guardian angel英 [ˈɡɑ:diən ˈeindʒəl] 美 [ˈɡɑrdiən ˈendʒəl] n.(某人或某地的)守护天使; 帮助和保护别人的好人He's your guardian angel, all right? 他是你的守护天使,对吗?


恶魔:demon发音:英 [ˈdi:mən] 美 [ˈdimən] 具体释义:n.魔鬼; 恶魔; 精力过人的人; 邪念复数: demons例句:1、For all one knows that demon is the same instinct that makes a baby squall for attention. 尽管每个人都知道这个恶魔完全无异于婴儿为引起注意而啼哭的本能。2、Now all is dashed wrong by the fool's craving to hear evil of self, that haunts some people like a demon! 现在,一切都闹糟了,就因为这傻子拚命想听人家说他的坏话,这种想法往往像魔鬼似地缠着人!3、There's a touch of demon in his stealthy menace. 在他鬼鬼祟祟的威胁中有一种恶魔的气质。扩展资料同根词:词根: demonadj.demonic 有魔力的,恶魔的demoniacal 恶魔的adv.demoniacally 魔鬼地;魔鬼似地n.demoniacal 着魔之人;狂暴者demonism 信仰魔鬼;对鬼怪的崇拜(等于demonolatry);魔鬼学demonization 妖魔化vt.demonize 妖魔化;使…成为魔鬼demonise 使成为魔鬼(等于demonize)


恶魔的英文翻译是devil。词汇分析音标:英 ['dev(ə)l] 美 ['dɛvl] 释义:n. 魔鬼;撒旦;家伙;恶棍;淘气鬼;冒失鬼vt. 虐待,折磨;(用扯碎机)扯碎;(替作家,律师等)做助手短语Bwana Devil 非洲历险记 ; 博瓦纳的魔鬼 ; 博瓦纳的妖怪Fruit Devil 水果恶魔 ; 水果魔鬼 ; 爱吃水果的小恶魔 ; 水果小恶魔little devil 小恶魔 ; 小鬼 ; 小魔鬼 ; 小魔Defense Devil 恶魔辩护 ; 恶魔辩护所 ; 辩护恶魔fire devil 火焰旋涡 ; 火魔 ; 火恶魔拓展资料1、Then the devil can have his soul! 然后魔鬼就能收去他的灵魂!2、Yet one of you is a devil! 但你们中间有一个是魔鬼。3、You are from your father the devil. 你们是出于你们的父魔鬼4、The devil wants you to think your part does not matter, so you will slack off. 魔鬼想你认为你那个部分是无关重要的,那么你就会松懈下来了。5、In short, the devil made me do it! 简单的说,是魔鬼让我这么做的!


devil英文发音:['dev(ə)l]中文释义:n. 魔鬼;撒旦;家伙;恶棍;淘气鬼;冒失鬼vt. 虐待,折磨;(用扯碎机)扯碎;(替作家,律师等)做助手;抹辣味料烤制或煎煮复数:devils记忆技巧:de 加强 + vil 卑劣 → 卑劣到极点 → 魔鬼例句:He was always a devil of a nuisance他总是极讨人厌。扩展资料devil的同根词:1、devilish英文发音:['dev(ə)lɪʃ]中文释义:adj. 邪恶的;精力旺盛的;魔鬼似的adv. 非常;极度地例句:It is devilishly painful.那真是太痛苦了。2、devilment英文发音:['dev(ə)lm(ə)nt]中文释义:n. 恶作剧;怪事例句:The children rang his doorbell, then ran away, purely out of devilment.孩子们揿晌他的门铃,然后跑开,纯粹是恶作剧。

6,devil's advocate是什么意思


devil's advocate
唱反调的人; 故意唱反调的人

1、Now, start Devil's Advocate and challenge yourself to find the positive.

2、Thinking for yourself, playing the devil's advocate and asking questions were not encouraged.

3、Linda was willing to be a devil's advocate on any subject she's interested in.

4、The author was playing the devil's advocate to stir up argument.

7,Devil 是什么意思?


魔鬼, 恶魔; [the Devil ]魔王; (=Satan)撒旦

恶人, 恶棍, 残暴的人; 凶残的野兽; (贪婪等)邪恶的化身


精力充沛[绝伦]的人; 了不起的人; 无所顾忌的人


(=printer's devil)(印刷厂的)助手[学徒]

【纺】(破布等的)扯碎机; 打粗纱头机


[the devil][与 who what, where, why 连用][口]究竟, 到底, 决不

加有辛辣调味品的菜肴; 辣子肉

(=dust devil)【气】小尘暴, 尘旋风

little [young] devil
work like the devil
He has lost his job, poor devil!
他失业了, 可怜 的人!
How the devil is it?
Though one of the engines failed, the pilot managed a safe landing .He is indeed a devil of a fellow.
尽管有一个发动机失灵了, 这位飞行员还是设法安全着陆。他真是个了不起的家伙。
a [the] devil of a 讨厌的; 异常的, 麻烦的; 有趣的
and the devil knows what [who] 以及其他种种(以及其他的人)
as [like] the devil [口] 极度地; 猛烈地; 拼命地
as the devil loves holy water 非常厌恶(憎恨)
be a devil to eat 很能吃, 饭量大
be a devil to work 很能干
be in a devil of a hole [俚]处境非常尴尬
beat the devil [美, 俚]压倒一切, 真了不起
beat the devil out of sb. [美口]把某人打得半死, 痛殴某人
between the devil and the deep [blue] sea 进退两难
blue devil 恶鬼
blue devils 沮丧, 忧郁 耍酒风
Each for himself and the devil take the hindmost. [谚]争先恐后, 落后者遭殃(资产阶级个人主义的准则)。
give the devil his due 平心而论, 说公道话
go to the devil 完蛋, 落魄, 毁灭 滚开! 去你的吧!
He must [should] have a long spoon that sups with the devil. [谚]同坏人打交道必须提高警惕。
He must needs go whom [that] the devil drives.(=Needs must when the devil drives.) [谚]情势所迫, 只好如此。
hug sb. as the devil hugs a witch [废、谑]紧紧地拥抱某人 the devil (of it) ... 是一个很大的困难, ...是一件很讨厌的事
It's easier to raise the devil than to lay him. [谚]召鬼容易驱鬼难; 请神容易送神难。
like the [a] devil (=like devils) [口]象什么似地, 拚命地, 猛烈地
Lucky devil [口]幸运的家伙, 幸运儿
paint the devil blacker than he is 过甚其词
play the [very] devil with (=play the devil and all with ) [口]破坏, 糟蹋, 使失败
pull devil, pull baker 大家加油啊! 激烈的角斗
pull the devil by the tail [口]不断同贫困做斗争; 走向破产; 剩下最后一着
raise the devil (念咒)召唤魔鬼 (=raise cain)惹乱子 [口]狂欢 [口]提出强烈抗议, 采取断然措施
Red Devils [军、俚]?�?
see the devil [俚]喝醉
sell oneself [one's soul] to the devil 把灵魂出卖给魔鬼
send sb. to the devil 叫某人去见鬼[滚开]
serve the devil (for God's sake) (假借上帝名义)为非做歹, 做坏事
speak [talk] of the devil and he will [is sure to] appear 讲人人到, 讲鬼鬼到
the devil among the tailors 正在吵架; "恶魔在裁缝之中"的游戏; 一种烟火
the devil and all 全部, 整个
the devil (and all) to do 极大的麻烦; 巨大的骚乱
the devil and his dam [废]魔鬼和比魔鬼更坏的东西
The devil can cite scripture for his purpose. [谚]魔鬼也会引证《圣经》为自己辩护。
The devil is dead. [罕]困难已经克服了; (工作、旅途等)最困难的部分业已渡过。
The devil is good [kind] to his own. [苏谚](谈到自己不喜欢的人走运时)恶人自有魔鬼保佑。
The devil is good when he is pleased. [谚]魔鬼高兴时也很和气。
The devil is not so black as he is painted. [谚]魔鬼并不象人们所画的那么黑(指人们害怕或不喜欢的人并不象 一般说的那么坏; 事情没有传说的那么可怕)。
The devil knows many things because he is old. [谚]人老见识广; 老马识途。
the devil rebuking sin 贼喊捉贼
The devil rides on [upon] a fiddlestick. 真是怪事, 真想不到。
There will be the devil to pay. [口]那就麻烦了。
to beat the devil [美俚]又快又猛地; 非常, 在很大程度上
What [who, when, where, how, why] the devil ...? 究竟到底是什么[谁, 什么时候, 什么地方, 怎样, 为什么等]...?
when the devil is blind 永远不会
whip the devil round the post (=[USA]whip the devil around the stump) [口]取巧, 自欺欺人
wish sb. at the devil 恨不得某人滚得远远的
devil a bit [口]完全不, 一点也不
devil a one 一个也没有
devil of a mess 乱七八糟
devil on two sticks 空竹, 扯铃
devils [angels] on horseback 咸肉包蚝(菜名)
Devil take it! 糟糕! 该死!


n. 魔鬼,恶魔

动词过去式:deviled/devilled 过去分词:deviled/devilled 现在分词:deviling/devilling 第三人称单数:devils/devils

1. There will be the devil to pay.

2. She found out her husband was a devil soon after her marriage.

3. I'm having a devil of a job fixing my car.













