toni braxton,Toni Braxton 的Yesterday中文对照翻译.急求

时间:2023-07-26 16:11:04编辑:coo君

1,Toni Braxton 的Yesterday中文对照翻译.急求

Oh ohh noo ohh ohh
Gave you the benefit of the doubt
Till you showed me what your all about
True colours came out
我犹疑不定 对你做不利的判定

Oh ohh

And your words couldnt hide the scent
Of the truth about where you been
Coz it was a fragrence I cant recognize..
因为 那是我不能识别的香味

Standing there
Scratching your head
Blood shot eyes, drunk with regret
(hanging yourself , turn deep over the edge)
通红的双眼 后悔的烂醉

Im done with this
Feeling like an idiot
Lovin you, Im over it
I just dont love you, dont love you no more
爱着你 我走过来了

You, you are so yesterday
Never thought youd loose my love this way
Now youve come back begging me to stay

Say, you, you are so yesterday
Wont let you rain on my parade
Dont wanna hear a thing you say
So yesterday

Funny now how Ive gone
The little light in your head came on
Now youve realized this is all your fault

Oh ohh

Dont you wish you had a time machine
That way you could change history
Its the only way that you could be with me


Standing there
Scratching your head
Blood shot eyes, drunk with regret
(hanging yourself , ten feet over the edge)
通红的双眼 后悔的烂醉

Im done with this
Feeling like an idiot
Lovin you, Im over it
I just dont love you, dont love you no more.
爱着你 我熬过来了
我只是不再爱你 再也不爱你

You, you are so yesterday
Never thought youd loose my love this way
Now youve come back begging me to stay

Honey, you, you are so yesterday
Wont let you rain on my parade
Dont wanna hear a thing you say
So yesterday

And now you wanna reminisce
Say you wanna try again
Started with a little kiss
(we cant even repent) no no
(我们不能后悔)不 不

now I never wanna see you, never wanna feel you
ever wanna hear you
I dont love you, dont need you, cant stand you
No More..
现在我不想再见你 再也不想触摸你
我不爱你 不需要你 不能容忍你

You, you are so yesterday
Never thought youd loose my love this way
Now youve come back begging me to stay)

Baby, you
you are so yesterday
Wont let you rain on my parade
Dont wanna hear a thing you say

So yesterday
So yesterday
So yesterday


2,toni braxton的男朋友



3,toni braxton为什么破产

Toni Braxton(唐妮·布莱斯顿)共经历两次破产:第一次是和唱片公司打官司输了,还失去自己的家,连格莱美的奖杯都被卖了。而且,当时因为破产上了奥普拉温弗瑞的节目,被奥普拉当众质问,弄的下不了台,从此两人交恶。第二次是本来要在凯撒宫开唱的,合同也签好了,票也售出了,结果唐妮·布莱斯顿生病住院,被索赔无力偿还,申请破产。扩展资料在1997年年末,Toni和LaFace因帐务问题发生纠纷,而LaFace胜诉,Toni宣告破产,这让所有的歌迷都非常震惊(对拥有如此高销量的歌手来说似乎不太可能)。她在98年花了大多数时间处理善后以及出演Disney音乐剧《美女与野兽》中的Belle。她和LaFace最终于1999年初达成和解,很快便开始了第三张专辑的制作。2000年春天Heat专辑宣告发行,她的全新形象大胆至极,叫人血脉沸腾。专辑仍由她还有 L.A.和 Babyface 共同精心炮制, 内中洋溢着使人心跳的节拍和令人神魂颠倒的原声吉他弹奏。专辑以第二的名次打入排行榜,打平Secrets专辑的纪录。首支单曲He Wasn't Man Enough顺利打入TOP10(在R&B榜是冠军),尽管之后和Dr. Dre合作的Just Be a Man About It以及Spanish Guitar并未获得预期的成功,未能给专辑增加气势。相比以前的专辑,Heat200万的销量不免有点让人失望,然而又一座Grammy最佳R&B女歌手奖(He Wasn't Man Enough)足以让所有人欣慰。2005年,曾经的R&B天后级人物Mariah Carey风风光光的归来吸引了全球人民的目光。看着老对手风风光光的复出,另外一位曾经辉煌万千的R&B天后Toni Braxton也坐不住了。于是,2005年9月27日,带着全新专辑"Libra",Toni重新回到了世人面前。参考资料来源:百度百科—唐妮·布莱斯顿

4,Toni Braxton的档案

Toni Braxton是90年代最受欢迎的R&B女歌手之一,她同时也是成功的商业歌手。她能够迎合各大阵营的口味:对R&B听众来说她的声音够骚灵,在现代成人乐上够柔和;对成年人来说够老练,对年轻一代则够撩人;能够抚慰女性受伤的心灵,同时也让男人消魂。依靠着这些特质,Toni接二连三地获得千万销量的肯定,当然随之而来的是一连串排行佳作,Un-break My Heart(别让我伤心)便是其中之一,被评为摇滚时代逗留时间最长的流行冠军单曲。

Toni1968年10月7日生于美国马里兰州,父亲是个严苛的牧师,不但被禁止接触流行文化,就算是牛仔裤也不允许穿。她母亲是一个受过专业训练的歌手,时常鼓励她和几个姐妹在教堂演唱(福音歌曲是Braxton家族唯一允许演唱的音乐)。这几个姐妹们经常在父母外出时偷偷收看灵魂列车电视。渐渐地,她们的父母转变了态度,放宽了严厉的家教,允许Toni发展自己的音乐风格。由于她嗓音低沉,她经常演唱像Luther Vandross, Stevie Wonder, Michael McDonald以及Chaka Khan的歌曲。她在当地和姐妹们的表演小有成就,并在高中后准备从事音乐教师的工作。然而当她在加油站唱歌消遣的时候被Bill Pettaway(歌曲作者)发现,并在他的帮助下她和她的姐妹们作为演唱组合在1990年同Arista唱片公司签约,她随即辍学从事歌唱事业。

Braxton家族组合于1990年发行了第一支单曲Good Life,并未成功,却吸引了王牌制作人L.A. Reid和Babyface的注意,他们刚成立一个拥有超级歌曲创作/制作阵容的厂牌LaFace(Arista 旗下),Toni Braxton于次年成为LaFace第一个签下的女歌手,在接下来的一年,她为Eddie Murphy主演的一部影片Boomerang演唱了歌曲而让公众认识了自己,不但该电影原声带中她自己演唱的Love Shoulda Brought You Home获得了流行和节奏蓝调排行榜的好成绩,并且她和Babyface合唱了Give U My Heart一曲。于是1993年她的第一张录音室专辑的出炉便是众望所归,一发行便在POP和R&B榜上取得了第一的位置。专辑中的排行佳作一个接着一个,包括三首TOP10单曲Another Sad Love Song,Breathe Again,You Mean the World to Me以及双料佳作I Belong to You/How Many Ways。单凭这张专辑,Toni带来的流行风潮一直持续到1995年,94年她赢得了Grammy最佳新人奖和最佳R&B女歌手奖(Another Sad Love Song,并在95年再次赢得最佳R&B女歌手奖(Breathe Again)。

在下一张专辑发行之前,Toni在Whitney1995年发行的Waiting to Exhale电影原声中凭Let It Flow一曲让歌迷过了把瘾。她再次同L.A. Reid和Babyface紧密合作,于次年夏天发行了第二张专辑Secrets,同预期的一样,又成为了一大热碟。第一支单曲You're Makin' Me High极大地展现了她的性感,并成为她当时为止最成功的流行榜作品,然而这支单曲的风光马上被接下来由Diane Warren谱写的伤心情歌Un-break My Heart彻底盖过。Un-break My Heart在流行榜冠军位置持续逗留了11个礼拜(在现代成人榜上的时间比这更长)。之后的单曲I Don't Want To和How Could an Angel Break My Heart虽未获得如此成功,但Secrets专辑照样取得了800万的销量。Toni随即在97年的Grammy上赢得了最佳流行女歌手(Un-break My Heart)和最佳R&B女歌手奖(You're Makin' Me High)。

在1997年年末,Toni和LaFace因帐务问题发生纠纷,而LaFace胜诉,Toni宣告破产,这让所有的歌迷都非常震惊(对拥有如此高销量的歌手来说似乎不太可能)。她在98年花了大多数时间处理善后以及出演Disney音乐剧《美女与野兽》中的Belle。她和LaFace最终于1999年初达成和解,很快便开始了第三张专辑的制作。2000年春天Heat专辑宣告发行,她的全新形象大胆至极,叫人血脉沸腾。专辑仍由她还有 L.A.和 Babyface 共同精心炮制, 内中洋溢着使人心跳的节拍和令人神魂颠倒的原声吉他弹奏。专辑以第二的名次打入排行榜,打平Secrets专辑的纪录。首支单曲He Wasn't Man Enough顺利打入TOP10(在R&B榜是冠军),尽管之后和Dr. Dre合作的Just Be a Man About It以及Spanish Guitar并未获得预期的成功,未能给专辑增加气势。相比以前的专辑,Heat200万的销量不免有点让人失望,然而又一座Grammy最佳R&B女歌手奖(He Wasn't Man Enough)足以让所有人欣慰。

2005年,曾经的R&B天后级人物Mariah Carey风风光光的归来吸引了全球人民的目光。看着老对手风风光光的复出,另外一位曾经辉煌万千的R&B天后Toni Braxton也坐不住了。于是,2005年9月27日,带着全新专辑"Libra",Toni重新回到了世人面前。由于上一张正式录音大碟"More Than A Woman"的成绩惨淡,因此在这张专辑里Toni减少了与The Neptunes的合作,歌曲的风格也由上张专辑偏Hip-Hop回到了本源的R&B,并且启用了多名从来没有合作过的知名新晋制作人合作。其中包括为她制作首支单曲"Please"的Scott Storch,还有在"Take This Ring"中与Toni合作的Rich Harrison。当然,还有老搭档,Dallas Austin在"Trippin' "和"What's Good"里面露脸,而Cory Rooney也出现在了"Stupid"的制作栏中。整张专辑的节奏相当紧凑,而且没有任何鸡肋或者是败笔。由于在专辑中的上佳表现,Amazon的音乐评论员对这张专辑给出了平均分4.5分(满分5分),不过以音乐性评论著称的amg却只给出了3分,说明这张专辑口味虽然很大众,但是音乐性还是不够。但是,专辑首周#4的成绩也足以让大家满足了。因为大家都知道,现在的年轻人口味,实在是太挑剔了。

以上内容转自Toni Braxton中文站人物专栏

5,toni Gonzaga的资料

Celestine Cruz Gonzaga(艺名为Toni Gonzaga)是一位来自菲律宾演员、电视节目主持人、舞蹈家及歌手。
她从GMA Network(这应该指的是一个网站)开始了她的职业生涯,之后便来到ABS-CBN(电视台名称)成为了Pinoy Big Brother节目的主持人。早先她也在一档周六访谈节目Entertainment Live以及一个叫做ASAP的杂技表演节目中担任主持。近期她正在主持一档周日访谈节目,叫做The Buzz.

父亲Carlito Gonzaga和母亲Crisanta Gonzaga均为卫理公会教徒。

Toni Gonzaga喜爱收集由Christian Louboutin设计的鞋子。


6,求Toni Braxton唱的所有经典、好听的英文歌!

我也喜欢Toni Braxton向你推荐她的精选集“Ultimate Toni Braxton”
这张精选辑内的歌曲支支精彩,而且与其后发的《Platinum & Gold Collection 》在选曲方向不同。

1. Give U My Heart
2. Love Shoulda Brought You Home
3. Another Sad Love Song
4. Breathe Again
5. Seven Whole Days [Live]
6. You Mean the World to Me
7. How Many Ways
8. You're Makin' Me High
9. Let It Flow
10. Un-Break My Heart
11. I Love Me Some Him
12. I Don't Want To
13. He Wasn't Man Enough
14. Just Be a Man About
15. Hit the Freeway
16. Whatchu Need
17. Little Things
18. Un-Break My Heart [Soul-Hex Anthem Radio Edit]

另外你说到的那首歌应该是她的“Un-Break My Heart”

7,Toni Braxton-Wardrobe的歌词

Ooh oh
Ooh oh
Ah ha,Im cleaning up my closet today(ah ha)
Am throwin al these old rags away(ah ha)
Dont like the way that nothing looks on me anymore,and it feels like he dont wana b worn,
So ima take him of my hanger(yeah),im thiking maybe i should donate him(yeah),and then someone else can deal with u coz id done had my feel of it and i think its time for me to change it up.

So am redoing my wardrobe ive had enough,am gona built up my closet with brand new love,oh just one step hold me tight come and kiss me warm at night
Am redoing my wardrobe with brand new luv(ooh oh,ou!)

I ran into an old friend 2day(ah ha)she said girl y u smiling that way(ah ha)and then she noticed this is a new face i got, she ask me were to get it from.I said i took him of my hanger(girl),Can u believe i had to donate him(girl)and then someone else can deal with u coz id done had my fill of it and i had to wait 4 him to hear my say.

8,Toni Braxton - Fairy Tale的歌词

Toni Braxton-Fairy Tale

And if I was wrong, I know I don't deserve this
Don't stay too long, I need to hear those words you use to tell me
From way back when we were just friends
Before this love affair began
Tell me how I love you wins
Or how a broken heart can mend
Just tell me this is not the end
Please tell me now
How the fairy tale begins
Or how it was supposed to end
Please tell me that part again
Ad libs
Now tell me what's wring, I never meant to hurt you, no baby, ooh
Was it the home, the car, or darling all those things we thought we Needed
Tell me even if it ain't true
But baby please don't say we're through
Tell me how I love you wins
Or how a broken heart can mend
Just tell me this is not the end
Please tell me now
How the fairy tale begins
Or how it was supposed to end
Please tell me that part again
Ad libs
I wanna know that
Feelin' that's from way back
A time when it was true that, love was sweet and innocent
When you and I could still be friends
Make all the wrong be right again
Where true love never has to end
Ad libs
Tell me how I love you wins
Or how a broken heart can mend
Just tell me this is not the end
Please tell me now
How the fairy tale begins
Or how it was supposed to end
Please tell me that part again


1.爱的力量 - 席琳迪翁 Celine Dion - The power of love
2.雨中的旋律 - 贾森多诺南 Jason Donovan - Rhythm of the rain
3.因为我爱你 - 沙金斯帝文 Shakins Stevens - Because I Love You
4.带走我的呼吸 - 柏林乐队 Berlin - Take My Breath Away
5.卡萨布兰卡 - 贝特希金斯 Berthe Higgins - Casablanca
6.今夜何温馨 - 艾尔顿约翰Elton John - Can you feel the love tonight
7.此情可待 - 理查马克斯 Richard Marx - Right Here Waiting
8.奔放的旋律 - 正直兄弟 Righteous Brothers - Unchained melody
9.爱你在心口难开 - 劳赛尔 Leo Sayer - Love you more than I can say
10.以吻封缄 - 波比维顿 Brian Hyland - Sealed with a kiss
11.静之声 - 西蒙加芬克尔 Paul Simon - The Sound Of Silence
12.一切都为你 - 布来恩亚当斯 Bryan Adams - (Everything I Do)I Do It For You
13.昨日重现 - 卡本特 Carpenters - Yesterday Once More
14.柠檬树 - 愚人花园 Fool’s Garden - Lemon Tree
15.鸽子 - 胡利奥伊格莱西亚斯 Julio Iglesias - La Paloma
16.斯卡布罗集市 - 莎拉.布莱曼 Sarah Bri***an - Scarborough Fair
17.加州旅馆 - 老鹰乐队 Eagles - Hotel California
18.去年圣诞 - 威猛乐队 Wham - Last Christmas
19.巴比伦河 - 波尼姆 Boney M - Rivers Of Babylon
20.我发誓 - 四合为一 All 4 One - I Swear


21.你的爱有多深 - 比吉斯 Bee Gees - How Deep is Your Love
22.你的每次呼吸 - 斯汀 Sting - Every Breath You Take
23.甜蜜的一天 - 玛丽亚.凯丽&男人男孩 Mariah Carey - one sweet day
24.航行 - 洛徳斯图尔特 Stina Nordenstam - Sailing
25.鞠一个躬 - 麦丹娜 Madonna - Take a bow
26.说我爱你...却说谎言 - 迈克尔.鲍顿 Michael Bolton - Said I Loved You ,But I Lied
27.无论如何 - 男孩地带 Boyzone - No matter what
28.天使 - 莎拉.克劳克兰 Sarah McLachlan-Angel
29.英雄 - 玛丽亚.凯丽 mariah carey - hero
30.玫瑰之吻 - 席尔 Seal - Kiss From A Rose
31.天长地久 - 丹佛格伯 Dan Fogelberg - Longer
32.我相信我能飞 - 阿.凯利 R·Kelly - I Believe I can fly
33.别让我担心 - 托尼.布莱克斯顿 Toni Braxton - UnBreak My Heart
34.迷失的爱 - 空气补给者 Air Supply - All Out Love
35.诺言来之不易 - 卡诺.南汀格尔 Caron Nightingale - Promises Don''t come easy
36.无须知道太多 - 阿隆内维尔与琳达罗斯坦 Aaron Neville - Don''t Know Much
37.改变世界 - 艾力克.克莱普顿 Eric Clapton - Change The World
38.每当我闭上双眼 - 娃娃脸 Babyface - Everytime I Close My Eyes
39.当我最需要你的时候 - 南迪范华梅 Randy Vanwarmer - Just When I Needed You Most
40.风之彩 - 凡妮莎.威廉姆斯 Vanessa Williams - Color Of The Wind


41.你仍是唯一 - 仙妮亚.唐恩 Shania Twain - You’re Still The One
42.好男人 - 罗比.威廉姆斯 Robbie Williams-Better Man
43.没有你 - 玛丽亚凯丽 Mariah Carey - Without you
44.爱情圣手 - 萨黛 Sade - Smooth Operator
45.泪洒天堂 - 艾力克克莱普顿 Eric Clapton-Tears In Heaven
46.情深似海 - 科里夫理查德 Cliff Richard - Ocean Deep
47.有你相伴 - 费丝.希尔 Faith Hill-There You''ll Be
48.你的至爱 - 格雷佛勒 Glenn Frey - The One You Love
49.我将永远爱你 - 惠特尼休斯顿 Whitney Houston-I will always love you
50.也会伤害我的心 - 阿隆.内维尔 Aaron Neville - Even if my heart would break
51.真诚的.疯狂的.深刻的 - 无名 Savage Garden - ***ly Madly Deeply
52.让我拥抱你.宝贝 - 翠西.查普蔓 Tracy Chapman - Baby Can I Hold You
53.无心呢喃 - 威猛乐队 Wham - Careless Whisper
54.谢谢 - 蒂朵 Dido - Thank You
55.冲破禁忌 - 菲尔.柯林斯 Phil Collins - Against All Odds
56.亲亲吾爱 - 西城男孩 Westlife - My Love
57.天堂里的另一天 - 菲尔科林斯 Phil Collins - Another Day in Paradise
58.无尽的爱 - 莱昂里奇戴安娜罗斯 Lionel Richie - Endless Love
59.当男女相爱时 - 迈克鲍顿 Michael Bolton - When a man loves a woman
60.一切都为你 - 布来恩亚当斯 Bryan Adams - (Everything I Do)I Do It For You


61.一无所有 - 惠特尔.休斯顿 Whitney Houston-I Have Nothing
62.真情自我 - 克里斯汀娜 Christina Aguilera - Reflection
63.亲密接触 - 洛德.斯图尔特 Rod Stewart - Sometimes When We Touch
64.我该如何生活 - 翠莎叶伍徳 LeaAn Rimes - How Do I Live
65.只有爱 - 真情马克 Trademark - Only love
66.揽我入你心 - 迈克学摇滚 MLTR - Take me to your heart
67.风中之烛 - 艾尔顿.约翰 Elton John - Candle In The Wind
68.世界无限大 - 艾美莉亚 Emilia - Big Big World
69.那是你离去的理由 - 麦克学摇滚 Michael Learns To Rock - That’s Why You Go Away
70.你并不孤独 - 迈克尔.杰克逊 Michael Jackson - You Are Not Alone
71.我用那种方式 - 后街男孩 Backstreet Boys - I Want It That Way
72.每一次你离去 - 保罗杨 Paul Young - Everytime You Go Away


10,需要toni braxton fairy tale中文歌词

And if I was wrong, I know I don't deserve this 如果我做错了,我不配得到这些 Don't stay too long, I need to hear those words you use to tell me 不要等太久,我需要听到那些曾经你讲过的话 From way back when we were just friends 当我们还是朋友的时候 Before this love affair began 在这场恋爱开始之前 Tell me how I love you wins 告诉我为什么一句我爱你就战胜了一切 Or how a broken heart can mend 但是破碎的心要如何去修补 Just tell me this is not the end 请告诉我这一切还没有结束 Please tell me now 现在就告诉我 How the fairy tale begins 告诉我这个童话是怎样开始的 Or how it was supposed to end 而它又是如何结束的 Please tell me that part again 就请告诉我这一段 Now tell me what's wring, I never meant to hurt you, no baby, ooh 现在请告诉我做错了什么,我不是故意要伤害你 亲爱的Was it the home, the car, or darling all those things we thought we Needed 是因为房子,车子,还是其他那些我们曾经认为需要的东西呢 Tell me even if it ain't true 就算这不是真的你也要告诉我 But baby please don't say we're through 但是亲爱的 永远不要说我们结束了 Tell me how I love you wins 告诉我为什么一句我爱你就战胜了一切Or how a broken heart can mend 但是破碎的心要如何去修补Just tell me this is not the end 请告诉我这一切还没有结束Please tell me now 现在就告诉我 How the fairy tale begins 告诉我这个童话是怎样开始的Or how it was supposed to end 而它又是如何结束的Please tell me that part again 就请告诉我这一段I wanna know that feelin' that's from way back 我想知道曾经的那种感觉 A time when it was true that, love was sweet and innocent 当我们的爱还很美好很纯真的时候 When you and I could still be friends 当我们还是朋友 Make all the wrong be right again 把所有的错都变成对的 Where true love never has to end 这样真爱就永远不会结束 Tell me how I love you wins 告诉我为什么一句我爱你就战胜了一切Or how a broken heart can mend 但是破碎的心要如何去修补Just tell me this is not the end 请告诉我这一切还没有结束Please tell me now 现在就告诉我How the fairy tale begins 告诉我这个童话是怎样开始的Or how it was supposed to end 而它又是如何结束的Please tell me that part again 就请告诉我这一段

11,求Toni Braxton的Fairy Tale的歌词及翻译

And if I was wrong, I know I don't deserve this 如果我做错了,我不配得到这些
Don't stay too long, I need to hear those words you use to tell me 不要等太久,我需要听到那些曾经你讲过的话
From way back when we were just friends 当我们还是朋友的时候
Before this love affair began 在这场恋爱开始之前
Tell me how I love you wins 告诉我为什么一句我爱你就战胜了一切
Or how a broken heart can mend 但是破碎的心要如何去修补
Just tell me this is not the end 请告诉我这一切还没有结束
Please tell me now 现在就告诉我
How the fairy tale begins 告诉我这个童话是怎样开始的
Or how it was supposed to end 而它又是如何结束的
Please tell me that part again 就请告诉我这一段

Now tell me what's wring, I never meant to hurt you, no baby, ooh 现在请告诉我做错了什么,我不是故意要伤害你 亲爱的
Was it the home, the car, or darling all those things we thought we Needed 是因为房子,车子,还是其他那些我们曾经认为需要的东西呢
Tell me even if it ain't true 就算这不是真的你也要告诉我
But baby please don't say we're through 但是亲爱的 永远不要说我们结束了
Tell me how I love you wins 告诉我为什么一句我爱你就战胜了一切
Or how a broken heart can mend 但是破碎的心要如何去修补
Just tell me this is not the end 请告诉我这一切还没有结束
Please tell me now 现在就告诉我
How the fairy tale begins 告诉我这个童话是怎样开始的
Or how it was supposed to end 而它又是如何结束的
Please tell me that part again 就请告诉我这一段

I wanna know that feelin' that's from way back 我想知道曾经的那种感觉
A time when it was true that, love was sweet and innocent 当我们的爱还很美好很纯真的时候
When you and I could still be friends 当我们还是朋友
Make all the wrong be right again 把所有的错都变成对的
Where true love never has to end 这样真爱就永远不会结束

Tell me how I love you wins 告诉我为什么一句我爱你就战胜了一切
Or how a broken heart can mend 但是破碎的心要如何去修补
Just tell me this is not the end 请告诉我这一切还没有结束
Please tell me now 现在就告诉我
How the fairy tale begins 告诉我这个童话是怎样开始的
Or how it was supposed to end 而它又是如何结束的
Please tell me that part again 就请告诉我这一段

12,Another Sad Love Song 歌词

《Another Sad Love Song》
歌手:Toni Braxton
作词:Babyface&Daryl Simmons
作曲:Babyface&Daryl Simmons
所属专辑:Toni Braxton

Since you've been gone
I've been hangin' around here lately
With my mind messed up
Jumped in my car tried to clear my mind
Didn't help me, I guess I'm all messed up, now baby

As soon as I jumped into my ride
Those memories start to play
A song comes on, on the radio
And there you are baby once again

It's just another sad love song
Rackin' my brain like crazy
Guess I'm all torn up
Be it fast or slow it doesn't let go or shake me
And it's all because of you

Since you've been gone
I keep thinkin' about you, baby
Gets me all choked up
This heart of mine keeps
Dreamin' of you and it's crazy, baby
You'd think I'd had enough, yeah

As soon as I get you out my head
I'm in my car again, ooh darlin'
Just one request from the radio
I'm back in love sugar once again

It's just another sad love song
Rackin' my brain like crazy
Guess I'm all torn up
Be it fast or slow, it doesn't let go or shake me
Oooh, and it's all because of you

It's just another sad love song
Rackin' my brain like crazy
Guess I'm all torn up
Be it fast or slow, it doesn't let go or shake me
Ohhh baby

Here comes the strings then somebody sings
Only takes a beat and then it starts killin' me, darlin'
Only takes one note, I tell you from that radio
It's just another lonely love song

It's just another sad love song
Rackin' my brain like crazy (You know you got me goin')
Guess I'm all torn up (Goin' crazy, baby)
Be it fast or slow, it doesn't let go or shake me
Ohhh yeah

So sad
It's a sad, it's a sad
It's a sad, sad love song
Oooh, heard it on the radio last night
So sad
It's a sad, it's a sad
It's a sad, sad love song
You got me singin' another love song all night, darlin'

It's just another sad love song
Rackin' my brain like crazy
When I'm all torn up
Be it fast or slow, it doesn't let go or shake me
And it's all because of you

It's a sad, it's a sad
It's a sad, sad love song (Go ahead, baby)
And it's all because of you
It's a sad, it's a sad
It's a sad, sad love song (Baby)

13,toni braxton< suddenly>的歌词,最好有中文翻译,谢谢

Shadowless Lyrics

Ooo boy where are you now?
男孩 现在你在哪里?
Came and you rescued me when I was down
Now I’m shadow less, life is such a mess
Where did we go wrong?
Impossible to see who I’m supposed to be
Cause my light is gone (ooooh)
Gotta make it right with you (you baby)
So tell me what I gotta do
To make you come back home
Ooo boy how can this be?
男孩 现在怎么走到如此田地
I remember every step when you were
Right here with me
Now I’m shadow less I think I was once blessed
现在 我已经告别阴影 我想我曾经被祝福过
Just to have you by my side
But then you went away
Then suddenly the rain
Washed away my sunny skies (ooh yeah it did yeaah.)

Cause I’m running down a street
Trying to find the answers
When infinitely seeing the truth is wrong
And matter a fact
Why’d you go (yeah)
Why’d you leave?
You took the reflection from me
Gotta make it right (yeah so right baby)

Tell me what I gotta do baby yeah
To make you come back home
Gotta make it right with you (yeah, yeah )
With you baby (yeah)
So Tell me what I gotta do (doo, doooo)
To make you come back home (yeah)

14,Toni Braxton 的《Yesterday》的歌词

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be,
There's a shadow hanging over me.
Oh, yesterday came suddenly.
Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say.
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.
Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play.
Now I need a place to hide away.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say.
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.
Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play.
Now I need a place to hide away.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
Mm mm mm mm mm.

