
时间:2023-07-30 16:20:55编辑:coo君


尚雯婕在我是歌手双年巅峰会上唱的是《empire state of mind》,这首歌是由美国Rap界大佬Jay Z负责说唱、R&B歌手Alicia Keys负责副歌的一首合唱歌曲。
· Yeah, Imma up at Brooklyn,
· 虽自布鲁克林贫民区长大
· Now I’m down in Tribeca,
· 如今我也将Tribeca踩在脚下
· Right next to DeNiro
· 早已比邻Robert DeNiro (著名演员,曾出演《教父Ⅱ》)
· But I'll be hood forever,
· 但我永远是那个街头小子
· I'm the new Sinatra,
· 自比Frank Sinatra (殿堂级歌手)
· And since i made it here,
· 我是纽约之王
· I can make it anywhere,
· 自可到处称皇
· Yeah they love me everywhere,
· 是啊,处处皆是膜拜之声
· I used to cop in Harlem,
· 曾在Harlem区偷盗贩毒
· Hola my dominicanos
· 与多米尼加朋友们共High
· Right there up on broadway,
· 就在百老汇那边
· Brought me back to that McDonalds,
· 令我想起那家麦当劳店
· Took it to my stash spot,
· 那可是我的藏匿之地(藏毒)
· Five Sixty State street,
· 自然还有560 大道
· Catch me in the kitchen like a Simmons whipping pastry,
· 那时的我,制毒贩毒就像Simmons做小蛋糕那样随意方便
· Cruising down 8th street, Off white lexus,
· 现如今我照样开着“白色”凌志(驾驭白色人种)
· 悠闲驶过第八大道(彻底洗白)
· Driving so slow but BK is from Texas,
· 香车自有碧人陪伴 她自德州来(Beyonce)
· Me I'm up at Bed-stuy,
· 而我自Bed-stuy起家
· Home of that boy Biggie,
· 那可是The Notorious B.I.G的地盘
· Now I live on Billboard,
· 而现在,我能在Billboard榜上称王
· And I brought my boys with me,
· 朋友皆因我而飞黄腾达
· Say what’s up to Ty Ty, still sipping Malta
· 怎么了Tyran Smith,再喝一杯鸡尾酒如何
· Sitting courtside Knicks and Nets give me high fives,
· 坐在尼克斯与网队交战球场边,球员都会与我击掌
· N-gga I be spiked out, I can trip a referee,
· 老子我现在也能轻松算计裁判
· Tell by my attitude that I most definitely from…
· 看我如此狂妄态度,那自是因为我来自
(Alicia Keys)
· New York,
· 纽约
· Concrete jungle where dreams are made of,
· 高楼林立筑成辉煌梦想
· There’s nothing you can't do,
· Now you're in New York,
· 身处纽约自然无所不能
· These streets will make you feel brand new,
· 车水马龙让你脱胎换骨
· Big lights will inspire you,
· 灯红酒绿令你热血沸腾
· Let’s hear it for New York, New York, New York
· 快听,来自纽约的声音
· (Jay-Z)
· Catch me at the X with OG at a Yankee game,
· 我和Juan Perez一起在Bronx观看洋基队比赛
· Sh-t I made the Yankee hat more famous than a Yankee can,
· 洋基队帽是因我而出名
· You should know I bleed Blue, but I ain’t a Crip though,
· 你该知道我已是不赀之躯,但我不是混Crip的
· But I got a gang of n-ggas walking with my clique though,
· 尽管如此,道上跟我混的兄弟也不少
· Welcome to the melting pot,
· 欢迎光临纽约大熔炉
· Corners where we selling rocks,
· 街角正是我们贩毒之地
· Afrika bambaataa sh-t,
· Afrika Bambaataa统治这里
· Home of the hip hop,
· 这里亦是hip hop发源地
· Yellow cap, gypsy cap, dollar cap, holla back,
· 各式的士穿梭鸣笛
· For foreigners it ain’t fair they act they forgot how to add,
· 司机假装忘记打表坑骗外国佬
· 8 million stories out there in the naked,
· 九衢三市自是故事繁多
· City it’s a pity half of y'all won't make it,
· 论其尽头仅有少数能够成功
· Me I gotta plug a Special Ed “I Got It Made”,
· 我就是真人版的Special Ed的那首“我能成功”
· If Jeezy’s paying LeBron, I'm paying Dwayne Wade,
· 如果你Jeezy能为詹姆斯买单,我当然可以为韦德买单
· 3 dice cee-lo
· 3 card Monte,
· 骰子摇出欲望,纸牌变出沉迷
· Labor day parade, rest in peace Bob Marley,
· 劳工示威游行,鲍勃马利千古
· Statue of Liberty, long live the World trade,
· 自由女神像,世贸双子塔 永存
· Long live the king yo,
· 流行之王Biggie(一说MJ)永存
· I'm from the empire state that’s…
· 我来自帝国之州,即是
· (Alicia Keys)
· New York,
· 纽约
· Concrete jungle where dreams are made of,
· 高楼林立筑成辉煌梦想
· There’s nothing you can't do,
· Now you're in New York,
· 身处纽约自然无所不能
· These streets will make you feel brand new,
· 车水马龙让你脱胎换骨
· Big lights will inspire you,
· 灯红酒绿令你热血沸腾
· Let’s hear it for New York, New York, New York
· 快听,来自纽约的声音
· (Jay-Z)
· Lights is blinding,
· 灯光魅惑摄人心魄
· Girls need blinders
· 女孩需要遮蔽双眼
· So they can step out of bounds quick,
· 才能步出奢靡浮华
· The side lines is blind with casualties,
· 康庄大道旁尽是经不住诱惑的牺牲品
· Who sip the life casually, then gradually become worse,
· 一旦涉足,生活只会渐渐沉沦
· Don't bite the apple Eve,
· 不要轻易尝试诱惑
· Caught up in the in crowd,
· 你混圈子赶潮流
· Now your in-style,
· 自以为潮到爆棚
· And in the winter gets cold en vogue with your skin out,
· 要风度不要温度假装自己是Vogue女郎
· The city of sin is a pity of whim,
· 这罪恶都市只是怜悯你的黄粱一梦
· Good girls gone bad, the cities filled with them,
· 好女孩变坏的故事,全城上演
· Mommy took a bus trip and now she got her bust out,
· 姑娘们欣喜而来,散尽钱财
· Everybody ride her, just like a bus route,
· 人人与之交合,好比公交载客
· Hail Mary to the city you’re a virgin,
· 祈福圣母玛利亚保你处子之身
· And Jesus can't save you like starts when the church ends,
· 自甘堕落,耶稣亦无可奈何
· Came here for school, graduated to the high life,
· 原想学有所成,将来衣锦还乡
· Ball players, rap stars, addicted to the limelight,
· 正如球星说唱大佬们享受聚光灯的照耀
· MDMA got you feeling like a champion,
· 摇头丸High到让你觉得我自成王
· The city never sleeps better slip you a Ambien
· 都市夜夜笙歌,Ambien才能让你安然入睡
· (Alicia Keys)
· New York,
· 纽约
· Concrete jungle where dreams are made of,
· 高楼林立筑成辉煌梦想
· There’s nothing you can't do,
· Now you're in New York,
· 身处纽约自然无所不能
· These streets will make you feel brand new,
· 车水马龙让你脱胎换骨
· Big lights will inspire you,
· 灯红酒绿令你热血沸腾
· Let’s hear it for New York, New York, New York
· 快听,来自纽约的声音
· One hand in the air for the big city,
· 为这都市挥舞手臂
· Street lights, big dreams all looking pretty,
· 华灯初上,幻想梦想,皆是美丽幻象
· No place in the World that can compare,
· 这座城市无与伦比
· Put your lighters in the air, everybody say yeah
· 燃起火焰,大声呼啸
· Come on, come on
· 来吧,来吧
· (Alicia Keys)
· New York,
· 纽约
· Concrete jungle where dreams are made of,
· 高楼林立筑成辉煌梦想
· There’s nothing you can't do,
· Now you're in New York,
· 身处纽约自然无所不能
· These streets will make you feel brand new,
· 车水马龙让你脱胎换骨
· Big lights will inspire you,
· 灯红酒绿令你热血沸腾
· Let’s hear it for New York, New York, New York
· 快听,来自纽约的声音


《let's get it started》(原唱:黑眼豆豆) 第三名

《man in the mirror》(原唱:迈克尔·杰克逊) 第六名

《Moves Like Jagger》(原唱:魔力红乐队) 第五名

《Super star》(原唱:S.H.E) 第七名(淘汰)

《Dog Days Are Over》(原唱:Florence And The Machine)返场演唱

《Love Warrior战&我》(原唱:尚雯婕) 复活失败

尚雯婕(Laure Shang)1982年12月22日出生于上海,复旦大学法语系毕业。独立电子唱作人,融合电子音乐和时尚造型的先锋女歌手。


第一期 最终信仰 (她自己的歌曲:一开始唱就把我震撼了) 第二期 你怎么舍得我难过 第三期 Let's get it started 第四期 可惜不是你 第五期 Man In The Mirror 第六期 王妃 第七期 Moves Like Jagger (改编得很有创意) 第八期 supper star (不是特别好:选歌特殊原因) 返场 Dog days are over 复活赛 Love Warrior 战(非常美妙的歌声) 服装很新奇,歌声很动人,最记得她采访说的一句话: “ Singer,现在对我来说就是一个孤独的人,因为这条道路最终要走向孤独,如果你真的想做自己的音乐的话。过去的三十年,我自己觉得我是非常的孤独的走过来的,我也做好准备,继续孤独地走过下面的日子!”


第四期《Hard To Breathe》

第五期《If I Were A Boy》


第三期《Knocking On Heaven's Door》



第五期《Black Or White》

返场演唱《Greatest Love Of All》




尚雯婕在我是歌手里唱的歌曲有《最终信仰》、《你怎么舍得我难过》、《let's get it started》、《可惜不是你》、《man in the mirror》、《Moves Like Jagger》、《Super star》、《Dog Days Are Over》、《Love Warrior战&我》、《闷》。1、《最终信仰》《最终信仰》是由唐恬、尚雯婕填词,尚雯婕谱曲并演唱的歌曲,收录于尚雯婕2012年8月22日发行的专辑《最后的赞歌》中。2、《你怎么舍得我难过》《你怎么舍得我难过》是黄品源演唱的一首歌曲,收录在同名专辑《男配角心声》当中,现由尚雯婕在《我是歌手》第二期中翻唱。曾经是一部电影《蓝宇》的片尾曲。3、《Let's get it started》《Let's get it started》是黑眼豆豆组合于2004年6月22日发行的歌曲,在《我是歌手 第三期》中尚雯婕也曾翻唱该曲。4、《可惜不是你》《可惜不是你》是马来西亚流行音乐女歌手梁静茹演唱的一首歌曲,由李焯雄作词,曹轩宾谱曲,收录于梁静茹2005年9月5日发行的专辑《丝路》中。在《我是歌手 第四期》中尚雯婕也曾翻唱该曲。5、《man in the mirror》《Man In The Mirror》(镜中人)是Siedah Garrett为MJ写的一首歌,这也是一首关爱世界的歌曲。在《我是歌手 第五期》中尚雯婕也曾翻唱该曲。


第一期 最终信仰 是小尚自己的歌,很有气势
第二期 你怎么舍得我难过 个人认为小尚唱的很感人
第三期 Let's get it started 小尚唱这首歌的时候,全场都high了
第四期 可惜不是你
第五期 Man In The Mirror
第六期 王妃 这首歌小尚改编得很好,超有气势。
第七期 Moves Like Jagger
第八期 supper star



Hailie's song
Parenthesis indicate echoes
[00:08.15]I can't sing it我不能唱
[00:09.65]I feel like singin'我想要唱歌
[00:12.40]I wanna fuckin' sing我他妈的想唱歌
[00:15.18]'Cuz I'm happy因为我高兴
[00:18.22]Yeah, I'm happy是的,我高兴
[00:20.11]Ha Ha哈哈
[00:21.22]I got my baby back尤其是我要回我的女儿后
[00:23.27]Yo, check it out 哟,好
Verse 1
[00:26.74]Some days I sit (sit), starin' out the window有些日子我坐着(坐着),凝视窗外
[00:32.36]Watchin' this world pass me by看着这个世界忽视着我
[00:38.10]Sometimes I think (think) there's nothin' to live for (for)有时我认为(认为)这里没什么可以去的生活的理由了(理由)
[00:43.96]I almost break down and cry 我几乎崩溃、痛哭
[00:49.73]Sometimes I think I'm crazy有时我想我很疯狂
[00:52.40]I'm crazy, oh so crazy我疯狂,哦,如此之疯狂
[00:55.27]Why am I here, am I just wastin' my time? 为什么我在这里,我仅仅是为了浪费自己的时间吗?
[01:01.24]But then I see my baby但是当我看到她的时候
[01:03.98]Suddenly I'm not crazy突然间我不再发疯了
[01:07.00]It all makes sense when I look into her eyes (Oh no) 当我看着她的眼睛时一切变的都有意义(哦 不)
[02:21.15][01:11.37]Sometimes it feels like the world's on my shoulders有时候感觉全世界都压在我的双肩
[02:27.22][01:11.75]Everyone's leanin' on me每个人都向我施加压力
[02:32.59][01:23.78]'Cuz sometimes it feels like the world's almost over因为有时感觉整个世界都几乎结束
[02:39.13][01:29.66]But then she comes back to me但接着她却又回到了我的身边
Verse 2
[01:35.94]My baby girl(girl)(Hailie laughs) keeps gettin' older我的女儿(女儿)(海丽的笑声)不断长大
[01:41.30]I watch her grow up with pride我看着她长大为此感到骄傲
[01:47.53]People make jokes (jokes), 'cuz they don't understand me (me)人们在嘲笑(嘲笑),因为他们不了解我(我)
[01:52.73]They just don't see my real side他们只是不知道我真实的一面
[01:58.92]I act like shit don't phase me,我表现得好像不受那些混蛋的影响
[02:01.71]Inside it drives me crazy内心深处这些却令我疯狂
[02:04.41]My insecurities could eat me alive我内心中的危机感能将我生吞
[02:10.13]But then I see my baby但当我看到她的时候
[02:13.06]Suddenly I'm not crazy我便立即不再疯狂
[02:16.00]It all makes sense when I look into her eyes当我看着她的眼睛时一切变的都有意义
Verse 3
[02:44.13]Yeah and if I could sing, I'd keep singin' this song to my daughter是的 假如我想唱,我会为我的女儿不停的歌唱此曲
[02:46.57]If I could hit the notes, I'd blow somethin' as long as my father假如我想记下这笔记,我会以父亲为题说一些事情
[02:49.54]To show her how I feel about her, how proud I am that I got 'er向她展示我对她的感觉,和我是如此骄傲地拥有她
[02:52.37]God, I'm a daddy, I'm so glad that her mom didn't *censored* (abort her)上帝,我是个父亲,我是如此高兴她不能有妈妈* 审查*(忽略她)
[02:55.62]Now you prob'ly get this picture from my public persona现在你从我的公证人那里得到这张照片
[02:57.96]That I'm a pistol-packin' drug-addict who bags on his mama,我在我的妈妈的包里装了手枪、毒品
[03:00.77]But I wanna just take this time out to be perfectly honest但我只是想趁这段时间能真正诚实
[03:03.74]'Cuz there's a lot of shit I keep bottled that hurts deep inside o' ma soul,因为我总有一些肮脏的往事掩盖着,这些在我灵魂深处伤痛无比
[03:06.54]And just know that I grow colder the older I grow只要知道随着我的成长我越发冷酷
[03:08.10]This boulder on my shoulder that gets heavy and harder to hold这个很难拿掉的大石头在我肩上是变的(越发)沉重
[03:11.95]And this load is like the weight of the world这个负荷看起来有整个世界那么沉重
[03:13.98]And I think my neck is breakin' should I just give up我觉得我的劲部被压断了,我应该就此放弃
[03:16.48]Or try to live up to these expectations? now look,或是试着为这些期待而苦苦挣扎?现在听好
[03:18.43]I love my daughter more than life in itself,我爱我的女儿超过生活本身
[03:20.90]But I got a wife who's determined to make my life livin' hell但是我有一个决定使我的生活如同地狱里的妻子
[03:23.67]But I handle it well, given the circumstances I'm dealt但鉴于现状我所受的待遇,我把它处理的很好
[03:26.93]So many chances, man, it's too bad, coulda had someone else所以很多机会,伙计,很不幸,会找到别人头上
[03:29.53]But the years that I've wasted are nothin' to the tears that I've tasted但对于我所尝到的眼泪的滋味,我浪费的那些年月算不得什么
[03:32.40]So here's what I'm facin': 3 felonies, 6 years of probation所以这些是我所面临的:3次重罪,6年的察看
[03:35.32]I've went to jail for this woman, I've been to bat for this woman我为这个女人进过监狱,我为这个女人而打斗
[03:38.19]I've taken bats to people's backs, bent over backwards for this woman我被打而人们冷眼以对,我竭力讨好--都是为这个女人
[03:41.21]Man, I shoulda seen it comin', what'd I stick my penis up in?伙计,我早就应该看见这些的到来,过去和我上床的究竟是什么家伙?
[03:43.63]Woulda ripped the pre-nup if I'd seen what she was fuckin'如果早就看清她的究竟我就不会同意我的前婚,他妈的
[03:47.16]But fuck it, it's over, there's no more reason to cry no more但是去它妈的,一切都结束了,不再有理由哭泣,不再有了
[03:49.74]I got my baby, baby the only lady that I adore, Hailie我有女儿,女儿是我唯一热爱的女士,Hailie
[03:53.22]So sayonara, try tomorra, nice to know ya所以再见,试着明天,很高兴能得知如此
[03:55.82]My baby's travelled back to the arms of her rightful owner我的女儿回到她正确的监护人的臂弯中
[03:58.84]And suddenly it seems that my shoulder blades have just shifted而且瞬间我肩头的重担似乎都转移了
[04:01.43]It's like the greatest gift you can get这就像你所能得到的最棒的礼物
[04:03.98]The weight has been lifted负担减轻
(Chorus 2)
[04:12.08]Now it don't feel like the world's on my shoulders现在感觉不到整个世界的重量都在我的肩上了
[04:18.14]Everyone's leanin' on me每个人都向我施加压力
[04:23.30]Cause my baby knows that her daddy's a soldier因为我的女儿知道她爸爸是一个斗士
[04:29.44]Nothin' can take her from me没有什么能把她从我这里夺走
Outro - Spoken
[04:39.14]I told you, I can't sing.我告诉你,我不能再唱了
[04:40.41]Oh well, I tried哦 好了,我累了
[04:44.09]Hailie, remember when I said
[04:47.45]If you ever need anything, daddy will be right there?无论何时你需要什么,爸爸就在这里?
[04:52.12]Well guess what, daddy's here.好 猜猜是什么,爸爸就在这里
[04:55.22]And I ain't goin' nowhere baby而且我哪也不去,孩子
[04:57.11]I love you (kiss)我爱你(亲吻


《Do Re Mi》哆来咪let's start at the very beginning 让我们从头开始学习a very good place to start 很美好的地方开始when you read you begin with a-b-c 当你读书时你先学abcwhen you sing you begin with do-re-mi do-re-mi, do-re-mi 当你唱歌你先从哆来咪开始,哆来咪,哆来咪the first three notes just happen to be do-re-mi, do-re-mi do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti 最好是最先开始的音,哆来咪,哆来咪,哆来咪发嗦拉西let's see if i can make it easier 让我们看看是否能使它容易点doe a deer, a female deer 哆是鹿,一只小母鹿ray, a drop of golden sun 来是一束金色的阳光me, a name i call myself 咪是对自己的称呼far, a long, long way to run 发是很远的长路sew, a needle pulling thread 嗦是穿针又引线la, a note to follow sew 拉是嗦的小跟班tea, a drink with jam and bread 西是茶配果酱和面包that will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh) 那是我们又回来哆doe a deer, a female deer 哆是鹿,一只小母鹿ray, a drop of golden sun 来是一束金色的阳光me, a name i call myself 咪是对自己的称呼far, a long, long way to run 发是很远的长路sew, a needle pulling thread 嗦是穿针又引线la, a note to follow sew 拉是嗦的小跟班tea, a drink with jam and bread 西是茶配果酱和面包that will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh) 那是我们又回来哆doe a deer, a female deer 哆是鹿,一只小母鹿ray, a drop of golden sun 来是一束金色的阳光me, a name i call myself 咪是对自己的称呼far, a long, long way to run 发是很远的长路sew, a needle pulling thread 嗦是穿针又引线la, a note to follow sew 拉是嗦的小跟班tea, a drink with jam and bread 西是茶配果酱和面包that will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh) 那是我们又回来哆do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti do so do 哆来咪发嗦拉西哆嗦哆2.《The Sound Of Music》 音乐之声The hills are alive with the sound of music 阵阵动人的音乐唤醒这沉睡的山峦With songs they have sung for a thousand years 传唱千年的歌声萦绕其中久未消逝The hills fill my heart with the sound of music 群山以动人的音乐充盈着我的内心My heart wants to sing every song it hears 我的心迫不及待想要唱出每一首歌My heart wants to beat like the wings of the birds that rise from the lake to the trees 我的心想要像那鸟儿的翅膀从湖泊跃动到那丛林中My heart wants to sigh like a chime that flies from a church on a breeze 我的心想要那撞钟的轻叹 乘着那微风离教堂远去To laugh like a brook when it trips and falls over stones on its was 像游玩的溪水击打在砂石上那般欢笑To sing through the night like a lark who is learning to pray 像学习祈祷的云雀那样彻夜欢快歌唱I go to the hills when my heart is lonely 当我的内心孤独寂寞时走进这层层山峦中I know I will hear what I've heard before 我明白在这里我会找寻到曾经的天籁之身My heart will be blessed with the sound of music 这音乐将荡涤我的内心And I'll sing once more 并且我将再次放声高唱3.《The Lonely Goatherd 》 孤独的牧羊人High on a hill was a lonely goatherd 孤独的牧羊人在山顶上Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞Loud was the voice of the lonely goatherd 孤独的牧羊人歌声嘹亮Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞Folks in a town that was quite remote heard 城里的人们在远处听到Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞Lusty and clear from the goatherd's throat heard 牧羊人清晰活泼的歌声Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞扩展资料:《音乐之声》(The Sound of Music),由罗伯特·怀斯执导,朱丽·安德鲁斯、克里斯托弗·普卢默、理查德·海顿主演,于1965年上映。改编自玛利亚·冯·崔普(Maria von Trapp)的著作《崔普家庭演唱团》,最初以音乐剧的形式于百老汇上演。电影讲述了1938年,年轻的见习修女玛利亚到退役的海军上校特拉普家中做家庭教师,以童心对童心,让孩子们充分在大自然的美景中陶冶性情,上校也被她所感染。这时,德国纳粹吞并了奥地利,上校拒绝为纳粹服役,并且在一次民歌大赛中带领全家越过阿尔卑斯山,逃脱纳粹的魔掌。《音乐之声》是电影史上相当经典的音乐片,取材于奥地利修女玛利亚·奥古斯都·特拉普的同名自传体小说,根据百老汇同名音乐剧改编而成。片中众多情景交融的歌曲令电影观众沉醉不已,理查德·罗杰斯创作的优美动听、流畅生动的音乐和百老汇制作人奥斯卡·汉默斯坦二世撰写的雅俗共赏、惹人喜爱的歌词,无疑是影片取得空前成功的关键因素,负责编曲兼指挥的影片音乐总监欧文·柯斯堤尔因此获得了奥斯卡最佳音乐奖。自上映以来,《雪绒花》、《哆来咪》等多首歌曲被广为传唱,成为经典曲目,《音乐之声》电影原声带更驻留唱片排行榜上长达233周之久。《音乐之声》这部欢声笑语的喜剧片反映的是严肃、深刻、崇高的人道主义内涵,也表达了奥地利人民反侵略的正义心声和不畏强暴的必胜信念。影片中天性自由,不受繁文缛节约束的美丽修女玛利亚,迷人的阿尔卑斯山、清澈的湖泊、明媚的气候、雅致的别墅,七个活泼可爱的孩子,以及反纳粹、追求自由的勇气,积极的生活态度,深深打动了世界各地人们的心,激励和鼓舞了一代又一代的人。影片也被翻译成了30多种文字在世界各国上映,至今仍然有电影院在上演,它的意义已经远远不是票房收入所能代表的了。该片被好莱坞的电影评论家、《时代周刊》以及民意投票一致选为“美国最受欢迎的十大电影之一。参考资料: 百度百科-音乐之声

9,《我是歌手》里面尚文婕唱的一首英文歌曲叫什么?歌词里有三个tell me!

Love Warrio 演唱:尚雯婕 The sky is covered by clouds A thunderstorm is coming Tiredness and pain keep weakening me I’m almost desperate This close to desperate But I am too proud to say it Get up from my feet I’m walking and walking I’m a warrior for your love Moon light spread on my shoulder Blood is rushing through my veins Lead me to the sky I’m not afraid to die This is like a test I’m not that kind of girl What do you think of me This question’s enemy It’s like an enemy To me Sick and tired my heart is always broken Silver warrior with out destination I’m not able to explain the reason tell me tell me tell me I’m a bird I’m flying across the river This is my land I’ll never surrender I’m so wounded I can’t find my lover Save me save me save me Get up my love my love Get up my love my love Wake up my love my love Hehe Get up my love my love Get up my love my love Wake up my love my love Hehe My love is full, my love is pure My love is blind, my love is deaf My love is a child A child who likes to cry My love is a question But you are not the answer Sick and tired my heart is always broken Silver warrior with out destination I’m not able to explain the reason tell me tell me tell me I’m a bird I’m flying across the river This is my land I’ll never surrender I’m so wounded I can’t find my lover Save me save me save me Get up my love my love Get up my love my love Wake up my love my love Hehe Get up my love my love Get up my love my love Wake up my love my love Hehe

10,求一首英文歌 是一名年轻的女歌手唱的 听起来很清新明快 里面有部分歌词好像是tell me how tell me now

演唱者: Toni Braxton (中文名:唐妮·布莱斯顿)
歌曲: fairy tale
And if I was wrong, I know I don't deserve this
Don't stay too long,
I need to hear those words you used to tell me
From way back when we were just friends
Before this love affair began
Tell me how I love you wins
Or how a broken heart can mend
Just tell me this is not the end
Please tell me now
How the fairy tale begins
Or how it was supposed to end
Please tell me that part again
Tell me now(Tell me now baby)
Tell me now(Again baby)
Tell me now(Whoo!)
Now tell me what's wrong,
I never meant to hurt you, no baby, ooh
Was it the home, the car,
or darling all those things we thought we Needed
Tell me even if it ain't true
But baby please don't say we're through, no no
Tell me how I love you wins
Or how a broken heart can mend
Just tell me this is not the end
Please tell me now(Tell me now baby)
How the fairy tale begins
Or how it was supposed to end
Please tell me that part again
Tell me now(Tell me now baby)
Tell me now(Break it down darling)
Tell me now
I wanna know that
Feelin' that's from way back
A time when it was true that,
love was sweet and innocent
When you and I could still be friends
Make all the wrong be right again
Where true love never has to end, oh~
Tell me how,
Tell me how I love you wins
Or how a broken heart gonna mend
Just tell me this is not the end
Please tell me now(Tell me now baby)
How the fairy tale begins
Or how it was supposed to end
Please tell me that part again,oh baby
I need to know, oh~oh~ baby, lalalalalala~~
我需要知道, oh~oh~ 亲爱的,lalalalalala~~













