
时间:2023-08-03 20:35:23编辑:coo君


选择影片的时候按照得奖情况来判断,是聪明而省力的做法。但是在评委目光所不能及的角落里,一样有多张胶片在闪闪发光。很多影迷可能会立即举出《肖申克的救赎(THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION)》作为例证,而在我看来,还有一部片子也和《肖申克的救赎》一样伟大而动人。

影片《生命因你而动听》英文原名为Mr. Holland’s Opus,这是我见过最贴切而典雅的译名之一。它还被译做《春风化雨1996》——想一想《肖申克的救赎》当年被为莫名其妙地翻译为《刺激1995》,则两片难兄难弟的情形可想而知。






Choose award-winning film in accordance with the situation to determine when it is intelligent and labor-saving approach. But in the eyes of the judges can not and corner, the same multiple-exposure film at the glittering. Many fans may immediately give "The Shawshank Redemption (THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION)" as an example, and in my opinion, there is also a film and "The Shawshank Redemption" as a great and touching.

The movie "Life is sweet of you" in English formerly known as Mr. Holland's Opus, which is most appropriate and elegant I've ever seen one of the translation. It is also translated do "Dead Poets Society 1996" - think "The Shawshank Redemption" as the year has been inexplicably translated as "to stimulate 1995", then the two fellow sufferers of the situation can be imagined.

In all disciplines, there is one thing most lacking in practical value, but also the most difficult to teach, this is beautiful. Because the U.S. can not be written in the lesson plans, the have it or not, can not be changed to the amount of bread. Moreover, a person entered the hall, after the United States often become clumsy Zuiben tongue, or selfish and extremely difficult for him to come out holding your hand, take you into the tour together, to tell you how to enjoy.

Fortunately, we have the "Life is sweet of you," Mr. Holland Lane. Fall asleep listening to classical music? Then he would hit a jazz Jianpanshangqiao to stimulate your spiritual malaise, and then a little bit to tell you that this song, and the relationship between Bach's music. To tell you, you like pop music and that you are afraid of the transmission of the relationship between serious music.

Like to play but not gifted? Blowing clarinet like a tuberculosis patient looked away as the wind changed tone? Come to see Mr. Holland taught him how female students: he stole music, telling girls that song in my heart, do not need to look at the. When the female students made no progress, he asked the girls a very strange question: "What is your favorite part of his face, what?" The answer is the hair of female students, because her father said her hair is like a sunset. As a result, Mr. Holland ears of female students whisper: "Well, playing the sunset bar!" This time, female students actually did.

In the beginning, Mr. Holland was only thinking to end his teaching career as soon as possible in order to complete his compositions became a great composer. But he eventually did not do it, it became a secondary school music teacher, and his case. He used music to change the fate of countless students. More importantly, he taught them what is the beauty of music, so that is no longer a boring life cycle, but the music, little candles flicker.

Life Cantabile, if America can also be teaching and tradition, Mr. Holland told us one reason: With Love.







贺伦用手语表示,演唱了JOHN LENON 的《Beautiful Boy》——Close your eyes / Have no fear / The monster's gone / He's on the run and your daddy's here / Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful / Beautiful boy / Before you go to sleep / Say a little prayer / Every day in every way / It's getting better and better / Out on the ocean sailing away / I can hardly wait / To see you come of age / But I guess we'll both just have to be patient / 'Cause it's a long way to go / A hard row to hoe / Yes it's a long way to go ……小贺伦高兴极了。当天晚上,贺伦发现儿子竟然能够用身体感受音乐的旋律。贺伦心中涌起一股难以言状的快乐。








Glenn Holland is a professional musician who would like to spend more
time composing so in 1965 he takes up teaching at a local high school.
Little does he realize how little free time there will be as a teacher.
Initially, he is frustrated at his inability to get through to his
students but over time, he becomes quite competent at his profession and
in fact has a number of successes. At home, he is devastated to learn
that his infant son is deaf and struggles over the years to develop a
relationship with him. When, after 30 years of teaching, the music
program at his school is canceled he wonders what, if anything, he has
really accomplished in his life. Friends and students, past and present,
show him just what he has meant to them.


选择影片的时候按照得奖情况来判断,是聪明而省力的做法。但是在评委目光所不能及的角落里,一样有多张胶片在闪闪发光。很多影迷可能会立即举出《肖申克的救赎(THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION)》作为例证,而在我看来,还有一部片子也和《肖申克的救赎》一样伟大而动人。

影片《生命因你而动听》英文原名为Mr. Holland’s Opus,这是我见过最贴切而典雅的译名之一。它还被译做《春风化雨1996》——想一想《肖申克的救赎》当年被为莫名其妙地翻译为《刺激1995》,则两片难兄难弟的情形可想而知。






Choose award-winning film in accordance with the situation to determine when it is intelligent and labor-saving approach. But in the eyes of the judges can not and corner, the same multiple-exposure film at the glittering. Many fans may immediately give "The Shawshank Redemption (THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION)" as an example, and in my opinion, there is also a film and "The Shawshank Redemption" as a great and touching.

The movie "Life is sweet of you" in English formerly known as Mr. Holland's Opus, which is most appropriate and elegant I've ever seen one of the translation. It is also translated do "Dead Poets Society 1996" - think "The Shawshank Redemption" as the year has been inexplicably translated as "to stimulate 1995", then the two fellow sufferers of the situation can be imagined.

In all disciplines, there is one thing most lacking in practical value, but also the most difficult to teach, this is beautiful. Because the U.S. can not be written in the lesson plans, the have it or not, can not be changed to the amount of bread. Moreover, a person entered the hall, after the United States often become clumsy Zuiben tongue, or selfish and extremely difficult for him to come out holding your hand, take you into the tour together, to tell you how to enjoy.

Fortunately, we have the "Life is sweet of you," Mr. Holland Lane. Fall asleep listening to classical music? Then he would hit a jazz Jianpanshangqiao to stimulate your spiritual malaise, and then a little bit to tell you that this song, and the relationship between Bach's music. To tell you, you like pop music and that you are afraid of the transmission of the relationship between serious music.

Like to play but not gifted? Blowing clarinet like a tuberculosis patient looked away as the wind changed tone? Come to see Mr. Holland taught him how female students: he stole music, telling girls that song in my heart, do not need to look at the. When the female students made no progress, he asked the girls a very strange question: "What is your favorite part of his face, what?" The answer is the hair of female students, because her father said her hair is like a sunset. As a result, Mr. Holland ears of female students whisper: "Well, playing the sunset bar!" This time, female students actually did.

In the beginning, Mr. Holland was only thinking to end his teaching career as soon as possible in order to complete his compositions became a great composer. But he eventually did not do it, it became a secondary school music teacher, and his case. He used music to change the fate of countless students. More importantly, he taught them what is the beauty of music, so that is no longer a boring life cycle, but the music, little candles flicker.

Life Cantabile, if America can also be teaching and tradition, Mr. Holland told us one reason: With Love.


一、PlotIn 1964, Glenn Holland (Richard Dreyfuss) is a talented musician and composer who has been relatively successful in the exhausting life of a professional musical performer. However, in an attempt to enjoy more free time with his young wife, Iris (Glenne Headly), and to enable him to compose a piece of orchestral music, the 30-year-old Holland accepts a teaching position.

Unfortunately for Holland, he is soon forced to realize that his position as a music teacher makes him a marginalized figure in the faculty's hierarchy. For instance, he comes face to face with how seriously he is outranked by the high school's football coach (Jay Thomas), who ultimately becomes a close friend. Administrators either dislike him, as does assistant principal Gene Wolters (William H. Macy), or push him relentlessly, as does principal Helen Jacobs (Olympia Dukakis).

Holland's lack of quality time with Iris becomes problematic when their son, Cole, is diagnosed as deaf. Glenn reacts with hostility to the news that he can never teach the joys of music to his own child. Iris willingly learns American Sign Language to communicate with her son, but Glenn resists. This causes further estrangement within the family.

Through three decades, Mr. Holland is closer to students at John F. Kennedy High School than he is to his own son. He addresses a series of challenges created by people who are either skeptical of—or hostile towards—the idea of musical excellence within the walls of a typical middle-class American high school. He inspires many students, but never has private time for himself or his family, forever delaying the composition of his own orchestral composition. Ultimately, he reaches an age when it is too late to realistically find financial backing or ever have it performed.

In 1995, the adversaries of the Kennedy High music program win a decisive institutional victory. Holland's longtime adversary Wolters, promoted to school principal when Jacobs retires, works with the school board to eliminate music (along with the rest of the fine arts program) in the name of necessary budget cuts, thereby leading to Mr. Holland's ignominious dismissal at the age of 60. Glenn is a realist who realizes that his working life is over. He believes that his former students have mostly forgotten him.

On his final day as a teacher, the despairing Mr. Holland is led to the school auditorium, where his professional life is surprisingly redeemed. Hearing that their beloved teacher is leaving, hundreds of his pupils have secretly returned to the school to celebrate his life.

Mr. Holland's orchestral piece, never before heard in public, has been put before the musicians by his wife and son. One of his most musically challenged students, Gertrude Lang (Alicia Witt (young) /Joanna Gleason (adult)), who has become governor of the state, sits in with her clarinet. Gertrude and the other alumni ask the retiring teacher to serve as their conductor for the premiere performance of Mr. Holland's Opus ("The American Symphony"). A proud Iris and Cole look on, appreciating the affection and respect that Mr. Holland receives.


A Film Review by James Berardinelli

RATING (0 TO 10): 8.1
Alternative Scale: ***1/2 out of ****

United States, 1995
U.S. Availability: 1/12/96 (wide)
Running Length: 2:22
MPAA Classification: PG (Mild language)
Theatrical Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1

Cast: Richard Dreyfuss, Glenne Headly, Olympia Dukakis, W.H. Macy,
Jay Thomas, Alicia Witt, Jean Louisa Kelly, Terrence Howard
Director: Stephen Herek
Producers: Robert W. Cort, Ted Field, and Michael Nolan
Screenplay: Patrick Duncan
Cinematography: Oliver Wood
Music: Michael Kamen
U.S. Distributor: Hollywood Pictures

When THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT was released, many knowledgeable movie-
goers commented how the sentimentality of its "feel good" storyline
recalled the work of director Frank Capra. Now, with MR. HOLLAND'S
OPUS, another Capra-esque motion picture has reached today's theaters.
Similar in theme and content to DEAD POETS' SOCIETY and IT'S A WONDERFUL
LIFE, this movie persuades its audience that no life spent in a worthy
pursuit is ever wasted. Unlike THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT, however, it
doesn't stoop to heavy-handed proselytizing. And, while no one will
accuse MR. HOLLAND'S OPUS of getting its message across subtly, it's a
more dramatically secure picture than Rob Reiner's -- when it
manipulates, it does so skillfully.

MR. HOLLAND'S OPUS spans thirty-one years in the life of a high
school music teacher. When Glenn Holland (Richard Dreyfuss) first comes
to the newly-dedicated JFK High School in 1964, he has a dream of
spending a few years teaching to accumulate a nest egg, then returning
to his true passion: composing. His loving wife, Iris (Glenne Headly)
is completely supportive -- until she becomes pregnant. After that
unexpected event, teaching is no longer just Glenn's "fall back
position". It has become his means to provide for his family.

Yet Glenn finds that instructing students in music appreciation has
its rewards. When lectures and text assignments don't fire his pupils'
passion for the subject, Glenn tries unique ways of encouraging an
understanding that "playing music is supposed to be fun -- it's about
heart… not notes on a page." Repeatedly during his three decades of
teaching, Glenn chooses boys and girls with special skills to nurture
and encourage. In the process, he creates a deep loyalty among JFK's
student body while straining the harmony of his home life. His wife and
son wonder if Glenn cares more about his pupils than about them.

The musical metaphors in MR. HOLLAND'S OPUS are rather obvious, and
the soundtrack is an effective mix of pop tunes, classical compositions,
and Michael Kamen's score. While no film this decade has equaled the
accomplishment of Krzysztof Kieslowski and Zbigniew Preisner in wedding
music and visuals for 1993's BLUE, MR. HOLLAND'S OPUS has moments when
it comes close.

Like IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE, this movie is about appreciating the
value of every person's effort to better the lives of others
irrespective of the individual cost. DEAD POETS' SOCIETY told a similar
story in a similar setting with similar themes, but MR. HOLLAND'S OPUS
has enough singular material to preserve its unique identity. Those who
prize the message and tone of those other pictures, however, will almost
certainly enjoy this one.

Most of the time, when Hollywood wants to show changes to a
character over a significant span of time, a relatively young actor is
used, and the aging process is accomplished via (usually fake-looking)
makeup. For MR. HOLLAND'S OPUS, the film makers tried the opposite,
choosing a performer whose actual age closely matches the final age of
the main character, then using makeup to rejuvenate him for the film's
early sequences. Surprisingly, the result doesn't excessively stretch
credibility, although Richard Dreyfuss never looks thirty (possibly
forty). As always, the actor turns in a strong performance, regardless
of how old Mr. Holland is supposed to be. Supporting players like
Glenne Headly, Jay Thomas (as one of Glenn's teaching buddies), Olympia
Dukakis (as a crusty principal), Alicia Witt (as Glenn's first
"project"), and Jean Louisa Kelly (as a student with a crush on her
music teacher) keep MR. HOLLAND'S OPUS in tune.

In recent years, it has become common practice for movie studios to
release at least one emotionally stirring drama around the holiday
season. In 1992, it was SCENT OF A WOMAN. In 1993, SHADOWLANDS. Last
year, NOBODY'S FOOL. Flaws aside, one common element in these films is
that each focuses on the triumph of the human spirit, using a story that
seeks to touch the heart. MR. HOLLAND'S OPUS deserves a place in their
ranks. It's a symphony of solid storytelling and good feeling that pays
tribute to Hollywood's rarely-seen, gentler side.













