glory glory man united

时间:2023-08-09 02:28:59编辑:coo君

1,求曼联队歌(Glory Man United )的歌词

曼联队歌应该为《Glory Glory Man United》。
歌名:Glory Glory Man United
来源:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
We are manchester united and we'll realise your dream
This whistle's busy giving goodness to our rival team
They lay away coz' they know we would rip the Mancher City
And the reds go marching on on on.
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
And the reds go marching on.
So we lost the olympics but that's something we don't need
For international telling Manchester were taking the lead
And big great Christ group take the powers of this beat
And the reds go marching on.
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
And the reds go marching on.
Irwin Schumeichel May Kanchelskis Giggs and Steve Bruce
Parker Scholes McClair Keane and Cantona and Hughes
帕克 斯科尔斯 麦克莱尔 基恩 坎通纳和 休斯
As long as we're united we'll never ever lose
And the reds go marching on.
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
And the reds go marching on.
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
And the reds go marching on.


Come On You Reds

Busby Babes they always made me cry
thinkin\\\' \\\'bout the teams of years gone by
Charlton, Edwards, Law and Georgie Best
we\\\'re United,- you can keep the rest.

Schmeichel, Parker, Pallister,
Irwin, Bruce, Sharpe and Ince,
Hughes, McClair, Keane and Cantona,
Robson, Kanchelskis and Giggs........

Come on you Reds
come on you Reds
just keep your bottle and use your heads
for ninety minutes we\\\'ll let them know
it\\\'s Man United - here we go!

Come on you Reds
come on you Reds
just keep your bottle and use your heads
for ninety minutes we\\\'ll let them know
it\\\'s Man United - here we go!

Glory, glory Man United,
Glory, glory Man United........

We\\\'ll maintain the status quo
Man United - here we go!!!

So Old Trafford let us here you loud
cheer us on and we will do you proud,
50,000 voices sing our song
keep us at the top where we belong

so here\\\'s to Alex Ferguson
he\\\'ll take us all the way,
we\\\'re on the road to glory now
winning at home and away

Repeat chorus

Come on you Reds
come on you Reds


Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
And the reds go marching on, on, on.

Just like the Busby Babes in Days gone by
We’ll keep the Red Flags flying high
You’ve got to see yourself from far and wide
You’ve got to hear the masses sing with pride

United! Man United!
We’re the boys in Red and we’re on our way to Wem-ber-ly

Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We’re the famous Man United and we’re going to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We’re the famous Man United and we’re going to Wem-ber-ly

In Seventy-Seven it was Docherty
Atkinson will make it Eighty-Three
And everyone will know just who we are
They’ll be singing ’Que Sera Sera’

United! Man United!
We’re the boys in Red and we’re on our way to Wem-ber-ly

Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We’re the famous Man United and we’re going to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We’re the famous Man United and we’re going to Wem-ber-ly

Glory Glory Man United
Glory Glory Man United
Glory Glory Man United
And the Reds Go Marching On! On! On!


3,曼联队歌 歌词哪个好?

Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
And the reds go marching on on on.
Just like the Busby babies in days gone by,
We'll keep the Red Flags flying high,
You've got to see yourself from far and wide,
You've got to hear the masses sing with pride:
United! Man United!
We're the boys in red and we're on our way to Wemberly!
Wemberly! Wemberly!
We're the famous Man United and we're going to wemberly!
In Seventy-seven it was Docherty,
Atkinson will make it Eighty-three,
And everyone will know just who we are,
They'll be singing "Que Sera Sera",
United! Man united!
We're the boys in red and we're on our way to Wemberly!
Wemberly! Wemberly!
We're the famous Man United and we're going to Wemberly!
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
And the reds go marching on on on!


Lunatica - The Power Of Love Lyrics

When the first light of morning is touching the leaves
and the dewdrops are sparkling like stars
I feel the touch of a mild breeze caressing my skin
as I'm running to reach your strong arms

What greater gift could I get to feel alive
than the power of love in your eyes
Like a blooming rose in a barren place
that must absorb the falling rain
I am longing for your warm embrace

On my way through the forest I can hear a soft voice
But inside my heart it feels strong
It tells me to follow so I don't hesitate
It will lead me to where I belong


You were my everything,一首非常特别的Rap,背景的女声仿佛飘在空中,高音哼唱亦如天籁般清澈;男声低沉,似在诉说。和着下雨的天气,在这样潮湿的温度里,仔细听每句歌词,跟着感伤。他在悔恨吗?悔当时自己没有珍惜?恨现在无能为力?如今只能把她放在心上。再也看不见…………英文歌词you were my everythingthis goes out to someone that wasonce the most important person in my lifei didn't realize it at the timei can't forgive myself for the way i treated you soi don't really expect you to eitherit's just... i don't even knowjust're the one that i wait, the one that i needthe one that i gotta have just to succeedwhen i first saw you, i knew it was reali'm sorry about the pain i made you feelthat wasn't me; let me show you the wayi looked for the sun, but it's raining todayi remember when i first looked into your eyesit was like god was there, heaven in the skiesi wore a disguise 'cause i didn't want to get hurtbut i didn't know i made everything worseyou told me we were crazy in lovebut you didn't care when push came to shoveif you loved me as much as you said you didthen you wouldn't have hurt me like i ain't shitnow you pushed me away like you never even knew mei loved you with my heart, really and trulyi guess you forgot about the times that we sharedwhen i would run my fingers through your hairlate nights, just holding you in my armsi don't know how i could do you so wrongi really wanna show you i really need to hold youi really wanna know you like no one else could know youyou're number one, always in my heartand now i can't believe that our love is torn apartrefrain:i need you andi miss you andi want you andi love you 'causei wanna hold you,i wanna kiss youyou were my everythingand i really miss you (x2)i knew you gonna sit and play this with your new manand then sit and laugh as you're holding his handthe thought of that just shatters my heartit breaks in my soul and it tears me apartat times we was off i was scared to show younow i wanna hold you until i can't hold youwithout you, everything seems strangeyour name is forever planted in my braindamn it, i'm insane,take away the paintake away the hurtbaby, we can make it workwhat about when youlooked into my eyestold me you loved meas you would hugged mei guess everything you said was a liei think about it, it brings tears to my eyesnow i'm not even a thought in your mindi can see clearly, my love is not blindrefraini just wish everything could have turned out differentlyi had a special feeling about youi thought maybe you did tooyou would understand, matter what, you'll always be in my heartyou'll always be my babyour first day, it seemed so magicali remember all the time that i had with youremember when you first came to my house?you looked like an angel wearing that blousewe hit it off, i knew it was realbut now i can't take all the pain that i feelreach in your heart, i know i'm still therei don't wanna hear that you no longer careremember the times? remember when we kissed?i didn't think you would ever do me like thisi didn't think you'd wanna see me depressedi thought you'd be there for me, this i confessyou said you were my best friend, was that a lie?now i'm nothing to you, you're with another guyi tried, i tried, i tried, and i'm tryingnow on the inside it feels like i'm dyingrefrain[talking] and i do miss youi just thought we were meant to bei guess now, we'll never knowthe only thing i want is for you to be happywhether it be with me, or without mei just want you to be happy中文歌词曾经她是我生命中最重要的一个人但当时我却没有意识到当时那样的对你,直到现在我无法原谅我自己我也没有期望过你能原谅我从来没有我只是…我只是…我真的不知道结果会那样…你…你能听我讲吗你是我想要的那个唯一,也是我需要的那个唯一是唯一我想要成功的唯一当我第一次看到你的时候,我知道你是我真正的唯一但我却让你陷入了痛苦的境地,对不起,真的对不起!那不是我!那不是真正的我!但是世事就是这样无奈,就像我想要太阳,天空却偏偏下起了雨一样的无奈。我还记得第一次凝望你眼眸时的情景,在里面我仿佛看到了上帝,仿佛看到了天堂我害怕受到伤害,所以我总是披着伪装来保护自己但我却不知道,这样的我让每件事变得更加糟糕你告诉我我们疯狂地相爱着但是在紧要关头你却总是那样不在乎如果你像你所说的那样爱我那你一定不会像对待一个傻瓜那样地伤害我我爱你,真真正正、完完全全、全身心的爱你、可如今你却一把将我推开,好像你从来就没有认识过我我想你一定忘记了我们曾经一起渡过的美好时光那些午夜我轻轻地将你挽入臂弯,用手指柔柔地触摸着你的头发那时我绝不知道,我将怎样错误地对待你我真的想抱着你我真的想知道你比其他所有人都要理解我你永远都在我心里占据着重要的地位我永远也不相信我们的爱就这样被割裂了。我需要你我思念你我想要你我爱着你我想抱着你我想吻着你我真的很想你,你就是我的所有我知道你将要和一个新的男人重复发生在你我之间的爱情游戏我知道你会坐在他的身边,笑着牵住他的双手每当想到这些,我的心就像被撕裂了一样这种想法甚至撕开了我的灵魂,将我整个分成了两半当我们外出的时候,我真的很害怕让你看到现在的我非常非常的想抱住你直到我无法再能抱着你,没有你,所有的一切看起来都仿佛陌生了起来你的名字永远地铭刻在了我的大脑里愚蠢!我真的很愚蠢。拿走痛苦拿走伤害亲爱的!我们一定能够重新开始告诉我好吗!你在想些什么,但你凝视着我的眼眸告诉我好吗你还爱着我告诉我好吗你想拥抱我也许你说的一切都只是谎言一个弥天大谎想到这,我的眼里就会含满泪水我清楚地看到在你的内心里现在的我已不再重要我清楚地看到你的爱已不再像从前一般盲目我只希望一切能够会变得不一样对你我有一种特别的感觉我想:也许你对我也会这样吧也许你会理解我的这种感觉吧然而…不管怎样,你永远都会留在我的心里你永远都会是我的宝贝还记得我们相遇的那一天,那真是梦幻般的一天我还清楚地记得和你在一起渡过的分分秒秒我还清楚地记得你第一次来我家里时的情景你穿着那件宽松的衬衣,看起来就像一个天使一样美丽我们适合相爱,我知道我们真的适合相爱。但是现在我却不能摆脱内心的痛苦。因为我知道你的内心里依然有我的位置,因为我真的不想听你说,你不再在乎我。还记得那些时刻吗!记得那些我们双唇相接的时刻吗?我真的不相信你竟会那样对我!我真的不相信你会忍心看我难过!我只相信你会在那里为我停留,我只相信!你曾说过你是我最好的朋友!那是个谎言吗?现在你和我行同陌路,现在你已经和另一个男孩相守相依。我曾经试着忘记你我曾经试着忘记你,我曾经试着忘记你,或者我一直在努力地试着忘记。然而,现在我却也正在慢慢地死去,我真的想你,现在我们也许永远不会知道我唯一希望的只是你能快乐不管有我在你身边,或者没有我唯一希望的只是你能快乐



曼联的第一首队歌lift it high
This could be the year,
to celebrate and cheer,
Pitch, bench and terraces,
we’re all wanting the same thing.
If you believe in us,
we won’t betray that trust,
Through the streets of Manchester,
you’re gonna hear the people sing:

Gonna lift it high,
gonna lift it high,
Our only limit is the sky.
’cos through the triumph and the grief,
it’s all about, it’s all about belief.
it’s all about belief.

This could be the team,
to achieve the dream,
We’ve got nothing to prove~but we want it all the same.
United we are,
already come so far ,
We will not rest until the whole world knows our name.

Gonna lift it high, gonna lift it high,
our only limit is the sky.
’cos through the triumph and the grief,
it’s all about, it’s all about belief.
it’s all about belief.

Gonna lift it high, gonna lift it high,
our only limit is the sky.
’cos through the triumph and the grief,
it’s all about, it’s all about belief.
it’s all about belief.
it’s all about belief.
it’s all about belief.
it’s all about belief.
it’s all about belief.
it’s all about belief.
it’s all about belief.
it’s all about belief.
(this could be the year......)

曼联的第二首队歌——Glory Glory Man United 歌词如下
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
And the reds go marching on on on.
Just like the Busby babies in days gone by,
We'll keep the Red Flags flying high,
You've got to see yourself from far and wide,
You've got to hear the masses sing with pride:
United! Man United!
We're the boys in red and we're on our way to Wemberly!
Wemberly! Wemberly!
We're the famous Man United and we're going to wemberly!
In Seventy-seven it was Docherty,
Atkinson will make it Eighty-three,
And everyone will know just who we are,
They'll be singing "Que Sera Sera",
United! Man united!
We're the boys in red and we're on our way to Wemberly!
Wemberly! Wemberly!
We're the famous Man United and we're going to Wemberly!
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
And the reds go marching on on on!

曼联的第三首队歌:Sing up for the champions reds united
There’s Only One United
There’s Only One United
There’s Only One United
There’s Only One United !

Champione, Oh Wey,Champion ,Oh Wey,
Oh Wey, Oh Wey ,Oh Wey,
Champione, Oh Wey,Champion ,Oh Wey,
Oh Wey, Oh Wey ,Oh Wey.

We Retained The Premier League
Last Year On Merseyside
Last Year On Merseyside
Last Year On Merseyside
We Retained The Premier League
Last Year On Merseyside
Last Year On Merseyside

Ryan Giggs, Ryan Giggs
Running Down The Wing
Ryan Giggs, Ryan Giggs
Running Down The Wing
Feared By The Blues, Loved By The Reds
Ryan Giggs, Ryan Giggs, Ryan Giggs

Oh Teddy, Teddy
Teddy, Teddy, Teddy, Teddy Sheringham
Oh Gary, Gary
Gary, Gary, Gary, Gary Pallister

Andy Cole, Andy Cole
Andy, Andy Cole
When He Gets The Ball
He Scores A Goal
Andy, Andy Cole
What A Goal, What A Goal
From Andy, Andy Cole
Give Him The Ball
He’ll Score A Goal
Andy, Andy Cole

You Are My Solskjaer
My Only Solskjaer
You Make Us Happy When Skies Are Grey
Coz When It’s Pouring
You Just Keep Scoring
Please Don’t Take Our Solskjaer Away

Oh Roy Keane, He’s A Demon
He Wears A Demon’s Hat
Coz When He Saw Old Trafford
He Said ” I Fancy That ”
The Rest All Tried To Sigh Him
But He Chose The Red And White
Of World Famous Man United
Coz We’re Always Dynamite

Glory, Glory, Man United
Glory, Glory, Man United
Glory, Glory, Man United
And The Reds Go Marching On! On! On!

Sing Up For The Champions
Sing Up For The Champions
Sing Up For The Champions
Sing Up For The Champions
Sing Up For The Champions
Sing Up For The Champions
Sing Up For The Champions
Sing Up For The Champions !

曼联队的第四首队歌——Come on you reds Manchester United
Busby Babes they always made me cry
Thinkin’ ’bout the teams of years gone by
Charlton, Edwards, Law and Georgie Best
We’re United,- you can keep the rest.
Schmeichel, Parker, Pallister,
Irwin, Bruce, Sharpe and Ince,
Hughes, McClair, Keane and Cantona,
Robson, Kanchelskis and Giggs........

Come on you Reds
Come on you Reds
Just keep your bottle and use your heads
For ninety minutes we’ll let them know
It’s Man United - Here we go!

Come on you Reds
Come on you Reds
Just keep your bottle and use your heads
For ninety minutes we’ll let them know
It’s Man United - Here we go!

Glory, Glory Man United,
Glory, Glory Man United........

We’ll maintain The Status Quo
Man United - Here we go!!!

So Old Trafford let us hear you loud
Cheer us on and we will do you proud,
50,000 voices sing our song
Keep us at the top where we belong

So here’s to Alex Ferguson
He’ll take us all the way,
We’re on the road to glory now
Winning at home and away

Come on you Reds
Come on you Reds
Just keep your bottle and use your heads
For ninety minutes we’ll let them know
It’s Man United - Here we go!

Come on you Reds
Come on you Reds
Just keep your bottle and use your heads
For ninety minutes we’ll let them know
It’s Man United - Here we go!

Glory, Glory Man United,
Glory, Glory Man United........

We’ll maintain The Status Quo
Man United - Here we go!!!

Come on you Reds
Come on you Reds
The team that every defender dreads
We’re The Devils in Red you know,
We’re Man United - Here we go!

Come on you Reds
Come on you Reds
Just keep your bottle and use your heads
For ninety minutes we’ll let them know
It’s Man United - Here we go!

Man United - Here we go!
Man United - Here we go!!!

7,曼联的队歌是什么?还有歌词? 这是最新的下载地址,我做种的,4首曼联队歌,包括群星的那首
曼联队的第一首队歌——Come on you reds Manchester United
Busby Babes they always made me cry
Thinkin’ ’bout the teams of years gone by
Charlton, Edwards, Law and Georgie Best
We’re United,- you can keep the rest.
Schmeichel, Parker, Pallister,
Irwin, Bruce, Sharpe and Ince,
Hughes, McClair, Keane and Cantona,
Robson, Kanchelskis and Giggs........

Come on you Reds
Come on you Reds
Just keep your bottle and use your heads
For ninety minutes we’ll let them know
It’s Man United - Here we go!

Come on you Reds
Come on you Reds
Just keep your bottle and use your heads
For ninety minutes we’ll let them know
It’s Man United - Here we go!

Glory, Glory Man United,
Glory, Glory Man United........

We’ll maintain The Status Quo
Man United - Here we go!!!

So Old Trafford let us hear you loud
Cheer us on and we will do you proud,
50,000 voices sing our song
Keep us at the top where we belong

So here’s to Alex Ferguson
He’ll take us all the way,
We’re on the road to glory now
Winning at home and away

Come on you Reds
Come on you Reds
Just keep your bottle and use your heads
For ninety minutes we’ll let them know
It’s Man United - Here we go!

Come on you Reds
Come on you Reds
Just keep your bottle and use your heads
For ninety minutes we’ll let them know
It’s Man United - Here we go!

Glory, Glory Man United,
Glory, Glory Man United........

We’ll maintain The Status Quo
Man United - Here we go!!!

Come on you Reds
Come on you Reds
The team that every defender dreads
We’re The Devils in Red you know,
We’re Man United - Here we go!

Come on you Reds
Come on you Reds
Just keep your bottle and use your heads
For ninety minutes we’ll let them know
It’s Man United - Here we go!
Man United - Here we go!
Man United - Here we go!!!

曼联的第二首队歌——Glory Glory Man United 歌词如下Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
And the reds go marching on on on.
Just like the Busby babies in days gone by,
We'll keep the Red Flags flying high,
You've got to see yourself from far and wide,
You've got to hear the masses sing with pride:
United! Man United!
We're the boys in red and we're on our way to Wemberly!
Wemberly! Wemberly!
We're the famous Man United and we're going to wemberly!
In Seventy-seven it was Docherty,
Atkinson will make it Eighty-three,
And everyone will know just who we are,
They'll be singing "Que Sera Sera",
United! Man united!
We're the boys in red and we're on our way to Wemberly!
Wemberly! Wemberly!
We're the famous Man United and we're going to Wemberly!
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
And the reds go marching on on on!

曼联的第三首队歌Sing Up For The Champions
here\'s Only One UNITED
There\'s Only One UNITED
There\'s Only One UNITED
There\'s Only One UNITED

(Speak:Manchester United are Champions again...)

Champione, Champione
Oh Wey, Oh Wey, Oh Wey
Champione, Champione
Oh Wey, Oh Wey, Oh Wey

We Retained The Premier League on Merseyside
Last Year on Merseyside
Last Year on Merseyside
Last Year on Merseyside
We Retained The Premier League on Merseyside
Last Year on Merseyside
Last Year on Merseyside

Ryan Giggs Ryan Giggs
Running Down the Wing
Ryan Giggs Ryan Giggs
Running Down the Wing
Feared By The Blues, Loved By The REDS
Ryan Giggs Ryan Giggs Ryan Giggs

Oh Teddy Teddy
Teddy, Teddy, Teddy, Teddy Sheringham
Oh Gary Gary
Gary, Gary, Gary, Gary Pallister

Andy Cole, Andy Cole
Andy, Andy Cole
When He Gets The Ball
He Scores A Goal
Andy, Andy Cole
What A Goal, What A Goal
From Andy, Andy Cole
Give Him The Ball
He\'ll Score A Goal
Andy, Andy Cole

You Are My Solskjaer
My Only Solskjaer
You Make Us Happy When Skies Are Grey
Coz When It\'s Pouring
You Just Keep Scoring
Please Don\'t Take Our Solskjaer Away

Oh Roy Keane, He\'s A Dream
He Wears A Demon\'s Hat
Coz When He Saw Old Trafford
He Said "I Fancy That!"
The Rest All Tried To sign Him
But He Chose The Red And White
Of World Famous MAN UNITED
Coz We\'re Always Dynamite!

Glory Glory MAN UNITED
Glory Glory MAN UNITED
Glory Glory MAN UNITED
And The REDS Go Marching On! On! On!

Sing Up For The Champions
Sing Up For The Champions
Sing Up For The Champions
Sing Up For The Champions

8,找曼联1983年队歌Glory Glory Man Utd的歌词

Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
And the reds go marching on, on, on.
Just like the Busby Babes in Days gone by
We\'ll keep the Red Flags flying high
You\'ve got to see yourself from far and wide
You\'ve got to hear the masses sing with pride
United! Man United!
We\'re the boys in Red and we\'re on our way to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We\'re the famous Man United and we\'re going to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We\'re the famous Man United and we\'re going to Wem-ber-ly
In Seventy-Seven it was Docherty
Atkinson will make it Eighty-Three
And everyone will know just who we are
They\'ll be singing \'Que Sera Sera\'
United! Man United!
We\'re the boys in Red and we\'re on our way to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We\'re the famous Man United and we\'re going to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We\'re the famous Man United and we\'re going to Wem-ber-ly


曼联的第一首队歌是Lift it high年代是80年前
第二是Glory glory Man.Utd有两个版本,第二版本是三冠王后灌录的,

第三是Sing up for the champions歌颂了三冠王时代的大量球员,
第四是Come on you Manchester歌颂了坎通纳,坎切尔斯基,爱德华兹,巴斯比的宝贝,休斯,麦克莱尔,基恩等几批曼联球星。

曼联的第三首队歌Sing Up For The Champions 歌词如下
here\'s Only One UNITED
There\'s Only One UNITED
There\'s Only One UNITED
There\'s Only One UNITED

(Speak:Manchester United are Champions again...)

Champione, Champione
Oh Wey, Oh Wey, Oh Wey
Champione, Champione
Oh Wey, Oh Wey, Oh Wey

We Retained The Premier League on Merseyside
Last Year on Merseyside
Last Year on Merseyside
Last Year on Merseyside
We Retained The Premier League on Merseyside
Last Year on Merseyside
Last Year on Merseyside

Ryan Giggs Ryan Giggs
Running Down the Wing
Ryan Giggs Ryan Giggs
Running Down the Wing
Feared By The Blues, Loved By The REDS
Ryan Giggs Ryan Giggs Ryan Giggs

Oh Teddy Teddy
Teddy, Teddy, Teddy, Teddy Sheringham
Oh Gary Gary
Gary, Gary, Gary, Gary Pallister

Andy Cole, Andy Cole
Andy, Andy Cole
When He Gets The Ball
He Scores A Goal
Andy, Andy Cole
What A Goal, What A Goal
From Andy, Andy Cole
Give Him The Ball
He\'ll Score A Goal
Andy, Andy Cole

You Are My Solskjaer
My Only Solskjaer
You Make Us Happy When Skies Are Grey
Coz When It\'s Pouring
You Just Keep Scoring
Please Don\'t Take Our Solskjaer Away

Oh Roy Keane, He\'s A Dream
He Wears A Demon\'s Hat
Coz When He Saw Old Trafford
He Said "I Fancy That!"
The Rest All Tried To sign Him
But He Chose The Red And White
Of World Famous MAN UNITED
Coz We\'re Always Dynamite!

Glory Glory MAN UNITED
Glory Glory MAN UNITED
Glory Glory MAN UNITED
And The REDS Go Marching On! On! On!

Sing Up For The Champions
Sing Up For The Champions
Sing Up For The Champions
Sing Up For The Champions

Come On You Reds

Come on you reds Manchester United

Busby Babes they always made me cry

Thinkin’ ’bout the teams of years gone by

Charlton, Edwards, Law and Georgie Best

We’re United,- you can keep the rest.

Schmeichel, Parker, Pallister,

Irwin, Bruce, Sharpe and Ince,

Hughes, McClair, Keane and Cantona,

Robson, Kanchelskis and Giggs........

Come on you Reds

Come on you Reds

Just keep your bottle and use your heads

For ninety minutes we’ll let them know

It’s Man United - Here we go!

Come on you Reds

Come on you Reds

Just keep your bottle and use your heads

For ninety minutes we’ll let them know

It’s Man United - Here we go!

Glory, Glory Man United,

Glory, Glory Man United........

We’ll maintain The Status Quo

Man United - Here we go!!!

So Old Trafford let us hear you loud

Cheer us on and we will do you proud,

50,000 voices sing our song

Keep us at the top where we belong

So here’s to Alex Ferguson

He’ll take us all the way,

We’re on the road to glory now

Winning at home and away

Come on you Reds

Come on you Reds

Just keep your bottle and use your heads

For ninety minutes we’ll let them know

It’s Man United - Here we go!

Come on you Reds

Come on you Reds

Just keep your bottle and use your heads

For ninety minutes we’ll let them know

It’s Man United - Here we go!

Glory, Glory Man United,

Glory, Glory Man United........

We’ll maintain The Status Quo

Man United - Here we go!!!

Come on you Reds

Come on you Reds

The team that every defender dreads

We’re The Devils in Red you know,

We’re Man United - Here we go!

Come on you Reds

Come on you Reds

Just keep your bottle and use your heads

For ninety minutes we’ll let them know

It’s Man United - Here we go!

Man United - Here we go!

Man United - Here we go!!!


第一个是ift it high (让我们高举奖杯)
最后一个是Come On You Reds Manchester Unites(红魔加油)

ooh aah Cantona

ryan giggs we love you

united united man.U

they are the best-southbound

saturday afternoon 1972

united we love you

move move move(the red tribe)


歌名:Sing Up For The Champions作词:佚名作曲:佚名演唱:群星光荣属于曼联,Glory, glory, Man United,光荣属于曼联,Glory, glory, Man United,光荣属于曼联,And the reds go marching on on on.红色军团勇往直前。Just like the Busby babies in days gone by,就像曾经那些“巴斯比的孩子们”一样,We'll keep the Red Flags flying high,我们要让红魔的旗帜高高地飞扬,You've got to see yourself from far and wide,你将随处亲眼目睹,You've got to hear the masses sing with pride:你将听到人们自豪的歌唱:United! Man United!曼联!曼联!We're the boys in red and we're on our way to Wemberly!我们是红色的少年,我们前进在通往温布利的路上!Wemberly! Wemberly!温布利!温布利!We're the famous Man United and we're going to wemberly!我们是伟大的曼联,我们前进在通往温布利的路上!In Seventy-seven it was Docherty,77岁的多切蒂这样说,Atkinson will make it Eighty-three,阿特金森83岁的时侯也坚信,And everyone will know just who we are,全人类都知道我们是谁,They'll be singing "Que Sera Sera",所有人将高唱一首歌“女王的血脉”,United! Man united!曼联!曼联!We're the boys in red and we're on our way to Wemberly!我们是红色的少年,我们前进在通往温布利的路上!Wemberly! Wemberly!温布利!温布利!We're the famous Man United and we're going to Wemberly!我们是伟大的曼联,我们前进在通往温布利的路上!Glory, glory, Man United,光荣属于曼联,Glory, glory, Man United,光荣属于曼联,Glory, glory, Man United,光荣属于曼联,And the reds go marching on on on!红色军团勇往直前!扩展资料:《Sing Up For The Champions》为曼联队歌,是欢庆球队夺冠的歌曲,歌曲创作于上世纪90年代中后段曼联鼎盛时期。旋律欢快激昂,令人兴奋不已。尤其是当高歌出几位当家球星的名字,那种油然而生的自豪感无可言语。歌词由来1. 《Sing Up For The Champions》Lyric I: Ryan Giggs - Prince of Old Trafford《S

