mothers day,母亲节日期用英语怎么表示

时间:2023-08-11 10:13:36编辑:coo君


母亲节用英语表示为:Mother's DayMother's Day例句:In Britain, Mother's Day, or Mothering Sunday, falls on a different day each year, because it takes place a few weeks before the festival of Easter. 在英国,每年的母亲节或是母亲节的礼拜天都在不同的日期,因为它是在复活节前的几个礼拜进行庆祝的(1)mother 英[ˈmʌðə(r)] 美[ˈmʌðər] n. 母亲; 妈妈; 对女修道院院长的尊称; v. 给以母亲的关爱; 像母亲般地照顾; [例句]She sat on the edge of her mother's bed她坐在母亲床边。[其他] 第三人称单数:mothers 复数:mothers 现在分词:mothering过去式:mothered (2)is 英[ɪz] 美[ɪz] [词典] be 的第三人称单数现在时形式,常放在其他词后缩写为 -'s; [例句]This man is an animal, a beast.这人是个畜生,是个野兽。[其他] 原型: be 过去式:was (3)day 英[deɪ] 美[deɪ] n. 一天; 一日; 白昼; 白天; 工作日; 一天的活动时间; [例句]The weather did not help; hot by day, cold at night.天气也不肯帮忙:白天很热,晚上很冷。[其他] 复数:days 例:在英国,每年的母亲节或是母亲节的礼拜天都在不同的日期,因为它是在复活节前的几个礼拜进行庆祝的。In Britain, Mother's Day, or Mothering Sunday, falls on a different day each year, because it takes place a few weeks before the festival of Easter. 扩展资料:父亲节:Father's Day; [例句]到了决定和选择父亲节礼物的最后时刻了!Okay, it's officially last minute for deciding and choosing Father's Day gifts.father 英[ˈfɑːðə(r)] 美[ˈfɑːðər] n. 父亲; 爸爸; 祖先; 创始人; 奠基者; 先驱; 鼻祖; v. 成为…的父亲; 做…的父亲; 创立(新思想); 创造,发明(新方法); [例句]His father was a painter他父亲是个画家。[其他] 第三人称单数:fathers 复数:fathers 现在分词:fathering过去式:fathered 过去分词:fathered

2,以Mother's Day为题写英语作文

Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is on the second Sunday in May.Today Mother’s Day is celebrated with gifts of special greeting cards, cakes, and flowers presented to one’s own mother.
Especially, children must do whatever they can to help their mother and make her happy on the Day.Taking mother out for lunch or dinner, or serving her breakfast in bed, has become a traditional treat on Mother’s Day.
Some mothers may receive costly gift, but flowers are the favourite.Their gifts are usually hand-made flowers or Mother’s Day cards.The sentimental words on the cards tell mothers why they are appreciated.
Don’t forget Mother’s Day.Make your mom breakfast in bed, buy her a bunch of flowers and some chocolates and, most importantly, tell her how much you love and respect her.

3,以my father /my mother ` s day 写一篇英语作文

My mother's Day
Mother is common teacher in a high school. She always gets up very early in the morning .Hurriedly make us breakfast, hurriedly eat it, hurriedly go to school by bike. She is now a headteacher of senior 3. So mother is most busy every day: prepare her lessons, mark the students homework, deal with the naughty students, encourage her students who are tired of study and the ones who are very clever but waste timing playing aroundl.
AT night ,mother still is at school to help students do their homework .Every day i 'm almost falling aseep ,when mother come late at night.
Mother is always ready for helping her students. She cares little about me. But i still love my mother.I 'm proud of mother.

