big wheel,Big Wheel的《Swallow》 歌词

时间:2023-08-17 20:04:32编辑:coo君

1,Big Wheel的《Swallow》 歌词

歌曲名:Swallow歌手:Big Wheel专辑:Identity Parade「Swallow」作词∶古内东子作曲∶古内东子歌∶古内东子欲しいものは何?って闻かれても 小さなものしか浮かばない私にとっても、きっと谁にとっても 大事なものは日常ゆっくり、ゆっくり、进めばいいでもあなたのスペースは大き过ぎて そこには何を、ねぇ置いたらいいの心はまだ空き箱のまま青い空がちゃんと青く また见えるようになるまであともう少し、もう少しなのそしたらどこへも行けるしょうがないことや解らないことは 消しても消しても溢れ出す泣きたくなったら 苦い薬みたいにSwallow, swallow 饮み込んで忘れることが出来ないのなら せめて今は深呼吸して涙のつぶは 苦い薬みたいにSwallow, swallow 饮み込んでしまおうこれから待ってるいろんなこと 楽しみ半分、不安も半分近くにあなたがいたらよかったな、なんて思うのはルール违反かな细いヒールでも真っ直ぐ 胸张って立ってみるよあともう少し、もう少しなのそしたらどこへでも行ける言いたいことや逢いたい気持ち 消しても消しても溢れ出す泣きたくなったら 苦い薬みたいにSwallow, swallow 饮み込んで忘れることが出来ないのなら せめて今は深呼吸して涙のつぶは 苦い薬みたいにSwallow, swallow 饮み込んで変わろう【 おわり 】

2,big wheel歌词

I've been on the other side
Got my lips smacked
Now they're dry
Then you
Call me
Call me in
You think I am your possession
You're messing with a Southern girl
But my recipe is on
With your stale bread
Yeah it's hot
But baby I don't need your cash
So baby maybe I'll let your
Big wheel turn my fantasy
Don't you throw your shade on me
I've been drinking down your pain
I'm gonna turn that whiskey into rain
Wash it away
Wash it away
Wash you away boy
Let's go
I've been on my knees
But you're so hard to please
Did you take me
Take me in
So you are a superstar
Get off the cross
We need the wood
Somehow you will rise
But with attitude
I know honey you're a pro
But baby I don't need your cash
Momma got it all in hand now
Big wheel turn my fantasy

Don't you throw that shade on me
I've been drinking down your pain
You go turn that whiskey into rain
Wash it away
Wash it away boy
Wash you away now
I-I-I am a M-I-L-F
Don't you forget
Don't you forget
Don't you forget
Baby I don't need your cash
So baby maybe I'll let your
Big wheel turn my fantasy
Don't you throw that shade on me
I've been drinking down your pain
I'm gonna turn that whiskey into rain
Big wheel turn my fantasy
Don't you throw your shade on me
I've been drinking down your pain
I'm gonna turn that whiskey into rain
I'm gonna turn your whiskey
Boy into rain
Wash you away
Wash you away boy
Wash you down
Big wheel



“到现在为止”用英语一共有九种表达方法:1、so far释义:迄今为止;到目前为止例句:Atomic energy has been discovered for many years, but so far it has not been widely used inindustry or in our daily life. 原子能已发现多年, 但至今仍未广泛用于工业或日常生活方面。2、by far释义:到目前为止;显然,明显地;最,极高例句:Eat before you go. This was by far the most popular tip, and probably the most useful. Fill up on healthy foods at home. 吃好了再走。到目前为止,这是最受欢迎的建议,大概也是最有用的。先在家用健康的食品喂饱自己吧~3、to date释义:至今;迄今为止例句:To date, we have heard much from the mayor about what the feds did not do; he has been less specific about what he did. 到目前为止,我们从市长那里已经听到很多关于联邦政府的无作为;却很少提及他有做过什么。4、up till the present moment释义:到目前为止例句:Up till the present moment, the performance of polymer LEDs is far from the demands in their practical application. 目前,聚合物发光二极管的各项性能距实际应用的要求还有相当一段距离。5、as of now释义:此刻,眼下例句:Accessing arrays, instance variables, and object references are not supported as of now. 目前不支持访问数组、实例变量和对象引用。6、up to now/until now释义:迄今例句:Up to now, Mr.Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgentmessages from one garage to the other. 到目前为止,斯科特先生从一个汽车修理部向另一个发送了大量索取备件的信件和其他紧急函件。7、hitherto释义:迄今为止;到(某时)为止例句:But when he plotted his results, he found that these diverse events fell into a regular pattern. It was as if the chaos of war seemed to comply with some hitherto unknown law of nature. 当他把这些数据作图时,发现这些性质不一的战争却呈现出某种有规律的模式,似乎战争的混乱也遵循着一些至今还无人知晓的自然法则。8、thus far释义:迄今;现在为止例句:This is the first, and, thus far, the only, indication of a possible source of exposure. 这是第一次,也是迄今唯一的一次出现可能接触源的迹象。9、as yet释义:直到现在例句:I have not as yet read it but I know beforehand that it contains good wishes. 我还没怎么读这封信,但是我可以预知到其中包含的美好祝愿。


Amy: Look at this book. It’s about London. I’m from London. 看这本书,是关于伦敦的,我来自伦敦
Lingling: This river is very wide. 这条河很宽阔啊
Amy: And it’s very long. It’s the River Thames.而且它很长,这是泰晤士河。
Lingling: It’s very tall. What is it?这很高啊,它是什么?
Amy: This is Big Ben. It’s a very old clock. 这是大本钟,它是非常古老的钟了。
Lingling: And look at this big wheel. It’s very high. 看这个大轮子,它很高
Amy: It’s new. It’s the London Eye. 这是新的,这是伦敦眼。
Lingling: Eye? Like my eyes? 眼睛?像我们的眼睛吗?
Amy: It’s a big round eye! Ahh! 是又大又圆的眼睛!啊哈!


bus、bike、bicycle、boat 、boneshaker 一、bus英 [bʌs]     美 [bʌs]    释义:n. 公共汽车语法:意为“公共汽车”,指的是一种大的,能装很多人的客车,是可数名词。二、bike英 [baɪk]     美 [baɪk]    释义:n. 自行车;脚踏车;摩托车语法:接名词或代词作宾语,用作不及物动词时,主动形式有时含有被动意义。三、bicycle英 [ˈbaɪsɪkl] 美 [ˈbaɪsɪkl] 释义:n.自行车;脚踏车语法:可数名词,基本意思是“自行车,脚踏车”,可指一辆具体的自行车,也可指抽象的交通工具。四、boat 英 [bəʊt]     美 [boʊt]    释义:n. 船;船型物语法:基本意思是“船”,多指几个人坐的用桨划的“小船”,在非正式英语中也可指短距离航行的“大客轮”。五、boneshaker 英 ['bəʊnʃeɪkə(r)]     美 ['boʊnʃeɪkər]    释义:n. 旧式自行车语法:前的介词可用by, in或on,但用by时其前不可用冠词。

