
时间:2023-08-21 21:27:17编辑:coo君


小说里的唐僧是虚构的人物,与历史上的真实人物玄奘法师是有区别的。小说里的唐僧,俗姓徐少华扮演的唐僧陈,名祎(音译)小名江流,法号玄奘,号三藏,原为佛祖第二弟子金蝉子投胎。他是遗腹子,由于父母凄惨、离奇的经历,自幼在寺庙中出家、长大,在化生寺出家,最终迁移到京城的著名寺院中落户、修行。唐僧勤敏好学,悟性极高,在寺庙僧人中脱颖而出。最终被唐朝皇上选定,前往西天取经。在取经的路上,唐僧先后收服了三个徒弟:孙悟空、猪八戒、沙僧。【金蝉子投胎——旃檀功德佛 】诚实善良,一心向佛,胆小怕事,迂腐,鉴别能力差。
又名猪刚鬣(liè) . 猪悟能,孙悟空常称他“呆子”。原为天宫中的天蓬元帅,因调戏嫦娥,漫画猪八戒被罚下人间。但错投了猪胎,长成了猪脸人身的模样。在高老庄抢占民女,后被孙悟空降伏。修得正果,封号为净坛使者。猪八戒的兵器是九齿钉钯。猪八戒只会三十六种变化。猪八戒这个形象是吴承恩塑造很成功的形象,它虽好吃懒做,却是孙悟空的左膀右臂。虽然自私,却讨人喜欢,虽然喜欢拨弄是非,一遇到困难就打退堂鼓,但对师傅却很忠诚。【天蓬元帅(戏嫦娥)——净坛使者】(36变)【九齿钉钯】憨厚淳朴,贪吃好睡,滑稽荒唐,作战勇敢,不畏妖魔,有小生产者、小市民的意识特点
又名沙悟净原为天宫中的卷帘大将,因在蟠桃会上打碎了琉璃盏,惹怒王母娘娘,被贬入人间,在流沙河畔当妖怪(塘虱精),后被唐僧师徒收服,负责挑担。得成正果后,被封为“金身罗汉”。使用的兵器是月牙铲。书中又将沙和尚称为“沙僧”。 沙和尚淳朴憨厚,忠心耿耿,从电视剧里他喊“大师兄”那种厚重的声音和真诚的眼神可以看出来。他不象孙悟空那么叛逆,也不象猪八戒那样好吃懒做、贪恋女色,自他放弃妖怪的身份起,他就一心跟着唐僧,正直无私,任劳任怨,谨守佛门戒律。虽然个性不鲜明的他戏份不多,但他是《西游记》里不能缺少的人物。
任劳任怨。【龙王三太子(纵火烧了殿上玉帝的明珠,被贬蛇盘山)——八部天龙马】 在去西天取经的路上,师徒四人历经十四年寒暑,九九八十一磨难,与各路妖魔鬼怪进行搏斗,最后到达西天取回真经。白龙马后在化龙池得复原身,盘绕在大雷音寺的擎天华表柱上。其中最经典的故事有孙悟空大闹天宫、高老庄收八戒、八戒大战流沙河(借机收沙和尚)、三打白骨精、人参果、盘丝洞、火焰山、真假美猴王等。在与妖魔鬼怪进行斗争中刻画了师徒四人鲜明的个性,故事十分生动。


Ningbo is China's opening to the outside world in 14 coastal port city and the state plans to separate one of the city, it is not only the famous opening of the first cities, but also a long history and cultural city. Since ancient times, there is "prosperous business center in the East China Sea pearl" reputation. Ningbo history goes back to ancient times. In 1973 found that the Hemudu site. Hemudu site not only to plow rice farming and agriculture, black and dry-column construction as a unique cultural character, but since 7000 it's time to prove that this is the source of one of the Fat of the Chinese nation. Ningbo Kaiyuan 26 years since the Tang (738 years) set up Minnesota, so far, 1170 years of history. Today the central area of Ningbo city and the layout of the skeleton, the basic shape in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279).

Ningbo from the Tang Dynasty (618-907 years), China has become a well-known international trading port, and at that time Yangzhou, Guangzhou and China as the three major foreign trade port. Song with Guangzhou, Quanzhou and at the same time as the three major foreign trade port city. Yue celadon as a major source of Ningbo was a sea of Oriental ceramics on the road starting with Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia, Arab countries and friendly exchanges close. After the first Opium War (1842), Ningbo at the time as one of the five trading ports. Is still a large number of ancient maritime terminals, historical sites, such as the Customs and Excise Department.

As the country's historical and cultural city, Ningbo, many cultural relics in the territory. At present, the city's total of 215 heritage unit, which focused on national heritage unit 5, 20 provincial-level protection unit; at the provincial level historical and cultural city a (Yuyao), the provincial-level historical and cultural protection zones 5. Ningbo renowned writers in history had a higher level of the local characteristics of the school of thought and writing, such as four-ming School, National Yang-Ming School, eastern Zhejiang school of thought, Yu Shinan emerged, while the high-cheng, Wang Shou-ren, Shun-Shi Zhu water, Huang, Wan Sitong All Zuwang, Zhang Huang made a number of celebrity culture. There are national heroes Zhang Cang water, Qipai Opera founder Zhou Xinfang, the well-known writer Yan Fu, Rou Shi, traditional Chinese painting master Pan Tianshou ... ... this land has given birth to the number of outstanding sons and daughters. Ningbo deep cultural collections, the emergence of tens of thousands of volumes over a large number of books in the collection of floor. Tianyi Pavilion is the oldest collection of buildings, has more than 400 years of history, it is on behalf of the Chinese culture of books for. Ningbo is also a landscape of mountains and rivers beautiful tourist city.

Leshan benevolent and wise water music. Ningbo's mountains and rivers in the Shenzi significant and attractive. Four Qi Ming Shan more than 280 seats, Fenghua River, Yao River come together to form a Yongjiang has become well-known three Jiangkou. Ningbo's scenic and historical resources are very rich in Xikou - Xuedou Shan state-level scenic spot for scenic spots, Feipuxuedou Valley Hill, stand like a wall a thousand Ren Chien Zhang Rock; the first in Zhejiang Province in the Great Lakes to the East Lake at the provincial level scenic spots, "West charm, the spirit of Taihu Lake"; Tiantong Forest Park for the National Forest Park, "20-song line, Yu Jin, Peng Chu Van Castle Royal Palace" is its portrayal of the real. Ningbo, the world-famous Buddhist culture: Ashoka Temple Treasures of the Buddha relic Mami, Xuedou Si Buddhist country for one of the five famous mountains, Paul Temple is south of the Yangtze River's oldest wooden structure of the building. A masterpiece of ancient Chinese architecture Paul Temple, the ancient water conservancy construction hills Weir, Nanxi of ninghai Hot Springs, four Yuyao Lake Holiday Resort, Xiangshan Shipu of the fishing port, for the large number of foreign tourists desire. Zhenhai to Zhaobaoshan represented by the Ming (1368-1644), Qing (1616-1911 year) period of coastal defense against external aggression and historical sites in the four-Ming Shan as the center of the eastern Zhejiang Ningbo to the historical sites of revolutionary struggle has added the grave human landscape . Ningbo is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese, there are more than 30 million nationals living in Ningbo in the world in more than 50 countries and regions. Among them there are a large number of good management of the business tycoons, entrepreneurs and overseas, "Ningbo Gang" has become the world linking Ningbo with an important bridge and link. The Ningbo businessman from here to the world, which has "no peace in the city can not".

In the deep cultural heritage from the birth of Ningbo traditional crafts such as bone wood mosaic, Ning-style furniture, wood Zhu, Cai Xiu gold and silver, and so on, pay attention to timber, no fine workmanship, unique style. Tang Tuan Ningbo, Fenghua peaches, Yuyao and Cixi of Yangmei, Qian Cengbing Xikou, three North lotus root silk and sugar to help tailor from Ningbo, etc., have become restaurants, the clothing products, and by tourists of all ages. Ningbo Port has a good advantage. From Beilun Port Area, Zhenhai Port Area, Ningbo, Hong Kong deputies to the composition of the Ningbo Port is a multi-function and multi-level comprehensive port. Has now completed 500 tons to 250,000-ton berths 52, with an annual handling capacity of more than 50,000,000 tons, with the world's 79 countries and regions with more than 400 ports opened air routes.

Ningbo profile
Abbreviations: Ningbo
The point code: 0574
Postal Code: 315000
Location: East China Sea is located in the southeast corner of the Yangtze River Delta. With a total area of 9365 square kilometers, of which the urban area of 1038 square kilometers.
Zoning: Haishu dominates, Jiangdong, Jiangbei, Zhenhai, Beilun, and six Yinzhou Xiangshan, Ninghai, Yuyao, Cixi, Fenghua in five counties (cities).
Population: 5,940,000, of which the urban population of 1,140,000.
City Tree: Hong camphor tree


Ningbo is home to the 7,000-year-old Hemudu Neolithic Culture. It has China’s existing oldest private library. It boasts Legend of Butterfly Lovers, cloth dragon (Fenghua), Pingdiao Opera (Ninghai) and cinnabar and gold lacquer wood carving, which have been listed in China’s first batch of Intangible Cultural Heritage Catalog. This place is home to the East Zhejiang School in Ming and Qing Dynasties. It has been in the forefront of modern China’s Westernization Movement Reform after the Opium War and the foreland where western and Chinese Cultures meet.

It is often said that country thrives with the efforts by its people, and a city becomes famous because of its culture. Today, on this land with long history of culture and prosperous economy, the drive of building of a cultural city has been started, to carry on the fine tradition of being a famous historical and cultural city.

From Dynasties of Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing to Modern Times

Ningbo is like a museum without walls, where historical and cultural relics are found everywhere. It boasts 22 items of cultural relics under the protection of the state. The number will increase to 296 if all the cultural relics under the protection of the state, Zhejiang province and Ningbo city are included. To take the less than 1-km-long West Zhongshan Road for example, along its two sides from the west end to the east, it presents the cultural landscape ranging from the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties to today.

The Tang Tower, standing on the pavement of the Xiaowen Street, was built in the 4th year of Xiantong Reign (863 A.D.). The tower demonstrates the rational spirit of Mingzhou (now called Ningbo) people in the Tang Dynasty and their pursuit of beauty. In the south of West Zhongshan Road, there is a stone pavilion in the northeast corner of the Moon Lake, lower than the road level. It is named ‘Tablet Pavilion in the Water’. A big Chinese Character ‘Ping’ is written on the tablet. This pavilion was built in the South Song Dynasty for monitoring of the water level. It was used to prevent flood, waterlog and drought. This is the first ancient hydrological station that has ever been found in the country.

On the other side of West Zhongshan Road, there is the only remains of a large-scale warehouse of an ancient local city in the country, namely the Yongfeng Warehouse Site of the Yuan Dynasty. It was discovered at the end of 2002. It covers an area of 9,600 M2. Altogether, more than 800 cultural relics of the Song and Yuan Dynasties were excavated, which indicates Ningbo ’s status in transportation and trade with the outside world in history.

The former residence houses of the Fan’s built in Ming Dynasty pose harmoniously with the Tang Tower and Drum Tower one street apart. The residence houses are of local house style, built more than 400 years ago, whose owner, by the name of Fan Yinai, was a descendant of Fan Zhongyan, a famous official in North Song Dynasty.

The Drum Tower standing on Zhenming Road, opposite to the Zhongshan Road, which was the north-south axial line of the ancient city, was rebuilt during the Xianfeng Reign of the Qing Dynasty. It used to be the south gate of the inner-city built by the mayor of Mingzhou in the first year of Changqing Reign in Tang Dynasty (A.D.821). It was destroyed and rebuilt many times in history. The Drum Tower symbolizes the formal establishment of Ningbo city and has witnessed the vicissitudes of the city.

Eastward from the Drum Tower and not far away is the three-river confluence, the heart of the city. Ningbo’s mother river Yaojiang River running from Hemudu, a place with 7,000-year culture joins the Fenghua River in downtown Ningbo It eventually flows to the East China Sea. Around the three-river confluence, there stands Qianye (Banking) Guild Hall. It was a place where people of the financial industry met and did business. It is the only completely preserved architecture of private banking industry in China. There is also Qing’an Guild Hall built in the 3rd year of Xianfeng Reign in the Qing Dynasty (1853 A.D.). It was the entertainment venue for ship owners and workers sailing to Liaoning, Hebei and Shangdong Provinces, and the hall enshrines a Matsu statute, the goddess of the sea. There is a Catholic church built in the 11th year of Tongzhi Reign in the Qing Dynasty (1872 A.D.). It marked Ningbo being one of the ‘Five Treaty Ports’ during the Opium War. The north bank of the Yongjiang River used to be the residence area of foreigners and is now called the Old Bund, which dated back to a period earlier than the famous Shanghai Bund.

A City of Books and Scholars in the South

The 100-km-long Yaojiang River has nurtured generations of talents. Both Wang Yangming, the creator of Yangming School well known overseas, and Huang Zongxi, the originator of East Zhejiang School, have left deep traces in China’s history of philosophy and thoughts. As an old proverb goes, there is ‘the Tianyi Pavilion Museum in the city and the Baiyun Village outside the city’. Ningbo people are proud of these two places, because the Baiyun Village is the prominent place for East Zhejing Academics and the historical site for East Zhejiang School. Besides, it was the venue where Huang Zongxi lectured for the longest period in Ningbo and spread his influence. The Tianyi Pavilion, where Huang Zongxi read books, still remains standing today. The Tianyi Pavilion, which was built in 1561 by Fan Qin, is the oldest private library still existing in China, as well as the oldest library in Asia and one of the three oldest private libraries in the world. That is why Ningbo enjoys the reputation of a city of books in the South.

The descendants of the Fan’s Family attached great importance to education. For more than 400 years, Tianyi Pavilion has preserved the tradition of being a ‘place of education’. Both Tianyi Pavilion and its neighboring Qin's Ancestral Temple once ran schools, the former ran private schools called ‘Si Shu’ and the latter ran primary schools. Therefore Ningbo people have long formed the tradition of valuing education. Since ancient times, numerous personages were brought up in Ningbo, including high officials, rich businessmen, notable scholars, ethnic heroes and scientists, etc.

Ningbo city has also produced many states-people. For example, as early as in South Song Dynasty, 3 prime ministers came from the Shi’s There have emerged a great many literary figures, like Zhang Xiaoxiang, Wu Wenying, Wan Sitong, Quan Zuwang in the ancient times and Rou Shi, Yinfu, Wanren in the contemporary era, and Yu Qiuyu, Fen Jicai in modern times. There are national heroes such as Qian Sule and Zhang Cangshui, and revolutionary martyrs like Wang Kun, Li Min are. In the field of science and technology, the number of academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering from Ningbo has risen to 93, which is No.1 among all the cities in China. In the art circle, Ningbo has Sha Menghai, the master in the calligraphy world, Pan Tianshou, the master of traditional Chinese painting, Zhou Xinfang, the famous Peking Opera singer, etc. Stephen Chow (famous Hongkong film actor) and famous cello player Yo-Yo Ma also like to call themselves “ Ningbonese”.

Cultural and Sports Events

Tianyi Pavilion used to be the spiritual home of Ningbo people. Nowadays, the cultural life in Ningbo is becoming even more colorful. In recent years, Ningbo has completed its public culture and sports service system. A 15-minute cultural activity circle with many cultural and sports facilities has been set up in the central urban areas. The three-river cultural corridor gives a panorama view of the cultural city. Typical cultural leisure areas such as the Old Bund, City Exhibition Hall, Art Museum, Music Hall, Grand Theatre, Time Square, Riverside Park, together with Ningbo City of Books, Ningbo Museum, Ningbo Merchants Museum, Wantou Leisure Tourist Area, Mass Art Activity Center and all kinds of water-sports facilities which are under construction or expansion combine perfectly with the historical sites. The city has finished 3,000 fitness roads. Over 70% of administrative villages have set up sports facilities, which to the largest extent spur people’s enthusiasm for sports. The village culture, community culture, enterprise culture, campus culture in the city are rapidly developing.

With the first-class cultural and sports facilities Ningbo has hosted a large number of activities of classic art, festivals, contests and sports games, such as the 3rd China International Competition for Singers, which has now settled down in Ningbo, the 9th China International Children’s Film Festival, The 1st Popular Music Contest of The 6th China Golden Bell Award for Music, The 9th China Drama Festival & The 12th BeSeTo Drama Festival, and main-venue activities for the 2006 “Spring Brings You a Poem”.

Last year, Ningbo held totally 23 international and domestic matches or contests such as International Women’s Volleyball Tournament, the finals of Women's World Volleyball Grand Prix, Dongqian Lake World Invitation Race of Dragon Boat, National Boxing Championship, the preliminary trampoline contest of The 6th National City Sports Meeting, the home games of Bayi men's and women’s basketball teams, etc. What more, after the Chinese women’s volleyball team chose Ningbo as its training base in the year before last, another 3 national teams chose Ningbo as their training base last year. They are Chinese Table Tennis Training Base in Beilun District, Chinese International Chess Training Base in Yinzhou District and Chinese Sepak Takraw Training Base in Zheda Ningbo Institute of Technology. Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team will continue to take Beilun District as its home court during 2009 to 2012. The team’s main international matches during the next round of Olympic period will take place there.

Flourishing Literature

Ningbo’s literary creation has maintained a sound momentum of development. Outstanding literary works are increasing year by yea. Over 100 masterpieces have been awarded national permanent literary prizes and the individual awards have been won for over 20 person times. Many breakthrough achievements have been made, such as winning prizes of Best Works Award, Wenhua Award (for professional theatrical artworks), China Broadcasting and TV Award, Lu Xun Literature Award and Galaxy Award, etc.

In the chart of Chinese Novels 2006, the saga novel Love is Guilty by the Ningboese writer Ai Wei ranks No.2. In the appraisal of The 4th Lu Xun Literature Award, the author and poet Rong Rong was awarded National Excellent Poetry Anthology Award with his poetry anthology See. China’s Romany, the theoretical work on folk custom written by Wang Jing was awarded the first prize of Chinese folk art Shanhua Prize. The broadcasting play directed and broadcasted by Xin Xueli of Ningbo Radio won national prizes for several times. After being awarded National Golden Mike Award, Xin Xueli was awarded Changjiang River Taofen Prize, which is the highest prize in journalistic circle. She became the first journalist in Zhejiang Province to win the prize.

TV Series Creation is the strong point of Ningbo’s literary creation. Since the ‘10th Five-Year-Plan’ period, 2 TV Series have won Best Works Award, 5 won National Feitian Award for TV Series, 6 have won Provincial Feitian Award and Peony Award, 3 have been broadcast in CCTV. The annual production of TV series in Ningbo has numbered over 100 episodes.






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