
时间:2023-08-24 06:14:50编辑:coo君

1,《the last leaf》文章概述,作者介绍,文章人物介绍,以及什么故事和这篇文章相似,用英文哦!要英文的,

文章概述(Synopsis)Johnsy and Sue are artists who move into Greenwich Village in New York City. As Winter approaches and the weather gets colder, Johnsy becomes ill with pneumonia. She gets so sick that she believes that when the last leaf falls from the vine outside her window, she will die.An old artist, named Behrman, who lives in the same building as the girls, braves a storm one night to paint a leaf on the wall — a leaf that will never fall. Cold and wet from painting in the icy rain, he catches pneumonia and dies. This gives Johnsy the hope to survive her illness, and it also creates the masterpiece Behrman had always dreamed of painting.作者介绍(Introduction of author)Born William Sidney Porter,September 11, 1862,Greensboro, North CarolinaDied June 5, 1910 (aged 47),New York City, New YorkPen nameO. Henry, Olivier Henry, Oliver HenryReal name William Sydney PorterOccupationWriterNationalityAmerican文章人物介绍(Introduction of character)1. "At the top of a squatty, three-story brick Sue and Johnsy had their studio. "Johnsy" was familiar for Joanna. One was from Maine; the other from California." The two most important characters of the short story.2. Mr.Pneumonia. The killer disease which plays so important a role is personified by O.Henry in this short story.3. "The busy doctor" who treats Joanna and "Old Behrman."4. and lastly, "Old Behrman was a painter who lived on the ground floor beneath the ground floor beneath them."

2,the last leaf英文梗概 300词左右

"The Last Leaf" is a short story by O. Henry published in 1907 in his collection The Trimmed Lamp and Other Stories. Set in Greenwich Village, it depicts characters and themes typical of O. Henry's works.A woman nicknamed Johnsy has come down with pneumonia, and is now close to death. Outside the window of her room, the leaves fall from a vine. Johnsy decides that when the last leaf drops, she too will die, while her best friend Sue who stays with her, tries to tell her to stop thinking so pessimistically.In the same apartment building, an elderly, frustrated artist named Behrman lives below Johnsy and Sue. Behrman has been claiming that he will paint a masterpiece, even though he has never even attempted to start. Sue visits Behrman, telling him that Johnsy, who is dying of pneumonia, is losing her will to live. Sue tells Behrman that Johnsy claims that she will die when the last leaf falls off of the vine outside her window. Behrman scoffs at this as foolishness, but—as he is protective of the two young artists—he decides to visit Johnsy and see the vine from her window.In the night, a very bad storm comes and wind is howling and rain is splattering against the window. Sue closes the curtains and tells Johnsy to go to sleep, even though there is still one leaf left on the vine. Johnsy protests against having the curtains closed, but Sue insists on doing so because she doesn't want Johnsy to see the last leaf fall. In the morning, Johnsy wants to see the vine to be sure that all the leaves are gone, but to their surprise, there is still one leaf left.While Johnsy is surprised that it is still there, she insists it will fall that day. But it doesn't, nor does it fall through the night nor the next day. Johnsy believes that the leaf stayed there to show how wicked she was, and that she sinned in wanting to die. She regains her will to live, and makes a full recovery throughout the day.In the afternoon, a doctor talks to Sue. The doctor says that Mr. Behrman has come down with pneumonia and, as there is nothing to be done for him, he is being taken to the hospital to be made comfortable in his final hours. A janitor had found him helpless with pain, and his shoes and clothing were wet and icy cold. The janitor couldn't figure out where he had been on that stormy night, though she had found a lantern that was still lit, a ladder that had been moved, some scattered brushes, and a palette with green and yellow colors mixed on it. "Look out the window, dear, at the last ivy leaf on the wall. Didn't you wonder why it never fluttered or moved when the wind blew? Ah, darling, it's Behrman's masterpiece - he painted it there the night that the last leaf fell."

3,求the last leaf 读后感!!要新鲜的啊……急啊

Last leaf, last love
Yesterday I heard a heart-stirring story written by O Henry. It said in an autumn, a sad girl lied on the bed. She has a bad serious illness. And she would die soon. She looked attentively at a leaf outside the window, and told to an old painter who cared for her that she would die when the last leaf fell. The old painter didn’t want the young girl to die; he wanted to give her a wish to live. He knew that there would be a rainstorm soon; the leaf will be blown off. For continuing the girl’s life, the old painter drew a green leaf on the wall when it rained heavily. The following day, the girl woke up, and she was surprised to see that the green leaf did not be blown off. Her wish came true, and her mood became better and better. In the end, the girl is recovered to health. When she walked out of the hospital, she found that the leaf was painted on the wall!
The old painter died, but the wish that a leaf never grew old came true in the girl’s heart. In fact, continuing the girl’s life is also the painter’s wish. If only the life never grow old, the wish will be young forever.
The picture is a good present, it encourage the girl to face everyday. Maybe sometimes, we don’t need to give somebody presents, flowers; I think they just need a wish, a wish to continue their life. Like the green leaf in the article, it will be the best medicine to a patient. The last leaf which the painter painted is full of love and wish; I think the painter wanted the girl to face sunshine happily. That’s enough.

4,the last leaf英文梗概 300词左右

The last leaf is symbol of the leaf of life. It is the most treasured gift from an old artist! The story described a young couple of good friends. It's Johnsy and Sue. After a period of happy time, Johnsy encounted the Mr. Pneumonia in a cold night in November. One day afternoon, she was desperatly looking out of the window and was counting the leaves on the ivy tree. She firmly convinced that she would leave the world after the last leaf fell. She hadn't any passion for the furture life! Hadn't none other better ways, Sue had to ask the help of the Mr. Behrman. And old poor artist who lived on the ground floor beneath them! He was a failure in art. he has been always about to paint a masterpiece, but had never begun it. Af firstly, he was very scornful about this frustrated girl who was giving up her life after hearing of the last leaf story from Sue. Actually, in this old man's feeling inside, he earnestly wanted to save this poor and young girl. He panited the last vivid and lovely leaf throughout a dreadful night. Finally, this materpiece has been completed, and Johnsy kindled the life fire again. However, Mr. Behame died of the Pneumonia. The story ended here, but, the sincere friendship would never stop forever! It is penetrating in every sentence of this essay, and it is also hovering in the reader's heart! Let us respect this best art-man! Meanwhile, I also associate him with my parents. They breed us and cultivate us! They have given us their best presents! We shall do all of our efferots to return the contributions to them!

5,the last leaf 故事用英文概述

故事开头先写出故事的名称和作者,再大致的简述概括,最后再总结。The last leaf is about the story of two young painters in Washington slums, Su and Qiongxi, and their neighbor, Belman. Qiongxi suffered from severe pneumonia in the cold November, and her condition became more and more serious. As a painter, she put the hope of life on the last rattan leaf outside the window, thinking that when the rattan leaves fall, it is the end of her life. As a result, she lost the courage and faith to live. As her friend Su was very sad, she told the old painter Belman about Johnsy's idea. The old painter was a hot tempered, teasing drunkard who was always accompanied by wine. After nearly 40 years of painting, nothing has been achieved. Every day, I say I want to create a masterpiece, but it's just empty talk. But he took good care of the two young painters. When he heard about it, he scolded, but there was nothing to do.But the amazing thing happened: even though the wind outside the house was so strong, and the serrated leaf edge had withered and turned yellow, it still grew on the high rattan branch. Qiongxi saw that the last leaf was still hanging on the tree, and that the leaf could survive the cold wind. Why couldn't she? So he regained his life belief and survived tenaciously. But this is not the end of the story. The truth has just been opened: it was Behrman who was over sixty years old. On a stormy night, in order to draw the last rattan leaf, he caught pneumonia because of a cold. At the last moment of his life, he finally completed a shocking masterpiece.译文:《最后一片叶子》描写的是华盛顿贫民窟的两个年青的画家苏和琼西同她们的邻居贝尔曼之间发生的故事。琼西在寒冷的十一月患上了严重的肺炎,并且其病情越来越重。作为画家的她,将生命的希望寄托在窗外最后一片藤叶上,以为藤叶落下之时,就是她生命结束之时。于是,她失去了活下去的勇气和信念。作为她的朋友苏很伤心,便将琼西的想法告诉了老画家贝尔曼,这个老画家是个脾气火爆,爱取笑人的酒鬼,终日与酒为伴。画了近四十年的画,一事无成,每天都说要创作出一篇惊世之作,却始终只是空谈。但是他对这两位年青的画家却是照顾有佳。他听到了此事后,便骂了一通,但仍无计可施。然而令人惊奇的事发生了,尽管屋外的风刮得那样厉害,而锯齿形的叶子边缘已经枯萎发黄,但它仍然长在高高的藤枝上。琼西看到最后一片叶子仍然挂在树上,叶子经过凛冽的寒风依然可以存留下来, 自己为什么不能?于是又重拾生的信念,顽强地活了下来。可是故事并不是到此就结束了,真相才刚刚打开。原来是年过六旬的贝尔曼,在一个风雨交加的夜晚,为了画上最后一片藤叶,因着凉,染上了肺炎。在他生命的最后时刻,他终于完成了令人震撼的杰作。扩展资料;人物简介;“琼西”是乔安娜的昵称,琼西来自加利福尼亚,女孩琼西被肺炎袭击,躺在床上。琼西的朋友苏毫不犹豫地照顾她。当琼西听到医生近乎绝望的诊断时,苏非常伤心。因为医生说约翰西康复的希望在于她自己对生存的渴望。琼西的梦想是生存,有一天能画那不勒斯湾,这是画家的愿望。于是,苏编了一个善意的谎言,但她发现约翰西很失望地数着常春藤上的几片叶子,绝望地想,当最后一片叶子枯萎时,她也离开了这个世界。苏听后很伤心,说服琼西睡觉。此后,继而忍痛进行创作,赚取琼西的医疗费及营养费。贝尔曼是一位60多岁的老画家,他一直把自己看作是“苏”和“琼西”的守护神。他是个老人,靠给穷画家做模特和画一些商业广告来挣生活费。尽管他喝得太多了,但他始终坚信自己能够完成尚未开始的优秀作品,从而成为一名成功的作家。贝尔曼得了肺炎。他在风雨中为琼西画上最后一片珍贵的叶子。他的伟大和毅力总是集中在常春藤的叶子上。


The Last Leaf Johnsy and Sue are artists who move into Greenwich Village in New York City.As Winter approaches and the weather gets colder,Johnsy becomes ill with pneumonia.She gets so sick that she believes that when the last leaf falls from the vine outside her window,she will die.An old artist,named Behrman,who lives in the same building as the girls,braves a storm one night to paint a leaf on the wall — a leaf that will never fall.Cold and wet from painting in the icy rain,he catches pneumonia and dies.This gives Johnsy the hope to survive her illness,and it also creates the masterpiece Behrman had always dreamed of painting.It is said to have material to the poor-the painter to inspire the survival of patients with courage,passed away in the branches of ivy on one side painted leaves the scene of praise for the Protection of the personality and noble character













