
时间:2023-08-25 04:39:32编辑:coo君


Choosing energy-saving work foundation better in shandong province and tianjin conduct energy management division experimental work. With demonstration pilot as the foundation, actively promote the establishment of specialization of energy-saving management team and enhance energy management personnel business skills and professional quality, in order to form the administration of energy conservation long-effect mechanism, promoting rational use of energy and energy efficiency improvement.


Responsibility from

1, the insured fighting, drunkenness, suicide, intentional injuries from the use, smoking, injecting drug users;

2, insured by alcohol, drugs, drugs to control the impact caused by the accident;

3, the insured drink driving, driving without a valid driver's license or driving without a valid certificate of driving motor transport;

4, the insured person suffering from AIDS or infected with AIDS virus (HIV positive) during the period;

5, war, military operations, violence or armed rebellion;

6, nuclear explosions, nuclear radiation or nuclear contamination;

7, the insured health care and other non-sexual treatment

8, the insured Scaling, Jiechi, plastic surgery, orthopedics, optometric, assembly false eyes, dentures, artificial limbs or hearing aids, etc.

9, the insured before the insurance is not suffering from curable diseases, treatment and rehabilitation;

10, the insured person suffering from sexually transmitted diseases, mental illness, schizophrenia;

11, the insured contribute to the body organs for medical purposes

12, the insured people outside China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao regions of the medical expenses


quality英 [ˈkwɒləti] 美 [ˈkwɑ:ləti] 1、n.质量,品质;美质,优点;才能,能力2、adj.优质的,高质量的;;上流社会的词汇搭配:1、fine quality优质2、good quality质量好3、high quality质量高4、lasting quality性能耐久5、low quality质量差例句:We should make the quality of our products even better. 我们要使产品质量更上一层楼。扩展资料词语用法:1、quality的基本意思是“质量”,指产品、商品或工作的优劣程度,也可用于人,指品质。可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。2、quality用于指“商品”时,表示商品“质量”,通常用单数形式quality; 表示“商品的性能”时一般用复数形式qualities。3、quality用于指“人”,表示“才能”“本领”时通常用单数形式quality; 表示“品质”时多用复数形式qualities; 表示暂时具有的地位、身份或作用时常用于短语in (the) quality of中。4、of quality修饰产品或商品时指“优质的”,修饰人时指“素质好的”,此时quality前无须再加good等词。5、quality也可作“属性,特征”“特点,特色”“品种”解,是可数名词。


Project management is the core of contract management and contract management is the key of the claim management. For a long time, because is affected by planned economy system and the restriction of contract law concept and consciousness of the light, China engineering not strictly in the sense of construction claim, the domestic in the project construction claim research also only in the initial stage. Claim can not only maintain the legal rights of claim party itself, improve the economic benefit, but also can prevent be counter claim, in order to reduce or avoid the loss of the enterprise itself. So China should speed up the construction claims management theory and application research, make it more operable and practical, so as to to our project management workers, improve the guiding role in engineering construction claim success rate. Engineering construction claim after the incident, claim parties claim analysis, management, and put forward effective claim, its main purpose is to obtain a claim compensation, avoid undue loss and protect their rights and interests, Counter claim will also


杰克:安妮,我有点紧张。我得读完一本书,下星期一做报告。安妮:听起来不错。杰克:但是我阅读速度很慢。安妮:第一次,快速阅读以获得主要观点。不要逐字阅读,阅读单词组。杰克:但是我不懂很多单词。我必须使用字典。安妮:试着读句子前后的词义。你可能理解的比你想象的要多。杰克:听起来很难!安妮:好吧,耐心点。这需要时间。每天阅读一些你喜欢的东西,你会变得更好。你读的越多,你就越快。扩展资料:a little少量地,稍许地; 少量的,稍许的have to必须; 不得不,只好; 只得; 不得已too bad糟糕,可惜For the first time首次; 第一次; 乍; 初word by word按词序排列Try to设法sentences判决,宣判; 句子( sentence的名词复数 ); 宣判,判决( sentence的第三人称单数 )more than超过; 不只是; 很; 在…次以上every day每天; 天天; 日; 逐日




1. I have never had much patience with the writers who claim from the reader an effort to understand their meaning.
这句话的主句是I have never had much patience with the writers,(我对这些作家一直没有多少耐心的),
have much/little /endless/ infinite patience with…对…有(…)信心
patient 为 patience 的形容词,注意patient 形容词为耐心的,名词为病人
who 引导定语从句,修饰writers.,who在从句中做主语,可以这样理解the writers claim from the reader an effort to understand their meaning.
知识点有claim 这儿是demand 意思,claim an effort (from the reader) 要求读者费力气…

2.You have only to go to the great philosophers to see that it is possible to express with lucidity the most subtle reflections.
这句话的主干是You have only to go to the great philosophers,(你能做的就是去请教哲人),to see 表示目的,that 引导宾语从句,做see的宾语
If you say you have only (got) to do something, you mean that it is all you need to do in order to achieve something else:
If you want any help, you have only to ask.
You've only got to look at her face to see that she's not well. [Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary]
it is possible to express with lucidity the most subtle reflections. with lucidity 做副词短语,相当于clearly and easily. express the most subtle reflections 表达最微妙的思索结果。

