
时间:2023-08-25 17:14:51编辑:coo君

1,在线翻译 英语句子

1 I happened to meet my classmates last Saturday.
2 The driver lost consciousness ten minutes after the car accident.

3 She's been living by herself for many years since her husband died.

4 The sport game was cancaled due to the bad weather.

5 If I were a fish, I could swim for free.


1.那件黑色上衣 That black jacket
2.这件黄色毛衣The yellow sweater
3.那个紫色裙字 The purple skirt
4. 这条红色裙子A red skirt
5. 这条棕色裤子This article brown pants
6. 这件绿色的t恤 This green T-shirt
7. 这双蓝色袜子This pair of blue socks
8. 那条白色的裤子The white trousers
9. 那个粉红色的小包The pink packet
10. 这条黄色的t恤 This article yellow T-shirt
11. 那个小红帽The little red riding hood
12. 这把长尺子 The long ruler
13. 那条黄裙子多少钱?The yellow skirt how many money?9美元 ninedollars
14. 这条蓝裙子多少钱?This article blue skirt how many money? 10美元Ten dollars
15. 这双绿袜子多少钱?This double green socks how many money? 3美元Three dollars


1.It is harmful for people to be exposed to the polluted environment.2.In order to keep yourself free from the pressure of life and work,you should learn to relax.3.The one who holds an active attitude towards life is more likely to achieve success.4The Internet can't take the place of newspapers completely,because the newspaper has its own advantages.祝您开心!


Smoking is banned in all gas stations.A majority of readers identified themselves something with the main character of the best-selling book.He thought bikes were inferior to cars.we had better take action before they are informed.I share some disagrees with reference to your writing.Nowadays, some peole are so materialistic that they only care about money.The expert estimated that the thunder strom had brought millons of dollars loss to the city.He doesn't understand why his daughter loves watching TV advertisements.An experienced assistant can handle all kinds of things effeciently.Not only does the company decide to sponser the Olympics, but also invest in the new statium buliding.


I have experienced the reorganization of the company for the United States in 2001many companies was a terrible year. Due to the economic downturn, companies of all types, regardless of size, public or private, have been hit hard. For the sake of vitality, through tough economic situation, many companies decided to cut down expenses. While the company cut spending is the most important thing is the Usa Inc over the years by downsizing -- the most common way. Our company is no exception to this emergency measures. In the officially announced on the reorganization of news before, our office building was filled with all kinds of rumors. Every day, you will see some gathered in plaid or office croaks. Although the daily work continues, you feel a beautifully is about to happen. The whole office enveloped in intense atmosphere. People obviously waiting for things to come, the eyes also showed a trace of fear. As the company's newly hired staff, my company reorganization very strange, a start without the slightest panic. However, in my hear more from his colleagues before reorganization of the story, I began to realize that recombination is how cruel. When we top management personnel in the formulation of how to reorganize, I to those in the other company 's friends have told me they undergo reorganization of the story. I know some people have been laid off. One is in the company to work two months to be fired; another one just a loan to buy a very expensive house. They got the severance pay is very poor, only the equivalent of two months' salary. Their experiences make me frightened, so I had to imagine how I should prepare for the worst. In those days and nights, as long as my friend and I talk on the phone, we can communicate with each other who were cutting news, feel sorry for them, they also had a restless feeling. Disturbing for a month in the past, our upper management finally officially announced that our company will be how to restructure. The first stage is ERP, is the early retirement plans. All the above 50 years of working in the company for at least 15years staff can apply for. People who meet these conditions have a month to consider whether they wish to retire ahead of schedule without loss of health and retirement benefits. The second stage is fired for poor work performance of employees or those skills and provided by the company's position is not matched to the staff. The first stage and doesn't really matter to me, but I know that there are several qualified colleagues in the ideological struggle, to consider whether or not to accept the ERP plan. If they accept the plan, although they can continue to enjoy medical and other retirement benefits, but they will sacrifice a certain percentage of the monthly salary. If they do not accept the plan, they will face the fire, lost at the same time to provide voluntary retirement benefits risk. The first stage was relatively smooth, most eligible employees would like to take this opportunity to retire ahead of schedule, enjoy their hard-earned retirement. Company reorganization of the second stage real impressiveness. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the so-called D-day. On that day, the company requires all employees before 8 in the morning to the office. Then one by one, each employee are called into his manager office, where announced his or her fate. I breathed a sigh of relief, they survived in this reorganization. But several of my friends were invited to go. One friend in announced the day before, just moved into buying a new house. Now he has put the house on the market. For me, it is both sweet and bitter day, I am very glad that this seems to be endless process finally ended. We will have the next round? I am uncertain.


01.为了照顾他残疾的妹妹,他终身未娶。(single,in order to)
In order to look after his disabled siester,he is single all his life.

02.他给我写了封信,问我新工作做得怎么样。(get along with)
He worte to me to ask how I get along with my new job.

03.过去的30年发生了巨大变化,中国再也不是以前的样子了。(no longer)
In the past 30 years,China has great changes.It is no longer what it used to be.

04.政府已经采取了一系列的措施,防止河流进一步受污染。(a series of)
The government has taken a series of measures to protect the rivers from pollution.

05.老人饱经生活的艰辛,现在和家人一起在乡下过着幸福的生活。(go through)
The old man has gone through the hardness of life.Now he lives a happy life with his family in the countryside.

Do you happen to know the girl who shakes hands with the headmaster?

07.我叔叔上个月乘飞机去华盛顿了,这是他第三次去美国。(it is the...time)
My uncle went to Washington last month by air.It is the third time that he goes to the USA.
The river is much lower than the ordinary times,so the farmers dare not use it for watering the farm.

09.中学期间我本该更好的利用我的课余时间。(make use of)
I should have made better use of my parttime in the Mlddle School.
10.计算机和互联网改变了我们工作和娱乐的方式。(the way后跟定语从句)
Computers and the Internet have changed the way we work and entertain.

11.音乐在大多数美国人的日常生活中一直是很重要的一部分。(play a part in)
Music plays an important part in most of American daily life.

12.他提出的理论是以他多年的科学研究为依据的。(be based on)
The theory he puts forward is based on the scientific study he worked for many years.

13.即使当时他没被耽搁及时送往医院,他的生命也无法挽救。(even if)
His life cannot be saved even if he was sent to the hospital in time .

14.全体会员都被要求出席本周五举行的晚会。(request , present)
All the associators are requested to present the evening party this Friday.


20. But my own worry today is less that of the overwhelming
problem of elemental literacy than it is of the slightly more
luxurious problem of the decline in the skill even of the
middle-class reader, of his unwillingness to afford those spaces of
silence, those luxuries of domesticity and time and concentration,
that surround the image of the classic act of reading.



[注:这句话好像很变态啊,但是读后会感到很爽!J, 句子中有10个of,
主要结构是less A than B句型,
spaces of silence, those luxuries of domesticity and time and














