
时间:2023-08-26 02:58:36编辑:coo君


The Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports
To a Chinese, the task of learning English well is not easy. So I, like many other English learners, have met with difficulties in learning English during the past seven years. But I managed to overcome them and made much progress.

The spelling and meaning of words can be said to be the first difficulty I met as a beginner. But I found our my own way to deal with them. As to spelling, I never copied a new work again and again to remember it, but tried to find its relevance to the sound. In fact, as long as I can read the word out, I can write it out. As to the meaning, I rarely recite its Chinese translation but often put the word into the sentence to learn its meaning. Moreover, if you use a word quite often, its spelling and meaning will be no problem. After all, we are learning English in order to use it.

Grammar and idioms may be another difficulty. But I have also got over it. I have not read lots of grammar books. But I spent much time reading the articles written by native speakers or specialists in English. By doing so, I came to gain “a sense of English language”. I began to gain a feel for which sentences are “good English” and which are not.

Finally, I want to say that overcoming all these difficulties requires perseverance. In the past seven years I spent at least an hour on English each day. I believe this is an important reason why I am able to make progress in learning English.


Credit Cards
Personal credit cards are becoming more common in China. Banks and other financial institutions are encouraging their customers to change the way they buy things. Credit cards, otherwise known as “plastic money”, are being offered on very good terms to encourage the change. Consumers will be able to “buy now, pay later”, and many see this as an advantage.
But people need to be careful. There are dangers associated with credit cards. Some people find it very easy to exceed their budget. They are tempted to purchase goods that they do not really need, and can become quickly overburdened by debt. The credit cards often charge a high rate of interest, which exacerbates the problems for these people.
However, used wisely credit cards can improve the quality of people’s lives. They can give people access to money to meet sudden unplanned expenses. Properly handled, they can let people control their expenditure and the monthly statements provide a record of where their money has gone.


四级考试还没有开始,下面的只是供参考 现在距离英语四六级考试剩下不到一个月的时间,面对考试将近,好学网英语四六级为大家整理了大量资料供大家参考学习。在此,预祝大家顺利通过四六级考试! The World Expo in 2010(世博会)英文作文 The World Expo in 2010(2010年世博会) The World Expo in 2010 Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo. The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia. So the 2010 World Expo is an honor for all of the Asians. ()ur government has promised that it will be the best one. And Shanghai, as a host city, will have more chances to develop quickly. As a student in Shanghai, I should learn English well so that I can be a volunteer in the Expo to help foreigners know more about Shanghai. How To Be A Lovely Citizen(如何成为一个可爱的上海人) Great changes have taken place in Shanghai and more and more people throughout the world are focusing their attention on Shanghai now. As a citizen of Shanghai, I feel I must spare no efforts to do my bit. First, I decide to help plant more trees to make our city more beautiful. Second, I should obey seven nos and be good at learning from others. Third, I should study hard so that I can do something better for my city in the future. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Certificate Craze On Campus. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1)近几年大学校园内出现“考证热” 2)产生这一现象的原因 3)你的看法 Certificate Craze On Campus 行文思路 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出一种现象,提纲第2点要求分析产生这种现象的原因,提纲第3点要求谈谈“我”对该现象的看法,由此可判断本文应为现象解释型作文。 根据所给提纲,本文应包含如下内容:描述近几年大学校园内的“考证热”;分析越来越多的大学生热衷考取各种证书的主要原因;阐述“我”对大学生“考证热”的看法。 高分范文 Certificate Craze On Campus In recent years, getting a certificate has become a new craze among college students. [1]Just randomly ask a student on campus what he or she is busy doing, [2]quite possibly, you may get the answer [3]that he or she is preparing for a certificate [2]of some kind. [4]Why does this craze appear? 精品推荐: 好学网校课堂:一线名师+课程答疑 2012英语六级考试精品复习资料汇总 2012英语四级考试精品复习资料汇总 好学网六步高效学习法 [4]There are mainly two reasons behind this phenomenon. First, [5]it is the employment pressure that forces college students to get more certificates. With the admission expansion of colleges, a lot more graduates have to face the fierce competition in the job market. How can one make himself more competitive? More certificates at hand, maybe. Second, diploma and certificates are still important standards [6]by which many employers measure a person’s ability. In order to increase the qualifications for a job, the students compel themselves to run from one exam to another. [7]From my point of view, we should be more rational [8]when it comes to certificates, [9]since certificates [2]do not necessarily prove one’s ability. Being crazy in getting certifications blindly is [10]nothing but wasting time. To conclude, we should focus on improving our ability [10]but not getting a certificate of no practical value. 【亮点点评】 [1]祈使句使用恰当。randomly意为“随意地,随机地”。 [2]限定词使用恰当,使文章表达更严谨,增强了说服力。 [3]that引导同位语从句,修饰the idea。 [4]设问句引出原因,容易引起注意。 [5]强调句型,此处是强调主语。 [6]which引导非限制性定语从句,充当介词宾语。 [7]用于引出“我”的观点。 [8]“当谈到或提及…时”。 [9]since引导原因状语从句,表示既定的原因,常译为“既然”。 [10]“只是,仅仅”。“而不是”。 佳句临摩 1.佳句:You may get the answer that he or she is preparing for a certificate of some kind. 临摩:离婚率上升尽管令人难过,但却是不争的事实。 2.佳句:Diploma and certificates are still important standards by which many employers measure a person’s ability. 临摩: 在过去的三十年,发展中国家在许多方面都取得了很大的进步,其中包括健康水平的提高。 3.佳句:From my point of view, we should be more rational when it comes to certificates. 临摩:我认为,对于我们来说,更重要的是尽可能提高自己的能力而不是获得更多的证书。 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Students’ Pursuit for Famous Brands. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

4,谁能给些cet 4 英语作文范文下载地址(大学英语四级)

自己在网上搜的 接你看看 吧

1. 现在大学校园里,迟到、早退、旷课是常见的现象

2. 保证学生的出勤率对大学教育的重要性

3. 作为一个大学生应该怎样做

Attend Your Classes Regularly

Nowadays it is a very common phenomenon that some university students are late for or even absent from classes. And still there are some students who slip out of the classroom before the class is over. Class attendance has become a thorny problem to both the students and teachers.

In fact, it is very important for the students to attend their classes regularly. First, it will ensure you to catch up with the teachers in your learning. That is very helpful to you if you want to do a good job in your study. Second, attending classes regularly is a way of showing respect to your teachers ,too. Your teachers will feel bad if the students do not attend their classes, which, in turn, will affect their teaching and be no good for the students. Third, attending classes regularly will help to form a good habit of punctuality, which is of great importance for the students to do a good job in the future.

Therefore, we university students should form the good habit of attending our classes regularly from now on. And some day we’ll benefit from it.


1. 宿舍生活有时会出现不和谐的情况;

2. 一个和谐宿舍生活的必要性;

3. 如何创造和谐的宿舍生活。

On a Harmonious Dormitory Life

Dormitory life is an indispensable part of college life. But sometimes the harmony in the dormitory be disturbed in one way or another.

As is known to all, a harmonious dormitory life is important to college students and benefits all the members. On one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study. On the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together.

There are several ways to create and maintain a harmonious dormitory life. Firstly, you have to evaluate your life-style and try to get rid of your dirty habits, if there are any. Secondly, when an annoying situation arises, you’ll just have to learn to tolerate each other and co-exist. Thirdly, you’ll have to share with each other and make good friends.

In conclusion, we should try our best to build a harmonious dormitory life for the sake of good study and good life.



A Brief Introduction to the University

Distinguished guests,

Welcome to our university. Before you start to look around, allow me to give you a brief account of the school.

Founded in 1927, our university is one of this city’s earliest universities of liberal arts. It is staffed with an excellent faculty, and has a total enrollment of over 10,000 students. In the past years, it has turned out numerous well-qualified students and found its graduates active in professions of all walks of life.

Since its establishment, the university has always steered itself toward the objective that its students have an overall healthy development. Not only does it provide the students with basic academic courses, but it manages to expose them to the up-to-date knowledge. Besides, students are free to participate in colorful campus activities and social practice, which are intended for broadening their mind and developing their potential talent.

Currently, both our faculty and students are making every effort to improve the quality of our education in the direction of a first-rate university. Thank you.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a friend who will come to your city to see you. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

假设你是李明, 你的一个朋友张伟准备到你所在的城市来旅游,但你有事不能接待。写封信给他,解释你不能接待的原因,并说明你所做的安排。

A Letter to a Friend

Dear Zhang Wei,

I’m glad to know that you are coming to my city during the summer vacation.

However, I’m afraid there’s some bad news. I’m planning to take part in an international conference to be held in another city during the time of your visit. All the top scientists in my field will show up at the conference. More importantly, I’m lucky enough to have been selected to give a speech on behalf of my research team at the Conference. I really can’t miss it.

I understand that it’ll be your first time to this city and I’m your only friend here. I’ve asked my roommate to meet you at the airport, and you can stay in my room. He is a very nice person and he will show you around the city. Hope you two will get on well and have a nice holiday!


Li Ming


1. 广告的作用

2. 广告的形式多样

3. 广告的夸张性


Advertisements are forcing their way into people’s lives. People refer to advertisements in their daily lives because they are consumers. The advertisers are usually manufacturers, retailers and salesmen. Their merchandise needs to be advertised to bring it to the attention to the customers. Thus nearly every product is advertised in some way. To a large extent, good advertising leads to success while bad advertising can mean failure.

There are many ways to advertise and ‘ads’ come in different forms. Newspapers carry advertisements. Some products are publicized on TV and radio which bring them into notice of a wide audience. Billboards also carry advertising. Advertising is a big industry now and many agencies have been set up to furnish a variety of forms..

However, advertising is not always truthful. A product is often misrepresented. The advertiser exaggerates the benefits of the merchandise he wants to sell. Thus, he misrepresents the truth. The consumer falls victim to such advertising. Millions of people have bought advertised products and have been dissatisfied with them。
It can be noticed that a large number of private schools or training organizations become a new landscape in education. When you read newspapers, when you watch TV, when you walk on the road, you will inevitably see lots of advertisements about private schools. There are private schools mainly dealing with foreign languages, computers, music and sports。
However, is it a good or bad thing to have so many private schools? As a coin has two sides, so are the private schools. On the one hand, private schools can meet the special needs of the society or the particular requirements of people. On the other hand, they often bring people extra burden because of comparison and competition。
When asked to decide whether we should have a society without private schools or a society with private schools, I will not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. Although attending a training course will result in the extra cost or burden, it is of tremendous merits in preparing my work and cultivating my skills。 四六级作文预测5:明星代言

1. 明星代言现象很普遍。
2. 明星代言广告存在一些问题。
3. 我的看法。
Celebrities as the products’ spokesmen
In the contemporary society, it is very common for celebrities, or the so-called superstars, to be spokesmen or representatives for a wide variety of products. Celebrities’ advertisements can be easily found on the Internet, televisions, newspapers, magazines and even on the walls of some buildings。
There are, however, some problems for celebrities and the consumers. To begin with, before representing, a star may know nothing about the product. Thus, consumers may be misled. Even worse, for the sake of money, some stars advertise for items with low quality, even for fake commodities. In the case of Sanlu, the public image of stars involved was spoiled. Last but not least, the high income of advertising does not deserve their labor, which widens the gap between the poor and the rich。
From my point of view, it is high time that measures were taken to eliminate the demerits. Firstly, laws should be worked out to regulate celebrities’ advertising. Secondly, stars should be required to tell the truth to the public. Only by doing so can stars be trusted by their fans and can consumers benefit。(183)

Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic Choosing an occupation. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:
1. 职业的选择很重要
2. 如何明智的选择自己的职业
3. 你的职业选择。
Every individual faces the problem of choosing an occupation after graduating from university, which is of great importance in one’s whole life. An appropriate occupation makes a man work with vigor and zest. Besides, it is beneficial for both the individual and the country。
To make an advisable choice, a graduate should take into account at least two aspects, namely, individual’ interest and the demand of the society. Only when the two aspects are connected, can a man show his ability and talent to the best advantage. If the two factors conflict, the former, in most cases, should give way to the latter, for it is interests that stimulate one’s vigor and potentials。
In regard to my choice in the future, I want to work as an interpreter. I am keen on learning foreign languages, English in particular. Moreover, in the contemporary society, international exchange in economy and culture has been growing significantly. However, competent interpreters are far from enough. So I am determined to be a qualified interpreter。(169)


1、中文提纲作文通常提纲作文都是给出三个提纲,每个提纲即是一段,正好符合四级作文“三段论”的布局,同学们可以根据提纲进行描述。例如:A、许多人考证书。B、其目的是什么。但这种作文由于比较简单,现在已经很少进行考查了。2、素材评论作文给出一段背景素材,让考生表达对该段素材的看法。素材未必一定是某个事件,也有可能是引语评论作文,引用的内容可能是名人名言,也可能是生活中的谚语,让考生评论其内在含义,并进行相应的文章写作。3、图画评论作文根据给定的漫画,通过观察漫画场景,对漫画内容发表评论。这类作文一定要先对漫画场景进行基本描述,然后通过其蕴含的哲理,对现象主旨进行提炼。4、图表评论作文根据给定的某事件相关数据,进行数据分析,并对图表中数据反映的直观现象和深层含义进行评论。这类题同图画评论作文一样,要先对图表进行描述,然后再对内容进行探讨和评论。5、应用文应用文考的比较多的是书信或电子邮件的书写。2013年12月的六级考试作文中有要求考生写求职信的题目,这类题目虽然考试几率较低,但是同学们也一定要了解书信的格式。扩展资料:报名条件1、考试对象限制在普通高校内部四年制或以上根据教育大纲修完大学英语四级的在校大学本科生或研究生;2、同等程度的大专生或硕士研究生经所在学校同意,可在本校报名参加考试;3、同等程度的夜大或函授大学学生经所在学校同意,可在本校报名参加考试;从2007年1月的考试开始,大学英语四六级考试将不再对社会考生开放,只对在校大学生开放。报名方法以学校为单位自愿参加,集体报名; 考试日若考生在外地实习,仍应在所在学校报名;报名截止后,不再接受报名。大学英语作文在整个四级卷面(满分为100分)中占15分,考生在这一部分的得分直接决定其四级成绩。近年来国家教委又明确规定,四级考试中,如果学生作文得零分,那么即使前面得了满分(即85分),其总成绩仍将视为不及格。写作结构1、Organize your thoughts before writing: brainstorm、make an outline、etc.下笔前整合思绪:脑力激荡,写出纲要等。2、Write clearly. Be concise. Avoid wordiness.写作清晰,务必精简,避免赘言。3、Use good grammar and write complete sentences.使用好的文法,写出完整句子。4、Write simple sentences. Avoid a fancy style.en211尝试简单句,避免花俏的句法。5、Avoid slang、cliche and informal words.避免俚语、陈腔滥调和非正式用字6、Avoid use of the first person (i.e. I/me/my) unless necessary to specific piece.除非必要,避免使用第一人称:如“我/我的”。Does it sound natural? Does it flow?自然挥洒,大声朗诵。整篇文章听起来自然吗?通顺吗?8、Move logically from one idea to the next. Don't skip steps.上下句意要合乎逻辑。别毫无章法乱跳。英语四级各档的分数分布是:听力(35%)249分、阅读(35%)249分、综合(10%)70分、写作和翻译(20%)142分。






Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Is It Necessary of A College Student to Own A Computer in Dormitory? You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:
这是一篇议论文, 关于大学生拥有电脑的利弊。可以分成四部分: 第一部分,介绍越来越多的大学生有自己的电脑;第二部分,赞成拥有电脑的好处;第三部分指出反对拥有电脑的理由,如打游戏上瘾等;第四部分,提出自己的观点,不用带电脑也能满足学习等各种需要。
Is It Necessary of A College Student to Own A Computer in Dormitory?
Nowadays, if you ①step into students’ dorms, you’ll find almost every college student owns a computer. Some people think it is a good means to promote study. It is very convenient and fast to find what we need when we are writing thesis or doing a research. And we can also have online learning if we have problems in our study. In addition, we can see movies or listen to music whenever we are tired. So having a computer in dorm brings a lot of benefits.
While there are still some people who think that having a computer in the dorm ②has a bad effect on study. In fact, there are so many students who are addicted to computer games, playing them day and night, so it’s obvious that they can’t do well in their study. ③What’s worse, there are so many unhealthy things on the Internet that will ruin those who don’t have a strong will to control themselves and lead to crimes in reality.
To me, there is no need to have a computer for each college student. The reasons are as follows: firstly, if you lack self-control, ④it’s very likely that you’ll use the computer to play games, watch films or chat with friends instead of study. Secondly, if you really want to use the computer, you can certainly go to the school’s computer rooms to do whatever you like. The price for surfing the Internet in school is low. Thirdly, it’s not safe leaving your PC in dorm. Once stolen, it is a great pain to you and your family for the PC is quite expensive. I do believe it’s not necessary to get a PC in the dorm.
① step into 走进
② has a bad effect on 对……产生不利的影响
③ What’s worse 更糟糕的是
④ it’s very likely that… 很可能……
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Ban on Free Plastic Bags. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

这是一篇议论文, 关于废除免费塑料袋保护环境的好处。可以分成三部分: 第一部分,介绍今年六月份通过得“限塑令”,分析其原因在于保护环境等;第二部分,“限塑令”实施后的效果,同时指出还有商家仍然在使用免费塑料袋;第三部分提出自己的观点,仍需加大力度继续推行“限塑令”。

Ban on Free Plastic Bags
Plastic bags have been used for about 20 years, and they bring great convenience to people in life, but they also ①represent a major challenge to the enviromental protection at the same time. They are difficult to recycle, which has caused international attention and concern. As a result, our country has started to forbid using free plastic bags from June 1 on this year.
Now half a year has passed. We can see in supermarket free plastic bags have disappeared, people ②have the consciousness to take shopping bags with themselves when they go shopping. On the other hand, free plastic bags are still being used in some small shops. If we want to get rid of plastic bags in our life, more education and efforts should be further made.
In a word, ③it is esstential that we should take measures to deal with environmental pollutions caused by such daily consumption as plastic bags and etc. We should ④spare no efforts to put the law into effect and try our best to protect our earth!

① represent a major challenge 给……带来重大挑战
② have the consciousness to 具有做……的意识
③ it is esstential that we should take measures to 我们很有必要采取措施……
④ spare no efforts 不遗余力做……


Jobs College Graduates Want to Do
The chart has clearly revealed the differences between female and male students in their job preferences and choices after graduation.
The most desired jobs for boys, according to priority, are managers, businessmen and lawyers. Girls also like to pursue these professions, but the percentage drops considerably, compared with the great number of girls who are interested in becoming teachers.
What has brought about this result? I believe that many girls may prefer the teaching positions because they like to take care of and give guidance to the younger generation, while boys like to become managers and businessmen because they like the idea of standing up to challenges and want to prove that they have it in them to be both socially and financially successful.
The findings will definitely exert some influence on the university education in China. To better prepare the students for their future jobs, all universities and colleges in China should take into consideration students‘ job preferences, when they design syllabuses and offer courses to their students

















