monday morning,“in monday morning”和“ on monday morning”

时间:2023-08-28 07:05:08编辑:coo君

1,“in monday morning”和“ on monday morning”哪个是正确的?

on monday morning是正确的三、表示“一段时间”的for与since的用法区别 1. for后面接时间段,since之后接时间点。 2.表示时间的before与by的用法区别 3.before与by都可表示“在……之前”,但by含有“不迟于……”、“到……为止”的意思。如果by后是将来的时间,则与将来时连用,若by后是过去的时间,则与过去完成时连用。 4.over与above(under与below) 5.over,above都表示“在……的上面”,over表示“正上方”,而above只表示“在上方”但不一定在“正上方”。above还可表示温度、水位等“高于”,over还可表示“越过……”。over的反义词是under,above的反义词是below.例如: There is a bridge over the river Our plane flew above the clouds.


在星期一下午的英文是:On monday afternoonon的音标:英 [ɒn]、美 [ɑ:n]on释义:1、prep.(表示方向)向;(表示对象)对;(表示位置)在…上;(表示时间)在…之时I slipped on the ice. 我在冰上滑倒了。2、adv.(放,穿,连接)上;向前,(继续)下去We're moving forward on a variety of fronts. 我们正在多个方面向前推进。3、adj.活动着的情况,状态;使用着的;发生着的;计划中的The televisionw set was on.电视机开着。on相关短语:1、act on对…起作用2、advance on向…推进以示威胁3、agree on就…达成协议,就…取得一致意见4、bang on重敲5、bargain on指望,预期,依靠扩展资料:词语用法:1、日期前的on常被省略。2、注意in与on的使用:on表示“在物体的表面上”,而in表示“在其中”。指能用in的表达方式有in the morning,in the afternoon,in the evening和in the night。只能用on的表达方式有on the next morning,on the following afternoon,on the preceding evening,on the night before,on the morning of 6 January等。英美两国人在用in与on的习惯上不同。表示“在报上,地图上”等时,介词用in,而不用on。表示“手,脚受伤”时,应用介词in,而表示“手脚上的斑点”时,应用介词on;He lives on the next street.(美国用法)他住在下一条街上。He lives in the next street.(英国用法)他住在下一条街上。3、on the river在不同意境下,意思不同。He lives in a house on the river.他住在河边上。He sails on the river every Sunday.他每天在河上航行。

3,Monday morning 的歌词

[ti:Monday Morning]
[00:09.64]Early one morning one morning in spring.春日里的一个早晨
[00:16.88]To hear the birds whistle.鸟儿在歌唱
[00:20.42]The nightingale sing.夜莺在啼叫
[00:24.79]I met a fair maiden who sweety did sing.我遇见一位淑女在婉转歌吟
[00:31.50]I'm going 2 B married next Monday morning.下周一早晨我就要出嫁
[00:40.69]How old are U my fair young maid.年轻的淑女芳龄几何
[00:49.73]Here in this valley,this valley so green.住在这青翠的山谷之中
[00:56.92]How old are U my fair young maid.年轻的淑女芳龄几何
[01:03.96]I'm going 2 B sixteen next Monday morning.下周一我就年满16岁了
[01:13.85]Well sixteen years old. 16岁结婚为时太早
[01:16.84]That's 2 young 4 2 marry.听我一句再过5年还不迟
[01:21.11]So make my advice five years later 2 marry.婚姻会来麻烦
[01:28.48]For marriage brings troubles & sorrows.悲伤从此开始
[01:32.44]Begin so put off Ur wedding 4 Monday morning.奉劝你把周一的婚期推迟
[01:55.03]U talk like a mad man,a man with no skill.你说起话来像个无知的疯子
[02:02.61]Three years I've been waiting against my own will.我已经违心等了整整两年
[02:09.81]And now I'm determined 2 have my own way.现在我已下定决心
[02:16.66]And I'm going 2 B married next Monday morning.下周一我一定要成亲
[02:26.92]Next Monday morning the bells they'll ring.下周一早晨钟声将敲响
[02:34.08]My true love'll buy me a gay golden ring.心上人带来的戒指金光闪亮
[02:41.10]Also he'll buy me a new pretty gown.他还会捎上一件好看的新衣
[02:49.17]To ware at my wedding next Monday morning.周一的婚礼我要把它穿起来
[02:58.61]Next Monday night when I go 2 my bed.下周一晚当我走向婚床
[03:05.43]And I turn around 2 the man that I've wed.回过身去面对我新郎
[03:12.57]Around his middle my two arms I'll fling.我把双臂拥向他的腰身
[03:20.65]And I wish 2 my soul it was Monday morning.衷心祈求此刻是周一早晨

4,Monday Morning (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Monday Morning (Lp Version)歌手:Fleetwood Mac专辑:Fleetwood MacEarly one morning one morning in spring.春日里的一个早晨To hear the birds whistle.鸟儿在歌唱The nightingale sing.夜莺在啼叫I met a fair maiden who sweety did sing.我遇见一位淑女在婉转歌吟I'm going 2 B married next Monday morning.下周一早晨我就要出嫁How old are U my fair young maid.年轻的淑女芳龄几何Here in this valley,this valley so green.住在这青翠的山谷之中How old are U my fair young maid.年轻的淑女芳龄几何I'm going 2 B sixteen next Monday morning.下周一我就年满16岁了Well sixteen years old. 16岁结婚为时太早That's 2 young 4 2 marry.听我一句再过5年还不迟So make my advice five years later 2 marry.婚姻会来麻烦For marriage brings troubles & sorrows.悲伤从此开始Begin so put off Ur wedding 4 Monday morning.奉劝你把周一的婚期推迟U talk like a mad man,a man with no skill.你说起话来像个无知的疯子Three years I've been waiting against my own will.我已经违心等了整整两年And now I'm determined 2 have my own way.现在我已下定决心And I'm going 2 B married next Monday morning.下周一我一定要成亲Next Monday morning the bells they'll ring.下周一早晨钟声将敲响My true love'll buy me a gay golden ring.心上人带来的戒指金光闪亮Also he'll buy me a new pretty gown.他还会捎上一件好看的新衣To ware at my wedding next Monday morning.周一的婚礼我要把它穿起来Next Monday night when I go 2 my bed.下周一晚当我走向婚床And I turn around 2 the man that I've wed.回过身去面对我新郎Around his middle my two arms I'll fling.我把双臂拥向他的腰身And I wish 2 my soul it was Monday morning.衷心祈求此刻是周一早晨

5,求:Christina Perri的Tragedy歌词中英翻译·

Tragedy 悲剧

If you could envision 如果你能想象
The meaning of a tragedy...oooh 悲剧的意义 呜
You might be 你可能
Surprised to hear it's you and me 惊讶于悲剧就是你和我

When it comes down to it 归根结底
You never made the most of it...oooh 你从来没有尽力 呜
So I cried, cried, cried 所以我不停地哭泣
And now I say goodbye 现在,我只能说再见

And I won't be made a fool of... 我再不会自取其辱
Don't call this love 不要说这就是爱情

When did you decide 你是什么时候确定
That I didn't have enough to buy? 我不够让你动心
Forgive and forget you a thousand times 千百次和你尽释前嫌
For the fire and the sleepless nights 却让自己经历那无数烦躁无眠的长夜

And I won't be made a fool of... 我再不会自取其辱
Don't call this love 不要说这就是爱情

Don't call this love 不要说这是爱情
La la la la la la love 啦啦啦啦 爱情
La la la la la la love 啦啦啦啦 爱情

Why did you feel the need to prove that everybody else was right? 你为什么就觉得需要证明其他人是对的
No, I won't fight 算了, 我不会争了

Oh you're my tragedy... tragedy 哦, 你就是我的悲剧。。。悲剧
Oh you're my tragedy, 哦, 你就是我的悲剧。。。
Oh, this is ooh no no no 哦, 这是呜~~~~错错错

La la la la la la la la la love 啦啦啦 爱情
La la la la la la la la la love 啦啦啦 爱情
La la la la la la la la la love 啦啦啦 爱情
La la la la la la la la la love 啦啦啦 爱情


Written by Linda Perry, Christina Aguilera

I'm leaving today
Living it
Leaving it
To change

Slowly drifting
Into a peaceful breeze
Tongue tied and twisted
Are all my memories
Celebrating a fantasy come true
Packing all my bags
Finally on the move

I'm leaving today
I'm living it
Oh I'm leaving it
To change

As I'm driving
I'm captured by the view
So much beauty
The road becomes my muse
The heat is rising
And my hand surfs through the wind
Cool, calm, collected
Is the child that lies within

See I'm leaving today
I'm living it
Oh I'm leaving it
To change, oh yeah

See I'm leaving today, oh yes I'm
Living it
Oh I'm leaving it
To change

But somehow I miss it
I think I'll really miss it
One day, ohh

I turn up the radio
And I'm feeling like I've never felt before
Turn down the memories of
Yesteryears and broken dreams I bring
Finally free, ooh

Slowly drifting
Into a peaceful breeze, oh

Ooh yeah
I'm leaving today, oh yes I'm
Living it, oh yeah
Leaving it to change
To change, oh no

See I'm leaving today, oh yes I'm
Living it, living it
Leaving it, leaving
To change
Ohh oh

I'm leaving today
Oh I'm living it
I'm leaving it to change
Living it, to change
Leaving it
To change
Ooh, oh yeah

Living it, leaving it
Said I'm living it
I'm leaving it
Living it, leaving it
To change
I'm leaving it to change

But somehow I miss it
I think I'll really miss it
One day, yeah







伴随着舒缓的微风,我起程了。Oh ....


7,我想问下是on monday 还是in monday,是in monday afternoon 还是on monday afternoon

在周一应用介词on,即on monday;在周一的下午也应用介词on,即on Monday afternoon。扩展资料:in和on都可以作为时间介词使用,但它们之间是有区别的。区别如下:in后面接时间段,即在较长的一段时间内,如in the morning/afternoon/evening在早晨/下午/晚上、in the daytime/night在白天/夜里、in a day/week/month/year在一天/一周/一个月/一年内、in August在八月、in spring/summer/autumn/winter在春天/夏天/秋天/冬天、in 2007在2007年、in the winter holiday在寒假、in one's life在某人一生中。on后面接特定的日子、具体的日期、星期几、节日等,如on Saturday在星期六、on weekdays在平时、on New Year's Day在元旦、on my birthday在我生日那天、on that day在那天、on the following day在第二天、on September 20,2010在2010年9月20 日。但在表示上午、下午或晚上的单词前一般用介词in,但表示具体或特定的某一天的上午、下午或晚上应用介词on。如on Sunday morning在周日的早上。

