活动小丑,求活动小丑英文版的中文谐音 跪求

时间:2023-08-29 14:40:53编辑:coo君

1,求活动小丑英文版的中文谐音 跪求

原文中文翻译I stayed here all alone我一个人在这里As time was passing on时间从我们身边流过A simple, little dateAnd that is what I'll say we're on我会说我们只是简单的在约会The people close to town人们在城里聚集The gentle, ing cloudsThey share a laugh as I sitWaiting all day long人海在欢笑的同时我一个人坐在那里等待一整天A really simple formulaThat I don't understand at all我不明白一个简单的公式The ticking of the clockis rushing like my heart is gonna stop时钟的飞速滴答声让我的心脏快要停止跳动To really, truly comprehendI have attempted, but I can't 我试图去理解去体会,但我做不到To think that in your eyes无法去想象You really see me as我在你的眼中A clown to just be made fun of只是一个被玩弄的小丑Ah, as I spinAsI spinAsI spin我一直旋转UntilI just Ah, can't breathe inCan't breathe in直到我不能呼吸This is the end这就是结局Guess this is it我想这就是结局Sorry fate has got me hit命运重重击倒了我And now I can't go on goingKnowing you'll never see this我知道你不会看到这一切后,我无法继续


I stayed here all alone

As time was passing on

A simple, little date
And that is what I'll say we're on

The people close to town

The gentle, flowing clouds
They share a laugh as I sit
Waiting all day long


A really simple formula
That I don't understand at all

The ticking of the clock
is rushing like my heart is gonna stop

To really, truly comprehend
I have attempted, but I can't

To think that in your eyes

You really see me as

A clown to just be made fun of
Ah, as I spin

I spin

I spin


I just
Ah, can't breathe in
Can't breathe in

This is the end

Guess this is it

Sorry fate has got me hit

And now I can't go on going
Knowing you'll never see this
The Earth goes on a trip
I go along with it
An empty, thoughtless thing
I'm prone to just following
And merely for a sec
Before I lose my step
I only stand about
Without making any sound
I didn't mean for this to be
A bit of luck and suddenly
I came to find that all this time
I didn't need to see the light
Your hand is reaching out for me
Your warming touch is all I need
And just a little smile
Would make it all worthwhile
And yet they always cause a little tear in my heart
Ah, as I spin
As I spin
As I spin
Until I just
Ah, can't breathe in
Can't breathe in
Can't breathe in
I'm giving in
Ah, I can change
I will change
Here's the chance
But I don't know
Ah, I'm just scared
What can I do?
I'm stopping now
I have vowed
To stay here patiently but
You're the only reason
I'll never make it on my own
Ah, as I spin
As I spin
As I spin
Until I just
Ah, can't breathe in
Can't breathe in
I'm giving in
Yes, I'm the clown
I'm the joke you've always known me as, so
While I'm your puppet, would you kindly
Please play with me again

3,求茶理理 《活动小丑》英文歌词 IRC文件

Karakuri Pierrot
Music: 40mP
Guitar: 少年T
Lyrics: Ashe

I stayed here all alone
As time was passing on
A simple, little date
And that is what I'll say we're on

The people close to town
The gentle, ing clouds
They share a laugh as I sit
Waiting all day long

A really simple formula
That I don't understand at all
The ticking of the clock
is rushing like my heart is gonna stop
To really, truly comprehend
I have attempted, but I can't
To think that in your eyes
You really see me as
A clown to just be made fun of

Ah, as I spin
As I spin
As I spin
Until I just
Ah, can't breathe in
Can't breathe in
This is the end
Guess this is it
Sorry fate has got me hit
And now I can't go on going
Knowing you'll never see this

The Earth goes on a trip
I go along with it
An empty, thoughtless thing
I'm prone to just following
And merely for a sec
Before I lose my step
I only stand about
Without making any sound

I didn't mean for this to be
A bit of luck and suddenly
I came to find that all this time
I didn't need to see the light
Your hand is reaching out for me
Your warming touch is all I need
And just a little smile
Would make it all worthwhile
And yet they always cause a little tear in my heart

Ah, as I spin
As I spin
As I spin
Until I just
Ah, can't breathe in
Can't breathe in
Can't breathe in
I'm giving in

Ah, I can change
I will change
Here's the chance
But I don't know
Ah, I'm just scared
What can I do?

I'm stopping now
I have vowed
To stay here patiently but
You're the only reason
I'll never make it on my own

Ah, as I spin
As I spin
As I spin
Until I just
Ah, can't breathe in
Can't breathe in
I'm giving in

Yes, I'm the clown
I'm the joke you've always known me as, so
While I'm your puppet, would you kindly
Please play with me again


《活动小丑》歌手:茶理理作词:茶理理作曲:40mPI stayed here all alone我独自在此地As time was passing on而时间如过隙A simple, little date一个简单的约会And that is what I'll say we're on这就是我们的关系The people close to town小镇上的人The gentle floating clouds缓缓飘过的云They share a laugh as I sit都在嘲笑着我Waiting all day long等到暮色沉A really simple formula一件很简单的事That I don't understand at all却于我无比困难The ticking of the clock钟表的滴答声is rushing like my heart is gonna stop仿佛要让我的心停转To really, truly comprehend要真正地去理解I have attempted, but I can't我曾试过但无解To think that in your eyes在你的眼里看来You really see me as你真的视我作为A clown to just be made fun of一个取乐的小丑啊Ah, as I spin啊,我转着As I spin我转着As I spin我转着Until I just直到我Ah, can't breathe in啊,无法呼吸Can't breathe in无法呼吸This is the end这就是结束Guess this is it命运的长路Sorry fate has got me hit我难以抵抗它的残酷And now I can't go on going停下来却又清楚知道Knowing you'll never see this你从未看到我所努力的无数The Earth goes on a trip地球在不停转动I go along with it我与它一起转动An empty, thoughtless thing一个没有意义的行为I'm prone to just following我只是无意识地跟着做啊And merely for a sec有那么短短一秒Before I lose my step还没有乱了步调I only stand about我只是呆呆伫立Without making any sound沉默无声 不哭不笑I didn't mean for this to be并不是我刻意为之A bit of luck and suddenly不过是运气的偶然I came to find that all this time我一直苦于寻找的I didn't need to see the light从此不再奢求其他Your hand is reaching out for me你的双手慢慢伸出衣袖Your warming touch is all I need你的温度是我唯一所求And just a little smile一点点笑容即可Would make it all worthwhile使这一切都值得And yet they always cause a little tear in my heart这些却总使我心头落泪Ah, as I spin啊,我转着As I spin我转着As I spin我转着Until I just直到我Ah, as I spin啊,我转着As I spin我转着As I spin我转着Until I just直到我Ah, can't breathe in啊,无法呼吸Can't breathe in无法呼吸Can't breathe in无法呼吸I'm giving in我要放弃了Ah, can't breathe in啊,无法呼吸Can't breathe in无法呼吸Can't breathe in无法呼吸I'm giving in我要放弃了Ah, I can change啊,我能改变I will change我会改变Here's the chance这是机会But I don't know但我不知道Ah, I'm just scared啊,我只是害怕Unprepared没有准备What can I do?我又能如何?I'm stopping now我要停下了I have vowed我曾发过誓To stay here patiently but在这里耐心等待但You're the only reason你是那唯一的原因I'll never make it on my own我自己永难走到此Ah, as I spin啊,我转着As I spin我转着As I spin我转着Until I just直到我Ah, can't breathe in啊,无法呼吸Can't breathe in无法呼吸I'm giving in我要放弃了Yes, I'm the clown是的 我是小丑I'm the joke you've always known me as, so我是你一直认为的那个小丑,那While I'm your puppet, would you kindly我是你的木偶,请求你Please play with me again请求你再次与我玩耍吧扩展资料:《活动小丑》是歌手茶理理演唱的一首歌曲,歌曲的作词由茶理理担任创作,歌曲的作曲由40mP担任创作,歌曲收纳于专辑《最新热歌慢摇94》之中,专辑于2014年1月1日整理发行。专辑包含了100首歌曲。40mP这首《活动小丑》是一首典型的失恋曲,歌曲处处表现着“我”被舍弃之后的无助与孤独。然而却难以割舍心中的感情,因此而产生内心复杂而又悲伤的感情。40mP创作出的一贯比较上口的曲子和非常流畅的旋律,配合PV的加成效果,也是让本曲一经发表就受到很多好评。本曲于2012年6月15日达成百万再生,成为VOCALOID传说曲目的一员,本曲也是VOCALOID曲界第100首百万再生曲目。同时本曲被收录于个人专辑 ‘小さな自分と大きな世界’ 中,CD版与投稿版有些许的不同之处。


小丑又叫小花脸。因为这一行当所表演的人物往往在鼻子上勾画一块小白粉,所以叫小花脸。这一行当具有风趣、诙谐、幽默、滑稽或者阴险、狡猾的特点。小丑分长衫小丑、短衫小丑、彩旦几类。长衫小丑是指穿长衫的丑行,例如《王老虎抢亲》中的王天豹,《沉香扇》中的蔡德清。短衫小丑是指穿短衫、系作裙的店家、酒保、地保、牢卒、船夫、乞丐、小偷等等,十分繁杂。彩旦是指女的丑角,例如《拾玉镯》中的孙媒婆、《珍珠 塔》中的姑母、《玉堂春》中的鸨儿。

6,ピエロ的剧情. 开头是 没关系 没关系的那首歌。不是活动小丑

【ピエロ】歌词 小丑 作词:KEI 作曲:KEI 编曲:KEI 没事的 没事的 表演著滑稽动作的我是 这个小小的马戏团里无名的小丑 在像是圆滚滚的月亮般的 大球之上 维持著平衡 然后忽然华丽地跌落下来 逗人发笑便是我的工作 发现了在观众席上哭泣的你 别露出那麼悲伤的表情啊 爸爸和妈妈都没察觉的你的眼泪 被我注意到了 所以就让我为你拭去吧 『没事的、没事的 这样的根本就不痛不痒喔 只要你能对我欢笑』 没事的、没事的 笨拙跌倒的我是 这个小小马戏团里踩著球的小丑 眼泪掉个不停的你说 「你的谎话让我难过」 『我说的那些全都是真的喔』 听到这句话你又哭了起来 「将不会给观众席看到的那副面具之下 你所隐藏起来的真实面容展现在我眼前吧 要是受伤了就说痛 要是难过了就喊出来 没什麼好觉得羞愧的啊 没事的、没事的 就算不笑得开心也可以喔 只希望你不必再次撒谎 没事的、没事的 就算不去忍耐也可以的喔 我也会陪你一起掉眼泪」 没事的 没事的 你为我寻找到的 快忘掉的自己的脸 「没事的、没事的」 那就像是魔法一般呢 看吧 那个撒谎的小丑 已经消失不见了 ---------------------------------------------------------- 作词:KEI saku 词 : KEI 作曲:KEI sakkyoku : KEI 编曲:KEI 编 kyoku : KEI 大丈夫 大丈夫 おどけてみせる仆は 小さなサーカスの名も无きピエロ 真ん丸いお月様みたいな ボールの上 バランスをとって 派手に転んだりしちゃって 笑われるのが仆の仕事 客席に泣いてる君を见つけた そんな悲しい颜はしないでよ パパもママも知らない君の涙に 仆は気付いた 拭ってあげなくちゃ 『大丈夫、大丈夫 痛くも痒くもないんだよ 君が笑ってくれるなら』 ダイジョウブ、ダイジョウブ 无様に転ぶ仆は 小さなサーカスの玉乗りピエロ 泣き止まない君が言うんだ 「あなたの嘘が悲しいの」って 『嘘なんて一つも吐いてないよ』 その言叶にまた泣き出した 「客席に见せない仮面の下の あなたが隠した素颜をみせて 怪我したとき痛いって 辛いときは唤いて 耻ずかしいことはないんだから 大丈夫、大丈夫 上手く笑えなくていいんだよ もう二度と嘘を吐けないように 大丈夫、大丈夫 堪えたりしなくていいんだよ 私も一绪に泣いてあげる」 大丈夫 大丈夫 君が见つけてくれた 忘れかけてた仆の颜 「大丈夫、大丈夫」 それはまるで魔法のようだ ほら嘘吐きピエロはもう消えていなくなった

