
时间:2023-08-30 12:57:11编辑:coo君


1 reach —Caleigh peters

2 If I Had It My Way —Emma Roberts

3 get your shine on —Jesse mccartney

4 you set me free —Michelle branch

5 Reachin' For Heaven— Diana DiGarmo

6 no one —Aly and Aj

7 It's Oh So Quiet— Lucy Woodward

8 get up— Superchick

9 i fly — Hayden Panettiere

10 Just a Dream —Jump 5

11 bump —Raven symone

12 There Is No Alternative —Tina Sugandh

13 unwritten— Natasha beddingfield






电影冰上公主米主演米歇尔·崔切伯格(16张)  凯茜希望自己可以象妮基、蒂芬尼和吉恩(海登·潘妮迪尔饰)这三个出色的滑冰神童代表美国参加花样滑冰的巡回表演。   不安和焦躁经常困惑着凯茜,但是幸运之神也同时在向她招手。最后的机会帮助凯茜登上本地的溜冰场,欣喜若狂的她终于可以与其他优秀的选手同场竞技了,滑冰的小天才以近似疯狂的旋转吸引了众人的瞩目。   凯茜得到了与傲慢的吉恩一起训练的机会,并得到吉恩的母亲兼教练蒂娜(吉姆·坎特拉尔饰)的专业指导。蒂娜是一名花样滑冰前世界冠军,现在的目光转向培养下一代世界冠军。严师出高徒,凯茜开头的喜悦心情马上又被改变了,课程和训练频繁冲突,甜蜜与眼泪伴随着她。为了继续追逐自己的梦想,凯茜还必须冲出母亲的包围圈,她的现实生活情不自禁地陷入到这样的一个世界:冰上的旋转腾空、跳跃转体与好友、男友之间展开了残酷的竞争。在溜冰场,凯茜喜欢上了吉恩哥哥磨冰机工人泰德,从泰德身上她得到了浪漫体验到了爱。   凭借坚韧不拔的决心和艰苦努力的训练,凯茜成为夺得巡回赛冠军的最有力竞争者。比赛临近了,凯茜的信心开始激扬,她要靠自己的完美舞姿证明自己是真正的冰上公主。


1985年10月11日出生在纽约 ,传记刚过20岁的米雪儿·崔切伯格已经拥有了自己固定的影迷群,这个出生在纽约的年轻姑娘在11岁的时候就已经进入演艺圈,拍摄过很多广告和电视节目之后,米雪儿担纲演出了电影《小小小间谍》,并和马修·布罗德里克一起主演了卖座搞笑片《G型神探》。



绝命圣诞夜 Black Christmas (2006)
绝命圣诞夜 Black Christmas (2006)
冰上公主 Ice Princess (2005)
神秘肌肤 Mysterious Skin (2004)
G型神探 Inspector Gadget (1999)

5,跪求 冰雪公主 百度云免费在线观看资源

链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1A5cEX1EeR40PcEoSdfPw3Q 提取码:bg7b 作品相关简介:冰雪公主》是由蒂姆·费威尔执导,梅格·卡波特、哈雷·戴维斯编剧,米歇尔·崔切伯格、琼·库萨克主演的励志喜剧电影,于2005年3月18日在美国上映。该片讲述了女孩凯茜在母亲、教练以及男友的帮助下,努力实现自己花样滑冰冠军梦的励志故事。


《丑女大翻身》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Cn_YRkJK1Qhuw9ssX2Jj2g 提取码: sqs2 《丑女大翻身》导演: 金容华编剧: 卢惠英、金容华主演: 金雅中、朱镇模、林玄植、金贤淑、李汉威、朴努植、金勇健、成东日、徐润、郑允类型: 喜剧、爱情制片国家/地区: 韩国语言: 韩语上映日期: 2006-12-14(韩国)片长: 120分钟又名: 美女的烦恼、Beautiful Girl、Minyeo-neun goerowo、200磅美女、200 Pounds Beauty、美女也伤心身高169cm,体重95kg的韩娜(金雅中 饰)是个向往爱情的普通女子,她拥有动听的嗓子,可是只能做歌手亚美的幕后代唱。她暗恋着制作人韩尚俊(朱镇模 饰),尚俊十分欣赏她的嗓音,可是她深明尚俊是不会喜欢丑陋的自己的。韩娜决定到美容院整容,整形成功后,她便参加了新任歌手的选拔。动听的嗓音同样吸引了尚俊,决定把她捧红。她害怕尚俊会认得她,更为自己起了个名字叫珍妮。珍妮很快便窜红了。亚美感到自己的地位受到威胁,于是开始调查珍妮的身世。众人都知道了珍妮的故事,可她无法面对支持她的歌迷,在台上一反常态,她感觉自己失去了自我,到底接下来她将如何面对突如其来的改变呢?


芭蕾:斋藤千穗“芭蕾娃娃”和“蝶梦芭蕾”;清水玲子“月光迷情”(这个勉强也算吧……)曾田正人“舞吧!昴!”(这个是少年漫画 不过跳芭蕾的女主角真的是非常强)
音乐(小提琴钢琴):斋藤千穗"花音"ETC... 银盘万花筒 主要是以女主角的精彩的花样滑冰为看点,以及一个帅气的男鬼魂的少女漫画


主题曲以及插曲  1 reach —Caleigh peters  2 If I Had It My Way —Emma Roberts  3 get your shine on —Jesse mccartney  4 you set me free —Michelle branch  5 Reachin' For Heaven— Diana DiGarmo  6 no one —Aly and Aj  7 It's Oh So Quiet— Lucy Woodward  8 get up— Superchick  9 i fly — Hayden Panettiere   10 Just a Dream —Jump 5  11 bump —Raven symone  12 There Is No Alternative —Tina Sugandh  13 unwritten— Natasha beddingfield

9,Natasha Bedingfield - Unwritten歌词中文意思

I Am Unwritten, Can't Read My Mind, I'm Undefined
I'm Just Beginning, The Pen's In My Hand, Ending Unplanned

Staring At The Blank Page Before You, Open Up The Dirty Window
Let The Sun Illuminate The Words That You Could Not Find
Reaching For Something In The Distance
So Close You Can Almost Taste It
Release Your Inhibitions

Feel The Rain On Your Skin
No One Else Can Feel It For You
Only You Can Let It In
No One Else, No One Else
Can Speak The Words On Your Lips
Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken
Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open
Today Is Where Your Book Begins
The Rest Is Still Unwritten

Oh, Oh

I Break Tradition, Sometimes My Tries, Are Outside The Lines (yeh yeh)
We've Been Conditioned To Not Make Mistakes, But I Can't Live That Way (oh oh)

Staring At The Blank Page Before You, Open Up The Dirty Window
Let The Sun Illuminate The Words That You Could Not Find
Reaching For Something In The Distance
So Close You Can Almost Taste It
Release Your Inhibitions

Feel The Rain On Your Skin
No One Else Can Feel It For You
Only You Can Let It In
No One Else, No One Else
Can Speak The Words On Your Lips
Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken
Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open
Today Is Where Your Book Begins

Feel The Rain On Your Skin
No One Else Can Feel It For You
Only You Can Let It In
No One Else, No One Else
Can Speak The Words On Your Lips
Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken
Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open
Today Is Where Your Book Begins
The Rest Is Still Unwritten

Staring At The Blank Page Before You, Open Up The Dirty Window
Let The Sun Illuminate The Words That You Could Not Find
Reaching For Something In The Distance
So Close You Can Almost Taste It
Release Your Inhibitions

Feel The Rain On Your Skin
No One Else Can Feel It For You
Only You Can Let It In
No One Else, No One Else
Can Speak The Words On Your Lips
Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken
Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open
Today Is Where Your Book Begins

Feel The Rain On Your Skin
No One Else Can Feel It For You
Only You Can Let It In
No One Else, No One Else
Can Speak The Words On Your Lips
Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken
Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open
Today Is Where Your Book Begins
The Rest Is Still Unwritten
The Rest Is Still Unwritten




伸手拿一件在很远的东西in the distance [简明英汉词典]

10,Natasha Bedingfield --Unwritten的歌词

I Am Unwritten, Can't Read My Mind, I'm Undefined
I'm Just Beginning, The Pen's In My Hand, Ending Unplanned

Staring At The Blank Page Before You, Open Up The Dirty Window
Let The Sun Illuminate The Words That You Could Not Find
Reaching For Something In The Distance
So Close You Can Almost Taste It
Release Your Inhibitions

Feel The Rain On Your Skin
No One Else Can Feel It For You
Only You Can Let It In
No One Else, No One Else
Can Speak The Words On Your Lips
Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken
Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open
Today Is Where Your Book Begins
The Rest Is Still Unwritten

Oh, Oh

I Break Tradition, Sometimes My Tries, Are Outside The Lines (yeh yeh)
We've Been Conditioned To Not Make Mistakes, But I Can't Live That Way (oh oh)

Staring At The Blank Page Before You, Open Up The Dirty Window
Let The Sun Illuminate The Words That You Could Not Find
Reaching For Something In The Distance
So Close You Can Almost Taste It
Release Your Inhibitions

Feel The Rain On Your Skin
No One Else Can Feel It For You
Only You Can Let It In
No One Else, No One Else
Can Speak The Words On Your Lips
Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken
Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open
Today Is Where Your Book Begins

Feel The Rain On Your Skin
No One Else Can Feel It For You
Only You Can Let It In
No One Else, No One Else
Can Speak The Words On Your Lips
Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken
Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open
Today Is Where Your Book Begins
The Rest Is Still Unwritten

Staring At The Blank Page Before You, Open Up The Dirty Window
Let The Sun Illuminate The Words That You Could Not Find
Reaching For Something In The Distance
So Close You Can Almost Taste It
Release Your Inhibitions

Feel The Rain On Your Skin
No One Else Can Feel It For You
Only You Can Let It In
No One Else, No One Else
Can Speak The Words On Your Lips
Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken
Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open
Today Is Where Your Book Begins

Feel The Rain On Your Skin
No One Else Can Feel It For You
Only You Can Let It In
No One Else, No One Else
Can Speak The Words On Your Lips
Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken
Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open
Today Is Where Your Book Begins
The Rest Is Still Unwritten
The Rest Is Still Unwritten

Yeah Yeah...


是不是 《冰雪公主》【内容简介】







「I'm ALIVE!」作词:BECCA、Meredith Brooks作曲:TABO编曲:Chris Satriani歌:BECCANothing I say comes out right,I can't love without a fight,No one ever knows my name,When I pray for sun, it rains.I'm so sick of wasting time,But nothing's moving in my mind,Inspiration can't be found,I get up and fall but,I'm Alive, I'm Alive, oh yeahBetween the good and bad is where you'll find me,Reaching for heaven.I will fight, and I'll sleep when I die,I'll live my life, I'm Alive!Every lover breaks my heart,And I know it from the start,Still I end up in a mess,Every time I second guess.All my friends just run away,When I'm having a bad day,I would rather stay in bed, but I know there's a reason.I'm Alive, I'm Alive, oh yeahBetween the good and bad is where you'll find me,Reaching for heaven.I will fight, and I'll sleep when I die,I'll live my life, I'm Alive!When I'm bored to death at home,When he won't pick up the phone,When I'm stuck in second place,Those regrets I can't erase.Only I can change the end,Of the movie in my head,There's no time for misery,I won't feel sorry for me.I'm Alive, I'm Alive, oh yeahBetween the good and bad is where youll find me,Reaching for heaven.I will fight, and I'll sleep when I die,I'll live my life, ohhhh!I'm Alive, I'm Alive, oh yeahBetween the good and bad is where you'll find me,Reaching for heaven.I will fight, and I'll sleep when I die,I'll live my life,I'll live my life,I'm Alive!



原声下载: http://music.cbbn.net/cd_content.php?cd_id=3671

I Fly

(冰雪公主ice princess主题曲)

Six a.m.
Radio Playing
Stumble out of bed,
Running out the door
A brand new day
Never thought I'd have this feeling
Never thought I'd get this far
But I'm okay.....

And I fly
I reach out my hands and touch the sky
That's right in front of me
And I try
Just let go, relax, enjoy the ride
And I feel free
When I fly
Thinkin' back
When there were days
I could barely make it out the door
So much doubt
Changed my mind
Change my ways
Wasn't gonna do this anymore
I turned around...

And I fly
I reach out my hands and touch the sky
That's right in front of me
And I try
Just let go, relax, enjoy the ride
And I feel free
Like a butterfly
Who lost his soul
I choose not to hide

And I fly
I close my eyes and kiss the sky
That's right in front of me
And I try
Just let back, relax, enjoy the ride
And I feel free
I reach out my hands and touch the sky
That's right in front of me
Just let go, relax, enjoy the ride
And I feel free
When I fly...


Sometimes it seems like you’re falling
Falling out of the sky
Sometimes it feels like you’re slipping
And running out of time
And that’s when you’ve gotta throw it all away
All of the things that people say
And all of the doubts that fill your mind
Don’t belong there

Whatever you do, you’ll never be wrong
As long as you reach for it
When you reach for it, nothing's to far
And it's never to long, as long as you reach for it
You can dream on it, everywhere it's there

Sometimes I can be stupid
I can get out of line
But most times you know what I’m doing
It's not like some big surprise
Oh and I, I just wanna to make you understand
That bailing on me isn’t in my plans
And all of the doubts that fill my mind
Don’t belong there.

Whatever you do, you’ll never be wrong
As long as you reach for it
When you reach for it, nothing's to far
And it's never to long, as long as you reach for it
You can dream on it, everywhere

There’s so much distance
Between what you want and what you’ve got
But if you really want it, it's your life
So, you gotta try
You’ve gotta fly

Whatever you do, you’ll never be wrong
You can reach for it
You can reach for it

It's never to far and it's never to long
As long as you reach for it.
You can dream on it, everywhere
All you gotta do is reach for it(Everywhere)
All you gotta do is reach for it

Whatever you do, you’ll never be wrong
As long as you reach for it
When you reach for it, nothing's to far
And it's never to long, as long as you reach for it
You can dream on it, everywhere


If i have my way

Oh Yeah
I look around and see the possibilities
you know it's fun to be me
Never fit the crowd
Nothing gets me down
Never scared to dddream
And if I hear something can't be done
I'm gonna prove them wrong
Make everybody pay be-lieve
That if I had the chance I could change it (oh oh)
That's what I am ready to see

If I had it my way
I would make new rules, that sounds cool
People say I am crazy, they don't understand who I am
If I had it my way
I would change the world, just one girl
If I had it my way(yeah ooh yea)

I've gotta buzz in me
That no one ever sees
It's in the attitude(yeah)
I am gonna find a way
No matter what they say
I do what I gotta do

'Cuz when I hear something can't be done
That only makes me strong
It happens every time
I can take a situation going wrong (yeah)
And make it turn alright

If I had it my way
I would make new rules, that sounds cool
People say I am crazy, they don't understand who I am
If I had it my way
I would change the world, just one girl
If I had it my way(yeah ooh yea)

Nanah nanah nanah nah
I can do anything (anything)
Nanah nanah nanah nah
Just watch me(just watch me)

If I had it my way I would make new rules(yeah)
That sounds cool(ooh)
People say I am crazy, they don't understand who I am
If I had it my way
I would change the world (oh yeah)
Just one girl
If I had it my way

If I had it my way I would make new rules(yeah)
That sounds cool(ooh)
People say I am crazy, they don't understand who I am
If I had it my way
I would change the world (oh yeah)
Just one girl
If I had it my way

Get Your Shine On

Everybody here is feeling your vibe
eyes glued, hands up
cause you're doin it right
Everybody gets their chance to shine
So, dont be shy now
Did you know that everyone's a star?
Big time, it dont matter who you are
Flip the beat and we're switchin it up
Yeah it's your time to...
Get your get your...
Get your shine on
Get your get your...
get your shine on
Get your get your...
get your shine on
Too hot.. too hot
Get your get your...
get your shine on
Get your get your...
get your shine on
Get your get your...
get your shine on
Dont stop Dont stop...

What you doin up agaisnt the wall?
You know you wanna dance
Or you wouldnt be here at all
Everybody's got it goin on and on and on
It's on tonight, yeah
Show a little...
You know I like it when you...
Everybody wanna...
Get your get your...
Get your shine on
Get your get your...
get your shine on
Get your get your...
get your shine on
Too hot.. too hot
Get your get your...
get your shine on
Get your get your...
get your shine on
Get your get your...
get your shine on
Dont stop Dont stop...
It's time to party
Time to show what you can do.
Everyone should
It makes you feel good
You can... you will... you know...
You've got the moves
Oh, c'mon
Everybody here is feeling your vibe
eyes glued, hands up
cause you're doin it right
Everybody gets their chance to shine
So, dont be shy now
Show a little...
You know I like it when you...
Everybody wanna...
Show a little...
You know I like it when you...
Everybody wanna...
Get your get your...
Get your shine on
Get your get your...
get your shine on
Get your get your...
get your shine on
Too hot.. too hot
Get your get your...
get your shine on
Get your get your...
get your shine on
Get your get your...
get your shine on
Dont stop Dont stop...
Get your shine on
Get your get your...
get your shine on
Get your get your...
get your shine on
Too hot.. too hot

You set me free

Can't you see?
There's a feeling that's come over me
Close my eyes
You're the only one that leaves me completely breathless

No need to wonder why
Sometimes a gift like this you can't deny

Cause I wanted to fly,
So you gave me your wings
And time held it's breath so I could see, yeah
And you set me free

There's a will
There's a way
Sometimes words just can't explain
This is real
I'm afraid
I guess this time there's just no hiding, fighting
You make me restless

You're in my heart
The only light that shines there in the dark

Cause I wanted to fly,
So you gave me your wings
And time held it's breath so I could see, yeah
And you set me free When I was alone
You came around
When I was down
You pulled me through
And there's nothing that
I wouldn't do for you

Cause I wanted to fly
So you gave me your wings(so you gave me your wings)
And time held it's breath so I could see(so I could see)
Cause I wanted to fly
So you gave me your wings(so you gave me your wings)
And time held it's breath so I could see, yeah
And you set me free

reaching for heaven

All my life
There was just me and my dreams
And the days when ticking by the beat of my heart
Spend my nights
Wondering how it would feel
When the waiting would end
And tommorow would start
Suddenly i see a light
Out of the darkness i'm cominn alive...

So this is how it feels reachin' for heaven
This is how it feels kissing the sky
This is what it means touchin' for heaven
Like a phoneix rising from the flames
I'm reachin' for heaven

All this time io never knew i was so stong
But you maked me find the fire
Now it was there all along
In your eyes i can see all i can be
Suddenly i want it all
I know you'll catch me if ever i fall

So this is how it feels reachin' for heaven
This is how it feels kissing the sky
This is what it means touchin' for heaven
Like a phoneix rising from the flames
I'm reachin' for heaven

You alone have shown me
shining new horizons
Now for all I owe you,
it’s my turn to show you

This is how it feels reachin' for heaven
This is how it feels kissing the sky
This is what it means touchin' for heaven
Like a phoneix rising from the flames
I'm reachin' for heaven
Reachin' for heaven

This is how it feels kissing the sky
This is what it means touchin' for heaven
Like a phoneix rising from the flames
I'm reachin' for heaven
Reachin' for heaven


No one

I am moving through the crowd
Trying to find myself
Feel like a guitar that's never played
Will someone strum away?

And I ask myself
Who do I wanna be
Do I wanna throw away the key
And invent a whole new me
And I tell myself
No One, no one
Don't wanna be
No one
But me...

You are moving through the crowd
Trying to find yourself
Feel like a guitar left on a shelf
Will someone take you down?

And you ask yourself
Who do I wanna be?
Do I wanna throw away the key?
And invent a whole new me
Gotta tell yourself
No One, No One
Don't wanna be
No One
But me..

Your life lays out on the shadows of the wall
You turn the light on to erase it all
You wonder what it's like to not feel worthless
So open all the blinds and turn the curtains

No one, no one
Don't wanna be
No one
But me...

oh so quiet

It's, oh, so quiet
sshhh shhhh
It's, oh, so still
shhhhh shhhh
You're all alone
shhhh shhh
And so peaceful until...

You fall in love
Zing boom
The sky up above
Zing boom
Is caving in
Wow bam
You've never been so nuts about a guy
You wanna laugh you wanna cry
You cross your heart and hope to die

'Til it's over and then
shhhhh shhhh
It's nice and quiet
shhhhh shhhhh
But soon again
shhhhhh shhhhh
Starts another big riot

You blow a fuse
Zing boom
The devil cuts loose
Zing boom
So what's the use
Wow bam
Of falling in love

It's, oh, so quiet
It's, oh, so still
You're all alone
And so peaceful until...

You ring the bell
Bim bam
You shout and you yell
Hi ho ho
You broke the spell
Gee, this is swell you almost have a fit
This guy is 'gorge' and I got hit
There's no mistake this is it

'Til it's over and then
It's nice and quiet
shhhhh shhhhh
But soon again
shhhhh shhhhh
Starts another big riot

You blow a fuse
Zing boom
The devil cuts loose
Zing boom
What's the use
Wow bam
Of falling in love

The sky caves in
The devil cuts loose
You blow blow blow blow blow your fuse
When you've fallen in love

Get up

i'm not afraid to fall
it means i climbed up high
to fall is not to fail
you fail when you don't try
i'm not afraid to fall
i might just learn to fly
and i will spread these wings of mine

if i get up i might fall back down again
so lets get up c'mon
if i get up i might fall back down again
we get up anyway
if i get up i might fall back down again
so lets get up c'mon
if i get up i might fall back down again
and i might fall back down again
and we'll just jump and see
even if its the 20th time
we'll just jump and see if we can fly

i'm not afraid to fall
and here i told you so
don't want to rock the boat
but i just had to know
just a greener side
or can i touch the sky
but either way i will try

if i get up i might fall back down again
so lets get up c'mon
if i get up i might fall back down again
we get up anyway
if i get up i might fall back down again
so lets get up c'mon
if i get up i might fall back down again
and i might fall back down again
and we'll just jump and see
even if its the 30th time
we'll just jump and see if we can fly

i'm not afraid to fall
i've fallen many times
they laughed when i fell down
but i have dared to climb
i'm not afraid to fall
i know i'll fall again
but i can win this in the end

if i get up i might fall back down again
so lets get up c'mon
if i get up i might fall back down again
we get up anyway
if i get up i might fall back down again
so lets get up c'mon
if i get up i might fall back down again
and i might fall back down again
and we'll just jump and see
even if its the 40th time
we'll just jump and see if we can fly

if i get up i might fall back down again
so lets get up c'mon
if i get up i might fall back down again
we get up anyway
if i get up i might fall back down again
so lets get up c'mon
if i get up i might fall back down again
and i might fall back down again

Just a dream

When I look in your eyes
I see a whole different sky
Like I've never seen before
And when I hear your voice
It's like a song that I can
Listen to o', over again

It's so crazy how you make me go crazy
Every time that I'm near you

Cause you're just a dream
This is my reality
Totally insanity
If I could be in your dream
All I wanna do is be with you be with you
You're just a dream
Just a dream

When I picture the world
It takes me to the sun
I think about the way you smile
And the words that you say
Always seem to change
The world that I've been living in

It's so crazy how you make me go crazy
Every time that I'm near you

Cause you're just a dream
This is my reality
Totally insanity
If I could be in your dream
All I wanna do is be with you be with you
You're just a dream
Just a dream
You're just a dream
Just a dream yeah

More than my imagination could ever see
You're just a dream
If I could be with you

You're just a dream
This is my reality
Totally insanity
If I could be in your dream
All I wanna do is be with you be with you
Cause You're just a dream
This is my reality
Totally insanity
If I could be in your dream
All I wanna do is be with you be with you
Be with you
You're just a dream
Oh whoa you're just a dream
Just a dream


Too low
Turn it up some more
Too chill
To get us on the floor

Hot jam
Where's the volume at
Make it loud
Loud as it can get

You say
Bump up the groove
You say
Makes you move

So big
Walls start to shake
Come on
You like
All you can take

You say you wannna get a little bump in here
Shaking the room, give it the boom
You say you wanna get a little bump in here
It's all good.
You gotta listen when the girls say
Everybody get a little bump in here
Level to ten, bump it again
Say you wannna get a little bump in here
It's all good
You gotta listen when the boys say

Phatt beat
Like to feel the drops
Never gonna stop

The heat is on
Turn it up some more
I know
What you're waiting for

You say
Bump up the jam
Push it
Loud as you can

So big
House starts to shake
Walls start to break

You say you wannna get a little bump in here
Shaking the room, give it the boom
You say you wanna get a little bump in here
It's all good
You gotta listen when the girls say
Everybody get a little bump in here
Level to ten, bump it again
Say you wannna get a little bump in here

It's all good
You gotta listen when the boys say

Bump it in the big ride...gotta get the party on
Ready for the good time...we'll be jammin all night long
Even in the head phones...gotta get it loud enough
Never keep it too low...put it on the big ones and pump it up

repeat **×3
repeat *

there is no alternative

*Indian music*
Trapt inside an ugly life
Stuck in my cuccoon
I needed some wings to make it right
I had to fly away real soon
I busted out and headed straight
And now im loving life
Cause nothing can get in my way
Im the pretiest thing in the sky

Break me,break me
You think you can take me, take me

oooh your wrong,wrong
You've been held down too long,long
I'm gonna gone, gone
Cause this is the way I wanna live
There is no alternative

All the colors of the world

