
时间:2023-09-01 19:43:08编辑:coo君


With the wide range of Internet applications, dynamic web technologies emerged. ASP (Active Server Page) is a server-side scripting environment, can be used to create and run dynamic Web pages or Web applications. ASP.net is not just a version of ASP, it is a universal language based on procedural framework, a Web server can be used to build powerful Web applications.
Blog (Blog) is to network as a carrier, easy quickly and easily publish their ideas, timely and effective to communicate easily with others, and then set a variety of customized display in one integrated platform. Blog is more than a one-way distribution system, it has very good communication capabilities, the information of public and private good combination. Through the blog, users can express themselves on the Internet articles written and other users on topics of common interest to communicate. Personal blog system is the application of ASP technology development and implementation of dynamic web page, the background data used to manage XML database. The system has user registration, browsing and publishing blog posts and comments, the article category management, blog link management, search and Bowen set management, users can be registered after the published articles in the blog and comments.
This personal blog system on the overall analysis, clearly the feasibility of the system and user needs; according to the Principle of Modular, planning the design of the system function modules; in database design part, detailing the structure of database and database integrity, security measures; programming is object-oriented programming using design thinking, systematic procedures for design ideas, on the front and back-office functions of the program realization are discussed in detail; system testing part of a detailed analysis of testing the main issues arising in the process, and proposed solutions to achieve system functionality. Finally, the system as an objective, comprehensive evaluation, and recommendations for further improvement.


fraud as a corporate actions, in economic life, in classical long-standing, it has become a hot spot in the market economy. Accounting fraud is refers to the act to obtain illegitimate interests for the purpose, in a planned way, targeted and purposefully intentionally violate the principle, authenticity in violation of laws, regulations, policies and regulations and rules to regulate, the behavior of the accounting information distortion. Accounting information has the economic consequences for accounting report to enterprise, government, trade unions, investors and creditors decision-making behavior have different effects, and these individuals and groups the consequences of actions may affect the interests of other groups. Accounting information disclosure also has the potential for many economic consequences, such as the distribution of wealth between individuals, between enterprise and distribution of resources etc, thus false accounting information will bring great harm. This paper analyzes the existing enterprise accounting fraud of the causes of phenomena, and its dangers, and on this basis, according to the different reasons put forward the corresponding countermeasures.
Keywords: accounting fraud, the accounting information authenticity, and economic consequences, the harm, counterm


The importance of the third party logistics and the existing problems

Over the past few decades, the logistics of enterprise in the market could win the decisive role has become more and more obvious. Essentially, the enterprises in market performance is mainly composed of product quality, price and supply of products, including three factors that determine any factors on the competitive power of enterprises are play an important role, and the three factors are directly affected by the influence of logistics respectively. The world economy will be in for industrial, suppliers, customers, trade and logistics corporation, one of the production and sales of logistics company is an inevitable trend in the development of logistics industry. Each participant third-party logistics supply chain to bring many benefits and convenience, thus greatly welcomed by a huge market potential, and will become the mainstream of the next century, this paper will logistics from several aspects.


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从2个中文译本来看,王佐良的译文在语言风格上颇与原文契合,与莎士比亚同时代的培根使用的英语具有半文半白的特征,王译以同样半文半白的汉语来翻译,徐徐品评之际兰西斯•培根(Francis Bacon)是英国17世纪著名思想家、政治家和经验主义哲学家,他那简短精悍的小品文与义理精深的哲学著作一样闻名于世,《论美》(Of Beauty)是其代表作之一,它语言简洁、内涵深刻、充满哲理。
Judging from the two Chinese translations in the translation, language style, zuoliang fit with the original quite on the contemporary with Shakespeare used English has BanWenBanBai Bacon, in the same WangYi characteristics Of BanWenBanBai Chinese to translation, slowly the sith somtinmes Francis Bacon (Syria, Bacon) is a famous British 17th century thinker, politicians and empiric philosophers, his brief the profound philosophical essays are with the philosophical works is famous for the same on Beauty, Beauty "(Of) is one Of his masterpiece, it in simple language, deep intension, full Of philosophy.

From the original ideological content and style and see

“雅、庄重并使译文具有正式文体的韵味。而曹明伦先生更多采用现代词汇,如“假如”,“而且”,“仍然”等,与王佐良Of Beauty”是英国著名哲学家、文学家培根的说理散文。
"Elegant, grave and to make the translation has formal style lasting appeal. And Mr. CaoMingLun adopts modern vocabulary, such as more" if "and" but ", "still" etc, and Beauty "Of British zuoliang famous philosophers, astronomers bacon reasons things out the prose.

This paper education, learning kind of belonging to this text, therefore words of formal, rigorous is.

This article on the bacon, dapper beauty of concise language expression by vivid the comprehension of beauty.

其语言属于早期现代英语, 其措辞和句法与当代英语有所不同,如:文言词err的使用,动词第三人称加th: hath,maketh。
Its language belongs to the early modern English, its words and syntax and contemporary English vary, such as the use of words: wen err, "third person" hath, add th: maketh.

These vocabulary and syntax features a quaint gives the original colors.

从题材上看, 原文属于教育、学习一类的论述型语篇。
Look from subject education, learning, the original belongs to this kind of discourse.

This kind of theme discourse appropriate USES grave, formal language.

在句法方面, 原文运用了许多比喻和对偶的句式,如 A。。。。
In the syntax, the original metaphor and use A lot of sentence, such as A dual...

These vocabulary and syntax characteristic reflects the original officially, grave and elegant style characteristics.

Two comparison of the translation and style

1 文体内容的对等性
1 style content equivalent of the sex

Since the theory of formal beauty belongs to the sexual prose, Mr. Wang zuoliang satire of literal translation main chose to make the translation methods, because literal translation more faithful to the original version, can manifest the original grave rigorous language style.

Mr. CaoMingLun is more USES is free translation, make the version straightaway.

Meanwhile Mr. Wang zuoliang by Chinese translation of writings inclassical style again.

In the process of translation, there are many words, such as ", is ", "also", "cover" and "then" etc, the classical Chinese vocabulary refining, compared the term Mr Slightly procrastination ignored the original grave formal language style.

Through the comparison of the translated translation can be seen Mr. Wang zuoliang, speech patterns dapper JianZhi deep, make the original content and form accurately reproduce, have really realized according to the original, cut the elegance of tone as if, like, style of.

', L

2. 语言措辞方面
2. The language of rhetoric

Wang zuoliang without extra superfluous words, reflect the original language style concise.

Instead, Mr CaoMingLun terms in concise, more procrastination in stark contrast degree than Mr. Wang zuoliang translations of inferior.

3. The comparison rhetoric

原文:And therefore they prove accomplished,but riot of great spirit;
Text: And you created to riot. Pretty, survival of related;

and study rather behavior,than virtue.
And jack's behavior, than of.

Wang zuoliang translation: so handsome have just without ambition. Newly without heavy DE.

CaoMingLun translation: so much of the democratic world body without spiritual nobility perfect bloom, notice more without notice its virtue.

In the process of translation in Mr. Wang zuoliang adopted dual rhetoric gimmick, make sentence symmetric and neatly, the ideographic concise, rich rhythm, and easy to read. Rhyming two-syllable memory.

But Mr CaoMingLun embodied not out these translation side


Finally, through the contrast with Mr CaoMingLun translation.

From four aspects of Mr. Wang zuoliang roughly analysed the translation of the theory of some characteristics of beauty.

Mr. Wang zuoliang translations of wording refining, sentence is consistent, making choices.fluent description. Reproduced the original language style and special


Translation in form and content with the characteristics of the original, can be called both appearance. The excellent work.

Wang zuoliang translation is the evidence of translation theory, namely "the translation as far as possible, when necessary, literal translation; any good translation is always the combination of the translation and literal translation";

"Everything according to the original, composed of such as, depth, the tone of the genre, such as"

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Two NPN transistors T1 and T2 and T3 is a PNP transistor configured as a highly sensitive voltage amplifier.
This configuration still uses the pre-stage recorder and sound sense of the tiny magnetic pick-up signals from the head. It performs the same function is used to zoom in here from a small piezo buzzer B1 of the electrical signal.

Piezoelectric buzzer sound output is usually converted into electrical oscillations. However, this track is just the opposite in the cable mode of operation. Here, it is used to sense the external sound vibrations and convert them into electrical impulses.
Obtaining the appropriate stage, through the transistor amplifier, the pulse is smooth filter and capacitor C1, and eventually reach a stage of closed circuit composed of transistors T4 and T5.

Feel the pulse of receiving input, receiving the necessary bias transistor T4, and immediately.
Transistor switch viscosity also instantly expire by T4 to the base voltage of the receiver. A feedback voltage at the same time returned to base T4 by the viscosity and latch circuit to trigger alarm and a good external circuit. In the car horn alarm type can be used here.

Start the alarm sound can be stopped only turn off the device.

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