
时间:2023-09-09 05:20:53编辑:coo君


Where are you going?这是最简单的翻译答案,如果你还想要多的翻译,建议你最好去下载一个语音翻译器,这是我最近一直在使用的翻译软件,支持十几种语言的翻译,并且有语音翻译和文本翻译两种翻译模式,都支持中文外语相互翻译功能。英汉互译操作步骤: 1:打开翻译工具,在语音翻译和文本翻译两种翻译模式中选择一种自己喜爱的翻译模式,这两种翻译模式都有语音播放的功能,我们可以根据自己的需要进行选择,小编通常喜欢使用语音翻译模式。2:选择语种,在源语种和目标语种的选择上,源语种我们有中文和中文繁体两种选择,即使你的口语是粤语也能帮你正常翻译,目标语种我们选择英语即可。3:开始翻译,点击一下左下角的中文按钮,进入录音页面,然后将手机靠近嘴边开始说话,录音完成后点击最下角的完成按钮,开始进行翻译。4:翻译结果页面,翻译结果会在语音播放的同时出现一个带有文字的文本框,而文本框中有个语音播放按钮,点击可以重复播放这段英语翻译。5:汉英在线翻译互译功能,当对方开始说话时,点击最下角的英文标志按钮开始进行录音,录音完成后点击翻译按钮,进入英文翻译中文页面。


I plan to(或intend to) go somewhere else for travel(这里我用名词,所以不加ing了) in summer holiday this year, I want to travel in Hainan Island . I'm looking forward to seeing the sea and swimming in the sea. On summer holiday ,I also need to enroll in supplementary lessons because my English and maths are not good. I hope I could be better。
enroll in supplementary lessons是我查来的,意思是补习功课,但是一般都说“help sb. with +某科目”帮某人补习功课的。
希望能够给你帮助!That's all!




With the wide range of Internet applications, dynamic web technologies emerged. ASP (Active Server Page) is a server-side scripting environment, can be used to create and run dynamic Web pages or Web applications. ASP.net is not just a version of ASP, it is a universal language based on procedural framework, a Web server can be used to build powerful Web applications.
Blog (Blog) is to network as a carrier, easy quickly and easily publish their ideas, timely and effective to communicate easily with others, and then set a variety of customized display in one integrated platform. Blog is more than a one-way distribution system, it has very good communication capabilities, the information of public and private good combination. Through the blog, users can express themselves on the Internet articles written and other users on topics of common interest to communicate. Personal blog system is the application of ASP technology development and implementation of dynamic web page, the background data used to manage XML database. The system has user registration, browsing and publishing blog posts and comments, the article category management, blog link management, search and Bowen set management, users can be registered after the published articles in the blog and comments.
This personal blog system on the overall analysis, clearly the feasibility of the system and user needs; according to the Principle of Modular, planning the design of the system function modules; in database design part, detailing the structure of database and database integrity, security measures; programming is object-oriented programming using design thinking, systematic procedures for design ideas, on the front and back-office functions of the program realization are discussed in detail; system testing part of a detailed analysis of testing the main issues arising in the process, and proposed solutions to achieve system functionality. Finally, the system as an objective, comprehensive evaluation, and recommendations for further improvement.


The importance of the third party logistics and the existing problems

Over the past few decades, the logistics of enterprise in the market could win the decisive role has become more and more obvious. Essentially, the enterprises in market performance is mainly composed of product quality, price and supply of products, including three factors that determine any factors on the competitive power of enterprises are play an important role, and the three factors are directly affected by the influence of logistics respectively. The world economy will be in for industrial, suppliers, customers, trade and logistics corporation, one of the production and sales of logistics company is an inevitable trend in the development of logistics industry. Each participant third-party logistics supply chain to bring many benefits and convenience, thus greatly welcomed by a huge market potential, and will become the mainstream of the next century, this paper will logistics from several aspects.


如果按照正常的翻译,这段话应该翻译为:西瓜菠萝皮草莓我不知道楼主你翻译这段话有什么用,不过如果你翻译的话建议你下载一个翻译软件比较好,比如我一直在用的手机翻译软件 语音翻译器,这样就不用了害怕翻译问题了。拓展资料翻译器的使用步骤2:打开后选择的语音翻译模式,当然你如果喜欢使用文本翻译模式,也可以根据自己的爱好进行选择。3:选择语种,源语种可以选择中文,目标语种我们选择英语。选择英语的好处在于它的适用范围广,即使对方不是英国人也会懂几句英语。4:进行翻译,点击中文按钮,开始说话,录音完成后点击完成按钮,开始进入翻译页面5:翻译结果会以文字和语音两种形式出现,如果你喜欢语音播放,你可以点击文本框中的喇叭,进行重复播放。6:中英互译,点击左边的英文按钮,可以进行英语对中文的自由翻译。7:文本框编辑,点击文本框会出现多种编辑方式,比如收藏、复制、粘贴、上传、全屏展示等等,你可以自由选择。8:收藏夹,点击收藏夹,你可以在左上角的设置按钮中找到收藏夹按钮,在里面对自己收藏的文本进行各种编辑。













