
时间:2024-02-14 17:04:51编辑:coo君



Father's Day(每年六月的第三个星期日)



It began in the early 20th century, originated in the United States, and has been widely spread all over the world.The most extensive date is on the third Sunday of June every year, which is celebrated in 52 countries and regions in the world. There are various ways to celebrate the festival, most of which are related to gift giving, family dinner or activities.



On father's day, people choose specific flowers to express their respect and yearning for their father. People take Mrs. Dodd's advice to wear red roses to show their love to their father who is still alive, while wearing white roses to express their mourning for their dead father. This custom has been handed down to this day. At the beginning of father's day, the dates are different, and some places use dandelion as a symbol of father's day, In some places, white cloves lined with green leaves are used to pay homage to my father.



Different from the way people celebrate father's day in foreign countries, there are many ways to celebrate father's day in China. People express their gratitude to their father in different ways. Make specialty dishes, travel, give gifts; Using photos to express father daughter feelings; Take a little video with my father and so on.



1、The wish is father to the thought. 愿望是思想之父。

2、The child is father of the man. 三岁定到老。

3、Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子。

4、A miserly father makes a prodigal son. 有吝啬的父亲必有败家之子。

5、Many a good father hath but a bad son. 好父亲偏生不肖子。

6、The sins of the fathers are visited upon the children. 父辈的罪孽,会及子孙。

7、The father buys, the son bigs, the grandchild sells and his son thigs. 老子买地,儿子盖房,孙子卖产,重孙讨饭(big: build;thig: beg)。

8、Father earns and son spends. 老子挣钱儿子花(老子挑重担,儿子穿绸缎)。

9、One father is more than a hundred school-masters. 一个父亲胜于一百个教师。

10、One father can support ten children; the children cannot support one father. 一个父亲可以供应十个孩子,十个孩子却不能供养一个父亲。

