
时间:2024-03-14 19:05:20编辑:coo君


China International Travel Service Chongqing(short for CITS Chongqing) wasfounded in 1978. It’s the first travel agency catering to overseas tourists in Chongqing . It wasattached to Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipality before 1990s.Authorized by state-owned assets supervision and administration commission ofthe state council, the headquarter of CITS (STKLABEL: 601888), one of thecentral work committee for large enterprises, succeeded in full-capital buyoutof CITS Chongqing branch in 2010. Therefore, CITSChongqing officially became an affiliated company of the Central Enterprises. CITS Chongqing devotes itself to outboundtours, inbound tours, domestic tours, ITE MICE and various services based onagency by agreement. It has nearly 400 excellent employees, including touroperators and tour guides; and around 50 retail sales departments, spreadingover important areas of all districts and some counties. To meet the needs of variousmarkets, CITS Chongqing has introduced a series of classic domestic andoverseas tourist products at different standards; and has excellent and experienceddifferent language-speaking & popular dialect-speaking guides, includingEnglish, Germany, Japanese, Italian, Spanish and Indonesian; Cantonese, Teochewand Southern Fujian Dialect. Furthermore, CITS Chongqing develops a regular andirregular charter flight based on travel business with several internationalairlines. It maintains a long-term all-around collaboration with manylarge-scale enterprises and tail-made customized products for their businessconferences, travelling planning, incentive travel etc... CITS Chongqinghonorably became a chain catering industry of American Express in 2003. What’smore, it has been a qualified organization travel agency for ADS visas, suchas, United States, Great Britain, Australia,Singapore, Japan and many European countries.Over the past more than 30years after its foundation, CITS Chongqing gains good reputation both at homeand abroad by means of its capability, trustable and excellent service. It has received millionsof tourists, including world widely famous figures, just like Bill Gates, John Davison Rockefellerand Ka-shing Lee. It used to receive the largest-scale conference in Chongqing, which had over3000 participants, rented 9 deluxe boats and 88 deluxe coaches. CITS Chongqingis reputed as many titles of honor, such as, Top 100 Travel Agencies, Top 5Chongqing Local Agencies, the Most Trustable & the Most favorable TravelAgency in Chongqing etc… It has created several “No.1” in the history of Chongqing tourism.CITS Chongqing is a well-knownadvanced unit due to good state of operation, reliable financial system, observingdisciplines and obeying laws, paying customs duty according to the regulations. It’s worthy of commendation from the government for times.CITS Chongqing will make full use ofthe following advantages, abundant financial resources and online sales system,the trustable brand of CITS, in order to expand the market, consolidate theleading role of its kind and make due contribution to Chinese tourism and thepriority of national economy.


重庆中国国际旅行社(简称重庆国旅)成立于五十年代初期。2010年经国务院国资委批准,中央大型企业中国国际旅行社总社( 股票代码:中国国旅 601888 )全资收购重庆国旅,成为央企全资控股子公司。自重庆国旅成立至今的三十多年中,凭借其自身的实力和诚信优质的服务,公司在海内外享有极佳的声誉; 组织和接待中外游客数百万计,其中包括如比尔盖茨、洛克菲勒、李嘉诚等世界名流;也曾一次性接待人数达3000人的超大型旅游会议团队,共包租豪华游轮9艘、豪华大巴车88辆的全市历史上旅游接待之最。连续多年来,被评为全国百强、重庆市五强、重庆市区域重点旅行社、重庆市消费者信得过企业、重庆市最诚信旅行社、市民最喜爱旅行社、推动重庆经济发展杰出贡献旅游品牌、重庆十大金牌旅行社等多项荣誉称号,创造过重庆旅游业界发展史上的多个第一。重庆国旅经营状况优良、财务资信可靠、是旅行社行业中遵纪守法、照章纳税的先进企业,多次受到政府嘉奖。重庆中国国际旅行社将充分依靠中央企业资金实力雄厚、网络资源丰富和中国驰名商标“中国国旅”的优势,努力拓展市场、巩固行业领军地位,为中国旅游事业和国家经济繁荣作出我们的贡献。


体制创新--建立现代企业制度;  机制创新--以计算机网络技术整合传统经营方式;  管理创新--以财务管理为中心,加强成本核算,加强资金管理,提高经济效益;  发展创新--以旅游业为主,走旅、工、贸相结合的道路,以产品经营为主,走产品经营与资本运营相结合的道路;  服务创新--以客户为中心,开发新产品,以新产品为龙头,开拓新市场,不断提高服务质量。  未来五年,国旅仍然以旅行社为主营业务,不断向产业上下游延伸,向上控制客源,向下渗透资源,同时,扩展传统旅行社的服务内涵,成为国际上有影响力的中国第一旅游运营商。












