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William Golding戈尔丁简介

1911- 长篇小说:Lord of the Flies蝇王;The Inheritors继承人;Pincher Martin平却•马丁;The Spire塔尖;The Pyramid金字塔

in full Sir William Gerald Golding
born Sept. 19, 1911, St. Columb Minor, near Newquay, Cornwall, Eng.

died June 19, 1993, Perranarworthal, near Falmouth, Cornwall

• William Golding.
English novelist who in 1983 won the Nobel Prize for Literature for his parables of the human condition. He attracted a cult of followers, especially among the youth of the post-World War II generation.
Educated at Marlborough Grammar School, where his father taught, and at Brasenose College, Oxford, Golding graduated in 1935. After working in a settlement house and in small theatre companies, he became a schoolmaster at Bishop Wordsworth's School, Salisbury. He joined the Royal Navy in 1940, took part in the action that saw the sinking of the German battleship Bismarck, and commanded a rocket-launching craft during the invasion of France in 1944. After the war he resumed teaching at Bishop Wordsworth's until 1961.
Golding's first published novel was Lord of the Flies (1954; film 1963 and 1990), the story of a group of schoolboys isolated on a coral island who revert to savagery. Its imaginative and brutal depiction of the rapid and inevitable dissolution of social mores aroused widespread interest. The Inheritors (1955), set in the last days of Neanderthal man, is another story of the essential violence and depravity of human nature. The guilt-filled reflections of a naval officer, his ship torpedoed, who faces an agonizing death are the subject of Pincher Martin (1956). Two other novels, Free Fall (1959) and The Spire (1964), also demonstrate Golding's belief that “man produces evil as a bee produces honey.” Darkness Visible (1979) tells the story of a boy horribly burned in the London blitz during World War II. His later works include Rites of Passage (1980), which won the Booker McConnell Prize, and its sequels, Close Quarters (1987) and Fire Down Below (1989). Golding was knighted in 1988.

Early life
William Golding was born in his grandmother's house, 47 Mountwise, St Columb Minor, Cornwall and he spent many childhood holidays there. He grew up at his family home in Marlborough, Wiltshire, where his father (Alec Golding) was a science master at Marlborough Grammar School (1905 to retirement). Alec Golding was a socialist with a strong commitment to scientific rationalism, and the young Golding and his elder brother Joseph attended the school where his father taught. His mother, Mildred, kept house at 29, The Green, Marlborough, and supported the moderate campaigners for female suffrage. In 1930 Golding went to Oxford University as an undergraduate at Brasenose College, where he read Natural Sciences for two years before transferring to English Literature.
Golding's biographer John Carey claimed in 2009 that Golding admits in a diary to attempted rape while he was an undergraduate 。The victim, whose name was Dora, was known to Golding from when she was 13 and he three years older; the attempted rape occurred two years later, when Golding was home from his first year at Oxford. Following the attempted rape, the pair met again two years later at which point, according to reports, they consummated their relationship. Carey attests that Golding was ashamed of his relationship with Dora, which he - Golding - considered demonstrative of his own "monstrous" character. Carey also relates that Dora achieved a form of revenge, by persuading Golding's father to spy on the pair having sex in the open air: "She wanted to show [Alec Golding] that his two sons were not exemplary
Golding took his B.A. (Hons) Second Class in the summer of 1934, and later that year his first book, Poems, was published in London by Macmillan & Co, through the help of his Oxford friend, the anthroposophist Adam Bittleston. Golding was an avid animal rights activist.
Marriage and family
Golding married Ann Brookfield on 30 September 1939 and they had two children, Judy and David.
War service
During World War II, Golding fought in the Royal Navy and was briefly involved in the pursuit and sinking of Germany's mightiest battleship, the Bismarck. He also participated in the invasion of Normandy on D-Day, commanding a landing ship that fired salvoes of rockets onto the beaches, and then in a naval action at Walcheren in which 23 out of 24 assault craft were sunk. At the war's end he returned to teaching and writing.
In 1985 Golding and his wife moved to Tullimaar House at Perranarworthal, near Truro, Cornwall, where he died of heart failure, 8 years later, on 19 June 1993. He was buried in the village churchyard at Bowerchalke, South Wiltshire (near the Hampshire and Dorset county boundaries). He left the draft of a novel, The Double Tongue, set in ancient Delphi, which was published posthumously.
Writing success
In September 1953 Golding sent a manuscript to Faber & Faber of London. Initially rejected by a reader there, the book was championed by Charles Monteith, then a new editor at the firm. He asked for various cuts in the text and the novel was published in September 1954 as Lord of the Flies. It was shortly followed by other novels, including The Inheritors, Pincher Martin and Free Fall.
Publishing success made it possible for Golding to resign his teaching post at Bishop Wordsworth's School in 1961, and he spent that academic year in the United States as writer-in-residence at Hollins College near Roanoke, Virginia. Having moved in 1958 from Salisbury to nearby Bowerchalke, he met his fellow villager and walking companion James Lovelock. The two discussed Lovelock's hypothesis that the living matter of the planet Earth functions like a single organism, and Golding suggested naming this hypothesis after Gaia, the goddess of the earth in Greek mythology.
In 1970 Golding was a candidate for the Chancellorship of the University of Kent at Canterbury, but lost to the politician and leader of the Liberal Party, Jo Grimond. Golding won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize in 1979, the Booker Prize in 1980, and in 1983 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1988.
Golding's often allegorical fiction makes broad use of allusions to classical literature, mythology, and Christian symbolism. No distinct thread unites his novels (unless it be a fundamental pessimism about humanity), and the subject matter and technique vary. However his novels are often set in closed communities such as islands, villages, monasteries, groups of hunter-gatherers, ships at sea or a pharaoh's court. His first novel, Lord of the Flies (1954; film, 1963 and 1990; play, adapted by Nigel Williams, 1995), dealt with an unsuccessful struggle against barbarism and war, thus showing the ambiguity and fragility of civilization. It has also been said that it is an allegory of World War II. The Inheritors (1955) looked back into prehistory, advancing the thesis that humankind's evolutionary ancestors, "the new people" (generally identified with homo sapiens sapiens), triumphed over a gentler race (generally identified with Neanderthals) as much by violence and deceit as by natural superiority. The Spire 1964 follows the building (and near collapse) of a huge spire onto a medieval cathedral church (generally assumed to be Salisbury Cathedral); the church and the spire itself act as a potent symbols both of the dean's highest spiritual aspirations and of his worldly vanities. His 1954 novel Pincher Martin concerns the last moments of a sailor thrown into the north Atlantic after his ship is attacked. The structure is echoed by that of the later Booker Prize winner by Yann Martel, Life of Pi. The 1967 novel The Pyramid comprises three separate stories linked by a common setting (a small English town in the 1920s) and narrator. The Scorpion God (1971) is a volume of three novellas set in a prehistoric African hunter-gatherer band ('Clonk, Clonk'), an ancient Egyptian court ('The Scorpion God') and the court of a Roman emperor ('Envoy Extraordinary'). The last of these is a reworking of his 1958 play The Brass Butterfly.
Golding's later novels include Darkness Visible (1979), The Paper Men (1984), and the comic-historical sea trilogy To the Ends of the Earth (BBC TV 2005), comprising the Booker Prize-winning Rites of Passage (1980), Close Quarters (1987), and Fire Down Below (1989).
Major works
• Poems (1934)
• Lord of the Flies (1954)
• The Inheritors (1955)
• Pincher Martin (1956)
• The Brass Butterfly (play) (1958)
• Free Fall (1959)
• The Spire (1964)
• The Hot Gates (essays) (1965)
• The Pyramid (1967)
• The Scorpion God (1971)
• Darkness Visible (1979)
• A Moving Target (essays) (1982)
• The Paper Men (1984)
• An Egyptian Journal (1985)
• To the Ends of the Earth (trilogy)
o Rites of Passage (1980)
o Close Quarters (1987)
o Fire Down Below (1989)
• The Double Tongue (posthumous) (1995)


威廉·戈尔丁(William Golding,1911~ 1994)英国小说家。生于英格兰康沃尔郡一个知识分子家庭,自小爱好文学。1930年遵父命入牛津大学学习自然科学,两年后转攻文学。1934年发表了处女作——一本包括29首小诗的诗集(麦克米伦当代诗丛之一)。1935年毕业于牛津大学,获文学士学位,此后在一家小剧团里当过编导和演员。1940年参加皇家海军,亲身投入了当时的战争。1945年退役,到学校教授英国文学,并坚持业余写作。1954年发表了长篇小说《蝇王》,获得巨大的声誉。1955年成为皇家文学会成员。1961年获牛津大学文学硕士学位,同年辞去教职,专门从事写作。威廉·戈尔丁
戈尔丁是个多产作家,继《蝇王》之后,他发表的长篇小说有《继承者》(1955)、《品契·马丁)(1956)、《自由堕落》(1959)、《塔尖》(1964)、《金字塔》(1967)、《看得见的黑暗》(1979)、《航程祭典》(1980)、《纸人》(1984)、《近方位)(1987)、《巧语》(1995)等。其中《航行祭典》获布克·麦克内尔图书奖。此外,他还写过剧本、散文和短篇小说,并于1982 年出版了文学评论集《活动的靶子》。


威廉·戈尔丁1911年9月19日出生于英格兰西南角康沃尔郡一个知识分子家庭, 7岁开始写作。父亲是当地学校的校长,也是一位学者,痴迷于求知和探索。其父对政治有极大的热情,相信科学。母亲是位主张女性有参政权的妇女。戈尔丁继承了父亲开明、理智的秉性,自小爱好文学。在这个典型的英国中产阶级家庭里,威廉·戈尔丁度过了宁静而孤单的童年。由于外出时永远有父母或保姆相伴,戈尔丁在上小学前没有结识过家庭成员之外的任何人。他很小就开始读书,却不擅长数学。他自己曾回忆,童年时他喜爱文学,“象集邮或采鸟蛋那样搜集词汇”。他熟读所有儿童文学,包括古希腊至现代的一切童话故事。12岁时,戈尔丁开始动手尝试小说创作,计划写一部关于工会运动史的长篇巨著,可惜这部书没有完成。戈尔丁的家庭后来搬到马尔波罗,他就在马尔波罗的语言学校就学。在从父亲任教的马尔波罗中学毕业后,1930年遵父命入牛津大学布拉西诺斯学院学习自然科学,两年之后,戈尔丁终于发现理科不是他所喜爱的专业,转而攻读英国文学——这两方面的影响在他后来的大部分作品中都常有反映。他悉心研究盎格鲁一撒克逊时代的历史,这段学习对他后来的文学创作影响很大。1935年,戈尔丁大学毕业,获得英文学士学位和一份教学许可证。1934年,在毕业的前一年,戈尔丁出版了处女作——一本题为《诗集》的小册子,包括29首小诗的诗集,被收入新星诗人丛书中(麦克米伦当代诗丛之一),其中显示了他的写作才华。毕业后,他做了4年社会工作,从事包括写作、表演,在一家小剧院当过临时演员、导演和编剧等各种工作。1939年,他同安·布鲁克菲尔德结婚,并步父辈的后尘,并在英国南部萨利斯布里的一所教会学校——霍兹霍斯主教中学任英文与哲学讲师。第二次世界大战的爆发打破了戈尔丁的平静生活,1940年戈尔丁以中尉军衔加入了英国皇家海军直接参战。作为战舰的指挥官,他亲身经历了许多难忘的战斗,他参加了击沉德军战列舰俾斯麦号的战役。随后他又参加了诺曼底登陆。战争结束后,戈尔丁于1945年退役,他重又回到该教会学校执教,教授英国文学,并坚持业余写作。经过战争,他对人类的看法完全改变了。以后他就开始了小说创作,从《蝇王》到《纸人》,展现了人的本质是罪恶的观念。此后他陆续出版了《继承都》、《平彻·马丁》、《赢得自由》、《塔尖》、《金字塔》等作品。1955年成为皇家文学会成员。1961年获牛津大学文学硕士学位,同年辞去教职,专门从事写作。1962年退休之前,戈尔丁在美国弗吉尼亚州堆林斯学院做了一年客座教授。1970年获布赖顿市萨塞克斯斯大学文学博士学位。此后,他就在旅游、演说、教书、写作、拨弄乐器和航海中度过他的时光。戈尔丁是个多产作家,继《蝇王》之后,他发表的长篇小说有《继承者》(1955年)、《品契·马丁》(1956年)、《自由堕落》(1959年)、《塔尖》(1964年)、《金字塔》(1967年)、《看得见的黑暗》(1979年)、《航程祭典》(1980年)、《纸人》(1984年)、《近方位》(1987年)、《巧语》(1995年)等。其中《航行祭典》获布克·麦克内尔图书奖。此外,他还写过剧本、散文和短篇小说,并于1982年出版了文学评论集《活动的靶子》。晚年的戈尔丁过着从容优裕的生活,英国女王伊丽莎白二世于1988年赐予戈尔丁爵士荣誉。戈尔丁于1993年6月19日逝世于家乡康沃尔。

conduction current什么意思及同义词

中文释义: 传导电流

The earth provides a low resistance conducting path for direct cur-rent.
As is well known, to conduct an electric current means to transmit electrons.
Alteration in excitability and conductivity of a nerve or muscle during the passage of an electric current through it.

conduction current 传导电流
decaying conduction current 衰减传导电流


一个金发男孩从最后几英尺的岩壁上滑溜下来,开始小心翼翼地找条道儿奔向环礁湖。尽管他已脱掉校服式的毛线衫,这会儿提在手里任其飘摇,灰色的衬衫却仍然粘在身上,头发也湿漉漉地贴在前额。在他周围,一条狭长的断层岩直插林莽深处,一切都沐浴在阳光之中。……  ——选自威廉·戈尔丁:《蝇王》  “蝇王”即苍蝇之王,源于希伯莱语Baalzebub,在《圣经》中“Baal”被当作“万恶之首”,在英语中,“蝇王”是污秽物之王,也是丑恶灵魂的同义词。  1954年,威廉·戈尔丁(William Golding)爵士以“蝇王”为主题写作出版了一部小说,名字就叫《蝇王》。这是一部带有神话色彩的小说,孩子是这个故事的主人公,但《蝇王》并不是一般意义上的儿童文学,而是一部写给大人看的书,故事所展示的儿童世界只是成人世界的一个缩影。正如王小波所说过的,这部小说只是把故事放在了未来时代的背景中,其实质和纯文学是相同的。由于现在的时代背景不能准确表达作家的创作意图,才把故事放在一个他想象的世界中。    在这部作品中,戈尔丁用他特有的沉思与冷静挖掘着人类千百年来从未停止过的互相残杀的根源,是一部揭示人性恶的现代版寓言。故事设置了人的原善与原恶、人性与兽性、理性与非理性、文明与野蛮等一系列矛盾冲突,冲突的结果令人信服地展现出文明、理性的脆弱性和追求民主法治秩序的难度,说明了人类走向专制易,奔向民主社会难的道理。在欲望和野蛮面前,人类文明为何显得如此草包如此不堪一击?这正是《蝇王》的思考之所在。





英国著名的作家有1、杰弗里·乔叟乔叟出生于伦敦一个富裕的商人家庭,受过大学教育,熟悉法语和意大利语。1357年开始出入宫廷,后常出访欧洲,在意大利接触到了但丁、薄伽丘等人的作品.这影响了他后来的文学创作。乔叟于1400年在伦敦去世,葬在威斯敏斯特教堂的“诗人之角”。2、威廉·莎士比亚威廉·莎士比亚(1564年4月23日-1616年4月23日),华人社会常尊称为莎翁,清末民初鲁迅在《摩罗诗力说》(1908年2月)称莎翁为“狭斯丕尔”,是英国文学史上最杰出的戏剧家,也是欧洲文艺复兴时期最重要、最伟大的作家,全世界最卓越的文学家之一。3、约翰·德莱顿英国诗人、剧作家、文学批评家。一生为贵族写作,为君王和复辟王朝歌功颂德,被封为“桂冠诗人”。主要作品有《时髦的婚礼》(1673)、《一切为了爱情》(1667)、《阿龙沙与施弗托》(诗作)、《论戏剧诗》、《悲剧批评的基础》等。他也是英国古典主义时期重要的批评家和戏剧家,他通过戏剧批评和创作实践为英国古典主义戏剧的发生、发展做出了杰出的贡献。5、亨利·菲尔丁亨利·菲尔丁(Henry Fielding,1707年4月22日-1754年10月8日),18世纪最杰出的英国小说家,戏剧家。18世纪英国启蒙运动的最伟大代表人物之一,是英国第一个用完整的小说理论来从事创作的作家,被沃尔特·司各特称为“英国小说之父”。6、塞缪尔·理查逊18世纪英国著名小说家,保守派作家,作品有《克拉丽莎》、《帕米拉》等。他关注婚姻道德问题,多以女仆或中产阶级女性为主人公,善于描写人物情感和心理,开创了此后英国家庭小说的一种模式。其中,他的作品《帕米拉》开创了英国感伤主义文学的先河。


历史剧:《理查三世》、《亨利四世》、《 亨利五世 》、《亨利六世》、《亨利八世》等。



求William Golding的Thinking as a hobby 的中文翻译

Thinking as a hobby 的中文翻译:把思考当作一种爱好重点词汇:1、Thinking 思想; 思考; 思维; 想法; 见解; 思想的; 有理智的; 有思考力的; 认为; 以为; 想; 思索; 琢磨; think的现在分词2、hobby 业余爱好扩展资料双语例句:Start thinking of yourself as who you want to become. Rather than being a banker who paints as a hobby, you are an artist who supplements your income with your banking job. 开始把自己看做你想做的那种人与其做个银行家,而把绘画当成业余爱好,不如把自己当做靠银行的工作增加收入的艺术家。

