chris gardner

时间:2024-03-16 23:57:01编辑:coo君

Chris Gardner为什么不去“占领华尔街”?

有报道说,已经有近万人参加了这次街头运动;甚至有人认为,这次运动将可能影响美国总统大选的走势。    我很纳闷,无论从哪个方面来说,Will Smith扮演的Chris Gardner的处境都比如今的“占领者”们更窘迫,也更有理由和道义去“占领华尔街”,然而他却为什么没有走向街头要求“正义”,而是整日奔波追求“幸福”呢?    当一个人连汽车旅馆都住不起,只能带着孩子躲在地铁的厕所里过夜;    当一个人已经穷得老婆孩子都快养不起了,还必须按时向政府报税;    当一个人都必须通过卖血才能换得一点收入了……    究竟是怎样强大的力量阻止他走向街头,通过游行、示威的方式争得自身处境的改善?    我能想到的,首先就是美国社会上下一直崇尚的个人英雄主义。当一个人尽管身处社会最底层,却不怨天尤人,而是通过个人努力实现“美国梦”,这样的人不会被“仇富”,不会被“枪打出头鸟”,不会被“打土豪分田地”,而是受到保护和尊重,之前的困境越艰难,得到的荣誉越耀眼,相信每个人都会从中看到希望和安全,也就会少了暴力和革命的冲动。    同时,电影中Chris Gardner带着儿子在教堂唱圣歌的一段,也给我们提供了另外一种答案,那就是宗教信仰的力量。在经济危机中备受打击的人们,忘情地唱着:“神啊,请不要移走我面前的险山峻岭,但请你赐予我翻越它的力量”。想想看,这与国人动辄屈膝跪拜、烧香求佛时祈求“保佑”的诉求点,差异是何其之大!    当然,最重要的还是美国拥有一个能够为个人奋斗充分保障和空间的社会制度,以及Chris Gardner本人的坚定信念。世界上没有绝对的公平,但上世纪80年代美国毕竟没有将诸如股票经纪人等“金饭碗”排他性地留给特定的人群,而是大家通过竞争都可以去获取,否则就不会有Chris Gardner后来的故事了。同时,Chris Gardner自己对人生的独特规划和追求也极其重要。在救济院排队时,其他人都衣衫褴褛,而只有Chris Gardner依然西装革履,相信这绝不仅仅是职业着装规定如此,而是一个男人的自尊和成功信念使然。    那么,是不是如今这些“占领华尔街”的人就应当受到鄙视和谴责呢?    恰恰相反,没有“占领者”们在街头的表达和呐喊,Chris Gardner们也很难迎来幸福的敲门声。美国历史上,不仅有卡内基、巴菲特、迈克尔乔丹、比尔盖茨、乔布斯等实现“美国梦”的孤胆英雄,更有乔治华盛顿、本杰明富兰克林、托马斯杰佛逊、马丁路德金、亚伯拉罕林肯、富兰克林罗斯福、马克吐温、欧内斯特海明威等人类普世价值的捍卫者和社会意见的表达者。

chris gardner

Christopher Gardner is the owner and CEO of Gardner Rich LLC with offices in New York, Chicago, and San Francisco. Conquering grave challenges to become a successful entrepreneur, Gardner is an avid motivational and aspirational speaker, addressing the keys to overcoming obstacles and breaking cycles. Gardner is also a passionate philanthropist whose work has been recognized by many esteemed organizations. The amazing story of Gardner’s life was published as an autobiography, The Pursuit of Happyness, (Amistad/Harper Collins) in May 2006, and became a New York Times and Washington Post #1 bestseller. In paperback, the book spent over twenty weeks on the New York Times bestseller list and has been translated into fourteen languages. Gardner was also the inspiration for the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness,” released by Columbia Pictures in December 2006. The movie is the #2 all-time domestic grossing drama. Will Smith starred as Gardner and received Academy Award, Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild nominations for his performance. Gardner was an associate producer on the film.Gardner’s second book, Start Where You Are: Life Lessons in Getting From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be was published in 2009. Born February 9, 1954 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Christopher Paul Gardner’s childhood was marked by poverty, domestic violence, alcoholism, sexual abuse and family illiteracy. Gardner published his autobiography out of a desire to shed light on these universal issues and show they do not have to define you. Gardner never knew his father, and lived with his beloved mother, Bettye Jean Triplett (nee Gardner), when not in foster homes. Gardner is indebted to Bettye Jean for his success as she provided him with strong “spiritual genetics” and taught him that in spite of where he came from, he could chart another path and attain whatever goals he set for himself. Gardner joined the Navy out of high school and then moved to San Francisco where he worked as a medical research associate and for a scientific medical supply distributor. In 1981, as a new father to son Christopher Gardner Jr., he was determined to find a career that would be both lucrative and fulfilling. Fascinated by finance, but without connections, an MBA or even a college degree, Gardner applied for training programs at brokerages, willing to live on next to nothing while he learned a new trade. Chris Jr.‘s mother left and Gardner, despite his circumstances, fought to keep his son because, as he says, “I made up my mind as a young kid that when I had children they were going to know who their father is, and that he isn’t going anywhere.” Gardner earned a spot in the Dean Witter Reynolds training program but became homeless when he could not make ends meet on his meager trainee salary. Today, Gardner is involved with homelessness initiatives assisting families to stay intact, and assisting homeless men and women who are employed but still cannot get by. It is estimated that 12% of the homeless population in the United States is employed; in some communities that estimate is as high as 30%. Gardner worked at Bear Stearns & Co from 1983-1987 where he became a top earner. In 1987 he founded the brokerage firm Gardner Rich in Chicago from his home with just $10,000. Gardner Rich LLC is an institutional brokerage firm specializing in the execution of debt and equity products transactions for some of the nations largest institutions, public pension plans and unions. Dedicated to improving the well-being of children through positive paternal involvement, Gardner is a board member of the National Fatherhood Initiative, and received the group’s Father of the Year Award in 2002. He serves on the board of the National Education Foundation and sponsors two annual awards: the National Education Association’s National Educational Support Personnel Award and the American Federation of Teachers’ Paraprofessionals and School-Related Personnel (PSRP) Award. He also serves on the board of the International Rescue Committee, which works to provide access to safety, sanctuary, and sustainable change for millions of people whose lives have been shattered by violence and oppression. Gardner is still very committed to Glide Memorial Church in San Francisco, where he and his son received assistance in the early 1980’s. He has helped fund a project that creates low-income housing and opportunities for employment in the notoriously poor Tenderloin area of the city. Gardner has also been honored by the NAACP Image Awards with awards for both the book and movie versions of The Pursuit of Happyness; Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women’s (LACAAW) 2006 Humanitarian Award; The Continental Africa Chamber of Commerce’s 2006 Friends of Africa Award; The Glaucoma Foundation’s Kitty Carlisle Hart Lifetime Achievement Award; The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA); Covenant House, Common Ground and other organizations committed to combating violence against women, homelessness, and financial illiteracy; issues of the utmost importance to Gardner. Chris Gardner’s aim, through his speaking engagements and media projects, is to help others achieve their full potential. His practical guidance and inspirational story have made him a frequent guest on CNN, CNBC and the Fox News Channel. He has been featured on “The CBS Evening News,” “20/20,” “Oprah,” “Today Show,” “The View,” “Entertainment Tonight,” as well as in People, USA Today, Associated Press, New York Times, Fortune, Entrepreneur, Jet, Reader’s Digest, Trader Monthly, Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, The New York Post and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, amongst others. Gardner has two children and resides in Chicago and New York.


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