America the Beautiful

时间:2024-03-18 23:53:41编辑:coo君

America The Beautiful 歌词

歌曲名:America The Beautiful歌手:Lee Greenwood专辑:American PatriotAmerica The BeautifulNeil YoungO beautiful for spacious skies,For amber waves of grain,For purple mountain majestiesAbove the fruited plain!America! America!God shed his grace on theeAnd crown thy good with brotherhoodFrom sea to shining sea!... ...~piAo~ 248618967英文歌词第一站

america the beautiful的歌词是什么意思






(光辉的大海)。 每一段和英文是对应的 你知道英文歌词吧? 这是一首歌颂美国的歌曲,就像我们有一首歌 大中国 一样。。

America The Beautiful是美国的什么歌?






The United States belong to North America, mainly include three parts of mainland, Alaska and Hawaii, the area amounts to ten million meters of squares of 930 remainings, residing the fourth in the world, total population about 270,000,000, reside the 3 in the world, but the United States can be divided into 56 states again, among them woulding be Alaska biggestly.
The United States is the most economic flourishing one of the nation in the world, being the superpower of it still have the military real strenght of the male , but, this also come to a decision its hegemonism route, recent gulf war, Afghanistan war and Iraqi wars all have something to do with it. The American capital city is Washington, but the economic center is in New York, the main city contain New York, Los Angeles, Chicago,Houston , Washington, Seattle, Hawaii etc..

An American friend has invited you to visit his family. You’ve never been to an American’s home before, and you’re not sure what to do. Should you take a gift? How should you dress? What time should you arrive? What should you do when you get there? Glad you asked. When you’re the guest, you should just make yourself at home. That’s what hospitality is all about: making people feel at home when they’re not

The question of whether or not to bring a gift often makes guests squirm. Giving your host a gift is not just a social nicety in some cultures-it’s expected. But in American culture, a guest is not obligated to bring a present. Of course, some people do bring a small token of appreciation to their host. Appropriate gifts for general occasions might be flowers, candy or-if the family has small children-toys. If you choose not to bring a gift, don’t worry. No one will even notice.
American hospitality begins at home-especially when it involves food. Most Americans agree that good home cooking beats restaurant food any day. When invited for a meal, you might ask, "Can I bring anything?" Unless it’s a potluck, where everyone brings a dish, the host will probably respond, "No, just yourself." For most informal dinners, you should wear comfortable, casual clothes. Plan to arrive on time, or else call to inform your hosts of the delay. During the dinner conversation, it’s customary to compliment the hostess on the wonderful meal. Of course, the biggest compliment is to eat lots of food!
When you’ve had plenty, you might offer to clear the table or wash the dishes. But since you’re the guest, your hosts may not let you. Instead, they may invite everyone to move to the living room for dessert with tea or coffee. After an hour or so of general chit-chat, it’s probably time to head for the door. You don’t want to wear out your welcome. And above all, don’t go snooping around the house. It’s more polite to wait for the host to offer you a guided tour. But except for
Americans usually like to have advance notice when people come to see them. Only very close friends drop by unannounced. This is especially true if the guests want to stay for a few days. Here’s a good rule of thumb for house guests: Short stays are best. As one 19th century French writer put it, "The first day a man is a guest, the second a burden, the third a pest." Even relatives don’t usually stay for several weeks at a time. While you’re staying with an American family, try to keep your living area neat and tidy. Your host family will appreciate your consideration. And they may even invite you back!
Most Americans consider themselves hospitable people. Folks in the southern United States, in particular, take pride in entertaining guests. In fact, "southern hospitality" has become legendary. But in all parts of America, people welcome their guests with open arms. So don’t be surprised to find the welcome mat out for you. Just don’t forget to wipe your feet.

Statue of Liberty, Barbie, "the United States Gothic," Buffalo nickel and Uncle Sam called five major symbol of American culture.
Since the Statue of Liberty in New York in 1886 to stand firm in the Bay, it has been the arrival of the new immigrants the promise of the American Dream.
The statue is a French artist from the United States to celebrate the independence of the US law designed Union, said the arms came from the beautiful statue of the artist's wife, and the vicissitudes resolute face is drawn from the artist's mother.

Queen Barbie doll is almost all girls, and even the adult female dolls preference.
Barbie was the inspiration for the creation of a United States handler toy company co-founder's daughter and his wife Barbara, their adult with a German on the basis of sexy doll in 1959 launched a decent authentic American Barbie doll. It is ironic that the couple's daughter handler favorite Barbie, but they hate the son of ken have it.
"American Gothic" might not be well known, but the portrait of the Old House Gothic windows, especially solemn expressions that do, and that the long neck to the wife of the artist famous night in 1930. The paintings performance of the United States farmers solemn pride.

Buffalo nickel in the 1913-1938 issue, the famous artists james earle fraser development of the western region of the victims of the United States - to commemorate the buffalo and Indians. Nickel on the bison and the Indians have a real prototype creation.

Uncle Sam - Americans alias, is a big high, white hair, leaving a handful of white beard, wearing a dark blue jacket, the head of the stars embellished Gaomao image.
Independent in the United States during the revolutionary period, a sam wilson is the honest and hardworking young people responsible for the supply of meat to the United States military, after testing the meat to the printed on the ea-sa markings ea representatives meat company name, origin us on behalf of the United States. Later, the company was one of us staff deliberately translated into Uncle Sam; Since then, Uncle Sam's name on the soldiers in a spread. In a war, and during World War II, artists montgomery flagg their image in the painting as Uncle Sam recruitment poster, Uncle Sam's access to a lasting image from the position.

Statue of Liberty presented from the United Kingdom, the United States, it represents the beliefs of "freedom"

Barbie is the origin of Hollywood, no long history of the United States, in the cultural conquest of the few others, and Barbie do well, it is consistent with the Americans conquer connotation.

As for the Gothic, I have it understood as architectural style, and the United States Gothic not clear.

Buffalo nickel to commemorate the historical development of the western region, the entire United States is now the most affluent areas.

Uncle Sam is not to mention, it was a period from the foundation of war in Washington.

"Soil and water support one side", "shaping the environment" when an "environment" After long and the same time have become a tradition, humanity has been to "create" and has been accepted.



楼上那位拜托 是简介 !!!

我给你COPY 了一篇 哈哈哈哈哈哈

About American
A history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap,but,if properly handled,it may become a driving force.When the United States entered just such a glowing period after the end of the Second World War,it had a market eight times larger than any competitor ,giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale.Its scientists were the world's best,its workers the most skilled.American and Americans were prosperous beyongd the dreams of the Europeans and Asians whose economeics the war had destroyed.
It was inevitable that this primacy should have narrowed as other countries grew richer.Just as inevitably,the retreat from predominace proved painful.By the mid 1980s Americans had found themselves at a losss over their fading industrial competitiveness.Some huge American industries,such as consumer electronics,hand shrunk or vanished in the face of foreign competitiong.By 1987 there was only one American television maker left,Zenith.(Now there is none :Zenith was bought by SouthKorea'sLGElectronics in July.)Foreign made cars and textiles were sweeeping into the domestic market.America's machine-tool industry was on the ropes.For a while it looked as though the makeing of semiconductors,whidh America had invented and which sat at the heart of the new computer age,was going to be the next caualty.
All of this caused a crisis of confidenc.Americans stopped taking prosperity ofr granted .They began to believe that their way of doing business was failing,and that their incomes would therefore shourtly begin to fall as well .The mind -1980s brought one inquiry after another into the causes ofAmerica's in dustrial decline.Thir sometimes sensational findings were filled with warnings about the growing competitiong from overseas.
How things have changed!I1995 the United States can look back on five years of solid growth while Japan has been struggling.Few Americans attribute this Self doubt has yielded to blind pride."American industry has changed its structure ,has gone on a diet ,has learnt to be more quik witted,"according to Richard Cavanagh,executive dean of Harvard"s Kennedy School of Government.'It makes me proud to be an American just to see how our businesses are improving theirproductivity,"says Stephen Moore of the Cato Institute ,a think tank in Washington,DC,And William Sahlman of the Harvard Business School believes that people will look back on this perido as "a golden age of business management in the United States."

按你的标准有点长 不过这已经算短的了!!







说道海豚音当然是玛丽亚凯莉了,比较经典的有whit you ,hero,虽然现在她以r&b歌曲为主,但她的海豚高音应该算是经典中的经典吧。此外还有俄罗斯的vitas,巴西的 Georgia Brown,美国的Shanice Wilson,法国的Mado Robin,秘鲁的Yma Suma,leona lewis,男歌手只知道个维塔斯(Vitas),但是玛丽亚凯莉绝对是海豚音的最高手,她的海豚音不仅高而且还有音律的跳动,不得不佩服人家的唱功。






recommend 动词,意思是 “推荐,介绍;劝告,建议”。其结构有:
1) recommend sb. ... (= recommend ... to sb.) “向某人推荐/介绍„„ “. 例如:
Can you recommend me a good dentist?你能给我推荐一个好的牙医吗? Perhaps you can recommend me another hotel. 或许你能给我再介绍一家旅馆。 2) recommend sb. for... “推荐某人做(某职位)”。 例如:
I'll recommend him for the job. 我要推荐他做这项工作。 3) recommend sth. for... “推荐某物作某种用途”。例如:
I recommend these pills for your cough. 我向你推荐这种药治疗咳嗽。 4) recommend sb. as... “推荐某人为„„”。 例如:
I'll recommend him as her secretary. 我要推荐他当她的秘书。 5) recommend doing sth. “建议做某事”。 例如:
I recommend buying this dictionary. (= I recommend you t0 buy this dictionary.)我建议你买这本词典。
6) recommend + that-clause“建议„„”(从句中用should + 动词原形,should可省去)。 例如:
He recommended that we (should) read the novel. (= He recommended us to read the novel.)他建议我们读一读那部小说。 【点拨】 recommendation n.推荐;介绍信

The learned scholar recommended that he ______ until after he had learnt anatomy.
A. will not take up sculpture B. had not taken up sculpture
C. not take up sculpture D. not took up sculpture
【答案解析】C 本题考查对虚拟语气的特殊词的用法的掌握。recommend后跟虚拟语气,省略should,后面直接跟动词原形,从四个选项中便知答案为C。题意为:“学识丰富的学者建议他学了解剖,再学雕塑。”

show sb.sth展示
show sth. to sb展示
all over the show [口]到处, 遍地
be the whole show [美]充当主要角色; 唱独脚戏; 包办代替
be fond of show 喜欢卖弄
bench show [美]狗[猫]展览会
boss the show 操纵; 主持(演出)
run the show 操纵; 主持(演出)
by a show of hands 举手表决
chat show (电视台)现场访问节目
dumb show 哑剧; 手势
fashion show 时装展览
floor show 夜总会席地节目演出
for a show 为夸耀, 为给人家看
get a fair show [美][澳]得到公平[合适]的机会
give away the (whole) show 露马脚, 泄露秘密
give sb. a fair show 给与表现机会, 公正地对待某人
go to show 说明, 证明
good show [口]显著成绩
have a show of 有机会, 有可能
have the show of 有机会, 有可能
stand a show of 有机会, 有可能
stand the show of 有机会, 有可能
have sth. to show for 在...方面有可显示的成绩
hush-hush show [讽, 口]极端秘密的事
in dumb show 打着手势
in open show 公然
in show 外表上, 有名无实地
leg show 大腿舞
let the whole show down 搞垮整个事情
make a good show 好看, 大出洋相
make a show of sth. 卖弄, 显示; 展览; 装样子
make a show of oneself 丢丑, 出洋相
meat show [美俚]卖弄色相的脱衣舞
on show被展出
one-house show 经费不足, 效率不高的小商店, 小企业
picture show 画展; 电影, 电影院
put on a show 假装, 装病
put up a good show 演出好[不好], 干得好[不好]
put up a bad show 演出好[不好], 干得好[不好]
quiz show 智力竞赛节目
quiz program 智力竞赛节目
raree show 西洋镜[景]; 街头演出
road show 巡回演出; (首轮影院的)新片放映
run away with the show [美俚]取得特别突出的成就, 成为人们注意的中心
run the show 操纵; 主持(演出)
side show 穿插的小节目; 枝节问题, 次要事件
stand no show of sth. 没有机会, 没有任何计划
stand no show to do sth. 没有机会, 没有任何计划
have no show of sth. 没有机会, 没有任何计划
have no show to do sth. 没有机会, 没有任何计划
steal the show 抢镜头
stop the show 赢得热烈的掌声而使表演为之中断
talent show 业余能手演唱会
talk show [美](电视、无线电)访问节目, 座谈节目
whole show 整个组织, 全部活动 唯一重要的人物, 显要人物, 注意中心
Wild West show [美]牛仔戏
show forth [古]公布于众, 发表, 宣布
show in 领进(客人等)
show into 领进(客人等)
show itself 呈现, 露出
show off卖弄, 炫耀 陈列; 使显眼
show of hands 举手(表决)
show of reason 似乎有理
show oneself 出现, 露面
show one's cards 摊牌, 公开自己的计划; 吐露自己的真实打算
show one's colours 摊牌, 公开自己的计划; 吐露自己的真实打算
show one's hand 表明自己的计划或意图
show one's heels 一溜烟地逃走;[美]【体】追过, 大显比赛的优越本领
show one's teeth 发怒
show sb. the door 逐出, [美]拒绝要求
show out 送出(客人)
show sb. over 领某人(到处)参观
show sb. round 领某人(到处)参观
show sb. around 领某人(到处)参观
show sb. what one is made of 向某人显自已的才能、力量、品德等
show the wing (用飞行访问)显示空军力量
show up 到席, 露面; 显眼; 暴露; 揭发; 嘲笑; 使人难堪


the的用法如下:1、(指已提到或易领会到的人或事物) used to refer to sb/sth that has already been mentioned or is easily understoodThere were three questions. The first two were relatively easy but the third one was hard.有三个问题。头两个相对容易,第三个困难。There was an accident here yesterday. A car hit a tree and the driver was killed.昨天这里发生了一起事故。一辆小轿车撞到树上,驾车的人死了。The heat was getting to be too much for me.天气热得快让我受不了了。The nights are getting longer.夜越来越长。2、(指独一无二的、正常的或不言而喻的人或事物) used to refer to sb/sth that is the only, normal or obvious one of their kindthe Mona Lisa《蒙娜丽莎》the Nile尼罗河the Queen女王What's the matter?怎么回事?The phone rang.电话铃响了。I patted her on the back.我拍了拍她的背。How's the (= your) baby?宝宝好吗?3、(解说时用) used when explaining which person or thing you meanthe house at the end of the street街尽头的房子The people I met there were very friendly.我在那里遇到的人很友善。It was the best day of my life.这是我一生中最美好的一天。You're the third person to ask me that.你是第三个问我那件事的人。Friday the thirteenth十三号,星期五Alexander the Great亚历山大大帝4、(用以泛指) used to refer to a thing in general rather than a particular exampleHe taught himself to play the violin.他自学拉小提琴。The dolphin is an intelligent animal.海豚是聪明的动物。They placed the African elephant on their endangered list.他们把非洲大象列为濒危动物。I heard it on the radio.我从收音机里听到了这件事。I'm usually out during the day.白天我通常不在家。5、(与形容词连用,指事物或统称的人) used with adjectives to refer to a thing or a group of people described by the adjectiveWith him, you should always expect the unexpected.在他身上你应随时料到有意想不到的事情发生。拓展资料1、A waiter came and hovered. John caught my look and we both got up and, ignoring the waiter, made our way to the buffet 一个侍者走了过来,候在附近。约翰领会了我的眼神,我们两个都站了起来,没有理睬那个侍者,朝自助餐台走去。2、There has been a slight increase in the consumption of meat 肉类消费量略有增长。3、It's always hard to speculate about the future 未来一向很难预测。4、The doctor's on his way 医生正在路上。5、'How's the family?' — 'Just fine, thank you.' “家里人都好吧?”——“都好,谢谢。”

