sk8er boi

时间:2024-03-24 04:14:10编辑:coo君

sk8er boi 中文歌词

《Sk8er Boi》
演唱:Avril Lavigne
作词:Avril Lavigne / The Matrix
作曲:Avril Lavigne / The Matrix
编曲:The Matrix
所属专辑:《Let Go》

He was a boyShe was a girl
Can i make it any more obvious
He was a punk She did ballet
What more can i say
He wanted her
She'd never tell secretly she wanted him as well
But all of her friends Stuck up their nose
They had a problem with his baggy clothes
He was a skater boy
She said see you later boy
He wasn't good enough for her
She had a pretty face
But her head was up in space
She needed to come back down to earth 5 years from now
She sits at home Feeding the baby she's all alone
She turns on tv Guess who she sees Skater boy rockin up MTV
She calls up her friends
They already know
And they've all got Tickets to see his show
She tags along Stands in the crowd
Looks up at the man that she turned down He was a skater boy
She said see you later boy
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super star
Slamming on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
He was a skater boy
She said see you later boy
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super star
Slamming on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
Sorry girl but you missed out
Well tough luck that boy's mine now
We are more than just good friends
This is how the story ends
Too bad that you couldn't see,
See the man that boy could be
There is more that meets the eye I see the soul that is inside
He's just a boy And I'm just a girl
Can I make it any more obvious
We are in love
Haven't you heard How we rock each others world
I'm with the skater boy
I said see you later boy
I'll be back stage after the show
I'll be at the studio Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know I'm with the skater boy
I said see you later boy
I'll be back stage after the show
I'll be at the studio Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know


是指韩国SK集团。SK集团是韩国第三大跨国企业,主要以能源化工、信息通信为两大支柱产业,旗下有两家公司进入全球五百强行列。目前, SK 及其附属机构在全球拥有 30,000 多名员工、 124 个办事处和子公司。世界五百强排名第57位,年销售收入808亿美元。在2013年《财富》杂志的全球500强排名上,SK位居第57位。SK集团的中国事业始于1992年中韩建交之前。SK在中国员工超过1万人,业务区域遍布全国约40个地区。扩展资料:SK旗下企业:SK中国、SK置业、SK新技术、SK能源、SK综合化学、SK Iubricants、SK化工、SKC、SK汇能、SK燃气、SK润滑油;SK电讯、SK C&C、SK Planet、SK海力士、SK broadband、SK telesys、SK telink、SK communication、SK实业、SK建设、SK海运、SK证券、SK M&C。SK的前身为1953年成立的鲜京织物。SK三次巨大的飞跃过程。第一次是1953年至60年代,SK经历了由织物跨越到了聚酯原丝的生产。第二次是70年代到80年代,SK完成了从石油到纤维的纵向整合。90年代进军通信信息行业,应该是SK的第三次飞跃。2018年7月19日,《财富》世界500强排行榜发布,SK集团位列84位。 2018年12月,世界品牌实验室发布《2018世界品牌500强》榜单,SK集团排名第330。参考资料:百度百科-韩国SK集团

艾薇儿Sk8er boi的中英文歌词......

Avril Lavigne
He was a boi他是个男孩,
She was a girl她是个女孩,
Can i make it any more obvious这样子讲够清楚了吧.
He was a punk他是个厐客,
She did ballet她爱跳芭蕾,
What more can i say我还能说什么呢?He wanted her他想追她,
She'd never tell secretly she wanted him as well可是她却从没私下说过她喜欢他.
But all of her friends不料她的朋友们
Stuck up their nose都非常骄傲,
They had a problem with his baggy clothes她们对他的服饰很有意见.
He was a sk8er boi他是个滑板男孩,
She said see you later boi她说谢谢再联络.
He wasn't good enough for her对她而言,他配不上她
She had a pretty face她的脸蛋美丽,But her head was up in space可是眼光太高.
She needed to come back down to earth虽然如此她还是得顾及现实.
5 years from now5年过去后的现在,
She sits at home她坐在家里,
Feeding the baby she's all alone孤单的在喂孩子.
She turns on tv她打开电视,
Guess who she sees猜她看到了谁?Sk8er boi rockin up MTV那个滑板少年正在电视上,
She calls up her friends她打电话给朋友们.
They already know她们都知道了,
And they've all got而且还买了票
Tickets to see his show要去看他的表演,
She tags along她尾随著大家,
Stands in the crowd站在人群中,
Looks up at the man that she turned down看着那个被她拒绝的男孩He was a Sk8er Boi他是个滑板男孩,
She said see you later boi她说谢谢再联络.
He wasn't good enough for her对她而言,他配不上她
Now he's a super star现在他是个超级巨星,Slamming on his guitar飙著吉他
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?你的美丽脸庞看出他的价值了吗?
He was a Sk8er BoiShe said see you later boyi
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super star
Slamming on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
Sorry girl but you missed out很抱歉你错过了大好机会,
Well tough luck that boy's mine now那男孩是我的了,
We are more than just good friends而且不是一般的好朋友This is how the story ends这就是故事的结束Too bad that you couldn't see,真遗憾你看不到,See the man that boy could be看不到他变成超级巨星,There is more that meets the eye我看到的,不止是他的眼睛,
I see the soul that is inside我看到的,是他的灵魂.He's just a boy他只是个男孩,
And I'm just a girl我只是个女孩
Can I make it any more obvious这样讲很明白了吧.
We are in love我们彼此相爱.
Haven't you heard你没听说吗?
How we rock each others world我们震撼著彼此的世界
I'm with the skater boy现在我和滑板少年在一起,I said see you later boy我跟他说待会儿见.I'll be back stage after the show秀完我会在后台,
I'll be at the studio然后一起去录音间,Singing the song we wrote唱那首我们合写的
About a girl you used to know关于那个你认识的女孩的歌.
I'm with the skater boy
I said see you later boy
I'll be back stage after the show
I'll be at the studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know

谁能用中文翻译出AVRIL的sk8er boi的歌词?

  skater boy
  He was a boy   他是个男孩   
  She was a girl   她是个女孩   
  Can I make it any more obvious   我把话说得很清楚了吧?   
  He was a punk   他玩朋克   
  She did ballet   她跳芭蕾   
  What more can I say   我还能说什么呢?   
  He wanted her   他想拥有她   
  She'd never tell secretly she wanted him as well 她却羞于言道,从没有明确的表示:她也想拥有他.   
  But all of her friends   但她所有的朋友   
  Stuck up their nose   都傲慢的耸着他们的鼻子   
  They had a problem with his baggy clothes   她们都不喜欢他的口袋装   
  He was a skater boy   他是个滑板少年   
  She said see you later boy   她说 男孩再见   
  He wasn't good enough for her   对她而言,他还不够优秀   
  She had a pretty face   她拥有可爱的面庞   
  But her head was up in space   但她的眼光太高   
  She needed to come back down to earth   她需要顾及现实   
  5 years from now   离今5年   
  She sits at home   她正坐在家里   
  Feeding the baby she'all alone   很孤独的照料着她的宝宝   
  She turns on tv   她打开了电视   
  Guess who she sees   猜猜她看到谁了?   
  Skater boy rockin up MTV   滑板少年在MTV上玩着摇滚   
  She calls up her friends   她给所有的朋友打了电话   
  They already know   但她们都已知道   
  And they've all got   并且,她们都有   
  Tickets to see his show   去看他演出的门票   
  She tags along   她紧跟着尾随而去   
  Stands in the crowd   站在拥挤的人流中   
  Looks up at the man that she turned down   看着那个男人,那个被她甩掉的男人   
  He was a skater boy   他是个滑板少年   
  She said see you later boy   她说 男孩再见   
  He wasn't good enough for her   对她而言,他还不够优秀   
  Now he's a super star   现在,他变成了超级明星   
  Slamming on his guitar   在舞台上演奏着他的吉他   
  Did your pretty face see what he's worth?   你那漂亮的脸蛋发现男孩的价值了吗?   
  He was a skater boy   他是个滑板少年   
  She said see you later boy   她说 男孩再见   
  He wasn't good enough for her   对她而言,他还不够优秀   
  Now he's a super star   现在,他变成了超级明星   
  Slamming on his guitar   在舞台上演奏着他的吉他   
  Did your pretty face see what he's worth?   你那漂亮的脸蛋发现男孩的价值了吗?   
  Sorry girl but you missed out   对不起,女孩.但是,是你自己错过了机会   
  Well tough luck that boy's mine now   幸运总是如此突然,现在男孩是我的了   
  We are more than just good friends   我们的关系比好朋友更好   
  This is how the story ends   这便是故事的结局了   
  Too bad that you couldn't see,   很糟糕,你没有看到   
  See the man that boy could be   看到那个男孩能够变成的男人   
  There is more that meets the eye   这不仅仅需要目光表层的交流   
  I see the soul that is inside   而我所看到的是他内心的灵魂   
  He's just a boy   他只是个男孩   
  And Im just a girl   我也只是个女孩   
  Can I make it any more obvious   我把话说得很明白了吧?   
  We are in love   我们坠入爱河了   
  Haven't you heard   难道你没听说   
  How we rock each other's world   我们是怎样震撼彼此的世界吗?   
  I'm with the skater boy   我陪伴着滑板少年   
  I said see you later boy   我说 男孩再见   
  I'll be back stage after the show   我将回到后台   
  I'll be at the studio   我将回到录音棚   
  Singing the song we wrote   唱那我们一起写的歌   
  About a girl you used to know   关于一个你曾经知道的女孩   
  I'm with the skater boy   我陪伴着滑板少年   
  I said see you later boy   我说 男孩再见   
  I'll be back stage after the show   我将回到后台   
  I'll be at the studio   我将回到录音棚   
  Singing the song we wrote   唱那我们一起写的歌   
  About a girl you used to know   关于一个你曾经知道的女孩



啊啊啊啊... 你真是对我好 baby baby....
I want to lock you up in my closet, where no one's around
I want to put your hand in my pocket, because you're allowed
(我希望把你装进我的口袋,因为你同意了!! )
I want to drive you into the corner, and kiss you without a sound
I want to stay this way forever, I'll say it loud
(我希望永远都这样,我会把这说的很响亮!!!! )
Now you're in and you can't get out
(现在你来啦~~!!你出不去了!! )
你让我感到热 我马上要休克
你真是不得了 确实停不了 不能再呼吸
你使我大声叫 你真是了不起
你真是对我好 baby baby...
你真是对我好 baby baby...
I can make you feel all better, just take it in
And I can show you all the places, you've never been
And I can make you say everything, that you never said
And I will let you do anything, again and again
(我可以让你做任何事`!!一次又一次!! )
Now you're in and you can't get out
(现在你来啦~~!!你出不去了!! )
你让我感到热 我马上要休克
你真是不得了 确实停不了 不能再呼吸
你使我大声叫 你真是了不起
你真是对我好 baby baby...
你真是对我好 baby baby...
Kiss me gently
Always I know
Hold me love me
Don't ever go
你让我感到热 我马上要休克
你真是不得了 确实停不了 不能再呼吸
你使我大声叫 你真是了不起
你真是对我好 你让我感到热 我马上要休克
你真是不得了 确实停不了 不能再呼吸
你使我大声叫 你真是了不起
你真是对我好 baby baby...
你真是对我好 baby baby...
You are so good...


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