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求大卫 巴格拉斯资料,平生事迹。

英文版: David Berglas (born July 30, 1926) is an English psychological illusionist and mentalist.[1] He has been said to be one of the world's leading mentalists. He coined the conjuring method known as "the berglas effect" the principal being any card any number. He has entertained celebrities such as Winston Churchill, Aristotle Onassis, Paul Getty, Lord Mountbatten, the Rolling Stones, Elton John and Michael Jackson. He acted as creative consultant in the 1967 version of the film Casino Royale. He was one of the first magicians to appear on British television. In 1984, he had his own Channel 4 show The Mind of David Berglas. In 1989 he became President of The Magic Circle. He has also been a King Rat for the Grand Order of Water Rats. In 2008 he was bestowed the Griffin award and named Grand Master of Mystery by PSYCRETS (The British Society of Mystery Entertainers). 中文版: 大卫Berglas(生于7月30日,1926年)是英语心理魔术师和mentalist[1]。 他被说成是世界上领先的mentalists。他创造了魔术方法称为“berglas效应”主要是任何数量的卡片。他给名人如温斯顿·丘吉尔,亚里士多德·奥纳西斯耶和华,保罗·格蒂蒙巴顿滚石乐队、埃尔顿·约翰和迈克尔·杰克逊。 他的举动就创作顾问1967年版本的电影皇家赌场。 他是第一个魔术师在英国电视台出现。1984年,他有他自己的4频道大卫的心Berglas显示。 在1989年,他成为美国总统,魔法圈。他也被国王老鼠的伟大秩序的水老鼠。 2008年他被赋予狮鹫奖和名叫大师秘密PSYCRETS(英国社会的神秘的艺人)。记得采纳啊


巴格拉斯效果是大卫·巴格拉斯在50多年前表演的,他全程没有触碰到牌,并由随机观众完成神奇效果,其神秘和超高难度的手法不为人破解,所以称其为BERGLAS EFFECT。由于技术原因,无法保留原本表演效果,人们只能通过观看者的耳传面授来推测表演方式。流行于网络的两段关于巴格拉斯效果的视频,一个是中国魔术师刘谦的,另一个是在美国电视台录制的,刘谦的“巴格拉斯版本”在成功表演完之后,连大卫·巴格拉斯都表示看不出来刘谦是怎么做到的。大卫·巴格拉斯已经表演了这个“any card at any number”效果的独一无二的版本近50年了,先说下ACAAN,全称是“Any Card at Any Number“。。ACAAN是个经典纸牌效果,描述很简单:观众给出一张牌和一个数字,那副牌数到那个数字就是那张牌,OVER。没说魔术师不能碰牌,没说牌可以洗(也没说不能洗),没说牌和数字是观众随口说的(是的,你用强迫袋都可以),效果里的两个Any是从观众角度说的。你搞个强迫,效果上来说也是Any。 David Berglas他做到的ACAAN版本就被叫做“巴格拉斯效果”了,其实本质上他还是ACAAN,但有四个很苛刻的条件:1、在表演开始前扑克可以展示,没有重复的牌。2、观众任意说一张牌。他们不是托,可以不受限制的从52张牌中任意说一张。3、另一名观众任意说一个1到52之间的数字。他们也不是托,并且不受任何限制。4、邀请第三名观众来数牌,数第二名观众说出来的数字。表演者在表演的过程中不接触牌。任何魔术生产商或网上商店都不能以“The berglas Effect“为名进行销售。方法只属于David Berglas,可能永远不会公开,成为魔术界永恒的秘密。这四条呢,你可以把它拿来当“魔术创作的挑战,是可以的。但是,如果你真想用他们来“破解”巴格拉斯本人的巴格拉斯效果,那纯粹是多此一举。巴格拉斯本人都没这种说法。给他写传记写书的David Britland和Richard Kaufman也没提过这四条!巴格拉斯本人从来没有提出过这些限制条件,并且在Richard Kaufman - The Berglas Effects这本书中 巴格拉斯教学了这个魔术,也就是说已经不是永恒的密码了真实情况是这样的:1、巴格拉斯本人是有这个ACAAN效果,但是他会随着观众(说的内容)不同而改变效果,搞不好最后效果和ACAAN没关系。可能有点人会问,那到底巴格拉斯演起来是什么样的?描述下效果:观众先报出牌和数字,巴格拉斯让观众把牌拿起来(这副牌经常是表演开始前就放在一边了,牌装盒子里,巴格拉斯本人没动过)。这时,重点来了,可能会让观众切一次牌,但是是观众来切,切一次。之后数到对应的位置,就是那张牌。整个表演过程中:没有force不通过任何心理上的东西去让观众说一个特定的数字绝不依靠有的观众可能会说类似于黑桃A等这种出现概率比较高的牌大卫本人不会拿着一副排好顺序的牌,走到你的面前给你演(牌要么一直放桌上,要么是在其他什么地方,然后演的时候他去让你拿)这个效果不使用任何手法!2、巴格拉斯效果跟ACAAN的区别:巴格拉斯本人演的时候如果动了牌,那就是ACAAN,没动,就是巴格拉斯效果。3、如果你看到巴格拉斯,你是可以要求巴格拉斯本人演这个效果的,他给很多魔术师都演过,虐死了无数人。4、四个原则是外国好事者(或者叫“魔术爱好者”吧)提的,不是巴格拉斯本人提的。


The story deals with the life of David Copperfield from childhood to maturity. David is born in England in about 1820. David's father had died six months before he was born, and seven years later, his mother marries Mr Edward Murdstone. David dislikes his stepfather and has similar feelings for Mr Murdstone's sister Jane, who moves into the house soon afterwards. Mr Murdstone thrashes David for falling behind with his studies. During the thrashing, David bites him and is sent away to a boarding school, Salem House, with a ruthless headmaster, Mr. Creakle. Here he befriends James Steerforth and Tommy Traddles who leave and then reappear later on.

David returns home for the holidays to find out that his mother has had a baby boy. Soon after David goes back to Salem House, his mother and her baby die and David has to return home immediately. Mr. Murdstone sends him to work in a factory in London of which he is a joint owner. The grim reality of hand-to-mouth factory existence echoes Dickens' own travails in a blacking factory. His landlord, Wilkins Micawber, is sent to a debtor's prison (the King's Bench Prison) after going bankrupt, and is there for several months before being released and moving to Plymouth. David now has nobody left to care for him in London, and decides to run away.

He walks all the way from London to Dover, to find his only known relative - his eccentric Aunt Betsey Trotwood - who agrees to bring him up, despite Mr Murdstone visiting in a bid to regain custody of David. David's aunt renames him 'Trotwood Copperfield', soon shortened to "Trot", and for the rest of the novel he is called by either name, depending on whether he is communicating with someone he has known for a long time, or someone he has only got to know recently.

The story follows David as he grows to adulthood, and is enlivened by the many well-known characters who enter, leave and re-enter his life. These include his faithful housekeeper Peggotty, her family, and their orphaned niece Little Em'ly who lives with them and charms the young David; his romantic but self-serving schoolfriend, Steerforth, who seduces and dishonors Little Em'ly, triggering the novel's greatest tragedy; and his landlord's daughter and ideal "angel in the house," Agnes Wickfield, who becomes his confidante. The two most familiar characters are David's sometime mentor, the constantly debt-ridden Mr. Wilkins Micawber, and the devious and fraudulent clerk, Uriah Heep, whose misdeeds are eventually discovered with Micawber's assistance. Micawber is painted as a sympathetic character, even as the author deplores his financial ineptitude; and Micawber, like Dickens's own father, is briefly imprisoned for insolvency.

In typical Dickens fashion, the major characters get some measure of what they deserve, and few narrative threads are left hanging. Dan Peggotty safely transports Little Em'ly to a new life in Australia; accompanying these two central characters are Mrs. Gummidge, and the Micawbers. Everybody involved finally finds security and happiness in their new lives in Australia. David first marries the beautiful but naïve Dora Spenlow, but she dies after failing to recover from a miscarriage early in their marriage. David then does some soul-searching and eventually marries and finds true happiness with Agnes, who had secretly always loved him. They have several children, including a daughter named in honor of Betsey Trotwood.


David Copperfield, its English name David Copperfield, formerly known as David Kotkin [1], in September 1956 was born on 16, New Jersey, a Russian immigrant family, his childhood on the right has a strong interest in magic. The introverted, shy people easily find themselves the wisdom of their peers has won appreciation for his confidence. 12 years old, David has been able to skillfully conduct magic shows, you can match with the professional magician. Soon he joined the National Association of magic, he became the world famous Magic the youngest member of the organization. In 1972, only 16-year-old David began as the Fine Arts Department at New York University undergraduates courses teach magic.

His inspiration come from? David Copperfield used his own words, inspired by "not only from other magician predecessors," but also by the impact of a number of entertainment professionals, such as rock band or a visual artist. David said: "I have wanted to be a songwriter, and I worship the creator of those songs, because they can create their own life experiences into a song, the song moved the audience at the same time, they can vent their own. I always wanted to create a rock song can be remembered in history, but now, I am writing is the magic "story", I want to rely on them to impress the audience. I was able, through their own creative things are now asserting himself. "

戴维科波菲尔,英文名戴维科波菲尔,原名戴维Kotkin [ 1 ],在1956九月出世在16,新泽西,俄国移民家庭,他的右边有一个童年在魔术的强烈兴趣。性格内向,害羞的人很容易找到自己的同龄的智慧有信心赢得赞赏他。12岁,戴维已经能够熟练地进行魔术表演,你可以配合专业的魔术师。不久,他加入了魔术协会,他成了世界著名的魔术组织中最年轻的成员。1972,年仅16岁的戴维便开始在纽约大学为本科生课程教魔术艺术系。

