in the groove

时间:2024-03-25 13:26:34编辑:coo君


He's back in the groove.

For many runners, that's the incentive they need to get back in the groove.

maybe you just need to sit down and get back in the writing groove.


沟, 槽; 车辙; (唱片等的)纹路

习惯, 常规


make grooves in
be in the groove [俚]处于最佳精神状态; 精神焕发; 开心
get into the groove [俚]处于最佳精神状态; 精神焕发; 开心
fall [^et]into a groove 习惯于老一套的生活方式; 按死板的方式办事
get out of the groove 放弃单调乏味的生活方式, 改变因循守旧的习惯
in the groove 处于最佳精神状态 [俚]【音】流畅而高度技巧的演奏, 歌曲流行; 完美的 能够欣赏精彩的演奏; 能够领会其中的乐趣
run in a groove 墨守成规
move in a groove 墨守成规
run in the same groove 如出一辙


Buildings in urban areas are for investment in the country, during the process of organizing the area's resources, building up the area's efficiency, increasing the area's morality, and building up the area's dependency those kinds of activities, make the people living there and the area started to work together making a smooth inprovement and polite, even relationships. for the making of the urban investing plan, many urban governors of our country all used different kinds of ideas to attract more people to work on the plan, but, our urban government and people still are at the point of just getting to know each other, the hidden problems still are many, it blocked the people's need to participate. this statement used fengdong city and urban area as the case, from real life situations to explain the fengdong jiahe urban people's problems to participate and its reasons for that, and started to solve the problems, stating my opinion on that.



English is a language for communication. Students in the learning process by listening, speaking, reading, writing and training, access to knowledge of English to apply what they have learned. Among them, "reading" is to train our students to accurate and fluent in English reading ability and reading comprehension test is the ability to use language students in the form of one of the principal. Since the standardized test, the questions over the years in the college entrance examination in the ratio has been great today, in the examination of this trend has become increasingly evident. This type: According to the essay is wrong to judge; to choose the correct answer; give a few words from the short find their synonyms or antonyms and so on. Its contents are also involved in a wide range of popular science knowledge to the great, human geography, history, the small stories of small, small humor, there is not nothing. This shows that such practice to do a good job, usually it is necessary to expand the student extra-curricular reading, in order to have a solid foundation in reading, and also have the right to increase reading ability to read.麻烦采纳,谢谢!



GROOVE并不一定是与生具来的,所以就需要去练习自己身体与音乐的协调,对于GROOVE的练习有很多方面,具体在导师的教学过程当中会加以详细的体验和更深入的指导!这里我们先详细的了解他的定义,Groove一字说来抽象,每个人对于同一首音乐的感受各有不同 .
例如我们会形容一个爵士乐手他的演奏让人听起来很Groovy ,或是一个 M.C. 他念起歌词来有抑扬顿挫让人GROOVE起来 . 简单来说只要是一首够让你摇摆起来,不管它是快是慢 , 它就是一首有Groove的音乐 , 因为Groove是一种情绪,所以你看到有人听到音乐不自觉的随着音乐律动了起来 ,那就是他们感受到音乐的Groove,我想这样的解释够浅显易懂了吧 所以在舞蹈中,Groove的意思和音乐中的几乎是一样,都是指身体对音乐最基本的反应,配合着音乐来摇摆身体,它可以是"前后前后"或者是"上下上下"这种有方向的,也可以是那种很FREE(自由)的,向各种方向的,很有弹性的.但是最最最基本的,Groove可以说是最基本的,也可以说是最难的.

什么是GROOVE??? (音乐)

grooven.沟, 凹槽 (唱片等的), 惯例, 最佳状态;vt.开槽于Groove在音乐中是指身体对音乐最基本的反应,配合着音乐来摇摆身体,它可以是"前后前后"或者是"上下上下"这种有方向的,也可以是那种很FREE(自由)的,向各种方向的,很有弹性的。扩展资料:音乐的英语其他术语: 1、Classicism 古典主义 古典主义是在当时流行于整个西欧的唯理主义思想的影响下形成的。唯理主义以笛卡尔(1596-1650)为代表,他主张一切以合乎情理为原则,主张抛弃传统偏见,反对中世纪的神学世界观,反对盲目信仰宗教权威和经院哲学,把理性看成是知识的唯一源泉。2、acoustics 声学 声学是物理学中历史最悠久而当前仍在前沿的唯一分支学科。从上古起直到19世纪,都是把声音理解为可听声的同义语。中国先秦时就说:“情发于声,声成文谓之音”,“音和乃成乐”。声、音、乐三者不同,但都指可以听到的现象。同时又说“凡响曰声”,声引起的感觉(声觉)是响,但也称为声,与现代对声的定义相同。西方也是如此,acoustics的词源是希腊文akoustikos,意思是“听觉”。世界上最早的声学研究工作在音乐方面 3、abstract music 抽象音乐 形象是与抽象对应的一组哲学——美学范畴。为形象释意,当与抽象对举为宜。

Let the Groove Get In 歌词

歌曲名:Let the Groove Get In歌手:Justin Timberlake专辑:The 20/20 ExperienceLet The Groove Get InJustin TimberlakeAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In,feel it right thereAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In, feel it right thereAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In,feel it right thereAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In,feel it right thereAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In, feel it right thereAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In,feel it right thereAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In,feel it right thereAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In, feel it right thereAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In, feel it right thereCome on, shake, like you know you got something to prove little mamaMove, like the groove's taking over you, make no mistakeYou're in the place to be by far, so let's get crazyLike we ain't never gon see tomorrowAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In,feel it right thereAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In, feel it right thereAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In,feel it right thereAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In,feel it right thereAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In, feel it right thereShake, like you know you got nothing to lose, make it moveGirl you know what we came to do, make no mistakeYou're in the place to be by far, so let's get crazyLike we ain't never gon see tomorrowAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In,feel it right thereAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In, feel it right thereAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In,feel it right thereAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In,feel it right thereAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In, feel it right thereCause when the groove gets on, ooh it's onAnd if you need some lead, take mineCause when the groove gets on, ooh it's onSo let's have the night of our livesAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In,feel it right thereAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In, feel it right thereAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In,feel it right thereAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In,feel it right thereAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In, feel it right thereCause when the groove gets on, ooh it's onAnd if you need some lead, take mineCause when the groove gets on, ooh it's onSo let's have the night of our livesAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In,feel it right thereAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In, feel it right thereAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In,feel it right thereAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In,feel it right thereAre you comfortable, right there right thereLet The Groove Get In, feel it right there



求音乐:欢乐颂 英语歌词

come! sing a song of joy
for peace shall come, my brother!
sing! sing a song of joy
for men shall love each other!
that day will dawn just as sure
as hearts that are pure,
are hearts set free.
no man must stand along
with outstretched hands before him.
reach out and take them in yours
with love that endures
forever more.
then sing a song of joy
for love and understanding.
come! sing a song of joy
of freedom! tell the story!
sing! sing a song of joy
for mankind in his glory!
one mighty voice that will bring
a sound that will ring
forever more.
then sing a song of joy
for love and understanding.
come! sing a song of joy
of freedom! tell the story!
sing! sing a song of joy
for mankind in his glory!
one mighty voice that will bring
a sound that will ring
forever more.
then sing a song of joy
for love and understanding.
sing! sing a song of joy
for mankind in his glory!


参演电影 映间:贰0依三 剧名:外星哆布哆 扮演角色:呜哩克哩王 导演:赵牛 合作演员:唐旭 映间:贰0依贰 剧名:让我起舞蹈 扮演角色: 导演:耿磊 合作演员:罗乐 映间:贰009 剧名:蛋神奇踪 扮演角色:阿尔 合作演员:汤希铭 映间:贰009 剧名:校园少先锋队 扮演角色:教授 合作演员:王诗涵 映间:贰0依0-0贰-依依 剧名:约尔特奏鸣曲 扮演角色:奏鸣曲 导演:沈涛 合作演员:吴奇隆;吴辰君 映间:贰009-0四-依漆 剧名:爸爸哭 扮演角色:阿尔 导演:李萍萍 合作演员:谢娟 映间:贰00吧-0三-依贰 剧名:武少 扮演角色:阿龙 导演:洪昌 合作演员:刘羽谦 请选


[01:13.02]慢慢懂得 心再痛
[02:32.01]慢慢懂得 心再痛

[03:12.52]慢慢懂得 心再痛
[03:27.83]-=THE END=-


NBA 2K13

