
时间:2024-03-25 18:38:17编辑:coo君


I. 1. 1) arguments2) put ... down
3) sequence4) rigid
5) tedious6) hold back
7) reputation8) distribute
9) off and on10) vivid
11) associate ... with12) congratulations
13) finally14) turn in/turn out15) tackle
2.1) George hasbeen assigned to the newspaper's Paris office.
There is a possibility that his wish to become a writer will come true.
She had a clear image of how she would look in twenty years' time.
When the officer gave the command the soldiers opened fire.
As long as people keep buying bikes we'll keep turning them out.
3.1) Mr. Green is very dull as a lecturer. He's rigid and old fashioned, and doesn't seem to have
the faintest idea of how to inspire. I always get bored with / by his lectures.
Alan's essays are long and tedious to read. What's more, his arguments are often based on out of date ideas.
I was pleasantly surprised at my ability to compose an essay that the professor chose to read to the class. It was without doubt one of the happiest moments in my school career, but I did my best to avoid showing pleasure. When the professor offered me his congratulations, however, I could hardly hold back a smile.
II.Synonyms in Context
1. composed2. severe
3. agony4. extraordinary
5. recall6. command
7. was violating8. anticipate
1. at2. for
3. of4. with
5. as6. about
7. to8. in, in
9. from10. on/upon
1.1) Russell Baker is reported to live today with his wife in Virginia.
They are said to be building another bridge across the river.
Only a few students in Mr. Parker's composition class are said to have really captured the essence of the essay.
Those love poems were believed to have been composed by an English poet of the sixteenth century.
2.1) as you suggested
2) as I told you to

exactly as I was
as you have described them to me
Comprehensive Exercises
8.off and on
1. hold back
3. tedious
5. recall
7. arguments
9. turn out/turn in
1. that
3. black
5. at
7. different
9. On
11. answer
13. wrong
15. Thus

Susan lost her legs because of / in a car accident. For a time, she didn't know how to face
up to the fact that she would never ( be able to) walk again.
One day, while scanning (through ) books, a true story caught her eye/she was attracted by a true story. It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer. Greatly inspired. Susan made up her mind to read as much as she could, and what's more, she wanted to write stories about her own childhood. Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be able to lead a useful life.


你是一名大一的英语专业学生 ,你觉得自己的英语语法很薄弱 ,你基本靠语感做题 。你这样做对吗?这说明你的学习态度有问题。无论学习什么,都应该认真地去学习。你最近做专业二级练习题发现语法部分错得很严重,这反映你的英语能力需要加油啊。你的专业是英语,将来肯定离不开英语的。我也是干与英语有关的工作。个人的经历使我深深地体会到,要想学习好英语,培养对英语的兴趣是很重要的。
学习英语还要懂一点语法。这样你写出的句子就比较规范的,你就不会犯时态、语态、语气的错误。你就不会写出“Yesterday happened an accident.”的病句。语法是语言规律的总结,我们应该利用这些规律了方便我们的学习。但是,千万不要去死扣语法,不要动辄就进行语法分析,那样你就成为语法的俘虏了。


视听说终于改版了,针对变速齿轮有了限制,而且题目也随机了,原来的答案没用 了。唉,当年骑着青龙,腾云驾雾中左手变速,右手答案,一小时狂刷四五个单元 的日子一去不复返了。 不过我辈岂能甘心于奴役之苦?不能。 所以,古人说过:“空子就像理工学校的美女,找一找应该还是有的。” [不去恶心的机房] 这个和以前的一样,就是在自己电脑上下载了客户端之后,第一次运行时弹出的服 务器错误的窗口里面填入正确的IP地址就行了。 自己学校的IP地址可以去机房里面,NEIE的根目录下的Config.ini这个文件里面看 到,比如武汉大学的服务器IP为:。 [变速齿轮] 估计新版禁用变速齿轮的原理是根据连接服务器的时间来判定的,所以开着变速齿 轮老是会“连接服务器超时”。 不过NEIE只有在点击next之后才会与服务器进行连接。 所以,在点击NEXT之前,先把变速齿轮恢复原速,NEXT之后再变速就好了。 变速齿轮有快捷键,蛮方便的。 [非选择题(类似短文填空等)] 这些题目和之前版本的一样(因为它没办法打乱顺序),所以google一下以前版本 的答案就好了。 [选择题] 这部分题目和选项的顺序都被打乱了,pumpkin花了一中午来找新版本的答案都没 有找得到。 唯一有点省时间的办法是: 1.先随便选几个答案,submit之后会出现正确答案,记下来。 2.这时按next会出现之前的视频让你重新看一遍,很费时间,所以不点NEXT,而是 点return,return到主菜单之后再进入就不会出现视频要你重看一遍而是直接就可 以重新答题了。 然后把刚才记下的正确答案填上就行了。 [test(待解决)] test因为只能一次通过,选择部分又没有答案,所以暂时没找到什么办法可以偷懒 ,期待偷懒界前辈不吝赐教。 非选择部分,以前的答案还是可以用的。 [窗口全屏(待解决)] 虽然可以很方便的切换来切换去,但毕竟抄填空题时还是很不方便。 试了几个游戏的窗口化工具都没用,暂时放弃,期待大牛解决这个问题。 [该死的视频] 一段视频就是几分钟,还不能加速,不爽吧。 那进入NEIE的date目录下,用一个空白的wmv文件把里面那些很大很长的视频文件 全部替换掉吧。 暂时就这样吧,勉强可以提一下速,聊胜于无。 有新的信息会继续更新。采纳哦

