
时间:2024-03-26 17:03:46编辑:coo君


Welcome to taste Lotte Xylitol sugarfree gum,we're doing a promotion of our product.The big bottle of it costs 13.2yuan with a box of Koala biscuit which is free of charge and then save 3.3yuan,and the small one presents with two pieces of bubble gum or a small ornament for the mobile phone.There're various flavours:blueberry mint,cool mint,lemon mint,etc.You can chew the gum after dinner and before going to bed.It could effectively protect you from decayed tooth,and make you always feel fresh,it's so healthy for your tooth.Xylitol is a natural sweentner extracted from the white birch and corncob,equals to the sucrose in degree of sweet.You can feel very cool when chewing the gum,otherwise it's unqualified.You'd better controll the number of gum you take,not more than 5 pieces each day,and give each piece at most 15 minutes.A long-time chewing may cause the habit of grinding your tooth,and affect teenager's facial form.Japanese experts found that xylitol can separte the dental caries between mother and child.If the pregnant women often absorb xylitol during pregnancy,their child will hardly have dental caries.


会。1、金毛对玉米很难消化,玉米芯更是如此。2、对它的肠胃伤害非常大,可能导致呕吐等。3、如果3天后没有排出来,注意就医。金毛犬(英语:Golden Retriever)是比较现代并很流行的狗的品种,是单猎犬,作为用来在猎捕野禽的寻回犬而培养出来的,游泳的续航力极佳。它是最常见的家犬之一,因为它很容易养,有耐心并且对主人要求不多,只要定期的运动,食物和兽医体检就可以了。金毛的独特之处在于它讨人喜欢的性格,是属于匀称、有力、活泼的一个犬种,特征是稳固、身体各部位配合合理,腿既不太长也不笨拙,表情友善,个性热情、机警、自信而且不怕生。金毛犬最早是一种寻回猎犬。现在大多作为导盲犬与宠物狗。金毛犬在犬类智商排行榜上排名第四。对小孩子或者婴儿十分友善。


拉丁名/学名:Zea mays L.
英文名字: Maize ,corn
别名 : 玉米、苞芦、玉蜀黍、大蜀黍、
六谷、 芦黍、珍珠米、红颜麦、薏米包,
安徽庐江方言为“六谷子(方言音le gu zi)”。

