萨姆 史密斯

时间:2024-03-26 18:13:37编辑:coo君


Sam Smith~ Like I Can
He could be a sinner, or a gentleman
He could be a preacher, when your soul is damned
He could be a lawyer on a witness stand but
He'll never love you like I can, can

He could be a stranger, you gave a second glance
他极可能是个你多看几眼的陌生人 ,
He could be a trophy, of a one night stand
也可能是你 一夜情的战利品,
He could have your humour, but I don't understand cause
他可能听懂你的风趣, 我无法理解的幽默,
He'll never love you like I can, can, can

Why are you looking down all the wrong roads
When mine is the heart and the salt of the soul
There may be lovers who hold out their hands but
He'll never love you like I can, can, can
He'll never love you like I can, can

A chance encounter of circumstance
Baby he's a mantra, keeps your mind entranced
亲爱的,他宛如喃喃祷念的咒语, 让你心神荡漾如痴如醉,
He could be the silence in this mayhem, but then again
He'll never love you like I can, can, can

Why are you looking down all the wrong roads
When mine is the heart and the salt of the soul
There may be lovers who hold out their hands but
He'll never love you like I can, can, can
He'll never love you like I can, can
He'll never love you like I can, can, can

We both have demons, that we can't stand
我们内心里都有著心魔作祟 ,难以启齿的不良过往,
I love your demons, like devils can
但我能包容你的邪恶, 接纳你的一切。
If you're still seeking an honest man
And stop deceiving Lord, please

Why are you looking down all the wrong roads
When mine is the heart and the salt of the soul
There may be lovers who hold out their hands but
He'll never love you like I can, can, can
He'll never love you like I can, can
He'll never love you like I can, can, can

萨姆史密斯 一首像我一般 中文歌词

You and me we made a vow 我们之间发誓
  For better or for worse 不管是好是坏
  I can't believe you let me down 我不敢相信你让我失望
  But the proof is in the way it hurts 事实却证明这让我有多受伤
  For months on end I've had my doubts 几个月我有怀疑
  Denying every tear 否认每一滴眼泪
  I wish this would be over now 我希望这将会结束
  But I know that I still need you here 但我知道我还需要你
  You say I'm crazy 你说我疯了
  Cause you don't think I know what you've done 因为你认为我不知道你所做的一切
  But when you call me baby 但当你叫我宝贝
  I know I'm not the only one 我知道我不是唯一的一个
  You've been so unavailable你如此不忠
  Now sadly I know why 现在可悲的是我知道为什么
  Your heart is unobtainable 你的心是不可能得到的
  Even though lord knows kept mine 尽管我也不知道如何赢得我心
  You say I'm crazy 你说我疯了
  Cause you don't think I know what you've done 因为你认为我不知道你所做的一切

  But when you call me baby 但当你叫我宝贝
  I know I'm not the only one 我知道我不是唯一的一个
  I have loved you for many years 我爱你很多年了
  Maybe I am just not enough 也许我还爱的不够
  You've made me realise my deepest fear 你使我意识到我的最深的恐惧
  By lying and tearing us up 谎言将我们的关系彻底撕裂
  You say I'm crazy 你说我疯了
  Cause you don't think I know what you've done 因为你认为我不知道你所做的一切
  But when you call me baby 但当你叫我宝贝
  I know I'm not the only one 我知道不是唯一的一个
  You say I'm crazy 你说我疯了
  Cause you don't think I know what you've done 因为你认为我不知道你所做的一切
  But when you call me baby 但当你叫我宝贝
  I know I'm not the only one 我知道我不是唯一的一个
  I'm always not the only one 我总是不是唯一的一个
  I'm always not the only one 我总是不是唯一的一个
  And I know And I know And I know And I know 我知道 我知道 我知道 我知道
  And I know And I know 我知道 我知道
  I know I'm not the only one 我知道我不是唯一的一个

Sam Smith“I'm not the only one"的MV的女主角是谁?

迪安娜·阿格隆(Dianna Agron),1986年4月30日出生于美国佐治亚州,犹太裔美国女演员。2014年3月,与罗伯特·德尼罗合作主演犯罪惊悚片《别惹我》(又名《家族》)在中国全面上映,她在片中饰演男主人公弗莱德的女儿贝拉;并凭此入围第11届女性影评人协会奖最佳女演员。8月,担任萨姆·史密斯单曲《I'm Not The Only One》MV中的女主角。同年,主演剧情片《拉链》,与联邦检察官山姆展开一段桃色恋情。扩展资料:《I'm Not The Only One》是Sam Smith演唱的一首歌曲,出自专辑《In The Lonely Hour》。《In The Lonely Hour》,英国BBC年度之声冠军、全英音乐奖评审团特别奖得主——Sam Smith刚刚发行了处子专辑《In the Lonely Hour》,而打榜单曲《Money on My Mind》早在此前就登上了英国单曲榜第一位。年仅22岁的Sam在一片摇滚、电子之路的新人中脱颖而出,以其复古骚灵的绝佳嗓音独树一帜,是今年乐坛最有潜力的新人。参考资料来源:百度百科-I'm Not The Only One百度百科-迪安娜·阿格隆

