
时间:2024-03-29 21:52:17编辑:coo君


鱼尾狮是一种虚构的鱼身狮头的动物。它於1964年由当时的Van Kleef水族馆馆长Fraser Brunner先生所设计的。两年後被新加坡旅游局采用作为标志,一直沿用到1997年。而这期间,鱼尾狮已成为新加坡的代表。鱼尾狮狮头的设计灵感是根据《马来纪年》的记载,公元14世纪时一位来自「三佛齐王国」名叫圣尼罗乌达玛的王子在前往麻六甲途中来到了新加坡。他一登陆就看到一只神奇的野兽,随从告诉他那是一只狮子。他於是为此岛取名「新加坡」,在梵文中即「狮城」的意思,而鱼尾象征当年飘洋过海,南来谋生求存的祖祖辈辈们。


新加坡著名的鱼尾狮像就坐落于新加坡河畔,是新加坡的标志和象征。该塑像高 8 米,重 40 吨,狮子口中喷出一股清水,是由雕刻家林南先生和他的两个孩子于 1972 年共同雕塑的。 狮头鱼身坐立在水波上的鱼尾狮,其设计概念是将事实和传说合二为一:狮头代表传说中的“狮城”新加坡。鱼尾象征古城“淡马锡”,代表新加坡是由一个小渔村发展起来的。 2009年2月28日,鱼尾狮在大雨中被雷电击中,头部和波浪状底座受损。鱼尾狮于2009年3月18日修复后再次对游人开放。 据古书记载,古时新加坡叫做淡马锡,在爪哇语中为海城之意。公园 14 世纪时,传说有一个古印尼的王子发现了这座小岛,他在这里看见一头神奇的野兽,后来得知是头狮子。就此,王子就将这座小岛命名为“Singapura ”——在梵文里的意思是狮子 (Singa) 城 (pura) 。 如今,每年有一百多万来自世界各地的游客,专程造访鱼尾狮公园,与世界著名的鱼尾狮拍照留念。 公园周围地带,聚集了新加坡著名的地标性建筑:滨海艺术中心、政府大厦、高等法院、维多利亚剧院、莱佛士铜像等等,为游客必到之处。





作为新加坡旅游局 (STB) 标志的鱼尾狮首次亮相于1964年。这个矗立于浪尖的狮头鱼身像很快就变成了新加坡的象征。

鱼尾狮是由当时的 Van Kleef 水族馆馆长,Fraser Brunner 先生所设计的。鱼尾狮的狮头代表了>记里所记载、于公园11世纪,三佛齐王国的圣尼罗乌达玛王子在这座小岛所看见的一头神奇野兽,后来他才知道那是头狮子。就此,王子就将这座小岛命名为“Singapura”。“Singapura”在梵文里的意思是狮子(Singa)城(pura)。鱼尾则象征了在王子发现小岛前的古城淡马锡 (Temasek),并代表新加坡是由一个小渔村发展起来的。

高8.6米、重达70吨的鱼尾狮塑像是已故新加坡著名工匠林浪新(Lim Nang Seng)先生用混凝土制作的。另一座高2米、重3吨的小形尾狮塑像也是林先生的作品。狮身由混凝土制作,表面覆盖上陶瓷鳞片,而眼睛则是红色的小茶杯。


鱼尾狮和小鱼尾狮最初建立在离现址 120 米的海滨公园桥边的鱼尾狮公园。鱼尾狮公园因此在世界城市著名地标中取得一席之地,成为一个广受欢迎的旅游景点。1972年9月15日,新加坡前总理李光耀先生为鱼尾狮公园主持正式开幕仪式。为了纪念这项盛事,制定了一块铜匾,铜匾上刻有献词:“鱼尾狮是新加坡迎宾好客的象征”。





看台可容纳 300人。游人站在看台上,就能以浮尔顿酒店、滨海公园侧影等市区金融中心建筑物轮廓线为背景,从正面与鱼尾狮合照。

小鱼尾狮坐立在鱼尾狮身后 28 米处的造型独特的水池中。它也会与鱼尾狮呼应,从口中喷射水柱。


鱼尾狮是由当时的 Van Kleef 水族馆馆长,Fraser Brunner 先生所设计的。鱼尾狮的狮头代表了>记里所记载、于公园11世纪,三佛齐王国的圣尼罗乌达玛王子在这座小岛所看见的一头神奇野兽,后来他才知道那是头狮子。就此,王子就将这座小岛命名为“Singapura”。“Singapura”在梵文里的意思是狮子(Singa)城(pura)。鱼尾则象征了在王子发现小岛前的古城淡马锡 (Temasek),并代表新加坡是由一个小渔村发展起来的。


The Merlion
The MerlionThe Merlion was designed as an emblem for the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) in 1964. The designer was Mr Fraser Brunner, a member of the souvenir committee and a curator of the Van Kleef Aquarium.

The Merlion has a lion head and a fish body resting on a crest of waves. The lion head symbolises the legend of the rediscovery of Singapura, as recorded in the "Malay Annals". In ancient times, Singapore was known as Temasek, a Javanese word for sea. In the 11th century A.D, Prince Sang Nila Utama of the Sri Vijaya Empire rediscovered the island. When the Prince first landed on Singapore's shores, he sighted a mystical beast which he later learnt was a lion. The Prince then decided to name the island "Singapura" which in Sanskrit means Lion (Singa) City (Pura). The fish tail of the Merlion symbolises the ancient city of Temasek and represents Singapore's humble beginnings as a fishing village.

The MerlionThe Merlion statue, measuring 8.6 metres high and weighing 70 tonnes, was built by the late Singapore craftsman, Mr Lim Nang Seng. It is made of cement fondue. A smaller Merlion statue, measuring two metres high and weighing three tonnes was also built by Mr Lim. The body is made of cement fondue, the skin from porcelain plates and eyes from small red teacups.





“狮头鱼身像”高八点六公尺(8.6米),重70吨,身子是一条鱼,但头却是狮子的头,它是新加坡标志,因为新加坡这个字来自梵文,意思是“狮城”。起源:它在1964年由时任Van Kleef 水族馆馆长的Fraser Brunner先生所设计的。两年后被新加坡旅游局采用作为标志,一直沿用到1997年。在这期间,鱼尾狮已成为新加坡的代表。鱼尾狮像坐落于市内新加坡河畔,是新加坡的标志和象征。该塑像高8.6米,重70吨,狮子口中喷出一股清水,它是由雕刻家,林浪新先生和他的两个孩子在1972年5月完成的作品。在鱼尾狮像背面的一小块场地有四块石碑,碑文讲述了鱼尾狮象征新加坡的故事。扩展资料:历史沿革:古代新加坡曾一度是个重要的商业中心。但于公元1377年遭爪哇入侵被毁为废墟,1613年它又遭到葡萄牙人的劫掠和焚烧;到了19世纪初,这里仍是个丛林密布野兽出没的荒岛,这时它是马来亚柔佛王国的一部分。1819年1月,英国人莱佛士为开拓海上贸易来到狮子城,当时这里只是一处人烟稀少的渔村,但他却很快看出这是个天然良港,含有无限商机。莱佛士以极低微的代价租下这块土地,插上英国国旗、驻扎军队,招募劳工开荒山填沼泽、筑路道修码头,从事城市和港口建设。1824年起,新加坡全境均归属英国管辖,成为英国在远东进行转口贸易的商埠和在东南亚主要军事基地。在此期间,远道而来的中国人和马来半岛及其他各地的移民大量涌入,共同为开发这片热土进行着艰辛的劳动,逐渐形成以华人占多数,包括马来族、印度族、巴基斯坦人等民族在内的多民族移民社会。1959年,新加坡人民经过奋争获得了独立,1965年正式建国。摆脱殖民统治后的新加坡,走出一条独立自主发展的新路,在短短二三十年时间内,迅速从一个转口商港变成具有资本和技术密集工业、发达的金融业和进出口贸易的现代化新兴国家,创造了举世瞩目的奇迹。1972年9月15日,当时担任新加坡总理的李光耀为鱼尾狮塑像主持开幕。他在致词时表示,希望鱼尾狮能成为新加坡的象征,就如艾菲尔塔是巴黎的象征一样。参考资料来源:百度百科-鱼尾狮参考资料来源:百度百科-狮头鱼身像


鱼尾狮是一种虚构的鱼身狮头的动物。它於1964年由当时的Van Kleef水族馆馆长Fraser Brunner先生所设计的。





The Merlion is a sign of Sentosa, Singapore's tourism logo is! It is Singapore's tallest free type structure building, the Merlion 320 scales or by optical fibers made of, to the night will continue to change color, bold and beautiful!


The merlion (Simplified Chinese: 鱼尾狮; Pinyin: Yúwěishī) is a statue with the head of a lion and the body of a fish. Its name comes from a portmanteau of mermaid and lion. The merlion was designed by Fraser Brunner for the Singapore Tourism Board in 1964 and was used as its logo up to 1997. The Merlion continues to be its trademark symbol. It also appears frequently in STB-approved souvenirs.

Based on the Singapore Tourism Board's publicity campaign, the lion head and fish body of the creature recalls the story of the legendary Sang Nila Utama, who saw a lion while hunting on an island, en route to Malacca. The island eventually became the sea port of Temasek, a precursor to Singapore.
Merlion statue
The original Merlion statue stood at the opening of the Singapore River. The then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, officiated the installation ceremony of the Merlion statue on 15 September 1972. In 2002, the statue was relocated to its current site that fronts Marina Bay with the completion of the Esplanade Bridge in 1997. The statue measures 8.6 metres high and weighs 70 tonnes. A taller replica can be found on Sentosa Island. The Merlion statue on Marina Bay was built from cement fondue by the late Singapore craftsman, Lim Nang Seng.[1]
Other Merlion statues
There are five official Merlions in Singapore approved by the Singapore Tourism Board. These include the two at Merlion Park, one a smaller Merlion and the other the main Merlion (both by Lim Nang Seng in 1972).

* Merlion Park on Marina Bay (2)
* Sentosa, which is a taller replica
* Mount Faber
* Tourism Court in Tanglin


* Hakodate, Hokkaidō, Japan built by Masaru Yanagisawa.
* Shenzhen, China, on Window of the World.[2]


* From 5 June 2006 till 10 July 2006, the Merlion at Merlion Park underwent a spruce-up. Visitors were greeted with illustrated hoardings and canvases covering the safety nettings. The illustrations were designed by Miel, an award-winning senior artist at The Straits Times.

The Merlion in art and popular culture

* Edwin Thumboo cemented the iconic status of the Merlion as a personification of Singapore with his poem Ulysses by the Merlion in 1979. Due to Thumboo's status as Singapore's unofficial poet laureate and the nationalistic mythmaking qualities of his poetry, future generations of Singaporean poets have struggled with the symbol of the Merlion, frequently taking an ironic, critical, or even hostile stand - and pointing out its artificiality and the refusal of ordinary Singaporeans to accept a tourist attraction as their national icon. The poem "attracted considerable attention among subsequent poets, who have all felt obliged to write their own Merlion (or anti-Merlion) poems, illustrating their anxiety of influence, as well as the continuing local fascination with the dialectic between a public and a private role for poets, which Thumboo (as Yeats before him, in the Irish context) has wanted to sustain as a fruitful rather than a tense relation between the personal and the public." Among the poems of this nature are "Merlign" by Alvin Pang and "Love Song for a Merlion" by Vernon Chan.
* The Merlion was featured - or not featured, depending on how you look at it - in the 2005 Venice Biennale in the work of artist Lim Tzay Chuen called "Mike". In his controversial work, he had proposed taking the sculpture in the Merlion Park to the Singapore Pavilion at the exhibition.[3] The request was refused by the authorities.
* The Merlion has appeared in a number of films and television series, becoming almost a visual cliché to Singapore as the Eiffel Tower is to Paris.
* It notably appeared in the anime Cowboy Bebop, where its appearance in an ancient home movie offered amnesiac bounty hunter Faye Valentine a clue to her true origins.
* A merlion can be seen on the Crest of the 8th Marine Regiment of the United States Marine Corps. [4]

