
时间:2024-03-30 02:45:25编辑:coo君


foliage:树叶;;植物的叶子(总称),叶子及梗和枝。leaf:叶子;页;叶状的结构;金属薄片。foliage例句:1)Dark foliage clothes the hills. 浓密的树叶覆盖着群山。2)Gorillas sleep in nests ?they weave together soft foliage and bent branches from trees. 大猩猩睡在巢中--它们会把一些柔软的叶子和弯曲的枝条编织在一起。leaf例句:1)Each node can be either a branch or a leaf. 每个节点都可以是一个分支或者是一个叶子。2)Yea; though no leaf of the wild garlands, which they wore while they danced, be left in their hair!我当然有;虽说他们在跳舞时戴的野花环没有在他们的头发上留下叶子!


“叶子”英语leaf念法:英 [liːf] 美 [lif] 释义:1、n. 叶子;(书籍等的)一张;扇页2、vi. 生叶;翻书页3、vt. 翻…的页,匆匆翻阅4、n. (Leaf)人名;(英)利夫例句:1、Each node can be either a branch or a leaf.每个节点都可以是一个分支或者是一个叶子。2、Yea; though no leaf of the wild garlands, which they wore while they danced, be left in their hair!我当然有;虽说他们在跳舞时戴的野花环没有在他们的头发上留下叶子!扩展资料leaf的同近义词:foliage 读法:英 ['fəʊlɪɪdʒ] 美 ['folɪɪdʒ] 释义:n. 植物;叶子(总称)短语:1、foliage spray 根外施肥,叶面喷肥2、pot foliage 盆栽观叶植物3、foliage tree 阔叶木 ,观叶树4、foliage ornamentals 观叶植物5、foliage forest 阔叶手


foliage和leave区别:意思和词性不同。一、意思不同foliage的意思:(植物的)叶;枝叶。leave的意思:离开(某人或某处);离开居住地点(或群体、工作单位等);遗弃;丢弃;假期;准许。二、词性不同foliage的词性:名词leave的词性:名词、及物动词、不及物动词。扩展资料:1.foliage和leave的单词发音:foliage的单词发音:英 [ˈfəʊliɪdʒ] 、美 [ˈfoʊliɪdʒ] leave的单词发音:英[liːv]、美[liːv]2.foliage和leave的同义词:foliage的同义词: leafleaf的意思:n. 叶;叶子;薄片;烟叶;茶叶;长叶;书页;叶状物 v. 生新叶;长新叶;翻阅leave的同义词:departuredeparture的意思:n.离开;出发;(在特定时间)离开的飞机(或火车等);背离;违反;逾越参考资料:百度百科-leave


叶子英语为:单数时用leaf 复数是leaves。短语:coltsfoot leaf 款冬叶子lemon leaves 柠檬叶子the leaf nodes 叶子结点a leaf 一叶子扩展资料用leaf造句:1、The plant is leafing out in the summer sun.这株植物在夏日的日光中长叶子。2、Begin to roll the leaf from one side.然后从一边往另一边卷起叶子。3、THE FOREST was large and thickly overgrown with all kinds of leaf-bearing trees.这是一座很大很茂密的森林,长满生有各种各样叶子的树。4、You have to know, one wet leaf can ruin you.你要知道,一片湿润的叶子就会毁掉你。5、Perhaps one day he would see what the old leaf had seen - perhaps.或许有一天他会看到老叶子看到过的东西——也许吧。


叶子英语为:单数时用leaf 复数是leaves。短语:coltsfoot leaf 款冬叶子lemon leaves 柠檬叶子the leaf nodes 叶子结点a leaf 一叶子扩展资料用leaf造句:1、The plant is leafing out in the summer sun.这株植物在夏日的日光中长叶子。2、Begin to roll the leaf from one side.然后从一边往另一边卷起叶子。3、THE FOREST was large and thickly overgrown with all kinds of leaf-bearing trees.这是一座很大很茂密的森林,长满生有各种各样叶子的树。4、You have to know, one wet leaf can ruin you.你要知道,一片湿润的叶子就会毁掉你。5、Perhaps one day he would see what the old leaf had seen - perhaps.或许有一天他会看到老叶子看到过的东西——也许吧。

上一篇:angel dark
