where we are

时间:2024-03-30 13:02:39编辑:coo君


《Thinking Out Loud》歌词 — Ed Sheeran

Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran

When your legs don't work like
they used to before
And I can't sweep you off of your feet
Will your mouth still
remember the taste of my love
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks
Darlin' I will
Be lovin' you
Till we're seventy
Baby my heart
Could still fall as hard
At twenty three
I'm thinkin' bout how
People fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe just a touch of a hand
Me I fall in love with you every single day
I just wanna tell you I am
So honey now
Take me into your lovin' arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are
When my hairs all but gone and my memory fades
And the crowds dont remember my name
When my hands don't play
the strings the same way
I know you will still love me the same
'Cause honey your soul
Can never grow old
It's evergreen
Baby your smile's forever in my mind in memory
I'm thinkin' bout how
People fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe it's all part of a plan
I'll continue making the same mistakes
Hoping that you'll understand
That baby now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are
(al la la la la la la la la)
Baby now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under
the light of a thousand stars (oh darlin')
在星光下 哦 亲爱的
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are
Maybe We found love right where we are
And we found love right where we are


Stay, stay where you are留下来,呆在那儿别动Don't let me go, don't let me go别让我走,不要让我走We made it this far这都是我们创造的这个遥远的地方Oh baby stop, stop right there哦宝贝停止,立即停止Don't walk away, don't walk away别走开,不要走开Into thin air在空气中We survived a crash让我们活下来的撞车Made it through the wreckage通过了残骸中Standing here at last站在这里的最后So perfectly written如此完美地写Now where we are现在我们身在何处Is where we're suppose to be就是我们猜想是吗Where we are我们身在何处Keeps the brea th in me保持呼吸,因为你在我心里Where we've been我们一直在We've risen from the deep我们已经上升到深Where we're now no one can tear us apart现在没有人的地方,我们就会将我们分开That's where we are那就是我们Don't, don't turn around不,不要回头We gotta let, we got to let我们得让,我们得让Go of the past now过去了Feel me by your side觉得我飞到你的身边We're out of danger我们脱离危险,No reason to hide没有理由隐藏We survived the storm暴风雨让我们活下来的Made it through the hurricane穿过了飓风Standing here at last站在这里的最后Dry despite the rain干尽管雨下得很大,Now where we are现在我们身在何处Is where we're suppose to be就是我们猜想是吗Where we are我们身在何处Keeps the breath in me保持呼吸,因为你在我心里Where we've been我们一直在We've risen from the deep我们已经上升到深Where we're now no one can tear us apart现在没有人的地方,我们就会将我们分开That's where we are那就是我们That's where we are那就是我们Stay, stay where you are留下来,呆在那儿别动where we are我们身在何处Is where we're suppose to be就是我们猜想是吗Where we are我们身在何处Keeps the breath in me保持呼吸,因为你在我心里Where we've been我们一直在We've risen from the deep我们已经上升到深Where we're now no one can tear us apart现在没有人的地方,我们就会将我们分开That's where we are那就是我们That's where we are那就是我们



She's such a transformer
EXO! Let's go!

Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up
无法用言语形容 她到底是什么东西
那里 那里 那里 那里
刹那之间 开始蜕变 连准备都 来不及
You slow down, then you speed up
没有答案 只能惊惶的呆在原地
把我要挑战的路照亮的 Girl
了不起的你是 Mega girl
Oh baby baby baby 危险的太惊心动魄
你散发的光太耀眼 绝不会想和你对决
Hey pretty lady 思维早已为了你深陷
有时很温柔 有时特别强烈
站在 你的 你的 你的 面前
Tick tick boom boom bout to blow
交出一切让你成为 我的 Owner
Cause you're you're you're a transformer
Girl you got me got me 这游戏的 Winner
Cause you're you're you're a transformer
You come around 我无法挣扎
你看起来太养眼 Oh 变了转眼之间
下了决心 舍不得这时间
You slow down, then you speed up
没有答案 只能惊惶的呆在原地
把我要挑战的路照亮的 Girl
了不起的你是 Mega girl
Oh baby baby baby 危险的太惊心动魄
你散发的光太耀眼 绝不会想和你对决
Hey pretty lady 思维早已为了你深陷
有时很温柔 有时特别强烈
站在 你的 你的 你的 面前
Tick tick boom boom bout to blow
交出一切让你成为 我的 Owner
Cause you're you're you're a transformer
** 就现在是你的时间
Girl you got me got me 这游戏的 Winner
Cause you're you're you're a transformer
不用太过的烦躁 浪费时间没必要的
就在这你和我 到底还需要些什么
不管变成什么样, 就算变灰暗, 也要抓住你
Tell me now, It's killing me baby
Tick tick boom boom bout to blow
交出一切让你成为 我的 Owner
Cause you're you're you're a transformer
Girl you got me got me 这游戏的 Winner
Cause you're you're you're a transformer
想见你, 想要你 Then you transform
能否能否感受我 Or are you gonna transform?

两个视线,一个视线(What If)

Oh, 看你笑得幸福 如此地幸福
你的美丽 原来是被他征服
而我只能用心酸 勉强地说服
是他给你微笑 代替我守护
(Oh oh yeah) 想对你说的 怎会变成深埋在心中的结
(Oh oh yeah) 我遗憾着说不出再见
* 互相凝望的两个视线

只剩一个视线 迷了路的视线
来不及的一切 失去你的视线
哭着说听不见的抱歉 无能为力 把爱吞成眼泪看着你
互相凝望的两个视线 只剩一个视线
我有一种错觉 不只是错觉
幻想能乘着 风筝飞上天
那一阵风 吹动时间
(Oh oh yeah) 雪白的信 我却用深白色写满思念
(Oh oh yeah) 除了你 不再透露给谁
* 互相凝望的两个视线
只剩一个视线 迷了路的视线
来不及的一切 失去你的视线
哭着说听不见的抱歉 无能为力 把爱吞成眼泪看着你
互相凝望的两个视线 只剩一个视线
把回忆收进心中的抽屉 想要永远收藏你的美丽
偶尔偷偷纪念行不行 Oh-
把思念画成小星星 在每个黑夜黎明
不管多远的距离 我的心都会属于你
为你温柔照亮不曾离去 Oh
只剩一个视线 迷了路的视线
紧紧锁定的两个视线 (双眼紧闭着)
来不及的一切 失去你的视线
无能为力 把爱吞成眼泪看着你 (把爱吞成眼泪看你)
互相凝望的两个视线 (Girl I’m missing you)
只剩一个视线 一个孤单迷路的视线
我眼里全都是你 在我眼里看他 他的视线停留在你身上 (我的视线是你)
我眼里全都是你 在我眼里看他 他的视线停留在你身上


我看起来阳光 微笑挂脸上 却常常都孤单着
我保持沉默 装作很洒脱 却有话想说
第一次看到你 就被你吸引
没有复杂挣扎思考 我却想说
The answer is you
My answer is you
You are my everything 我是如此确定
我应该更小心 更珍爱自己 这样才不会受伤
我仿佛快不能呼吸 有生以来第一次感觉
看到你的表情 听到你的笑声
The answer is you (That is you)
My answer is you (Only you)
You are my everything 我是如此确定
简单一句我在等你 却说不出口写下又涂掉
闭上眼睛去猜想你在做什么 我整天都在重复
我在等待 you you you
开启你心 you you
You are my everything
直到永远 My Love
(Oh I’m nothing)
就请让我陪在你的身旁 (就请让我陪在你的身旁)
再多想也一样 (Oh it’s you)
It’s you
It’s you


Oh yeah Stand up! 请别走 你答案还是 No
我的心被打碎 半空中闪着闪着光
为你着了魔 四面楚歌没出口
绕一圈回原地 受困在爱的迷宫
你的美太耀眼 灿烂到太阳都快看不见
一瞬间 蒙住了我的双眼
连眼前的烈火 都会被你遮蔽的瞳孔
* 你像一场梦 最残忍的Queen
隐藏刺的美丽 让我太着迷
Dangerous Dangerous, She's so dangerous.
** 盛开的孤单 蔓延在梦境
我用力折断它 另一方向逃离
Exodus Exodus, It’s my Exodus.
Stand back! 我嘶吼 心中的 Domino
为你倒下你却 连一眼都没都没眨
早回不了头 做什么都没有用
我沉重的叹息 全身都没力气 Girl
在脑海你是 Shock 你的话回音充满我世界
听不见 除了你的所有声音
随他们怎么说 全都进不了我的耳朵
你的心像 透明的城墙
我是唯一的囚犯 牺牲自由交换爱
我为你而疯狂 不愿再说谎
为你而心动 为你心痛
She's dangerously hot
我在你怀里 是懦弱的 King
我就抛弃所有 为了拥有你
Dangerous Dangerous, She's so dangerous.
从你的怀里 找逃脱路径
奔向出口的光 远离你的甜蜜
Exodus Exodus, It’s my Exodus.


我做了相同的梦 在空旷沙漠之中
在遥远尽头是一座 耀眼的城市到达前消失
为了要到达 我要去的地方
却不怕很遥远 又艰难的旅途
甚至还无法完全确定 无法预知未来也要冲
Find the El Dorado 现在我 准备向前
大冒险的确 非常的致命的极度危险
* 紧跟眼前展开的一道光线
这一步很久以后 变传说 The El Dorado
** 虽然某天我们会在暴风里头 只要一起
就不必害怕 oh El Dorado rado
*** Sail sail sail, gotta gotta go go, gotta find the El Dorado El Dorado do
Sail sail sail, gotta gotta go go, gotta find the El Dorado El Dorado
那是从哪里吹过来 金色旋律
闭上眼 就更明显 我会清晰的可见
无法预知的尽头 却也回不到源头
Find the El Dorado 当这地方呼唤我
我再也不会 停在原地停滞不动
这是我的命运 那就 El Dorado
Sail sail sail, gotta gotta go go, gotta find the El Dorado El Dorado
旅途再颠簸 把障碍都越过
前路越来越亮 因为共同面对这一切了
No pain No gain 这里是未知的世界
十根手指攥在一起 这种力量 We are the one
Now we're here 无数的时间都与我们擦身而过
我更期待开启在 未来眼前的奇迹
对相信我 每张脸说 证明自我 那信念从没有错
站在相同天空 相同名字我们是一体的
也彼此相信 oh El Dorado rado
我们一起拼搏 抵达 El Dorado
Sail sail sail, gotta gotta go go, gotta find the El Dorado El Dorado


电话都不要接 就安静 随放它去响 我们把时间留一下
没有重要事 需要你 立即地回答 让你左思右想
别去想 别去想 我都能看出你的思索 别去想 别去想 别去想
* 黑夜黑我的心停留在 Your place
燃烧后你的心一直在 My place
两颗心有距离不能一起 play
(You know what it is?)
** 请忘记我的话冻结在 My base
已消失你的话却留下 Your trace
两颗心太拥挤无法让你 Play (boy)
Play play (boy)
Play play (boy)
Play (boy) Play (boy) Play
你眼睛在说你 太晚看清楚真正原因 你已偷偷爱上我 (不是吗?)
其实你 早已经 在意我但现在的理由 却通通只会怪我
我是坏 比你想象中还坏 你发现的却不一样 你都是想错
跟我会 让幸福再靠近 多一些 请别再随便离开我
别去想 别去想 我都能看出你的思索 别去想 别去想 别去想
把昵称设定写好 只消一个吻 That’s all
遇见了我这样的货算是运气 或倒霉你分的清
双重选择 yes! 就像是喝了 Whisky
让你感到头脑眩晕脸变得热 (leggo)
我说过后面有没开始的 Main game
Oh! 我真不想去停下 其实我们一样感觉 你根本不想看我离开 (不是吗?)
My babe
Play (boy) Play (boy) Play (boy)

你在我身上 残留的香味
让失控双脚 也臣服你的完美
但我心里面 火花般的记忆 却化成烟在瞬间
深呼吸 对你的爱 多想要喊出口
却恐惧 一丝希望 会烧成了灰全都落空
深蓝色凌晨 只剩回音 飘散在寒冷的空中Who knows?
* 像无限的Mystery 迷雾般的Memory
彷佛是你 却找不到证据
You hurt me (So bad, so bad)
You hurt me (So bad, so bad)
你存在我的脑海里 (Insane) 轮廓那样的清晰
Yeah 我跟着月色般的旋律 准备偷偷敲开紧锁的心
夜晚像那河水安静 嘘! 请替我保守这秘密
偷偷告诉我 要到哪里才能揭开 封闭你的世界 去拥抱你
让我靠近你 能不能允许我走进 面纱下掩盖的 你的世界
每个夜晚 想你才能入梦
那梦中 不断演奏 甜美旋律彷佛你和我
我闭上了眼 随着身影 走进那黑暗的尽头 Who knows?
能不能够 为我回头 你明知 我的爱已收不回
比起你 模煳的身影 和漆黑的晚上 我更怕 一个人被留下
It hurts

流星雨(lady luck)

等不及要倒数夜晚降临 Yeah (I promise girl)
黑暗中星光更妩媚 唤醒我的是你
在满天的星空里 你是 Only one
Oh! 像无尽森林中唯一的光明 就那么远那么轻
跟随这光影 以为能靠近
手伸得再挺 触碰不到你
最美的距离 隔着一夜叹息 我只能震惊
目眩神迷 Oh 你 突然靠近的你 踩着闪耀的步履
流星如雨 倾泻满地 (你是否也期待被我探寻)
穿透黑暗 你燃烧自己 那灿烂的美丽 让我心跳暂停
当你慢慢靠近 (我臂弯属于你)
Babe Babe 你就是唯一
Lady Lady Luck Luck Luck (so listen)
已经有 太多愿望 向你倾吐 Yeah (my precious girl)
许一千个愿也不够 你是否听见我
我最想实现的那一个 Only you
Oh! 我瞳孔只有你能占据 已经全是你只有你
幻梦的光影 揭开了序曲
隐藏不住你 闪耀的 Fortune
收在你眼底 所深邃的秘密 只有我聆听
目不暇给 Oh 你 更耀眼的你 像在对着我耳语
流星如雨 漫天通明 (趁入睡之后 向我侵袭)
愿用一生 换爱你的幸运 就算彻夜等待 我也在所不惜
等你坠落降临 (我一直在等你)
目眩神迷 Oh 你 突然靠近的你 踩着闪耀的步履
流星如雨 倾泻满地 (你是否也 期待被我探寻)
穿透黑暗 你燃烧自己 那灿烂的美丽 让我心跳暂停
当你慢慢靠近 (我臂弯属于你)
Babe Babe 你是我最美的幸运 Lady Lady (Luck Luck Luck)
Babe Babe 你是降落凡间的星 Lady Lady

Girl, 哪怕是风吹乱了你的头发遮住了你的脸, 我也一样能看见你闪耀的双眼
每天一直被 思念缠绕的我已疲惫不已
想立刻见到你 我的心已失去所有知觉
等你唤醒 Baby
穿过我的皮肤 淋湿我心
花开时的香气 就像你的呼吸
Oh 每分每秒被吸引 你就像是我的氧气
就这样被你锁定 (Love)
一开始便已注定 染上你的气息回回
Beautiful Beautiful
Oh You Beautiful Beautiful
Oh You Beautiful Beautiful
Oh You Beautiful Beautiful
Beautiful Beautiful
为我解开眉头的锁 (不会再忧愁)
Oh You Beautiful Beautiful
看见你微笑的轮廓 (你微笑的轮廓)
Oh You Beautiful Beautiful
连时间都忘记向前 (时钟凝固而停留)
Oh You Beautiful Beautiful
你咬动着双唇 无须任何语言让我无限着迷
我的心已像跌进 漩涡全身被你的爱包围 Oh you are my baby
看天空的边际 是金色的痕迹
(看) 无声地慢慢延起 美丽霞光般的爱情
即使有异样色彩 (Love)
也会被你的金色 永远把我全部包围
Beautiful Beautiful
你就像花儿在转动 (Girl ~我会将你捧在手中)
Oh You Beautiful Beautiful
不想轻易这样放手 (小心翼翼放在我怀中)
Oh You Beautiful Beautiful
害怕失去你的拥抱 (害怕失去你 My lady)
Oh You Beautiful Beautiful
Beautiful Beautiful
为我解开眉头的锁 (hey! 让我忘掉不安难过)
Oh You Beautiful Beautiful
看见你微笑的轮廓 (视线里不再空洞 My baby)
Oh You Beautiful Beautiful
连时间都忘记向前 (秒针因你停止)
Oh You Beautiful Beautiful
Oh so Beautiful (oh you’re so beautiful)
Oh so Beautiful (so beautiful to me)
Oh so Beautiful (and I just gotta let you know, girl) to me, to me.
Beautiful Beautiful
聆听你声音像旋律 (聆听你声音像旋律 Oh)
Oh You Beautiful Beautiful
Oh You Beautiful Beautiful
搜寻神话里每颗星 (搜寻每颗星)
Oh You Beautiful Beautiful
Beautiful Beautiful
为我解开眉头的锁 (让我挣脱束缚)
Oh You Beautiful Beautiful
看见你微笑的轮廓 (让我记住你的眼神和感动)
Oh You Beautiful Beautiful
连时间都忘记向前 (让我停留)
Oh You Beautiful Beautiful


Got To Be There
发行日期: 1972年1月24日

1. Ain't No Sunshine
2. I Wanna Be Where You Are
3. Girl Don't Take Your Love From Me
4. In Our Small Way
5. Got To Be There
6. Rockin' Robin
7. Wings Of My Love
8. Maria (You Were The Only One)
9. Love Is Here And Now You're Gone -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
发行日期: 1972年8月4日

1. Ben
2. Greatest Show On Earth
3. People Make The World Go 'Round
4. We've Got A Good Thing Going
5. Everybody's Somebody's Fool
6. My Girl
7. What Goes Around Comes Around
8. In Our Small Way
9. Shoo-Be-Doo-Be-Doo-Da-Day
10. You Can Cry On My Shoulder -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Music & Me
发行日期: 1973年4月13日

1. With A Child's Heart
2. Up Again
3. All The Things You Are
4. Happy (Love Theme From "Lady Sings The Blues")
5. Too Young
6. Doggin' Around
7. Johnny Raven
8. Euphoria
9. Morning Glow
10. Music And Me -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

美国流行专辑榜:# 101,美国黑人专辑榜:#10

1. We're Almost There
2. Take Me Back
3. One Day In Your Life
4. Cinderella Stay A While
5. We've Got Forever
6. Just A Little Bit Of You
7. You Are There
8. Dapper-Dan
9. Dear Michael
10. I'll Come Home To You -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Best Of Michael Jackson

1. Got To Be There
2. Ben
3. With A Child's Heart
4. Happy (Love Theme From 'The Lady Sings The Blues')
5. One Day In Your Life
6. I Wanna Be Where You Are
7. Rockin' Robin
8. We're Almost There
9. Morning Glow
10. Music And Me -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Off The Wall
美国流行专辑榜:#3,美国黑人专辑榜:#1 (16周),英国专辑榜:#5

1. Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
2. Rock With You
3. Working Day And Night
4. Get On The Floor
5. Off The Wall
6. Girlfriend
7. She's Out Of My Life
8. I Can't Help It
9. It's The Falling In Love
10. Burn This Disco Out -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
One Day In Your Life
发行日期: 1981年3月25日

1. One Day In Your Life
2. Don't Say Goodbye Again
3. You're My Best Friend,My Love
4. Take Me Back
5. We've Got Forever
6. It's Too Late To Change The Time
7. You Are There
8. Dear Michael
9. I'll Come Home To You
10. Make Tonight All Mine ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

美国流行专辑榜:#1 (37周),美国黑人专辑榜:#1,英国专辑榜:#1 (8周)

1. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
2. Baby Be Mine
3. The Girl Is Mine (with Paul McCartney)
4. Thriller
5. Beat It
6. Billie Jean
7. Human Nature
8. P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)
9. The Lady In My Life -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Farewell My Summer Love

1. Don't Let It Get You Down
2. You've Really Got A Hold On Me
3. Melodie
4. Touch The One You Love
5. Girl You're So Together
6. Farewell My Summer Love
7. Call On Me
8. Here I Am (Come And Take Me)
9. To Make My Father Proud,To Make My Mother Smile-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

美国流行专辑榜:#1 (6周),美国黑人专辑榜:#1 (18周),英国专辑榜:#1 (5周)

1. Bad
2. The Way You Make Me Feel
3. Speed Demon
4. Liberian Girl
5. Just Good Friends
6. Another Part Of Me
7. Man In The Mirror
8. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
9. Dirty Diana
10. Smooth Criminal
11. Leave Me Alone -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
美国流行专辑榜:#1 (6周),美国黑人专辑榜:(4周),英国专辑榜:#1

1. Jam
2. Why You Wanna Trip On Me
3. In The Closet
4. She Drives Me Wild
5. Remember The Time
6. Can't Let Her Get Away
7. Heal The World
8. Black Or White
9. Who Is It
10. Keep The Faith
11. Give In To Me
12. Will You Be There
13. Gone Too Soon
14. Dangerous -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HIStory: Past,Present,and Future Book I
发行日期: 1995年6月20日(美国),1995年6月15日(欧洲)
美国流行专辑榜:#1 (2周),美国R&B/Hip-Hop专辑榜:#1 (2周),英国专辑榜:#1

Disc 1
1. Billie Jean
2. The Way You Make Me Feel
3. Black Or White
4. Rock With You
5. She's Out Of My Life
6. Bad
7. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
8. Man In The Mirror
9. Thriller
10. Beat It
11. The Girl Is Mine
12. Remember The Time
13. Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
14. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
15. Heal The World

Disc 2
1. Scream
2. They Don't Care About Us
3. Stranger In Moscow
4. This Time Around
5. Earth Song
6. D.S.
7. Money
8. Come Together
9. You Are Not Alone
10. Childhood
11. Tabloid Junkie
12. 2 Bad
13. HIStory
14. Little Susie
15. Smile
Blood On The Dance Floor: HIStory In The Mix
美国流行专辑榜:#24,美国R&B/Hip-Hop专辑榜:#12,英国专辑榜:#1 (2周)

1. Blood On The Dance Floor
2. Morphine
3. Superfly Sister
4. Ghosts
5. Is This Scary
6. Scream Louder (Flyte Tyme Remix)
7. Money (Fly Island Radio Edit)
8. 2 Bad (Refugee Camp Mix)
9. Stranger In Moscow (Tee's In-House CLub Mix)
10. This Time Around (D.M. Radio Mix)
11. Earth Song (Hani's Club Experience)
12. You Are Not Alone (Classic Club Mix)
13. HIStory (Tony Moran's HIStory Lesson) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
美国流行专辑榜:#1,美国R&B/Hip-Hop专辑榜:#1 (4周),英国专辑榜:#1

1. Unbreakable
2. Heartbreaker
3. Invincible
4. Break Of Dawn
5. Heaven Can Wait
6. You Rock My World
7. Butterflies
8. Speechless
9. 2000 Watts
10. You Are My Life
11. Privacy
12. Don't Walk Away
13. Cry
14. The Lost Children
15. Whatever Happens
16. Threatened -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Greatest Hits - HIStory Vol. I

1. Billie Jean
2. The Way You Make Me Feel
3. Black Or White
4. Rock With You
5. She's Out Of My Life
6. Bad
7. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
8. Man In The Mirror
9. Thriller
10. Beat It
11. The Girl Is Mine
12. Remember The Time
13. Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
14. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
15. Heal The World -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Number Ones

美国曲目: 1. Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
2. Rock With You
3. Billie Jean
4. Beat It
5. Thriller
6. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
7. Bad
8. Smooth Criminal
9. The Way You Make Me Feel
10. Man In The Mirror
11. Dirty Diana
12. Black Or White
13. You Are Not Alone
14. Earth Song
15. You Rock My World
16. Break Of Dawn
17. One More Chance
18. Ben (Live) 欧洲/澳洲曲目: 1. Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
2. Rock With You
3. Billie Jean
4. Beat It
5. Thriller
6. Human Nature
7. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
8. Bad
9. The Way You Make Me Feel
10. Dirty Diana
11. Smooth Criminal
12. Black or White
13. You Are Not Alone
14. Earth Song
15. Blood On The Dance
16. You Rock My World
17. Break Of Dawn
18. One More Chance -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Ultimate Collection
发行日期: November 16,2004年11月16日(美国)

Disc 1
1. I Want You Back
2. ABC
3. I'll Be There
4. Got To Be There
5. I Wanna Be Where You Are
6. Ben
7. Dancing Machine
8. Enjoy Yourself
9. Ease On Down The Road
10. You Can't Win
11. Shake A Body
12. Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)
13. Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
14. Rock With You
15. Off The Wall
16. She's Out Of My Life
17. Sunset Driver
18. Lovely One
19. This Place Hotel

Disc 2
1. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
2. The Girl Is Mine
3. Thriller
4. Beat It
5. Billie Jean
6. P. Y. T. (Pretty Young Thing)
7. Someone In The Dark
8. State Of Shock
9. Scared Of The Moon
10. We Are The World
11. We Are Here To Change The World

Disc 3
1. Bad
2. The Way You Make Me Feel
3. Man In The Mirror
4. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
5. Dirty Diana
6. Smooth Criminal
7. Cheater
8. Dangerous
9. Monkey Business
10. Jam
11. Remember The Time
12. Black Or White
13. Who Is It
14. Someone Put Your Hand Out

Disc 4
1. You Are Not Alone
2. Stranger In Moscow
3. Childhood (Theme From "Free Willy 2")
4. On The Line
5. Blood On The Dance Floor
6. Fall Again
7. In The Back
8. Unbreakable
9. You Rock My World
10. Butterflies
11. Beautiful Girl
12. The Way You Love Me
13. We've Had Enough

Disc 5: Bucharest Live DVD
1. Jam
2. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
3. Human Nature
4. Smooth Criminal
5. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
6. She's Out Of My Life
7. I Want You Back
8. I'll Be There
9. Thriller
10. Billie Jean
11. Working Day And Night
12. Beat It
13. Will You Be There
14. Black Or White
15. Heal The World
16. Man In The Mirror

该套装合辑的日本版本收录有62首歌曲,比美国和欧洲版的57首歌曲多出5首。分别是: 第1碟 - 第11曲: Blame It On The Boogie
第2碟 - 第6曲: Human Nature
第3碟 - 第3曲: Another Part Of Me ;第13曲:Heal The World
(“Someone Put You Hand Out”从第3碟的最后一首歌调换到第4碟的第一首歌)
第4碟 - 第12曲: One More Chance 歌曲太多 很少中文翻译..基本没人会来翻译

<Where We Are>专辑的全部歌曲中文歌词

Where We Are   爱尔兰的著名乐队组合——westlife(西城男孩)将推出他们的09年最新专辑:《where we are》,新专辑以于2009年11月30日上架。
  同时,组合觉得这是他们事业至今录制过的最棒的一张专辑。 [编辑本段]新专辑所有曲目  Westlife - Where We Are
  01 What About Now
  02 How To Break A Heart
  03 Leaving
  04 Shadows
  05 Talk Me Down
  06 Where We Are
  07 The Difference
  08 As Love Is My Witness
  09 Another World
  10 No More Heroes
  11 Sound Of A Broken Heart
  12 Reach Out
  13 I'll See You Again [编辑本段]新专辑介绍  流行乐界最长寿的组合Westlife在一年长假之后,终于回归录音室中,为大家展现他们的全新专辑《Where We Are》。
  2009年的大半时间都躲在欧洲和美国的录音室里的Westlife,一直静悄悄地制作他们有史以来最激动人心的专辑。《Where We Are》收录了流行乐界一线制作人的作品,包括格莱美提名者Ryan Tedder(Leona Lewis、Beyonce的制作人,以下略)、Steve Robson(James Morrison,Take That)、Steve Booker(Duffy)、Louis Biancaniello和Sam Watters(Whitney Houston,Anastacia),Sam Lewis还与成员之一的Mark Feehily合写了其中一首歌曲。
  这支星光璀璨的制作团队帮助小伙子们创作出一种全新而且现代的风格,同时也保持着Westlife经典的激昂和声和感人歌词。收录了《What About Now》这首时下流行曲,这张专辑必定能激发起歌迷和流行音乐爱好者的热情。
  或许最能表达这张专辑的歌曲是由Backstreet Boys成员A.J.Mclean联合创作的《Shadows》。一首具备了Westlife经典唱诗班的赞美诗,加入了现代节奏布鲁斯大师Ryan Tedder开创的新潮军鼓擂鼓旋律。这首歌曲为Westlife的新风格设定了基调,让他们得以革新,站立在未来一个十年的开始。
  《The Difference》一曲踏进了较为摇滚的领域,而《Another World》让Mark Feehily的优美嗓音上升到了福音歌的领域,非常激荡人心。《I'll See You Again》则是哀悼亲人的逝去,由钢琴、合成器和原声吉他展现出来的萦绕心头的旋律,那是必能引起共鸣的一刻。
  成员之一的Shane Filan说过,我们在这张专辑中尝试加入一点新的风格,和新的制作人合作,自己为专辑写歌。在11年后,我们将此作为Westlife故事的第二乐章。
  《Where We Are》是自07年《Back Home》以来的首张新专辑,《Back Home》是Westlife第七张冠军专辑,在排行榜前10位里逗留了两个月,光在英国就售出了100万张。
  没有其他流行组合能与Westlife卓越成就相提并论。他们11年来一直处于流行乐界的顶点,全球范围内售出了超过4千5百万张唱片。光在英国,他们就拥有9张多白金唱片,惊人的14首冠军单曲(仅次于猫王和披头士)。他们也获得过无数奖项,出现在世界各地众多杂志封面之上。他们是有史以来唯一4次获得“年度最佳单曲(Record of The Year)”的艺人组合,其他顶级奖项包括两项全英音乐大奖(Brits)和一次欧洲MTV大奖。Westlife同时还是演唱会最卖座的艺人组合,他们以这一数字,惊人的23场,在温布利体育场记录中保持着“举行最多演唱会的艺人组合”这一头衔。
  2009第十张录音室专辑《Where We Are》,即将在11月30日全球发行,这张专辑将包括全新歌曲与旧曲新唱。Westlife表示这张专辑是成军以来最好的一张专辑。专辑将包括快版歌曲,中速情歌当然还会有一些情歌民谣。现在全球歌迷欣喜若狂,期待新专辑如期发售。 [编辑本段]where we are歌词  Where we are
  Stay, stay where you are
  And don't let me go, don't let me go
  (we’ve) made it this far
  Oh baby, stop, stop right there
  And don't walk away, don't walk away
  Into thin air
  We survived the crash, made it through the breakage
  Standing here at last, so perfectly we've written
  Now where we are, it’s where we’re supposed to be
  Where we are, keeps the breath in here
  Where we be the reason from the day
  Where we know what can tear us apart
  That’s where we are
  Don't, don't turn around
  we've got to leave, we've got let go of the past now
  No fear, me by your side
  We are out of danger, no reason to hide
  We survived the storm, made it through the hurricane
  Standing here at last, dry this by the rain
  Now where we are is where we’re supposed to be
  Where we are, keeps the breath in here
  Where we be the reason from the day
  Where we know what can tear us apart
  That’s where we are
  That’s where we are
  Stay, stay where you are
  Where we are is where we’re supposed to be
  Where we are, keeps the breath in here
  Where we be the reason from the day
  Where we know what can tear us apart
  That’s where we are
  That’s where we are

求西城男孩where we are 的中英文歌词

Where We Are歌词  Stay, stay where you are   停,就停在你原来的地方   Don’t let me go, don’t let me go   不要让我走,不要让我走   We made it this far   我们已经创造了奇迹   Oh baby stop, stop right there   噢,亲爱的,停下,就停在那   Don’t walk away, don’t walk away   不要走开,不要走开   Into thin air   走得无影无踪   We survived a crash   我们在灾难中幸免了   Made it through the wreckage   从碎片中爬出来   Standing here at last   终于站在这里   So perfectly written   我们干得多好   Now where we are   现在我们在哪里   Is where we’re suppose to be   是在那个属于我们的地方吗   Where we are   我们在哪里   Keeps the breath in me   我们同呼吸   Where we’ve been   我们到了哪里   We’ve risen from the deep   我们已经从深渊中解脱   Where we’re now no one can tear us apart   我们在那里,没有人能分开我们了   That’s where we are   那就是我们所在的地方   Don’t, don’t turn around   不要,不要转身   We gotta let, we got to let   我们现在必须要,必须要   Go of the past now   忘记过去   Feel me by your side   感觉到你在我身旁   We’re out of danger   我们已经脱离危险   No reason to hide   再也没有理由躲藏了   We survived the storm   我们在暴风雨中幸存   Made it through the hurricane   走过了猛烈的飓风   Standing here at last   终于站在了这里   Dry despite the rain   即使下雨,身上还是干的(即不受暴风雨影响)   Now where we are   现在我们在哪里   Is where we’re suppose to be   是在那个属于我们的地方吗   Where we are   我们在哪里   Keeps the breath in me   让我们同呼吸   Where we’ve been   我们到了哪里   We’ve risen from the deep   我们已经从深渊中解脱   Where we’re now no one can tear us apart   我们在那里,没有人能分开我们了   That’s where we are   那就是我们所在的地方   That’s where we are   那就是我们所在的地方   Stay, stay where you are   停,就停在你原来的地方   Now where we are   现在我们在哪里   Is where we’re suppose to be   是在那个属于我们的地方吗   Where we are   我们在哪里   Keeps the breath in me   我们同呼吸   Where we’ve been   我们到了哪里   We’ve risen from the deep   我们已经从深渊中解脱   Where we’re now no one can tear us apart   我们在那里,没有人能分开我们了   That’s where we are   那就是我们所在的地方 百度百科复制的

有首男声英文歌,有句歌词好像是叫where we are.where we do啥的,那是什么歌啊

No matter
Tomorrow may be grey.

歌曲名:Christmas In My Heart

Every time we say goodbye
There''s something breaking deep inside
I tried to hide my feelings to keep myself controlled
But somehow I can''t deny what''s deep inside my soul
I''ve been always on the run
So many different places having fun
But like a river always knows just where to flow
Now that December comes I feel like coming home
It''s Christmas in my heart
When I''m with you
No matter
Tomorrow may be grey
We may be torn apart
But if you stay tonight
It''s Christmas in my heart
I don''t know how to stay alive
Without your touch without you by my side
Just like the desert''s always waiting for the rain
Oh baby I wish the holy night would come again
It''s Christmas in my heart
When I''m with you
No matter where we are or what we do
Tomorrow may be grey
We may be torn apart
But if you stay tonight
It''s Christmas in my heart
Everywhere I go and everyone I know
Is making lots of wishes for old Santa Claus
But all I really need tonight
Is for you to come and hold me tight
What is Christmas without you here by my side
I need you tonight
It''s Christmas in my heart
When I''m with you
No matter where we are or what we do
Tomorrow may be grey
We may be torn apart
But if you stay tonight
It''s Christmas in my heart
It''s Christmas in my heart

shesaid where’dyouwannago的中文翻译

原句该是:She said where'd you wanna go?中文的意思是:她说你想去哪里?I want you to know it's a little fucked up,That I'm stuck here waitin', no longer debatin',Tired of sittin' and hatin' and makin' these excuses For why you're not around, and feeling so useless,It seems one thing has been true all along,You don't really know what you got 'til it's gone,I guess I've had it with you and your career,When you come back I won't be here and you'll can sing it我想让你知道这可不怎么样我在这里等待 不再去想懒得坐在这里 懒得恨你 懒得接受你不在的理由 我觉得自己很没用有一句话是对的直到失去的时候 才能够理解我想我已经受够了你和你的事业当你回来时候 我不在这里 你也会唱着

westlife最新专辑《where we are》所有歌曲的中文翻译

What About Now

Shadows fill an empty heart
As love is fading
From all the things that we are
But are not saying
Can we see beyond the scars
And make it to the dawn?

Change the colours of the sky
And open up to
The ways you made me feel alive
The ways I loved you
For all the things that never died
To make it through the night
Love will find you

What about now?
What about today?
What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?
What if our love never went away?
What if it's lost behind words we could never find?
Baby before it's too late
What about now?

The sun is breaking in your eyes
To start a new day
This broken heart can still survive
With a touch of your grace
Shadows fade into the light
I am by your side
Where love will find you

What about now?
What about today?
What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?
What if our love never went away?
What if it's lost behind words we could never find?
Baby before it's too late
What about now

Now that we're here
Now that we've come this far
Just hold o

