
时间:2024-03-31 06:05:51编辑:coo君


  The background of the animation isdesigned as a world named Remnant which is beyond current technology but fullof hyperphysical power.  The main characters are four particularand different girls, each of whom owns special mana and tailor-made weapons .Ayoung hero ,a exalted heiress ,a puzzled swashbuckler and a party girl.  They gather together at the same schoolwhich teach people who has fascinating talent to be the hunt to fight against theevil and the Grimm(a kind of monsters) ,after that ,they assemble as a team called RWBY,by the way ,it’s also the name of the animation .When thefour girls devote themselves to practicing martial skills at school they meetmany interested friends and find more and more secret and dangerous actions andplans by stopping the evil. So that the story of the animation have begun withit .  The Grimm are used for destroying peopleby the evil and humans set off the wars to the Grimm for standing up for theright of survival by using the Dust which is the origination of the magicalpower .Although the controversy and conflict are always exist in the world,they four girls try their best to face it and change the rules.  


本作的背景设定在一个类现代但是充满着超自然力量的世界“树𣎴子”(Remnant)。主要角色为四个拥有各自的特殊能力(外像力)及武器的女孩:一个是少年英雄,一个是尊贵的女继承人,一个是迷惘的游侠,一个是派对女孩。她们因各种原因聚在一起组成“RWBY”小队并接受训练,一心致力于对抗肆意横行的邪恶力量。 在此之前,人类为了生存,发起了对戮兽(Grimm)的战争,直到他们发现“尘晶”(Dust)可以被用作魔力来源,这让人类得以对抗它们,并建立了文明世界。


1,Ruby RoseRWBY队长,亦是本作的主角。有点天然呆,好奇心旺盛,并且敢于尝试各种大胆新奇的事物。古道热肠、富有正义感,对外人保持着友善关怀的心,能轻易打开胸怀接纳每一个人成为朋友和伙伴。很崇拜猎人和他们的生涯,并期望自己在将来能入学信标学院、成为一名女猎人。因为奥兹平校长表示“作为领导者,就必须要做到最好”而用心学习,以及努力合络团队中的同伴情谊。喜欢吃草莓、看武器杂志,并且似乎比较喜欢认识新武器而不是它们的主人。习惯戴着眼罩睡觉。2,Weiss SchneeRWBY队成员之一,雪倪尘晶公司的女继承人。日常行事和战斗风格都中规中矩,但也能保持变通而不至陷于困境,知识与见识也是最高的。性格傲娇、毒舌(特别是对Ruby和Yang),对外人表现排斥、颐气指使的态度,并喜欢和有能力的人为伍。当被认为是同伴和朋友之后就会打开心胸,在同伴有危险时更会毫不犹豫地挺身而出。喜欢冬天和蓝莓酸奶冰淇淋。曾经表白自己作为一名继承人所背负的压力与枷锁,以及因为“白牙”对公司的破坏而承受着父亲的怒气。3,Blake BelladonnaRWBY队成员之一,由第15话得知她不是人类,而是被称作Faunus的弗纳人一族,自幼为“白牙”(White Fang)组织的成员,后因为对“白牙”的暴力手段不满而退出。4,Yang Xiao LongRWBY队成员之一,Ruby的同父异母姐姐。热血、剽悍、开放、健谈,典型的女汉子。极具个人特色。很重视Ruby,为了保护Ruby可以不顾自身安危。相当在乎自己的头发,若是因为外力因素(例如战斗)而掉落的话就会大暴走。5,Professor Ozpin信标学院的校长,名字源自绿野仙踪的角色。总是拿着手杖与一个马克杯。在暗中使用卷轴板观看Ruby的战斗动作并了解其情况后,让Ruby越级升入信标学院。

