
时间:2024-04-06 15:15:11编辑:coo君


郎肯循环理论的奠基人:朗肯(W.J.M. Rankine,1820~1872年),英国科学家。被后人誉为那个时代的天才,他在热力学、流体力学 及土力学等领域均有杰出的贡献。他建立的土压力理论,至今仍在广泛应用。朗肯计算出的热力学循环(后称为朗肯循环)的热效率,被作为是蒸汽动力发电厂性能的对比标准。他于1859年出版《蒸汽机和其它动力机手册》,是第一本系统阐述蒸汽机理论的经典著作。右图是最简单的蒸汽动力循环由水泵、锅炉、汽轮机和冷凝器四个主要装置组成。图为该装置示意图。水在水泵中被压缩升压;然后进入锅炉被加热汽化,直至成为过热蒸汽后,进入汽轮机膨胀作功,作功后的低压蒸汽进入冷凝器被冷却凝结成水。再回到水泵中,完成一个循环。


toxic[英][ˈtɒksɪk] [美][ˈtɑksɪk] 生词本简明释义adj.有毒的;中毒的;因中毒引起的n.毒物;毒剂复数:toxics以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 同反义词1.ADJ-GRADED有毒的;毒性的;引起中毒的A toxic substance is poisonous....the cost of cleaning up toxic waste...清除有毒废弃物的成本These products are not toxic to humans.这些产品对人类没有毒性。


Tri-colour Tang Pottery
The tri-colour glazed pottery in the Tang style is a Chinese art that dates back 1,300 years. It is so named because it has red, green and white all on one object. Those produced in Luoyang, Henan Province are the best known in China. Prior to the Tang Dynasty pottery could only be produced in a single colour.
Tri-color glazed pottery was valued for its integration of the national style along with a distince local flavour. The artists skillfully combine molding with exquisite lines that are pleasing to the eye. In the glazing process, the different colours are dissolved together in low heat, so that they blend just right, producing a fine multifarious effect.
The tri-colour pottery of the Tang Dynasty excavated in Luoyang are composed of wine cups and vessels used by imperial families and articles that were buried with the deceased. These artifacts revealed a part of palace life that flourished during the Tang Dynasty. The quality and quantity of the funeral objects were determined by the rank of office of the deceased. (TOP)
Reproduction and imitation of ancient Tang pottery was begun a hundred years ago by some enterprising peasants in Luoyang. They started out with a few designs in small kilns in their homes as a hobby to make a living during their spare time and reproduced only a few varieties. Besides, superstitious notions considered the recreatin of funeral objects as unlucky. That is why the imitation and development of tri-colour pottery never caught on in those days with some people destroying them at sight. Those that were reproduced did not exceed 50 cm in height.
However, after the founding of New China, more experienced peasant craftsmen organized themselves in 1955 into what is now the Luoyang City Folk Art Society. They reproduced the artistic products during slack seasons and it was not until 1959 that women also joined the trade. Today in order to continue studying and further develop this ancient art, the Luoyang Pottery Factory was established. The figurines of esquisite workmanship include handsome horses, life-like camels, lively singers and dancers, the imposing heavenly king with a phoenis on his crown, court jesters, grooms and animals used as funeral objects. Golden camels bearing silks and local specialities were recent reproductions between China and Western countries during the Tang Dynasty. Among the articles the biggest stands 160 mm.
The tri-colour Tang pottery, continuously improved through the centuries, has now been developed even fruther and its varieties have reached several hundred. The once tri-colour glaze has grown to include yellow, purple, black and blue while the artistic quality has also been raised.
The clay of Luoyang excels in viscosity, purity and pliancy while it is at the same time surprisingly hard and strong. It is superb for making pottery.

求!!!以my trip为题目写一篇英语短文,120字左右!带翻译!急用!!!拜托!

I went to two cities to play during last summer holidays. They are Beijing and Dalian
I went to Beijing more than eight times. Beijing is the capital of China. It’s a big city. I am very familiar with Beijing. It takes an hour and forty minutes from Nantong to Beijing by plane. There are many tall buildings in Beijing. It’s a modern city. My family visited the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum, the Beihai Park, the Space Museum, etc. I went to the countryside of Beijing to go boating and fishing. It was very interesting. I went shopping in WangFuJing. I bought lots of souvenirs and other things. I like eating Beijing snacks. They are delicious. Don’t miss the Beijing Duck. It is really nice.
Dalian is a beautiful city. Dalian is close to Beijing. I spent 5o minutes on the plane. Dalian is near the sea. I smelled the salty taste in the air. The roads are clean. There are lots of trees and flowers near the roads. There are many esplanades and Japanese buildings. There are some fountains in one of the esplanades. Some people flew kites and walked on the esplanades. We went to see the beach and the sea. The sea is blue. There were many swimmers in the sea. I lay on the beach to see the sky.Dalian is a very nice place to live.
These trips helped me open my eyes. I enjoyed my day.
  大连是一座美丽的城市。大连是靠近北京。我花了5℃分钟在飞机上。大连靠近大海。在空气我闻到了咸口味。路是干净的。有许多树木和花草附近的道路。有许多 游憩场和日本的建筑物。有一些喷泉中 游憩场之一。有些人放风筝的 游憩场走去。我们去看沙滩和大海。海洋是蓝色的。有很多运动员在海里。我躺在沙滩上看到天空中大连是一个很好的地方住。


锡,元素符号Sn。原子序数50,是主族金属。纯的锡有银灰色的金属光泽,有良好的伸展性能,在空气中不易氧化;其多种合金有防腐蚀的性能,因此常用来作为其它金属的防腐层。锡的主要来源是它的一种氧化物矿物锡石(SnO 2),盛产于中国云南、马来西亚、印尼等地。一、物理特性锡是可延展、柔软、高度结晶状、银白色的金属。当锡棒弯曲时,由于锡晶体是孪晶,可以听到称为锡鸣的爆裂声。锡在温度达到3.72K以下时成为超导体。事实上,锡是最早被研究的超导体之一;超导体的特性之一——迈斯纳效应,就是首先在锡晶体上发现的。二、化学性质锡受水的锈蚀的影响很小,但易被酸和碱腐蚀。锡可以被高度的抛光,可被用作其他金属的保护层。锡表面会形成保护性的氧化层以防止进一步的氧化。白锡和其他的锡合金表面都会形成这样的保护层。当氧气存在于溶液中时,锡会变成一种催化剂,加速化学腐蚀。在空气中加热后锡可以形成SnO2。SnO2是弱酸性的。与熔融碱反应可以形成锡酸盐。它可以直接与氯和氧反应。在稀酸中它可以取代氢离子。由于处于金属和非金属中间,同时具有两者的特性。扩展资料:用途金属锡主要用于制造合金。锡在我国古代常被用来制作青铜。锡和铜的比例为3:7。锡是一种质地较软的金属,熔点较低,可塑性强。它可以有各种表面处理工艺,能制成多种款式的产品,有传统典雅的欧式酒具、烛台、高贵大方的茶具,以至令人一见倾心的花瓶和精致夺目的桌上饰品,式式具全媲美熠熠生辉的银器。锡器以其典雅的外观造型和独特的功能效用早已风靡世界各国,成为人们的日常用品和馈赠亲友的佳品。锡合金是锡器的材质,其中锡含量在97%以上,不含铅的成份,适合日常使用。锡器平和柔滑的特性,高贵典雅的造型,历久常新光泽,历来深受贵族人士的青睐,在欧洲更成为古典文化的一种象征。锡器历史悠久,可以追溯到公元前3700年,古时候,人们常在井底放上锡块,净化水质。在日本宫廷中,精心酿制的御酒都是用锡器作为盛酒的器皿。它具有储茶色不变,盛酒冬暖夏凉,淳厚清冽之传。锡茶壶泡茶特别清香,用锡杯喝酒清冽爽口,锡瓶插花不易枯萎。在18世纪末和19世纪初,锡用来做保鲜罐头。锡是五金之一,它富有光泽、无毒、不易氧化变色,具有很好的杀菌、净化、保鲜效用。生活中常用于食品保鲜、罐头内层的防腐膜等。锡的化合物也有很多应用:锡与硫的化合物——硫化锡,它的颜色与金子相似,常用作金色颜料。锡与氧的化合物——二氧化锡。锡于常温下,在空气中不受氧化,强热之,则变为二氧化锡。二氧化锡是不溶于水的白色粉末,可用于制造搪瓷、白釉与乳白玻璃。1970年以来,人们把它用于防止空气污染——汽车废气中常含有有毒的一氧化碳气体,但在二氧化锡的催化下,在300℃时,可大部转化为二氧化碳。参考资料:百度百科-锡


比如你可以买一堆饺子皮和肉,今天全家包饺子吃。。最好爸爸妈妈你都参与,然后说谁包得好啊什么样的,开点玩笑,这里你起着重要的作用,你最好会撒娇,不会就算了,反正看你自己的本事了。 长辈也要靠哄的。
另外你可以趁什么节日或者别的什么的 给父母买电影票,叫他们去看。或者别的什么节目。这要看他们的胃口了。
另外可以全家去打保龄球,羽毛球比赛啊之类的。运动 在科学上 对心情不好很有帮助的。


Frequency detection is the most basic electronic measurement field is one of the most important measurement. Frequency signal strong anti-jamming ability, easy to transport and can obtain high measuring accuracy of measurement, many parameters such as time, speed etc. Into frequency measurement, the precision requirement has been reached. The application of frequency range is very wide, not only applied to general instrument measurement, can also be used in industrial control and other fields, so the study method of measuring frequency more and more attention.
This design USES frequency measurement accuracy etc with AT89C51 principle, and some basic logic circuit design of high frequency of general design of reliability and practicability. As a system master AT89C51, of the whole circuit test signal control, data processing, keyboard scan and operation control of the digital display output, control tube. Use frequency measurement precision theory, from the principle error, and overcome by signal measured in the whole range for measuring precision measuring range, etc 10MHz - from 0.01 speed,
This paper discusses the design of the system, hardware circuit components and parts, proteus practical single-chip programming design, analysis and simulation software error and achieve high measuring accuracy and measurement speed

请教英语高手 能帮我用英文翻译下这段 中文摘要 好吗? 由衷的感谢啦

摘 要 :颜色对于我们人类具有极其重要的意义——它是视觉审美的核心,深刻地影响我们的情绪状态。
Pick to: color for we humans have very important sense -- it is the core of visual aesthetic, a profound influence on our emotional state.

Graphic design is by the graphics, characters, the color and so on basic components, ultimately through color to convey.

And now, most popular graphic design is for goods and services, such as posters, packaging, sample, because people always look at shopping list, and then the colour of object its shape or other characteristics of attention, the appropriate color choice is to better performance goods, attract consumers, and eventually promote the sale of our products.

According to research, people foreign stimulates accepts, 83% dependent on visual media role, in the person of the key body image first impression 30 SEC, colour is always first reflects people eye, and to make strong the overall impression.

Extremely strong visual impact.

上一篇:alicia vikander
