big john

时间:2024-04-07 08:01:49编辑:coo君

作文原稿修John is younger sugar think the name wrong作

In my mind, everyone shall have his own dream. I think that having a dream means that we have an idea, and then we will do all the things to achieve the target. As long as we have a goal to be realized, we won’t be blind at least.
My dream is to become a successful stateman, helping those people who need help with their rights. Of course, to be a good stateman is very difficult, but I will do whatever I can do to keep everyone satisfied. That's my dream. I want to try my best to help the poor sick people of our country. China is a developing country which needs good stateman,especially in the countryside and distant villages.
Now I’m a junior student on Grade One, My dream is also that although at present I’m good at study, I’ll still try my best to be the study winner. Now everything I do is close to my dream. I feel life is fill with hope and is colorful, and I have enough confidence to realize my dream.


咳咳~~不推荐big john ,就白去了仙本那。下午接近5,6点到的仙本那,一到就赶紧找旅行社,当时开门的就2,3 家,先是去了第一家,貌似是uncle wang 之类的,不是很满意后就来到了big john。接待我们的是可爱的大叔导游,然后big john就来了,他们人都非常的nice,最可爱的就是big john的女儿,胖胖的~最后商量好价钱后第二天就是大叔带着我们去了马布岛,他们的大本营,然后去潜水,在大本营上认识了一些人,还有在潜水艇上的当地人,人们都非常nice,再加上那么美丽的风光,还有第一次的潜水,总之是一次非常perfect的旅行,后悔没多待几天,走的时候还对big john说下一次有男朋友了带着他一起来~!~!

完型填空one fine day,a bus driver went to the bus ga

  One fine day,a bus driver went to the bus garage,started his bus,and drove off along the route.
No __13__ for the first few stops—a few people got on,a few got off,and things went generally well.At the next stop,however,a big fellow got on.Six foot eight,built like a wrestler.He glared at the __14__ and said,“Big John doesn’t pay!” and sat down at the back.Did I __15__ that the driver was five foot three,thin,and basically gentle?Well,he was.Naturally,he didn’t argue with Big John,but he wasn’t happy about it.
The next day the __16__ thing happened—Big John got on again,made a show of refusing to pay,and sat down.And the days that followed.
This __17__ the bus driver,who started losing sleep only because of Big John.Finally he could no longer stand it.He signed up for body building courses.By the end of the summer,he had become quite strong.He felt really __18__ about himself.
The next Monday when Big John got on the bus and said,“Big John doesn’t pay!” the driver stood up,glared back at the passenger,and screamed,“Why not?” With a surprised __19__ on his face,Big John replied,“Big John has a bus pass(乘车证).”
Be sure there is a problem before working hard to __20__ one.
13.A.passengers B.problems
C.pleasures D.signs
C.driver D.window
15.A.remember B.consider
C.answer D.mention
16.A.same B.different
C.special D.common
17.A.excited B.surprised
C.annoyed D.shocked
18.A.bad B.crazy
C.good D.serious
19.A.look B.voice
20.A.create B.achieve D.solve

13.B 14.C 15.D 16.A 17.C 18.C 19.A 20.D 谢谢w望采纳



Carmine Lorenzo : You are in my little pond now, and I am the big fish that runs it
John McClane : That punk pulled a Glock 7 on me. You know what that is? It's a porcelain gun made in Germany. It dosen't show up on you airport X-ray machines, and it cost more than you make here in a month.
Carmine Lorenzo : You'd be a surprised what I make in a month.
John McClane : If it was more than a dollar ninety-eight I'd be surprised.
Al Powell : What's this about?
John McClane : Oh, just a feeling I have.
Al Powell : Ouch. When you get those feelings, insurance companies start to go bankrupt.
John McClane : Hey, Carmine, let me ask you something. What sets off the metal detectors first? The lead in your ass or the shit in your brain?
[McClane is forced to crawl through yet another ventilation system]
John McClane : Just once, I'd like a regular, normal Christmas. A little eggnog... a fuckin' Christmas tree... a little turkey. But, no. I gotta crawl around in this motherfuckin' tin can.
[McClane is showing his nervousness while riding in a helicopter]
Chopper Pilot: What's the matter, cowboy? Ride too rough?
John McClane : I don't like to fly.
Samantha Coleman : Then what are you doing here?
Al Powell : You ain't pissing in somebody's pool, are you?
John McClane : Yeah, and I'm fresh out of chlorine.
John McClane : Oh man, I can't fucking believe this. Another basement, another elevator. How can the same thing happen to the same guy twice?
Grant : You are the wrong person at the wrong place at the wrong time.
John McClane : Story of my life.
John McClane : I guess I was wrong about you. You're not such an asshole after all.
Grant : Oh, you were right about me. I'm just your kind of asshole.
Grant : Too bad, McClane. I kind of liked you.
John McClane : I got enough friends.
Holly McClane : They told me there were terrorists at the airport.
John McClane : Yeah, I heard that too.
Marvin : So you like that one huh? How 'bout you give me twenty bucks for it?
John McClane : How 'bout I let you live?
Marvin : Man sure knows how to bargain.
Carmine Lorenzo : Hey McClane! You get this parking ticket in front of my airport?
John McClane : Yeah.
[Lorenzo tears ticket up]
Carmine Lorenzo : Ah, what the hell; it's Christmas!
[John can't get out from under his parachute]
John McClane : Where's the fuckin door?
John McClane : What do you say, Marv?
Marvin : I'll be damned if I'm gonna clean up this mess.
[John McClane is taking a dead guy's fingerprints]
Morgue Worker : Hey. You're supposed to do that at the morgue.
John McClane : Not anymore. Got a new SOP for DOA's from the FAA.
John McClane : Yippie-kay-yay, motherfucker.
[to Al Powell]
John McClane : Will you take the fucking Twinkie out of your mouth?
John McClane : Holly, here's your fucking landing light. WHOOO.
Rent-A-Car Girl : I'm closing off in an hour. Do you want to get a drink?
John McClane : [shows his wedding ring] Just the facts, ma'am.
Samantha Coleman : Colonel Stuart, can I have a few words with you?
Col. Stuart : You can have two: "fuck" and "you".
[about Richard Thornburg]
Stewardess : What did you do to him?
Holly McClane : I knocked two of his teeth out.
Stewardess : Would you like some champagne?
John McClane : As far as I'm concerned, progress peaked with frozen pizza.
Samantha Coleman : You give me this story and I'll have your baby.
John McClane : Not the kind of ride I'm looking for.
Colonel Stuart: Happy landings, asshole.
[after the terrorist attack]
Holly McClane : Why do this keep happening to us?
Holly McClane : Listen Dick - if that is your name - Dick. If you're gonna continue to get this close would you consider switching aftershaves?
Richard Thornburg : Anything else?
Holly McClane : Stronger mouthwash would be nice.
Carmine Lorenzo : It's time to kick head.
Marvin : Just like Iwo Jima!
John McClane : Well we are just up to our necks in terrorists again, John.
Sergeant : Hey, asshole! What do I look like to you?
O'Reilly : A sitting duck.
[shoots him]
Col. Stuart : I thought you were a little out of your league on Nightline.
John McClane : Blow me, Colonel.
Col. Stuart : So much for the element of chance.
[after McClane is locked inside the airplane cockpit]
Col. Stuart : McClane? I assume it's you, McClane. You're quite the little soldier. You can consider this a military funeral.
[his troops open fire on the cockpit]
[Esperanza has landed the plane and steps outside]
Gen. Ramon Esperanza : Freedom!
John McClane : [McClane smacks him in the face with a gun] Not yet!
[he draws his gun on Esperanza]
John McClane : You're not supposed to leave your seat until the plane reaches the terminal. No frequent flier mileage for you.
Gen. Ramon Esperanza : Who are you?
John McClane : A cop.
Gen. Ramon Esperanza : A cop?
John McClane : Yeah. One of the good guys. See, you're one of the bad guys, and now that I've got your sorry ass, I'm gonna trade you for my wife.
John McClane : If Esperanza gets to a country that has no extradition charges, we're fucked.

