
时间:2024-04-07 17:50:59编辑:coo君


  The Young Generation   Old people are always saying that the young are not whatthey were. The same comment is made from generation togeneration and it is always true. It has never been truer than it istoday. The young are better educated. They have a lot moremoney to spend and enjoy more freedom. They grow up morequickly and are not so dependent on their parents. They thinkmore for themselves and do not blindly accept the ideals of theirelders. Events which the older generation remembers vividly arenothing more than past history. This is as it should be. Every new generation is different from theone that preceded it. Today the difference is very marked indeed.   The old always assume that they know best for the simple reason that they have been around abit longer. They don’t like to feel that their values are being questioned or threatened. And this isprecisely what the young are doing. They are question the assumptions of their elders anddisturbing their complacency. Office hours, for instance, are nothing more than enforced slavery.Wouldn’t people work best if they were given complete freedom and responsibility? And whatabout clothing? Who said that all the men in the world should wear drab grey suits and convicthaircuts? If we ruin our minds to more serious matters, who said that human differences can bestbe solved through conventional politics or by violent means, who said that human difference canbest be solved through conventional politics or by violent means? Why have the older generationso often used violence to solve their problems? Why are they so unhappy and guilt-ridden in theirpersonal lives, so obsessed with mean ambitions and the desire to amass more and more materialpossessions? Can anything be right with the rat-race? Haven’t the old lost touch with all that isimportant in life?   These are not questions the older generation can shrug off lightly. Their record over the pastforty years or so hasn’t been exactly spotless. Traditionally, the young have turned to their eldersfor guidance. Today, the situation might be reversed. The old—if they are prepared to admitit—could learn a thing or two from their children. One of the biggest lessons they could learn is thatenjoyment is not ‘sinful’. Enjoyment is a principle one could apply to all aspects of life. It is surelynot wrong to enjoy your work and enjoy your leisure; to shed restricting inhibitions. It is surely notwrong to live in the present rather than in the past or future. This emphasis on the present is onlyto be expected because the young have grown up under the shadow of the bomb: the constantthreat of complete annihilation. This is their glorious heritage. Can we be surprised that they shouldso often question the sanity of the generation that bequeathed it?   1. Which of the following features in the young is NOT mentioned?   [A] Better educated. [B] More money and freedom.   [C] Independence. [D] Hard work.   2. What so the young reject most?   [A] Values. [B] The assumption of the elders.   [C] Conformity. [C] Conventional ideas.   3. Why do the young stress on the present?   [A] They have grown up under the shadow of the bomb.   [B] They dislike the past.   [C] They think the present world is the best.   [D] They are afraid of destruction.   4. What can the old learn from the young generation?   [A] Enjoyment is not sinful. [B] People should have more leisure time.   [C] Men might enjoy life. [D] One should enjoy one’s work.   答案详解:   1. D. 艰苦工作。这在第一段中第四句“青年一代受了更好教育,有大量的钱话,有更多的自由。他们成长的很快,不那么依赖于父母,他们独立思考得更多,不盲目接受老一代的理想……。”   A. 受更好的教育。 B. 更多的钱和自由。 C. 独立性。这三项均提及到。   2. C. 顺从。第二段集中讲到这一点。“因为老人们经常认为自己懂得多,理由就是他们经历得多。他们不喜欢自己的价值观受到怀疑或威胁。而这正是青年在做的。他们对老人们的设想提出疑问,打乱他们的自鸣得意。他们甚至敢于怀疑老一代创造了世界上可能最佳的社会。他们最反对的莫过于顺从。例如:他们说办公时间就是强制奴役,如果人们完全自由,绝对负责,他们的工作不会更好吗?而穿衣呢?谁说世界上所有的男人都该穿单调的灰色西装和剪成像罪犯似的短发?……。”这些词语都表示他们最反对的东西是遵从,“一致性”。所以   A. 价值。 B. 长者的设想。 D. 传统习俗观念。都是具体的某一点。   3. A. 他们在炸弹的阴影下成长。第三段倒数第四句起“由于年轻人是在炸弹战争的阴影下成长壮大:在不断受到全面歼灭的威胁之下,所以也只能期望他们重视目前。这是他们的光荣遗产。他们经常询问赠给他们遗产的这代人的头脑是否清醒。对此我们能表示惊讶吗?”遗产指的是第二段的种种问题所体现出来的东西,如:“谁说人类之差异能通过常规政策或暴力手段予以很好的解决?为什么老一代人常用暴力来解决他们的问题?为什么他们(老一代)个人生活那么不愉快。老有负罪感?为什么老纠缠于要积聚越来越多的物质财富?……。”   B. 他们不喜欢过去。 C. 他们认为现世界是最好的。 D. 他们害怕破坏。   4. A. 享受不是犯罪。这在第三段中间“老年人——如果他们准备承认的话——可以从他们的孩子们那里学到一两件事。他们能学的.最大的课堂之一是享受不是犯罪。”“享受”是人可适用于生活各个方面的原则。从工作中获得乐处,享受闲暇时间,肯定不是错误。抛弃约束限制,生活在现在而不是生活在过去肯定也不是错。   B. 人们应有更多的闲暇。 C. 人可以享受生活。 D. 一个人应当享受工作。   词汇:   1. reminder 使共回想起某事的东西,提示者   2. complacency 自鸣得意,自满情结   3. take leave 擅自,任意,随意   I took leave to consider this matter settled. 请原谅我认为这事已经解决了。   4. conformity 与……一致,遵从   5. guilt 有罪,内疚   6. ridden (ride 的过去分词)受……支配的,受……压迫   7. guilt-ridden 负罪感   8. amass 积累,积聚   9. a rat-race 激烈的竞争   10. shrug off 对……耸肩表示不屑一理,轻视,摆脱   11. spotless 无污点的,纯洁的   12. shed 摆脱,抛弃   13. annihilate 歼灭   14. bequeath 赠送,把……传给后代   15. sanity 头脑清醒健全   难句译注:   1. convict haircut. Convict 义:罪犯。罪犯和短发两字合在一起为“囚犯理的发式”。但在这里其含义根据上下文决定。前面讲到“谁说世界上所有的男人都应穿浅灰色的西装”,后面只能译成“剪成像罪犯似的短发呢”。本义有haircut义:修理整齐的短发。整齐划一表示绅士派的工作人中作风正派,认真负责,一丝不苟的精神。作者用了convict罪犯一字表示讽刺:“罪犯也是整齐划一的短发跟绅士们的要求一样,难道他们也是作风正派,认真负责,一丝不苟吗?”   写作方法与文章大意:   这是一篇论及“代沟”的文章。主要采用对比手法,一开始就提出了一个老问题:“老人们经常说年轻人不是从前那样了。这一评语代代相传,永远是对的,而今天比以前任何时候更正确。”下面几段就论述他们之不同点以及对比老少两代人的态度。


  The Young Generation   Old people are always saying that the young are not whatthey were. The same comment is made from generation togeneration and it is always true. It has never been truer than it istoday. The young are better educated. They have a lot moremoney to spend and enjoy more freedom. They grow up morequickly and are not so dependent on their parents. They thinkmore for themselves and do not blindly accept the ideals of theirelders. Events which the older generation remembers vividly arenothing more than past history. This is as it should be. Every new generation is different from theone that preceded it. Today the difference is very marked indeed.   The old always assume that they know best for the simple reason that they have been around abit longer. They don’t like to feel that their values are being questioned or threatened. And this isprecisely what the young are doing. They are question the assumptions of their elders anddisturbing their complacency. Office hours, for instance, are nothing more than enforced slavery.Wouldn’t people work best if they were given complete freedom and responsibility? And whatabout clothing? Who said that all the men in the world should wear drab grey suits and convicthaircuts? If we ruin our minds to more serious matters, who said that human differences can bestbe solved through conventional politics or by violent means, who said that human difference canbest be solved through conventional politics or by violent means? Why have the older generationso often used violence to solve their problems? Why are they so unhappy and guilt-ridden in theirpersonal lives, so obsessed with mean ambitions and the desire to amass more and more materialpossessions? Can anything be right with the rat-race? Haven’t the old lost touch with all that isimportant in life?   These are not questions the older generation can shrug off lightly. Their record over the pastforty years or so hasn’t been exactly spotless. Traditionally, the young have turned to their eldersfor guidance. Today, the situation might be reversed. The old—if they are prepared to admitit—could learn a thing or two from their children. One of the biggest lessons they could learn is thatenjoyment is not ‘sinful’. Enjoyment is a principle one could apply to all aspects of life. It is surelynot wrong to enjoy your work and enjoy your leisure; to shed restricting inhibitions. It is surely notwrong to live in the present rather than in the past or future. This emphasis on the present is onlyto be expected because the young have grown up under the shadow of the bomb: the constantthreat of complete annihilation. This is their glorious heritage. Can we be surprised that they shouldso often question the sanity of the generation that bequeathed it?   1. Which of the following features in the young is NOT mentioned?   [A] Better educated. [B] More money and freedom.   [C] Independence. [D] Hard work.   2. What so the young reject most?   [A] Values. [B] The assumption of the elders.   [C] Conformity. [C] Conventional ideas.   3. Why do the young stress on the present?   [A] They have grown up under the shadow of the bomb.   [B] They dislike the past.   [C] They think the present world is the best.   [D] They are afraid of destruction.   4. What can the old learn from the young generation?   [A] Enjoyment is not sinful. [B] People should have more leisure time.   [C] Men might enjoy life. [D] One should enjoy one’s work.   答案详解:   1. D. 艰苦工作。这在第一段中第四句“青年一代受了更好教育,有大量的钱话,有更多的自由。他们成长的很快,不那么依赖于父母,他们独立思考得更多,不盲目接受老一代的理想……。”   A. 受更好的教育。 B. 更多的钱和自由。 C. 独立性。这三项均提及到。   2. C. 顺从。第二段集中讲到这一点。“因为老人们经常认为自己懂得多,理由就是他们经历得多。他们不喜欢自己的价值观受到怀疑或威胁。而这正是青年在做的。他们对老人们的设想提出疑问,打乱他们的自鸣得意。他们甚至敢于怀疑老一代创造了世界上可能最佳的社会。他们最反对的莫过于顺从。例如:他们说办公时间就是强制奴役,如果人们完全自由,绝对负责,他们的工作不会更好吗?而穿衣呢?谁说世界上所有的男人都该穿单调的灰色西装和剪成像罪犯似的短发?……。”这些词语都表示他们最反对的东西是遵从,“一致性”。所以   A. 价值。 B. 长者的设想。 D. 传统习俗观念。都是具体的某一点。   3. A. 他们在炸弹的阴影下成长。第三段倒数第四句起“由于年轻人是在炸弹战争的阴影下成长壮大:在不断受到全面歼灭的威胁之下,所以也只能期望他们重视目前。这是他们的光荣遗产。他们经常询问赠给他们遗产的这代人的头脑是否清醒。对此我们能表示惊讶吗?”遗产指的是第二段的种种问题所体现出来的东西,如:“谁说人类之差异能通过常规政策或暴力手段予以很好的解决?为什么老一代人常用暴力来解决他们的问题?为什么他们(老一代)个人生活那么不愉快。老有负罪感?为什么老纠缠于要积聚越来越多的物质财富?……。”   B. 他们不喜欢过去。 C. 他们认为现世界是最好的。 D. 他们害怕破坏。   4. A. 享受不是犯罪。这在第三段中间“老年人——如果他们准备承认的话——可以从他们的孩子们那里学到一两件事。他们能学的最大的课堂之一是享受不是犯罪。”“享受”是人可适用于生活各个方面的原则。从工作中获得乐处,享受闲暇时间,肯定不是错误。抛弃约束限制,生活在现在而不是生活在过去肯定也不是错。   B. 人们应有更多的闲暇。 C. 人可以享受生活。 D. 一个人应当享受工作。   词汇:   1. reminder 使共回想起某事的东西,提示者   2. complacency 自鸣得意,自满情结   3. take leave 擅自,任意,随意   I took leave to consider this matter settled. 请原谅我认为这事已经解决了。   4. conformity 与……一致,遵从   5. guilt 有罪,内疚   6. ridden (ride 的过去分词)受……支配的`,受……压迫   7. guilt-ridden 负罪感   8. amass 积累,积聚   9. a rat-race 激烈的竞争   10. shrug off 对……耸肩表示不屑一理,轻视,摆脱   11. spotless 无污点的,纯洁的   12. shed 摆脱,抛弃   13. annihilate 歼灭   14. bequeath 赠送,把……传给后代   15. sanity 头脑清醒健全   难句译注:   1. convict haircut. Convict 义:罪犯。罪犯和短发两字合在一起为“囚犯理的发式”。但在这里其含义根据上下文决定。前面讲到“谁说世界上所有的男人都应穿浅灰色的西装”,后面只能译成“剪成像罪犯似的短发呢”。本义有haircut义:修理整齐的短发。整齐划一表示绅士派的工作人中作风正派,认真负责,一丝不苟的精神。作者用了convict罪犯一字表示讽刺:“罪犯也是整齐划一的短发跟绅士们的要求一样,难道他们也是作风正派,认真负责,一丝不苟吗?”   写作方法与文章大意:   这是一篇论及“代沟”的文章。主要采用对比手法,一开始就提出了一个老问题:“老人们经常说年轻人不是从前那样了。这一评语代代相传,永远是对的,而今天比以前任何时候更正确。”下面几段就论述他们之不同点以及对比老少两代人的态度。



  翻译项目为主观试题,分两个部分。第一部分Section A Chinese to English,要求考生将文内约150个左右的汉字译成英语。第二部分Section B English to Chinese,要求考生将文内约150个左右的英语字译成汉语,高校英语专业八级考试大纲(2004年新版)对汉译英测试提出了两点较新的要求:第一,能运用汉译英的理论和技巧,翻译我国报刊杂志上的文章和一般文学作品。速度为第小时250至300个汉字。第二、译文必须忠实原意,语言通顺、流畅。



然后有英汉 汉英互译各一段,这部分的难度也比较大,求的是速度,平时要加强。



  Federal Government's Help   Federal efforts to aid minority businesses began in the 1960’s when the Small Business Administration (SBA) began making federally guaranteed loans and government-sponsored management and technical assistance available to minority business enterprises. While this program enabled many minority entrepreneurs to form new businesses, the results were disappointing, since managerial inexperience, unfavorable locations, and capital shortages led to high failure rates. Even 15 years after the program was implemented, minority business receipts were not quite two percent of the national economy’s total receipts.   Recently federal policymakers have adopted an approach intended to accelerate development of the minority business sector by moving away from directly aiding small minority enterprises and toward supporting large, growth-oriented minority firms through intermediary companies. In this approach, large corporations participate in the development of successful and stable minority businesses by making use of government-sponsored venture capital. The capital is used by a participating company to establish a Minority Enterprise Small Businesses that have potential to become future suppliers of customers of the sponsoring company.   MESBIC’s are the result of the belief that providing established firms with easier access to relevant management techniques and more job-specific experience, as well as substantial amounts of capital, gives those firms a greater opportunity to develop sound business foundations than does simply making general management experience and small amounts of capital available. Further, since potential markets for the minority businesses already exist through the sponsoring companies, the minority businesses face considerably less risk in terms of location and market fluctuation. Following early financial and operating problems, sponsoring corporations began to capitalize MESBIC’s far above the legal minimum of $500,000 in order to generate sufficient income and to sustain the quality of management needed. MESBIC’s are now emerging as increasingly important financing sources for minority enterprises.   Ironically, MESBIC staffs, which usually consist of Hispanic and Black professionals, tend to approach investments in minority firms more pragmatically than do many MESBIC directors, who are usually senior managers from sponsoring corporations. The latter often still think mainly in terms of the ‘social responsibility approach’ and thus seem to prefer deals that are riskier and less attractive than normal investment criteria would warrant. Such differences in viewpoint have produced uneasiness among many minority staff members, who feel that minority entrepreneurs and businesses should be judged by established business considerations. These staff members believe their point of view is closer to the original philosophy of MESBIC’s and they are concerned that, unless a more prudent course if followed, MESBIC directors may revert to policies likely to re-create the disappointing results of the original SBA approach.   1. Which of the following best states the central idea of the passage?   [A] The use of MESBIC’s for aiding minority entrepreneurs seems to have greater potential for success than does the original SBA approach.   [B] There is a crucial difference in point of view between the staff and directors of some MESBIC’s.   [C] After initial problems with management and marketing, minority businesses have begun to expand at a steady rate.   [D] Minority entrepreneurs wishing to form new businesses now have several equally successful federal programs on which to rely.   2. According to the passage, the MESBIC approach differ s from the SBA approach in that MESBIC’s   [A] seek federal contracts to provide market for minority businesses.   [B] Encourage minority businesses to provide markets for other minority businesses.   [C] Attempt to maintain a specified rate of growth in the minority business sector.   [D] Rely on the participation of large corporations to finance minority businesses.   3. Which of the following statements about the SBA program can be inferred from the passage?   [A] The maximum term for loans made to recipient businesses was 15 years.   [B] Business loans were considered to be more useful to recipient businesses than was management and technical assistance.   [C] The anticipated failure rate for recipient businesses was significantly lower than the rate that actually resulted.   [D] Recipient businesses were encouraged to relocate to areas more favorable for business development.   4. The author refers to the ‘financial and operating problems’ encountered by MESBIC’s primarily in order to   [A] broaden the scope of the discussion to include the legal considerations of funding MESBIC’s through sponsoring companies.   [B] call attention to the fact that MESBIC’s must receive adequate funding in order to function effectively.   [C] show that sponsoring companies were willing to invest only $500,000 of government-sponsored venture capital in the original MESBIC’s.   [D] Compare SBA and MESBIC limits on minimum funding.   5. It can be inferred from the passage that the attitude of some MESBIC staff member toward the investments preferred by some MESBIC directors can be best described as   [A] disappointing.   [B] Indifferent.   [C] Shocked.   [D] Defensive.   答案详解:   1. A 运用MESBIC来帮助少数民族企业似乎比原来SBA的方法更具成功的可能性。文章一开始就点名SBA(小型企业管理局)向少数民族企业提供联邦保证贷款,政府资助管理和技术方面的帮助,结果令人失望。组建成的少数民族新企业由于管理上缺乏经验、地点不佳、资金短缺而导致失败的情况很多。其他见难句译注1、2、3。总之在MESBIC支持下:为它的潜在市场提供大量资金等,使它们在地点和市场流通方面风险小的多,从而带来足够的收入和保持所需的管理质量。这一切都说明MESBIC比SBA的成功可能性大。   B.MESBIC中的领导者和职工方面在观点上有着至关重要的分歧。C.经历了早期管理和市场问题后,少数民族企业已开始稳步发展。D.希望组建新公司的少数民族企业家已有好几个成功的联邦计划可依靠。   2. D 依靠打工四向少数民族企业投资。见第二段第二句:大公司利用政府资助的风险资本参与成功而又稳固的少数民族企业的发展。参与的大公司用这笔资金建立了“少数民族小型企业投资公司”(MESBIC)   A.寻求为少数民族企业提供市场联邦合同。B.鼓励少数民族企业为其他少数民族企业提供市场。C.试图在少数民族部门保持特定的增长率。   3. C 预期加入SBA项目中的公司的失败率比实际失败率低得多。文内没有直接点出,而是从(见第一题注释)SBA帮助的'企业失败率很高――令人失望,从而推断C项结论。   A.给企业贷款最高期限为15年。B.商业贷款对企业来说远笔管理和技术帮助重要。D.鼓励接受贷款企业重新寻找利于企业发展的地区。   4. B 为的是引人注意这一实际情况:MESBIC必须取得足够的资金才能有效地运转。这在第三段最后一句:在经历了早期财政和运行问题后,赞助公司给MESBIC注入的资金远远超过了50万美元的法定最低限额,以获得足够的收入并保持所需的管理质量。MESBIC现在正成为日益重要的少数民族企业的资金来源。这说明没有足够的资金是难以有效运转的。   A.扩大讨论范围以包括通过赞助公司投资MESBIC的合理性。C.表明赞助公司愿意在原来的MESBIC只投资50万政府资助的风险资本。D.对比SBA和MESBIC最低投资限额。   5. A 失望。文章最后一段MESBIC的职工――一般是拉美和黑人专业人员在少数民族公司的投资上比MEBSIC的领导者更切实际。这些高级经理从社会责任角度看问题,会选择更具风险性,不太吸引人的项目。观点分歧使许多少数民族职工感到不安,他们认为应以公司的业务爆出来评价少数民族企业家及其企业。者充分说明MEBSIC的职工对领导所青睐的投资项目不满意和失望。   B.漠不关心。C.震惊。D.持保留态度。


  阅读理解是专八考试中的一个测试单元,在平时的英语学习中同学们要多多积累,多记多背多做练习,下文《专八阅读模拟题及答案》由英语频道整理,欢迎您访问浏览更多考试资讯。    Passage Sixteen (Crime in Computer)   New and bizarre crimes have come into being with the advent of computer technology.Organized crime to has been directly involved; the new technology offers it unlimited opportunities, such as data crimes, theft of services, property-related crimes, industrial sabotage, politically related sabotage, vandalism, crimes against the individual and financially related crimes…   Theft of data, or data crime, has attracted the interest of organized criminal syndicates.This is usually the theft or copying of valuable computer grogram.An international market already exists for computerized data, and specialized fences are said to be playing a key role in this rapidly expanding criminal market.Buyers for stolen programs may range from a firm’s competitors to foreign nations.   A competitor sabotages a company’s computer system to destroy or cripple the firm’s operational ability, thus neutralizing its competitive capability either in the private or the government sector.This computer sabotage may also be tied to an attempt by affluent investors to acquire the victim firm.With the growing reliance by firms on computers for their recordkeeping and daily operations, sabotage of their computers can result in internal havoc, after which the group interested in acquiring the firm can easily buy it at a substantially lower price.Criminal groups could also resort to sabotage if the company is a competitor of a business owned or controlled by organized crime.   Politically motivated sabotage is on the increase; political extremist groups have sprouted on every continent.Sophisticated computer technology arms these groups with awesome powers and opens technologically advanced nations to their attack.Several attempts have already been made to destroy computer facility at an air force base.A university computer facility involved in national defence work suffered more than $2 million in damages as a result of a bombing.   Computer vulnerability has been amply documented.One congressional study concluded that neither government nor private computer systems are adequately protected against sabotage.Organized criminal syndicates have shown their willingness to work with politically motivated groups.Investigators have uncovered evidence of cooperation between criminal groups and foreign governments in narcotics.Criminal groups have taken attempts in assassinating political leaders….Computers are used in hospital life-support system, in laboratories, and in major surgery.Criminals could easily turn these computers into tools of devastation.By sabotaging the computer of a life-support system, criminals could kill an individual as easily as they had used a gun.By manipulating a computer, they could guide awesome tools of terror against large urban centers.Cities and nations could become hostages.Homicide could take a now form.The computer may become the hit man of the twentieth century.   The computer opens vast areas of crime to organized criminal groups, both national and international.It calls on them to pool their resources and increase their cooperative efforts, because many of these crimes are too complex for one group to handle, especially those requiting a vast network of fences.Although criminals have adapted to computer technology, law enforcement has not.Many still think in terms of traditional criminology.    1.How many kinds of crimes are mentioned in the passage?   [A]7   [B]8   [C]9   [D]10    2.What is the purpose of a competitor to sabotage a company’s computer?   [A]His purpose is to destroy or weaken the firm’s operational ability.   [B]His purpose is to weaken firm’s competitive capability and get it.   [C]His purpose is to buy the rival’s company at a relatively low price.   [D]His purpose is to steal important data.    3.Which of the following can be labeled as a politically motivated sabotage of a computer system?   [A]Sabotage of a university computer.   [B]Sabotage of a hospital computer.   [C]Sabotage of computer at a secret training base.   [D]Sabotage of a factory computer.    4.What does the author mean by “Homicide could take a new form”?   [A]There is no need to use a gun in killing a person.   [B]Criminals can kill whoever they want by a computer.   [C]The computer can replace any weapons.   [D]The function of a computer is just like a gun.    Vocabulary   1.bizarre 奇怪的   2.vandalism 破坏,故意破坏文化,艺术的行为   3.cripple 使瘫痪,削弱   4.fence 贼市,脏品买卖处   5.neutralize 使成为无效   6.affluent 富裕的   7.recordkeeping 记录存贮   8.havoc 浩劫,大破坏   9.resort to 求助于,借助于   10.motivate 作为……的动机,激发   11.extremist 过激分子,极端主义分子   12.sprout 萌发迅速发展   13.awesome 令人惊惧的,引起敬畏的   14.vulnerability 易受攻击,脆弱   15.devastation 劫持,破坏   16.hospital life-support system 医院的生命维持系统   17.hit man 职业凶手(杀手)   18.pool 集中(资金)合办,入股   19.criminology 犯罪学,刑事学    难句译注   1.Organized crime to has been directly involved; the new technology offers it unlimited opportunities, such as data crimes, theft of services, property-related crimes, industrial sabotage, politically related sabotage, vandalism, crimes against the individual and financially related crimes…   [结构简析] 句子很长,都是简单句,中间有分号隔开,后面是举例。   [参考译文] 有组织犯罪团伙也直接参与:计算机新技术较为犯罪提供了无限的机会,如数据信息犯罪,偷窃服务项目,跟财产有关的犯罪,工业破坏,跟政治有关的破坏,破坏文化艺术,对个人和财经方面的罪行等等。   2.An international market already exists for computerized data, and specialized fences are said to be playing a key role in this rapidly expanding criminal market.   [结构简析] 并列句,and 作对比连接词用。   [参考译文] 一个计算机信息的国际市场已经存在,而专门从事脏品交易的市场据说在迅速扩展的犯罪市场中起着关键的作用。   3.A competitor sabotages a company’s computer system to destroy or cripple the firm’s operational ability, thus neutralizing its competitive capability either in the private or the government sector.   [结构简析] 主谓宾补结构,后跟thus+从句表示结果。   [参考译文] 竞争对手破坏一个公司的计算机系统为的是摧毁或削弱公司的操作运行能力,从而使其丧失在私人或政府部门中的竞争力。   4.The computer opens vast areas of crime to organized criminal groups, both national and international.It calls on them to pool their resources and increase their cooperative efforts, because many of these crimes are too complex for one group to handle, especially those requiting a vast network of fences.   [结构简析] 两句话。前一句为主谓宾,后一句为主从句,从句内采用too…to 句型,后跟分词独立结构进一步说明。   [参考译文] 计算机为国内和国际有组织犯罪集团开辟了犯罪的广泛领域。它要求它们集中资源,提高通力协作力量,因为许多犯罪太复杂,一个集团难以驾驭,特别是那些需要巨大的脏品交易时常网络的罪行。    写作方法与文章大意   文章介绍“计算机犯罪”,采用分类写作手法,先列出种种计算机犯罪项,下面逐一说明。文本只选四种犯罪——信息数据偷窃或信息(数据)犯罪,产业破坏,政治破坏,对个人生命破坏。分四段叙述,每段为一种罪行,最后是对比罪犯势力越来越有组织,势力请大,而司法部门却没有准备好。    答案祥解   1.B.8种,具体罪行。见难句译注1。   2.B.他的目的是削弱公司竞争力进而得到它。答案见难句译注2及第二段第二句起:“计算机破坏也可以和富裕的投资者欲得到对手的公司的企图相连。随着公司对计算机记录存储的信赖性加强,破坏他们的计算机可以造成内部大破坏。之后,对取得这个公司感性趣的集团很容易在级低价格上买进。”   A.削弱公司运转能力。   C.在相当低的价格上买进对手的公司。这两个选项都只是破坏目的的一个方面。  D.偷窃重要资料,文内没有讲。   3.C 破坏秘密训练基础。这可以标以政治目的的破坏计算机。   A.大学   B.医院    D.工厂。 这三个地方都难以和政治直接相连,第三段讲的大学是“参与国防保卫工作的大学计算机措施”,和一般大学不一样。只有秘密训练的基地和真正相连的可能性最大,所以选C.   4.B.犯罪可以通过计算机任意杀人。答案在第五段:“犯罪集团曾采取步骤暗杀政治领袖。医院的生命维护系统,实验室,大型外科手术中都用计算机。罪犯们很容易把这些计算机转变成破坏的工具。通过破坏生命维护系统计算机,罪犯们就像用枪一样很容易杀死人。通过控制计算机,他们可以指导这可怖的工具攻击大城市中心。城市和国家都可以成为人质。谋杀具有新的形式,计算机可能成为21世纪的事业杀手。”   A.杀人不需要用枪。这话太笼统,不用枪,用什么。用毒药,用刀?  C.计算机可以取代任何武器。      D.计算机的功能就像枪,错误的。


网上答案不准的,建议别随便采纳。本考试分为试卷一和试卷二。试卷一(I,II,III )除 I.Section D与Ⅱ.校对与改错外,要求考生从每题所给的A,B,C,D四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,并按规定用2B铅笔在答题纸上划线,做在试卷上的答案无效。每题只能选择一个答案,多选作废。多项选择题只计算答对的题数,答错不扣分。多项选择题由机器阅卷。听力理解中的Section D与第二部分校对与改错做在另外的答题纸上。做在试卷上的答案一律作废。试卷二(Ⅳ和V)为主观试题,要求考生用钢笔或圆珠笔把翻译和作文直接写在答题卷上。主观试题按统一的评分标准评分。试卷各部分采用计权的方法,折算成百分制。以60分为及格标准。一般的报名方式有两种,具体院校各有不同。现场报名符合报考对象以班为单位,按学号顺序填写报名表上各个项目。要求学生本人自己填写,字写端正,名字正确无误(名字须与入学录取名册上一致,如因填写错误造成不良后果,责任自负)。转系的学生应在备注上注明由哪个专业转来。休学或留级的学生也应在备注上说明。各班应于11月28日前把报名表和报考费交系办公室,过期不候。(各班请到我系网站首页的教务信息栏下载报名表,报名时各班须交班委审核后的电子表格和纸质表格各一份)。网上报名考生根据通知登录考试网页,一般需要点击“网上报名”进入“英语专业四、八级统测 TEM”报名系统填写报名表,并牢记系统自动生成的报名号。具体事宜请咨询院校通知!以上内容参考:百度百科-英语专业八级考试


专四全称为全国高校英语专业四级考试。自1991年起由中国大陆教育部实行,考察全国综合性大学英语专业学生。 考试内容涵盖英语听、说、读、写四个方面。口试自1998年开始正式实施,需另行报名。专八全称为全国高校英语专业八级考试。自1991年起由中国大陆教育部实行,考察全国综合性大学英语专业学生。英语专业八级考试是由高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会主办的(非教育部主办)。笔试形式考核。口试另外考核,名称为“英语专业八级口语与口译考试”。考试内容和考试时间:专四考试共有六个部分:听写、听力理解、语言知识、完型填空、阅读理解、写作。整个考试需时130分钟。考试时间通常是每年四月的第三个周六。专八考试共有五个部分:听力理解、阅读理解、语言知识、翻译、写作。整个考试需时150分钟。英语专八考试时间为每年3月第三个周六。以上内容参考:百度百科—英语专业四级考试、百度百科—英语专业八级考试


   原文: An aspiration is a joy for ever, a possession as solid as a landed estate, a fortune which we can never exhaust and which gives us year by year a revenue of pleasurable activity. To have many of these is to be spiritually rich. Life is only a very dull and ill-directed theatre unless we have some interests in the piece; and to those who have neither art nor science, the world is a mere arrangement of colours, or a rough footway where they may very well break their shins.?    译文: 渴望是永远的`乐趣,考试大一笔如地产般真实稳固的财富,用之不尽,取之不竭。每年我们都会因为拥有渴望而充满活力。一个人如有许多希望,精神便会富足。人生只不过是一场单调乏味且编导拙劣的戏,除非我们对这戏有些兴趣;对于既没有艺术细胞也没有科学细胞的人来说,这个世界只不过是各种颜色的堆积,或者是一条崎岖小路,一不小心就会摔伤小腿。


英语专八各部分答题注意事项   语言学 部分(3分)   1、自06年后,每年考1-2个基本概念题,11年更是考查了2个基本概念,按照频率看,12年只考1个基本概念题的可能性更大,对于概念,可从略复习;   2、11年涉及一道语音学,10年一道词汇,一道语用,09年1道语用,08年一道句法学,一道词义学,分布没有什么规律,均需要复习。   英美文学 部分(3分)   1、英美文学考作家概况(流派等)和作家作品为主要考点,基本概念前几年几乎不涉及,10年起1年1道,12年可能会继续回归基础概念,对于重要知识点,仍需记忆,美国文学部分看教材前言足够。   2、每年的重头戏基本还是作家作品,但侧重重要作品,不重要的作品考得较少,或作为多余选项排在非本作者题目中。   英语专八改错题:   1、改错虽然为主观题,但错误类型相对集中,可分为以下几种情况:   定冠词:a,an,the误用,甚至多出来;解决办法:分析定冠词的主语及上下文有无指代;   级:分两类错误,第一种是原级用成比较级,比较级用成最高级,反之亦然。有一种除外,是两者比较谁最好,可以用最高级;第二种是意思相反,如most改为least;   连词错误:也分两种,第一种为连词误用,应该表示转折的用成了并列,比如while改为and;第二种为近义词。在不同语境中用However,Nonetheless,比用but更合适,更合乎语法;(与逻辑关系也有关,看上下文,联系语境)   词性错误:多出现为形容词转变为副词,反之亦然;也有可能是限定,如adv.+adj.+n.,如下所说;形容词改为动词或名词等,多出现在一词多性的情况下;   形容词限定错误:出现在adj.+adj.+n.要知道第1个adj.是限定第2个adj.还是限定n.;若是限定第2个adj.,大多改为副词adv.;   搭配错误:多为介词搭配错误,如insomeextent改为to,relyin改为on等;也有搭配词没有给出,需要自己添加,比如define...as;   词义错误:比如:ratherthan改为otherthan;(此项比较难)   近义形容词错误:例如:respective,respectable,respectful,respecting,respected;(此项比较难)   缺失:例如thefact后面直接接了句子,中间缺少that,表明同位关系;   多余:有的`地方莫名其妙多出一个词,多为介词,是没有用的;   词义相反:多出现在形容词,需要在前面添加或去掉in-,im-,ir-,un-等否定前缀;   主动被动:分析主语与谓语动词的逻辑关系是主动还是被动,多出现在分句中;   三单:主语与谓语是单数还是复数,主语是否为不可数名词,是的话如何判断谓语动词是单数还是复数,还是有特殊用法;   时态:现在时用为过去式,或者进行时用成了现在时等;   定语从句用错先行词:which用成了that;难点儿的比如:forwhich用成了which,要知道forwhich=why,in/atwhich=where;还有什么情况下必须用that,比如人和物搭配,序数词,theone,theonly,不缺任何成分,有否定词,有all等;   英语专八作文:   1、务必遵循首段陈述事实,亮出自己的观点;二、三段分别论述自己的分论点,并举例,举例要多元化,运用正面例子和反面例子,辩证叙述;尾段重申观点,甚至升华;   2、2个分论点要尽量能够把一个问题的两方面概括,以免留下逻辑遗憾;   3、避免在写如何做的时候,wewewewe变成了youyouyouyou;   4、合理布局,重点在分析,首尾两段字数不必太多,否则显得头大;专八要求45分钟写400字,时间是足够的,写前先思考5分钟,脑子里列个提纲,把问题按照个人和社会两个大角度思考一下,扩大自己的思维面再下笔;   5、用词准确,不确定的词宁可不用,否则一个词就显露出自己“高超”的水平;   6、思维面要从个人发散到整个社会;专八作文的题目一定是关注社会现象的,所以以个人为切入点,最后论述到整个社会,才能达到升华,否则作文没有起伏和高潮,判作文的老师会很无奈;   7、不写废话。每句话要写的时候想想有没有直接贴切主题,不要绕弯子;另外不要加很多无用的已知的定语,比如写一篇农业的文章,基调就是农业,就不必再表示成:harvestinagriculture;再如:thesehardshipsaretemporaryinnature;innature就是废话,就好像说中国国旗底色是红的一样。   英语专八翻译:   1、专八翻译主要是以文学翻译为主,非文学的比较少,所以对用词的准确要求非常高,比如:expand,enhance,improve,enlarge,amplify,broaden,extend,widen,不同语境,不同所指,就需要用不同的词;   2、分析清楚每个句子的主谓宾是什么,再把定状补部分找对,分析完再下手;   3、适当对词性做出转换,符合汉语表达;   4、汉语多重复,所以不用在意一个句子里重复一个词很多遍,这就是汉语的特点;   5、考试时间1小时,英译汉,汉译英各150字左右,相当于1分钟只翻5个词,时间是绝对充足的,速度快的40多分钟就翻完了,此时,作文答题纸没发,前面的机读卡也收上去了。所以没必要赶时间,把每句都分析清楚,比如以下几种:   抽象词具体话:availability,dependability,notion等抽象词,要根据上下文和语境把抽象词具体化。比如dependability来源于depend,谁depend什么,要问问自己,如果你自己都不清楚是谁depend什么,那么读者怎么能看得懂?   似是而非搭配:比如butforall。butfor和forall都可以搭配,即:But/forall和Butfor/all。所以要根据其他句子成分判断。   选词:不是所有的增长都用increase,要清楚increase多用于数量上的增长。如果表达其他特定内容时,要适当换词。还有些词,同样可以表达一个意思,用哪个都没问题,但是用其中某个词能更好的表达一件事。   逻辑结构:有的句子前后看似没有什么大的关系,但仔细分析后会发现,后半句可能是前半句的同位语,也可能是承上启下的转折句。如果是转折句,是否应该独立翻译成一句,是要结合语境来考虑的。   无主句翻译:中文经常会遇到没有主语的句子,比如:只有经济发展了,才能保证国家各项秩序的正常运行。本句里没有主语,但是翻译成英语的时候,是需要有主语的(祈使句除外),所以你要分析这个句子的主语应该是谁,显然,后半句说了“国家”,所以判定主语可以是“国家”。   正话反译:这是一个很平常的翻译技巧。最明显的例子就是Fishcannotlivewithoutwater.翻译成“鱼没有水就活不了。”没有什么问题,但是啰嗦,不妨正译:“鱼得水而活。”隐含的意思就是说:(鱼)无水而亡。这种句子经常见于领导人发言中,尤其谈到外交方面,表达如果两国能如何如何,则两国会取得什么样的成就。这是台面上的话,隐含的意思就是“如果两国不这么做,那么可能会闹得都不愉快”。显然在台面上这么说是不合适的。而在英语里,则倾向于说出隐含的意思,因为用否定词可以更好的强调不好的后果。   突出重点:有的段落的中心是非常明显的,如果这段就是着重谈一件事情,那么你的句式里也应当把有关词和句放在重要位置,突出它。尾重(endfocus)就是一个很必要的方法,英文中把重点放后面。有的时候在中文里,主谓宾彼此隔的很远,被一堆定语状语夹杂其间,这时,你就需要挑出主谓宾,在翻译的时候把其余次要部分前置或后置,让主干句子紧凑的安排在一起,突出重点。   英语专八考试阅读题答题技巧:   1、初期训练阅读正确率的办法是不计时间,要求正确率,要求每道题的ABCD,只要能在原文找到原话或类似话的,就在原文中划出来并标记是1A,2C。这样做的目的是提高自己的细节知识能力,并训练自己找细节知识的速度,能够尽快的提高细节

