
时间:2024-04-09 11:04:24编辑:coo君


  雅思频道为各位雅思考生整理分享了2015年9月雅思口语题库(完整版),供广大考生参考。    Memory   1.What kind of things do you always remind yourself to do?   2.What kind of things are easily to be forgotten?   3.How to help yourself remind something?    Study/Work   4.What is the most interesting part about your study/work?   5.Where are you studying?   6.What is your major? Why you choose to study that?   7.Do you work or are you a student?   8.What subjects have you studied? Which one of them is your favourite?    House/Apartment   9.Which room do you like best?   10.What is your ideal house in the future?   11.What do you feel about your apartment? Do you like the place you live in now?   12.What kind of place do you want to live in the future?    Reading   13.What kind of books do you like to read?   14.What kind of books did you enjoy reading in your childhood?   15.Have you ever sent a book to a child?    Sports   16.What kind of sports are Chinese students interested in?   17.Would you like to take part in some sports competitions in the future?    Studying Arts   18.What benefits can children get from studying arts?   19.Is it more important to study art subjects or academic subjects?    Hometown/Countryside   20.Is your hometown a suitable place for children to grow up?   21.Will you move to a countryside area to live in the future? Why?   22.Can you generally describe your hometown?   23.Is your hometown a good place for people to grow up?    Swimming   24.Do people in China enjoy swimming?   25.Did you learn swimming when you were little?   26.Is it important for children to learn swimming?    Taking photos   27.Have you ever taken a family photo?   28.Do you like taking photos of yourself?    Communicating Apps   29.What kind of communicating apps are popular in China? Why?   30.Are you going to use these apps more or less often in the future?    Snacks   31.What kind of snacks do you like to eat?   32.When do you eat snacks?    Color   33.How can colors affect people’s buying habits?    Teacher   34.Do you like your junior highschool teachers or senior highschool teachers more?   35.Do you want to become a teacher in the future?    In a hurry   36.Can you do something well in a hurry?   37.Are there something you could never do in a hurry situation?    Introductory questions   38.What is your full name?   39.Where are you from?    Film   40.What kind of films do you like watching?   41.Do you still like the same kind of film?   42.Would you like to make your own film? Do you think you will need some help?   Sky   43.Do you like to look at the sky?   44.Is it better to look at the sky at night or on daytime?   45.Where do people usually look at the sky?   Part 2 / Part 3    Describe a new skill that you would like to learn.   What skill you want to develop; How would you learn this skill; Is it difficult   46.What kind of skills do children need to learn?   47.Is it appropriate for children to learn cooking?   48.Is it better for children to learn cooking at school or at home?   49.Are children learning the same thing as they did 30 years ago?   50.Should we learn more about how to use high technology?   51.How has the way people get new information changed compared to the past? What about the future?   52.Would you consider get information from internet without checking any books?   53.To what extent can we believe the information online?    Describe a memorable photo.   When did you see/take it; Why you like it; Who else like it except you   54.Are photos taken by mobilephone better than those taken by a traditional camera?   55.Is it necessary for primary school students to take part in art lessons? What about the adults?   56.How can we benefit from studying arts?    Describe a person who dresses well.   57.Who are more interested in fashion, young people or old people?   58.What kind of outfits are most popular in China?   59.Which is more popular, online store or normal store?   60.Do you think online stores should pay more tax?   61.Do you think online malls, such as Taobao, will take place the traditional stores?    Describe a piece of article about healthy life.   62.Are Chinese people always have a healthy life?   63.How to have a more healthy lifestyle?   64.How do Chinese people get healthy information?   65.Will there be any negative effects if we get too much health information?   66.Why Chinese people always think about KFC or McDonald every time they are talking about junk food? Some of the Chinese food are also not healthy, do you agree?    Describe a kind of noise.   67.Do you like going to noisy places?   68.Why some young people like going to some noisy places, such as bars?   69.What are the benefits and drawbacks of playing background music in a place?    Describe a happy family event.   70.Why family events are important?   71.Can money makes people happier?   72.Do you think being good at something can make people happy?    Describe a garden/park.   Where is it; What does it look like; What do people do there   73.What kind of outdoor activities are popular in China?   74.What do people always do if they go to a park in a city?   75.In what situations do people not like going outside, even if the weather is fine?   76.Is it necessary to build so many neighborhoods in China?    Describe a historical building.   77.What kind of historical buildings are popular? Why are they so attractive?   78.Why historical buildings with a nice surrounding environment are always more attractive?   79.Why sometimes foreign visitors show more interests on historical buildings?   80.What can government do to appeal more travelers to visit historical sites?   81.What is the difference if you watch historical buildings from TV and if you go visiting by yourself?   82.Is history more or less important than science subjects in school?   83.Why it is important to study and focus on history?    Describe a time you made a decision to wait for something.   84.In what situations do people need to wait in a line?   85.Why it is important to be patient?   86.Some people feel that we need to have a slow pace of life, but others think it should be fast. What do you think?    Describe a foreign country you have never been to but want to visit.   87.Why Chinese like traveling abroad these days?   88.What can we get if we travel abroad?   89.What influence would traveling have on local environment?   90.What is the difference of studying abroad and traveling abroad?   Describe a piece music or song which is meaningful to you.   91.When do people sing a song together in your country?   92.What type of songs do young children like?   93.Why some singers are popular around the world?   94.Do people in China listen to songs from other countries?    Describe something useful you borrowed from others.   95.What kind of thins do people usually borrow in your country?   96.Will borrowing thins makes people feel uncomfortable?   97.Do we have to give a promise when we borrow something?   98.Some people are unwilling to lend their valuable items to others. What do you think about it?   99.Should companies ask customers’ opinions regarding their products?    Describe a person who always takes airplane.   100.Do people choose to take airplanes or other means of transport more often in your country?   101.How do people choose different kinds of transport when they want to go out?    Describe what you would do if you were given a day off from you study or work.   102.Are people nowadays busy?   103.What do people do when they are not busy?   104.Do you prefer a short holiday or a long holiday?   105.Do people use computers too frequently when they are working?    猜你可能喜欢:


  非常经典的题目。2011年5月的雅思考试一共有3场,大家可以提前看一下这3场考试会有哪些口语话题出现呢?   人物类:   Describe a childhood teacher who you want to meet again   Describe someone you admire   Describe a person who speaks a foreign language   Describe an old person   Describe an old friend   Describe a successful person   Describe a child   Describe a good leader from your friends   Describe an adventurous person   物品类:   Describe a kind of foreign food you’d like to try   Describe an advertisement   Describe a new law (that makes the place you live better)   Describe a toy you played when you were a child   Describe a gift you gave to someone else   Describe an item of clothing someone bought for you   Describe a vehicle you want to buy/have   Describe a broken electronic item   Describe something expensive you bought   Describe a photo you remember   Describe a book you enjoyed reading/ a kind of book you often read   地点类:   Describe a modern building (that you think is interesting/on your campus)   Describe a place you usually go for meals (lunch/ your favorite eating place)   Describe a peaceful place   Describe a river   Describe a beautiful place   Describe your ideal room/house   Describe a (small) company that you think is very successful   Describe a historical building   Describe a leisure center   Describe a place near a lot of water (you visited when you were a child)   事件类:   Describe a naughty thing you did in childhood   Describe a job you want to do in the future   Describe a childhood hobby   Describe a visit you made to your family or friends   Describe a happy event at school (in childhood)   Describe a piece of advice someone gave to you   Describe a quiz show   Describe an interesting piece of news   Describe an exciting message   Describe a project or some work that you did with others (showed team spirit)   Describe something you could do to help protect the environment   新航道老师总结到下列话题渐渐少用或不用了:   Describe a person you helped   Describe an artist   Describe a wild animal   Describe a film you saw recently   Describe a well-known story in your country   Describe a subject you studied in high school   Describe something healthy you recommend to others   Describe a place that you learnt about the past   Describe a change of your hometown   Describe something you celebrate in your country/hometown   Describe a long-distance journey   另外,2010年下半年和2011年至今出现的相对较新的话题有   1. News   2. Numbers   3. Home/around   4. Time/watch   5. Sound/noise   6. Housework/cooking   7. Dancing   8. Fruit/vegetable   9. Fashion/shopping/clothes   10. Airplane   11. Driving   12. Language   最后嘱咐大家一下,考试偶尔会出现意想不到的非主流题目,比如:请描述一个小型的成功的公司。这是最近考的一个话题。这时大家不能照搬大公司的例子。大家可以适当抽取准备好的一些公司的特色,然后包装成一个小型公司,当然可以是考生身边的公司。   以上就是2011年5月雅思口语预测的全部内容,是由新航道雅思所做,所以在权威性上面毋庸置疑。大家在自己的雅思口语备考中可以对这些雅思口语预测题目进行适当的练习,以便使自己能更好的应对雅思考试。


  下面是2011年4月16日雅思口语预测,这次的无忧雅思口语预测是按照雅思口语考题的类别进行的排列,非常清晰明了,大家可以在自己的雅思口语备考中进行参考,让我们一起来看看吧。   口语:看预测及机经还是相当有用的。有时间看一下雅思网站雅思口语类新闻。   News   How do you get the news?   What kind of news are you interested in?   Is it the same for the old and young?   Is it important to know the news?   Numbers   what are the lucky numbers in China?   do you think that it is easy to remember names or numbers?   what is your method of remembering numbers?   Name   Do people in your country usually have middle names?   Is your given/family name a common one in your country?   Do any other people in your family have names with special meanings?   Does your name mean anything or have a special significance?   Would you like to change your name?   In your culture, do women change their names when they get married?   What are the most common names in your country/culture?   Study/work   What’s your subject?   Are you a student or Do you work?   Why did you choose it as your major?   Is your major difficult?   In what ways do you associate with your classmates in your major?   Which part of your subject do you think is most interesting?   What do you learn from your major?   What job will you have in the future? What do you want to do after graduation?   How to get the job you want?   What’s your job?   What are you responsible for?   How was your first working day/ school day?   Schedule/ daily routine   House/apartment/flat   Do you live in a house or an apartment?   What’s special about your flat?   What do you think is the most important thing in your room?   Will you recommend others to live in your flat, and why?   Do you want to change another house?   How long have you lived there?   Live alone or with others?   Have you ever been living alone for some time?   Surrounding?   What kind of community are you living in?   How is the traffic around your home?   Do you like the place you current live in?   Neighborhood   Do you know your neighbor?   Do you think it is important to have good relationship with ur neighbor?   How is your relationship with your neighbors?   How often do you meet them?   What kind of conflicts people may have with their neighbors?   Are your neighbors old or young?   Do you prefer the neighbor in your age or older than u?   Hometown   Where are you from?   Where do you live?   Would you say it’s a good place to grow up?   Where will you recommend to your friends in your city?   Transportations in your hometown   Where do you want to live, south or north of China?   What’s special about your hometown?   Do you like the city you current live in?   What do you like most about your hometown?   Do you like to live in a big city or a small town?   Do you think your hometown has bright future?   Do your family and you live here for a long time?   Do you like to live with your parents?   Weather/season   What type of weather do you like?   What type of weather do Chinese people usually like?   What do you often do in sunny days? Cold days?   How does weather affect you?   Does weather affect people’s work performance?   Which is your favorite season?   What is the most common weather in your country?   Do you pay attention to the weather forecast?   What do you think about weather report?   Do you think people’s activities will change in different seasons?   Sound and noise   Your favorite sound from nature and why?   The noise you hate the most?   The types of sounds that you consider as noise   Do you like quiet environment?   What kinds of sounds remind you about your childhood?   Time/watch   Do you often wear watch?   What do you think of "time"?   How do you feel when you are late?   Do you sometimes feel that time goes slowly?   Collection   Do you like collect things?   Why do you have such a collection?   Did you like collecting things when you were a child?   What will you collect when you’re rich in the future?   What do Chinese people like to collect?   What can people learn from their collections?   Food & Cooking   Do you like cooking?   Do you cook at home?   Did you learn cooking in your childhood?   Will you cook in the future?   Who cooks in your family?   Is it important for young people to know how to cook?   Dancing   Can you dance?   Do you like dancing?   Is dancing popular where you live?   What kind of dance do Chinese people like?   Fruit/vegetable   What kind of fruit/vegetables do you like? Why?   Where do you buy fresh fruit and vegetable?   Is it easy (convenient to) buy fruit and vegetables where you live?   Do you like to eat fruit(s) and vegetables?   How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?   Did you like to vegetables when you were a child?   What are the benefits of eating fresh fruit (or, fresh fruits and vegetables)?   How much fruit and vegetables do you think a person needs to eat (everyday) to stay healthy?   Fashion/shopping   Do you like fashion?   Do you like shopping?   How often do you go shopping   Do you prefer to go shopping with friends or alone?   What makes you interested in shopping?   Do you think shopping is a waste of time?   What kind of clothes do you like?   Who buy clothes for you?   What’s the difference between big shop and small shop?   When was the last time you went shopping?   Flowers   Do you like flowers?   Why do people like flower?   Do Chinese people grow flowers?   When was the last time you bought flowers/ gave flowers to others?   Why will Chinese people buy flowers? On what occasions do people give flowers to other people?   Do Chinese people grow flowers in gardens?   Do you like garden?   Do the old like flowers?   Are flowers popular in china?   Sports   What sport do you like?   Do your friends like sport?   Do you often do exercises at university?   Is there any sports equipment near your home?   How often do you do exercise?   Do you think it is necessary for children to do exercise?   Travelling by air   Do you like to take airplane?   How often do you travel by air?   What do you think the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by air? (compare with other means of transport)   What do you think the air travelling will be in the future?   Book/reading   Do you often read books?   What kinds of books do you usually read?   Did you read a lot when you were a child? If so, what were they?   Why don't you keep reading now?   Do you like reading?   Reading habit?   Where do you read books?   How long do you read per day?   Do you enjoy reading when you were a child? Now? Why?   Film   What kinds of film do you like?   Are these types of film popular in your country?   Do you prefer watch movies in cinema or at home?   How often do you watch film?   Driving   Do you have a driving license?   When is the appropriate age for getting a driving license?   Is driving skills important?   Do you (know how to) drive a car?   Do you think it’s important to get a driver’s license?   Language   What language do you speak?   What other languages can you speak?   Do you want to learn anther language?   How do you learn it (esp. English)?   Do you think learning English is difficult?   How do you improve your English?   Do you think learning languages is important?   Something helps you to learn another language.   TV program   Which/what kinds of television program do you like?   Do you like watching TV?   Which program makes you feel relaxed? Why?   Do you watch some foreign country programme? Why?   How much time do you spend watching television?   How do you feel about advertisements on TV?   What benefits can people get from watching ( foreign) TV programs?   Do you think watching TV can help students in their studies?   以上就是2011年4月16日的无忧雅思口语预测的部分,这些都是这次雅思口语的话题备考范围,大家在最后的备考的时候,参考这些话题范围,了解一些相关的背景知识,练习相关的口语题目,对于雅思口语备考是有一定的帮助作用的。祝愿大家的雅思口语取得好成绩。














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新题概率估计:3旧1新可能为60%,2新题2旧题可能性在25%, 3新1旧可能性15%。







1. Modern cities have good conditions in education and medicine. Some people say that all new teachers and doctors should be sent to rural areas to improve the local conditions. Others say people should go where they like. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
2. Schools should teach children academic subjects which will be useful in their future careers. Subjects such as music and sports are not useful. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
3. Studies suggest that children spend more time watching TV than they did in the past and spend less time in doing active or creative things. What are the causes and what methods can be used to solve the problem?
4. Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high school students are encouraged to make comments or even criticism on their teachers. Others think it will lead to loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
5. Some people believe that teenagers should learn all school subjects, while others claim that students should focus on the subjects that they are best at or that they are interested in. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
6. University students should pay all the cost of their studies because university education benefits the students themselves rather than the society as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
7. Some people think that younger people are not suitable for important positions in governments of countries. Others argue that younger people have new ideas in these positions. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.
8. Traffic and housing problems in major cities would be solved by moving big companies, factories and their employees to the countryside. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
9. Rich countries often give financial aid to poor countries, but it does not solve the poverty, so rich countries should give other types of help to the poor countries rather than the financial aid. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
10. Many scientists believe that now we can study the behavior of a three-year-old child to see whether they will grow up to be criminals. To what extent do you think the human nature produces crimes? And how can we prevent children from growing up to be criminals?
11. Some people think that too much money has been spent looking after and repairing old buildings, so we should knock down old buildings and build modern ones instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
12. The only way to improve the safety in our roads is to give much stricter punishment for driving offences. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
13. Some people think governments should spend money on measures to save languages with few speakers from dying out completely. Others think this is a waste of financial resources. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
14. Some people say that professional workers such as doctors, nurses and teachers make greater contribution. So they should be paid more than those sport and entertainment persons. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
15. Some people think museums should be enjoyable places to attract and entertain young people. Others think the purpose of museums is to educate, not to entertain people. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
16. Some people think computer and Internet are important in children's study, but others think students can learn more effectively in schools and with teachers. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
17. In many parts of the world, the incidence of crimes for young people is increasing. Why is this case happening? How should children or teenagers be punished?
18. Society is based on rules and laws. It could not function if individuals were free to do whatever they wanted. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
19. Space travel to the moon is considered as “a step of mankind.” But some people think that space travel has made little difference on people’s lives today. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
20. Nowadays many developing countries are increasingly expanding their tourist industries. Is it a positive or negative development?
21. Some people think that by paying taxes they have made enough contribution to their society. Others think there are more responsibilities than paying taxes. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.
22. Economic progress is one way to measure the success of a country. Some people believe there are other factors. What other factors should be considered? Which one do you think is more important than the others?
23. Some people think that men and women have different qualities and some jobs are suitable for men and some jobs are suitable for women. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
24. Nowadays, many charities and organisations have to publicise their activities by giving a name to a particular day, such as National Children's day for encouraging better treatment of children, National Non-smoking Day for encouraging people to give up smoking. How effective can these special days be?






  雅思频道整理了2015年下半年9-12月雅思口语题库,给考生的雅思口语备考提供指南。    2015下半年9-12月雅思口语题库    Part 1   Name   Hometown   Work/study   Weekends   Vegetable &fruit   Television   Trees   Transportation   Text messages/phone calls   Time management   Teachers   Teamwork   Sports   Swimming   Social network   Snacks   Sleeping   Sky   Reading books   Public holidays   Photography   Newspaper   Music   News   Museums   Forget about things/memory   Mathematics   Home/accommodation   History   Help others   Hanging out with friends   Handwriting   Film   Emails and letters   Colors   Countryside   Clothes   Being in a hurry   Being alone    Part 2&Part 3:    人物   A person who dress well描述一个穿着得体的人   A famous person you would like to meet描述一个你想见的著名的人   A famous person from the news you would like to meet描述一个你想见的从新闻里知道的著名人士(新题)   A person you know who is good at a foreign language一个外语学得好的人   A child that did something that made you laugh   A family member who spent the most time with you跟你待时间最长的家人(新题)   A famous person from the news you would like to meet   A person who likes traveling by plane喜欢乘飞机旅游的人(新题)   A person whose job is useful to the society一个从事有益于社会工作的人    地点   A restaurant   A park that you can relax   A historical building   A place near water   A place (not home) that makes you relaxed 让你放松的地方   A street that you know你熟知的一条街 (新题)   A house or apartment you would like to live 你想住的房子   A country that you have never been to but you want to go 一个没去过但想去的国家   A place where you can read or write (not your home) 一个你读书写字的地方(家里除外)   A café 咖啡馆    事件经历   An occasion you got up extremely early   A time when you feel surprised to meet someone   A time you had a disagreement with your friend   An educational trip you took   A team you have been part of 曾经加入的团队   A special trip you want to take in the future 未来想开展的一次特殊旅行   A success in your life   Borrowing something   A long journey you traveled by car 一次长途汽车旅行(新题)   A long walk you enjoyed 远足的经历 (新题)   A way you communicate with others   An occasion that you made you happy   A special festival   An important conversation that influenced you   An occasion that you forget something   An article you read from magazine or Internet about healthy life从杂志或网站上看到的关于健康的文章(新题)   An occasion when someone or something made noise遇到噪音的情景(新题)   A new skill you want to learn想学习的新技能   A law that can help your country to protect the environment一项可以保护环境的法律(新题)   Something important you once forgot to do一件曾经忘记去做的重要事情   A time that you were looking at the sky 一次观看天空的经历(新题)   A situation waiting for somebody or something 一次等某人或某事的经历   Your plan if you have one-day holiday 如果有一天的假期你会做什么   An activity that keeps you fit让你保持健康的运动   An indoor game (not about sport) you liked to play when you were a child 小时候做的室内游戏   A paid work you or someone enjoyed doing有偿工作   Something you want to learn more 想继续学习的东西   A change that will improve your local area对你所在的地方有所提高的改变   An important stage in your life重要的人生阶段   物品   An electronic machine you want to buy   A small and successful company   An educational TV program   A paid job   An indoor game   A change   A picture   A gift you recently received (or a gift that takes u long time to choose)最近收到的礼物或者花长时间挑选的礼物   A vehicle you want to buy   Something you want to continue learning   An Advertisement   A film you’ve watched   An important job   A piece of art   Something you waited for   A law   An article about healthy living   A skill you would like to learn   Something you borrowed that was useful你借过的有用的东西   An art or a craft you made at school 在学校做过的手工 (新题)    媒体   An Educational TV program教育电视节目   A useful website 有用的网站   An advertisement 描述一则广告   A song that impressed you a lot印象深刻的歌曲




  阅读考试是雅思考试中占分比重比较大的类型,需要大家认真对待。以下是我为大家整理的雅思2021年10月16日阅读考试真题及答案,仅供参考。    2021年10月16日雅思阅读考试   Passage 1   主题:贸易船竞争   参考答案:   Passage 2   主题:IQ   参考答案:   14-17 判断   14.FALSE   15.NOT GIVEN   16.TRUE   17.TRUE   18-22 人名匹配   18.A   19.E   20.F   21.C   22.D   23-26 填空   23.scalp electrodes   24.inspiration and elaboration   25.alpha wave activity   26.flexibility   Passage 3   主题:旅游业的发展   待更新    雅思阅读分数对照表   雅思9分对应阅读39-40分;   雅思8.5分对阅读37-38分;   雅思8.分对应阅读35-36分;   雅思7.5分对应阅读33-34分;   雅思7分对应阅读30-32分;   雅思6.5分对应阅读27-29分;   雅思6分对应阅读23-26分;   雅思5.5分对应阅读20-22分;   雅思5分对应阅读

