
时间:2024-04-13 06:02:56编辑:coo君


  补充是因不足或损失而加以添补的意思,补充的英文我们经常会用到,那你知道补充的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的补充的英文,希望大家喜欢!   补充的英文   1.supplement   2.replenish   3.supply   4. make-up   supplement的用法   vt.增补,补充;   n.增补,补充; 补充物; 增刊,副刊;   1. She also writes a regular column for the Times Educational Supplement.   她也定期为《泰晤士报高等教育增刊》写专栏文章。   2. Soldiers in both countries supplement their incomes with payoffs from drugs exporters.   两国士兵都用毒品走私贩的贿赂来贴补收入。   3. Some people may be entitled to a housing benefit supplement.   有些人可能有资格拿到住房补贴。   4. A supplement to this dictionary may be published next year.   该词典的补编或许将于明年出版.   5. They had to get a job to supplement the family income.   他们不得不找一份工作以贴补家庭收入.   6. If you are travelling alone, the single room supplement is £11 a night.   如果是一个人旅行,住单间每晚要多交11英镑。   7. This full-colour supplement includes full race details, plus a comprehensive run-down on all the British hopefuls.   这份全彩附录包含了完整的比赛信息和对所有可能获胜的英国运动员的详细介绍。   8. Single people are treated as an aberration and made to pay a supplement.   独身者被当成异类,而且要付一笔额外的费用。   9. Business sponsorship must be a supplement to, not a substitute for, public funding.   商业赞助必须是公共基金的一种补充,而不能取而代之。   10. You can avoid the single supplement by agreeing to share a twin room.   你若同意合住双人房间就可以省下单间附加费了。   replenish的用法   vt.补充; 重新装满; 把…装满; 〈古〉使牲口[人和动物]众多   1. The government is trying to replenish supplies by airlifting food.   政府正试图通过空投食品补充供应。   2. There is a concern about replenish-ment of the population.   有人担心人口的补充问题。   3. Three hundred thousand tons of cereals are needed to replenish stocks.   需要30万吨谷类补充库存。   4. to replenish food and water supplies   补充食物和水   5. Without money to remit to Shanghai, he couldn't replenish his stock.   没有现钱寄到上海去, 就拿不到货.   6. He had come to replenish his pack and Simon was his employer.   他是来趸货的,赛蒙是他的雇主.   7. In so doing, we can replenish our reservoir of faith.   我们在这样做的过程中, 就会信心倍增.   8. Let me replenish your glass, eg with more wine.   我给你把杯子再斟满吧.   9. You'd better replenish the fire.   你最好给炉火再添些燃料.   10. We have to import an extra 4 million tons of wheat to replenish our reserves.

画蛇添足的意思是什么? 寓意是什么?

画蛇添足 (发音 huà shé tiān zú)
【解 释】 画蛇时给蛇添上脚.比喻做了多余的事,反而有害无益,徒劳无功.
【出 处】 西汉·刘向《战国策·齐策二》:“蛇固无足,子安能为之足?”
【用 法】 连动式;作宾语;含贬义
【示 例】 周而复《上海的早晨》第四部:“他想接上去说,又觉得是~,只好惋惜地坐着没动.”
【近义词】 徒劳无功、多此一举
【反义词】 画龙点睛、恰到好处、恰如其分
【灯 谜】 巳
【典 故】
故事发生在古代楚国.有一家人家祭祀祖宗.仪式完毕后,把剩下的一壶酒,赏给手下的办事人员喝.人多酒少,很难分配.这几个人就商量分酒的办法.有个人说:“一壶酒分给几个人喝,太少了.要喝就喝个痛快.给一个人喝才过瘾呢!”大家都这样想,可是谁也不肯放弃这个权利.另一个提议说:“这样吧,让我们来个画蛇比赛.每个人在地上画一条蛇,谁先画完,谁就喝这壶酒.”大伙儿都赞成这个办法.于是每个人折了一根树枝,同时开始画起来.有一个人画得最快,转眼之间,把蛇画好了.他左手抓过酒壶,得意地看看同伴,心想,他们要赶上我还差得远哩.便洋洋自得地说:“我再给蛇添上几只脚,也能比你们先画完.”正当他画第二只脚的时候,另一个人把蛇画完了.他一把夺过酒壶说:“蛇本来是没有脚的,你画的根本就不是蛇.还是我先画完,酒应当归我喝.” 添画蛇脚的人无话可说,只好咽着唾沫,看别人喝酒.
②舍人——古代王公贵族手下的办事人员.卮(zhī)—— 古代盛酒的器具.
示例 将军功绩已成,威声大震,可以止矣.今若前进,倘不如意,正如“~”也.(明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第一百十回)
英文:draw a snake and add feet to it—ruin the effect by adding sth.superfluous 蛇本来没有脚有人却给它加上脚,故事见《战国策·齐策二》.比喻做事多此一举,反而坏事.例:今若前进,倘不如意,正如画蛇添足也.——《三国演义》


  用新的增加物来加强或增加一个组或一群人。补充是一个人对另外一个人所提出的的观点进行又一部分的说明和解释。那么你知道补充用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    补充英语说法1:   supplement    补充英语说法2:   replenish    补充英语例句:   我建议你在日常饮食中补充些维生素E和维生素A。   I suggest supplementing your diet with vitamins E and A.   图书馆更多的是充当一个补充角色,特别是对于那些买不起新书的读者而言。   Libraries served more as a supplement, particularly for people who couldn 't afford paying for new books.   有人担心人口的补充问题。   There is a concern about replenishment of the population.   让别人来补充你所需要的单词。   Let the other person supply the word you need.   把传统的治疗 方法 与各种补充疗法结合   Combining orthodox treatment with a wide range of complementary therapies   泽姆连斯基说,一些补充协议涉及天然气的数量和质量,以及运输成本。他指出,有关这些问题的2009年协议还没有签署。   Zemliansky says additional agreements cover the volume and quality of gas, as well as transit costs, and he notes that an agreement on these items for2009 has not been signed.   给他们提供额外的背景资料或补充信息。   Provide them with additional background or with supplementary information.   这种产品不能充分补充维生素和矿物质。   The product provided inadequate vitamin and mineral supplementation.   健康的人不需要额外补充维生素。   Healthy people do not need vitamin supplements.   哪种维生素补充片好?   Which vitamin supplements are good value?   他演讲完又补充说了一些最新数字。   He added a brief postscript to his speech, giving the latest figures.   他们拣拾木柴以补充煤的不足。   They eked out their coal by collecting firewood.   她服用维生素片剂以补充规定食谱中的营养。   She supplements her diet with vitamin tablets.   有些人需要补充维生素和矿物质补充剂。   Some people need to take vitamin and mineral supplements.   一些人吃含有维生素的营养补充剂。   And some people take dietary supplements containing the vitamin.   日志传送可以用于补充或替代数据库镜像。   Log shipping can be a supplement or an alternative to database mirroring.   额外的维他命B1可以通过喂鱼来补充。   Extra thiamin can be fed when feeding fish.   问题补充:我要的是人工翻译,急呀,谢谢了,麻烦大家!!   The moving scene is still tippling in my heart till now.

usb pd是什么意思

USB PD是指“USB Power Delivery”,即USB电源传输。它是USB 3.1规范中新增的一项功能,用于提供更高功率的电源输出,支持更快的充电速度、更高的电源传输效率、更大的功率输出以及更多的设备兼容性。USB PD能够为大功率设备如笔记本电脑、平板电脑和手机等提供更加快速和高效的电源传输和充电方案。在传统的USB 3.0或3.1标准下,最大功率输出是5V/2A,即最高输出10W的电流。而在USB PD标准下,最高可支持100W的电流输出,同时还支持双向充电、快速充电以及多种电压输出,可以自动检测设备的功率需求并提供合适的电源输出。USB PD的应用范围很广泛,在笔记本电脑、平板电脑、手机、数码相机、移动硬盘、耳机等各类智能设备中都有广泛应用。USB PD的出现,使得电源传输更加高效便捷,满足了越来越多设备的日益增长的电力需求,得到了广泛的市场和用户认可。




“定量” quantification
“定量范围” quantifying scope
“整幅定量差” full breadth quantifying difference
“紧度” tightness
“整幅厚度差” full breadth thickness difference
“平滑度正反差” double-faced smothness difference
“灰粉” grey powder
“边缘渗透宽度” fringe penetration width
“表面强度(正/反)” case strength (potisive/negtive)
“伸长率”elongation rate


The dirty mire usually needs to carry on to prepare a processing while using to filter or leaving the method machine of heart to dehydrate, then pass toward the hurl in the dirty mire to add various coagulate, make dirty mire grain flocculate , the structure strengthen for the convenience of dehydrating in the machine.Dehydrating dirty mire to contain water rate generally can reach to 80% or so, but want to make the dirty mire contain water rate to decline to much lower level more difficult, have to develop to prepare a processing method otherly.This thesis aims at the existing dirty mire of the development area wastewater treatment factory in Dalian prepares a processing technique-increase the high mark son flocculate (PAM) of foundation up, unite the surface live and PAM usage, the since low PAM uses quantity, raising the dehydration rate of the surplus dirty mire in the meantime.The experiment expresses as a result:Be dehydrating with the vacuum percolation's method, for take the surplus dirty mire lately, after increasing PAC, sugar beet alkali, the dirty mire contained water rate to lower 6% and 1.3% respectively.While using to leave a heart method to dehydrate, for take the surplus dirty mire lately, after increasing 12 alkyls originally the 磺 sour sodium, sugar beet alkali, the dirty mire dehydration rate raised 2.2% and 1.1% respectively;For be disgusted with the oxygen surplus dirty mire, after increasing 12 alkyls originally the 磺 sour sodium, the dehydration rate of dirty mire raised 2.6%;For good oxygen surplus dirty mire, after increasing sugar beet alkali, the dehydration rate of dirty mire raised 6.1%.The surface live's canning raise dirty mire to sink to decline with main reason of dehydrating the function BE, it can make not only dirty mire the protein of the surface, have another sugar etc. the big member material escape from dirty mire grain, and make these materials dissolve more and easily in water, reduce dirty mire grain of cleft water, cause the dirty mire sink to decline speed speed, dehydrate the physical volume decrease of dirty mire.


1:Please feel free to look around
and ask for assistance from me should you have any questions. 2:You can try them on. 3: There is a mirror over here. 4. This product has other colors for you to choose. 5. This product is available in other sizes. 6. This style carries various sizes except “XL.” 7. This style does not have new ones
there is only one left. 8. The particular color of this style had been sold out. 9. Sorry. May I ask you to wait for a few minutes? So I can try to look for a new one. 10. What are you looking for today? Do you have any particular styles that you prefer? 11. How may I help you? 12. Do you have a membership card? 13. The price of this item is $seven hundred and fifty-six dollars. 14. Does this size work out for you?15. I will help you to find a new one. If I cannot find the one that fits you the best
you might want to consider other sizes. ** You can ask me more questions if I can be of any assistance. My email address is [email protected]
Let me try helping you what the sales lady says in Canada
1:随便睇..有需要可以揾返我? - Please help yourself
ask me if you have any question. 2:可以试下 - please try on 3:哩边有镜 - The mirror is ove there 4:有其他色 - you want other colour? 5:有其他码 - you want to try other size? 6:哩个款冇XL SIZE..但系有其他码.. - we have other sizes for this style exceptt XL (extra large) 7:哩个款冇新喇..得返一件.
- we have no more stock for this stle
this is the last one. 8:哩个款既黑色卖哂喇.
- This style in black colour is sold out. 9;唔好意思..帮你睇下有冇新..等一等.. - Let me check out if there is stock for you
Please wait a moment
10:你想揾D咩..- What would you like? (do not say what are you looking for
this is impolite) 11:有咩可以帮到你..- May I help you? Or
what can I do for you? 12:请问你有冇会员卡 - Do you have a membership card? 13:哩件货品系1756元 - This one is one thousand seven hundred fifty six dollars. 14:哩个SIZE岩唔岩..- Does this size fit? Please say - This size fits you if you think this one fits your customer. Or
Please try this size
I think it fits you better. 15:岩'可以帮你拎件新..唔岩:可以拎其他SIZE.. - I will get you a new one from the stock. Hope this helps. Francis from Canada





鉴于甲乙双方于2009年2月21日签署 合同(下称”合同”),在协商一致的基础上,现达成补充协议如下:
1、合同A产品的单价 ,共计 。现因价格调整,变更为单价 ,共计 。
Supplementary agreement
Party A
Party B
Whereas, the parties state above had signed the contract (hereinafter referred to contract) on Feb.21st,2009, on the basis of consistent consultant, reach the supplementary agreement as below:
1. the unit price of product A in the contract is , total is . Presently because of the price adjustment, the unit price changes to , accordingly, total changes to .
2. the other provisions of the contract continues to be in force except the above adjustment.
3. this supplementary agreement, as the integral part of the contract, have the same legal effect
4. this supplementary agreement is in duplicate, each retain one original.


  在发展不断提速的社会中,需要使用协议书的场合越来越多,协议书具有法律效力,确立某种法律关系。到底应如何拟定协议书呢?下面是我帮大家整理的英文协议书4篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 英文协议书 篇1   Confidentiality Agreement   甲方:   Party A:   Party B:_______________________________; Passport No:_________________________   鉴于甲方从事之经营项目的特殊性,甲乙双方根据有关法律、法规规定、在遵循平等自愿、协商一致、诚实信用的原则下,就乙方在任职期间以及离职后的有关事项达成如下协议: Whereas Party A engaged in the business view of the special nature of the project, both parties in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, in compliance with equality, voluntariness, consensus, under the principle of good faith, during party B’s tenure and after leaving , the matter reached the following agreement:    第一条 保密   Item 1 Confidentiality   1.1 乙方承诺,在本协议约定的保密期内,严格按照本协议的保密内容以及公司的保密制度 履行保密义务。For the term of this agreement, Party B promise to strictly fulfill confidentiality obligations, according to the confidentiality content & company’s confidentiality policy.    第二条 保密内容   Item 2 Confidentiality Content   2.1 不为公众知悉,能为甲方带来经济利益,具有实用性并经权利人采取保密措施的技术信息和经营信息,包括但不限于:专有技术及配方、新产品研发过程及成果、经营计划及策略、财务状况、客户资料以及供应商资料等。Technical and management information, which was not known by the public, can bring economic benefits to Party A, with practicality, and the right take security measures for, including but not limited to: intellectual property and formulations, new product development process and results, management plans and strategies, financial condition, customer data and vendor information, etc.   2.2 甲方已掌握并负有保密责任的第三者(如甲方的客户或者供应商)的技术信息和经营信息,包括但不限于:专有技术及配方、新产品研发过程及成果、经营计划及策略、财务状况、客户资料以及供应商资料等等。Party A controls and has a duty of confidentiality to protect third   parties (such as the Party A's customers or suppliers) of technical and management information, including but not limited to: intellectual property and formulations, new product development process and results, business plans and strategies, financial condition, customer data and vendor information, and so on.   2.3 甲方以书面或其他形式确定为商业秘密的资料和信息。Data and information which Party A in writing or otherwise identified as trade secret.    第三条 保密期限   Item 3 Confidentiality Period   3.1 除非甲方通过书面形式明确本协议所涉及的某项保密内容可以不用保密,则乙方应从与甲方建立劳动关系之日起(包括试用期内),无限期保守甲方之商业秘密。Unless Party A make sure in writing that a certain confidential content covered by this agreement can not be confidential , then Party B should keep the Party A ’s trade secret for ever from the date of labor relations (including probation).    第四条 泄密   Item 4 Leakage of the Trade Secret   4.1 凡未经甲方总经理或保密委员会书面授权而直接或间接以任何形式向任何人或任何组织透露上述、涉及保密内容的行为均属泄密。Without the written authorization of the general manager or security committee of party A, behaviors of directly or indirectly, in any form to any person or organization to disclose the above the content, are related to confidential disclosure.   4.2 当甲方将有关保密内容的资料或信息交由乙方保管时,若因乙方保管不当造成该资料或信息的遗失、公开、泄露时,同样视为泄密。When Party A ask party B to keep relating to the contents of confidential data or information, if loss, publicity, disclosure caused by improper storage of the data or information, for party B, the same as a leak.    第五条 违约责任   Item 5 Liability for Breach   5.1 如乙方行为造成泄密的,应立即终止泄密行为以及因此而引致的侵犯甲方商业秘密的行为,积极协助甲方采取补救措施防止泄密范围的继续扩大,并向甲方支付由于违约行为而照成的经济损失,该损失包括:直接损失、潜在损失以及权利人为主张权利而支付的费用等。The trade secret leakage caused by the Party B’s behavior, those behavior should be immediately terminated and the acts of infringement on Party A ’s trade secrets should be immediately   terminated; Party B should actively assist the Party A to take remedial measures to prevent the continued expansion of the disclosure, due to the breach, Party B should pay to Party A according to the caused economic losses, the losses include: direct losses, potential losses and the expenses of the allegation.   5.2 若该泄密行为发生在甲、乙双方劳动合同关系存续期间,则乙方除承担上述责任外,甲方还有权无条件解除与乙方的劳动合同。If the leaks occurred during the term of the labor contract between Party A and Party B, In addition to assumption of these responsibilities by Party B, Party A has the right to unconditionally terminate the labor contract with Party B    第六条 争议解决   Item 6 Dispute Resolution   6.1 如因本协议之履行发生争议,甲、乙双方应友好协商解决;协商不成,由公司所在地人民法院处理。If there is a dispute on implementation of this agreement, Party A and Party B should be settled through friendly consultations; otherwise by the local people's court in the area of the company, if negotiation fails.    第七条 本协议一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,每份具同等效力。   Item 7 This agreement shall be held in two copies of the same form. Each party shall preserve one copy with equal legal effect.   甲方: 乙方:   Part A: Party B:   代表人:   Representative :   Date : Date : 英文协议书 篇2   1.甲方的责任   1.1甲方将对乙方拥有的叉车提供每季度的定期上门保养服务。每台车每年(或每_________小时)保养4次。   1.2完成每次保养服务之后,_________将向乙方提供一份叉车状况报告,其中包括建议采取的措施。   1.3甲方将向乙方提供每年一次免费的日常检查培训。   1.4_________叉车平均使用寿命为_________年(_________小时),视各行业的设备使用年限标准而不同。   1.5_________叉车的质保期为_________小时或一年,保修期内,提供四次免费保养。2.乙方的'责任   2.1甲方将提供保养用润滑脂及润滑油,保养所需易损件需另行购买。   2.2乙方应填写简短报告,并将其传真给_________办事处,以便_________安排保养及维修工作。   2.3乙方将在收到发票后一个月内付给甲方保养及其它服务或维修费用。   2.4乙方须在双方约定的时间将叉车提供给甲方维修人员做保养。否则须向甲方维修人员付等候费每小时_________元。   3.服务费   3.1每台叉车每年四(4)次定期保养服务,收费为人民币_________元(即rmb_________/次/每台车)。交通费免收。   3.2其它不在保修期限内的维修或故障修理的费用为每小时_________元,另收配件费。   3.3结算方式:每完成一次结算一次。   4.协议期限   此协议期限为12个月,从自货物到达到货买方工厂并调试合格之日起十二个月或_________工时后(产品使用期之较短者为产品的保修期)算起。   5.更新或终止   5.1协议期满后,双方将回顾协议的条款条件及执行情况,以决定是否更新或终止。   5.2在协议执行期间,如双方不能达成一致以解决冲突或争执,任何一方都可提前三十天书面通知另一方以终止协议。   甲方(签字):_________ 乙方(签字):_________   _________年____月____日 _________年____月____日   附件:   typical maintenance agreement   1.party a responsibilities   (1)party a will provide year/ 3 month periodical maintenance service to the forklift trucks owned by party bin party b ’s factory.this periodical maintenance service will be carried out for four (4) times per year(or per _________ hours)for each unit.   (2)a condition report with recommend action to be taken will be come out to party bafter completing each periodical maintenance service.   (3)daily check training will be conducted to party b ’s forklift operators once a year for free of charge.   (4)the average life of _________ truck is _________years (_________ hours), which may vary in different field of industry according to its own use.   2.party bresponsibilities   (1)grease and all kinds of lubrication oil will be provided by party a . parts will be purchased by the party b .   (2)party bcomplete a short report , and fax it to _________ office who will used these information to schedule the maintenance and other repair.   (3)party bwill pay _________ invoices for the maintenance service and other additional service or repair within one   month after receipt of the invoices.   (4)make sure the truck will be available for _________ mechanic to carry on the maintenance job at the agreed time by both parties.otherwise will pay for the cost of one waiting mechanic for rmb_________ per an hour.   3.service fee   (1)_________ hour / 3 month periodical maintenance service to the forklift truck will be charged for rmb_________ for four (4) times a year to one truck(rmb_________/time/unit). free trafffic fee.   (2)any other service and breakdown repair that is not covered by warranty will be charged on hours spent against rate of rmb_________ per hour, plus parts replaced.   (3)settlement term: settle after maintenance every time.   4.term of the agreement   this agreement shall have a term of _________months, commencing on 12 months or _________operation hours whichever comes first.   5.renew and termination   (1)by the end of the term, both parties will review this agreement with its terms and conditions, and service performance to renew or terminate it.   (2)during the course of the performance of the agreement, if the parties cannot reach an agreement to resolve a conflict or dispute, either party may terminate the agreement by giving the other party a written notice 30 days in advance.   party a(signature):_________ party b(signature): _________   date:_________________________ date:_________________________ 英文协议书 篇3   LOAN AGREEMENT   BETWEEN   XI AN ENVIRONMENT ENGINEERING CO., LTD   AND   INNOMIND GROUP LIMITED   [month] [day] 20xx·CHINA DALIAN   Loan Agreement   This Loan Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into on the 【month】 【day】 20xx in XiAn, China by the following parties:   1. Borrower (“Party A”): XiAn Environment Engineering Co., Ltd Registered Address:   2. Lender (“Party B”): Innomind Group Limited Registered Address: Tel: N/A   Whereas:   (1) Party A is a wholly-foreign owned enterprise incorporated and operating within the territory of China in accordance with the laws of the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”); the registration number of its legal and valid business license is Qi Du Liao Da Zong Zi No. 015863, and the registered address is ....;   (2) Party B is an enterprise incorporated in accordance with the law of British Virgin Islands, holding 100% of Party A’s equity interest; the registration number of its legal and valid Business License is 1064500, and the legal registered address is ......;   (3) Party B agrees to provide loans to Party A within the range of the difference between the registered capital and the total investment of Party A;   Therefore, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the PRC, the Parties, after friendly consultation, agree as follows:   Article 1 Type of the Loan   Party B agrees to provide mid-term loan to Party B in accordance with the provisions of the Loan Agreement (hereinafter as “the Agreement”).   Article 2 Usage of the Loan   The loan under this Agreement shall be used for the working capital for the business operation of Party A. Party A shall not change the usage of the loan without the prior written consent of Party B.   Article 3 The Amount and Term of the Loan   3.1 The currency of the loan under this Agreement shall be US Dollar and the amount shall be[][GLO: amount to be decided since about to USD3million will be paid out of the total proceeds as expenses of this financing. Financial advisors to 英文协议书 篇4   销售合同   SALES CONTRACT   买方:JOONAS&CO.,LTD, 10 LOUIS PASTEUR STEET PORT LOUIS MAURITIUS合同号/Contract No: BF20100601   The Buyer : JOONAS&CO.,LTD, 10 LOUIS PASTEUR STEET PORT LOUIS MAURITIUS   TEL:230-2400778 FAX: 230-2408285   卖方:唐山丰润百丰商贸   日期/Date: 20xx-05-29   TEL: 0086 -315-5505831FAX: 0086-315-5505833   The Seller: Tangshan fengrun baifeng Trading Co.ltd   兹经买卖双方同意,由买方购进,卖方出售下列货物,并按下列条款签订本合同:   This CONTRACT is made by and between the Buyers and Sellers; whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under mentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below:   Description of Goods: As follows.   1.原产地和制造厂家(Country of Origin and Manufacturer):   中国 ChinaTangshan fengrun baifeng Trading Co.ltd   2.包装(Packing):STANDARD EXPORT PACKAGING   3.Shipment(装运方式):合同中货物全部用20’集装箱海运In Contract by 20’ Container.   4.装运期限(Time of Shipment):WITHIN15-20 WORKING DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF 30%T/T   5.装运口岸(Port of Loading):上海 中国SHANGHAI China   6.目的口岸(Port of Destination):Port Louis, Mauritius   7.付款条款(Terms of Payment):30%DOWN PAYMENT + 70% T/TAFTER RECEIVED THE COPY OF B/L   8.签约合同(Sign of Contract):本合同传真有效This contract will valid for fax contract sign   9.人力不可抗议(Force Majeure):由于水灾,火灾,地震,干旱,战争或协议一方无法预见,控制,避免和克服的其他事件导致不能或暂时不能全部或部分履行本协议,该方不负责托。但是,受不可抗议力事件影响的一方必须尽快将发生的时间通知另一方,并在不可抗议力事件发生15(拾伍)天内将有关机构的不可抗议力事件的证明寄交对方。Either party shall not be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of this agreement due to flood, fire, earthquake, draught, war or any other events which could not be predicted, co(转 载 于:w : 协议书英文范本 )ntrolled, avoided, or overcome by the relative party. However, the party affected by the event of Force Majeure shall inform the other party of its occurrence in writing as soon as possible and thereafter send a certificate of the event issued by the relevant authorities to the other party within 15 days after it’s occurrence.   10. 货物要求(CRC requirements):   10.1 每件货物重量大约5吨。Weight of Coils: About 5 tons   10.2冷卷按照实重出货。 Material & Coils to be of prime quality without defects   10.3 尺寸公差 :the thickness :±3% thickness10.4 卷的用途用于制管: suitable for cutting into sheets   10.5 OTHERS :   1. Edges of Coil should be straight & not wavy. Surface should be flat.   2. Coils should be suitable for cutting into sheets.   3. Coil I.D: 508mm   12.违约(Breaking the contract):   12.1若超过装运期限卖方每天必须向买方支付货物总价款0.5%的违约金。The sellers must pay the buyers0.5% of the price of all the goods per day for breaking the contract of shipping time.   12.2如果延期超过5天卖方须向买方支付货物总价款5%的违约金。与此同时,买方保留是否继续履行合同的决定权。   If the shipping time is defered for over 5 days, the sellers must pay 5% of the price of all the goods. At the same time, the buyers reserve the right to go on carrying out the promise or not.   13.仲裁(Arbitration):在履行协议过程中,如发生争议,双方应友好协商解决,若通过友好协商未能达成协议,则提交中国国际贸易促进委员会对外贸易仲裁委员会,根据该会仲裁程序暂行规定进行仲裁。若以方不符裁决,再则由新加坡国际仲裁法按照该会仲裁程序的有关规定进行仲裁。以上所有仲裁费用,除另有规定外,均由败诉方负担。All disputes arising from the execution of this agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations. In case no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the Foreign Trad Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for Arbitration in accordance with its Provisional Rules of Procedure. The decesion made by this commission shall be regarded as final and binding upon both parties. Arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party, unless otherwise awarded.   14.注意(NOTICE):本合同一式两份,双方签订后生效。this contract is in two copies since being signed by both parties   15. BANK INFORMATION:   BANK INFORMATION:   SWIFT:CHASUS33   PAY TO:JP MORGAN CHASE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATIONFOR A/C OF:AGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA,HEAD OFFICE BEIJINGACCOUNT NAME:TANGSHAN FENGRUN BAIFENG TRADING CO. LTD.ADD:61 WEST XINHUA ROAD,TANGSHAN,HEBEI,CHINA.   买方 (Buyer)   卖方(Seller)xxxx公司 TANGSHAN FENGRUN BAIFENG TRADING CO. LTD IN FAVOR OF:ACCOUNT WITH AGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA,TANGSHAN BRANCH.ACCOUNT NAME: TANGSHAN FENGRUN BAIFENG TRADING CO. LTD.


协议的英文:agreement。读音:英[əˈɡriːmənt],美[əˈɡriːmənt]。释义:n.协议;同意,一致。例句:Both of you can reach an agreement only if you abandon your prejudices.你们双方只有放弃偏见才能达成一致。复数:agreements。agreement的用法agreement的基本意思是“协议”,指国家、政党、团体、个人之间双方或多方经过协商、谈判取得一致意见后所签订的合约,引申可表示“达成协议”,是可数名词。agreement的另一个意思是“同意”,指一方同另一方的观点、看法或者与另一方的建议、条件、计划等意见相符,也指双方或多方就某事经协商后取得的一致意见或对某事看法一致,是不可数名词。词语辨析confer, negotiate, consult这组词都有“协商、商量”的意思,其区别是:confer 正式用词,强调对观点或意见的交换。negotiate 正式用词,指双方通过争论或讨论最后达成协议等;也指通过商议从而解决问题。consult 多指向权威或有识之士请教或咨询。

