
时间:2024-04-19 18:44:14编辑:coo君


2022年考研进入倒计时,此时英语还能提分的题型一定是写作了。一提到英语作文,很多考研学子的第一反应就是:万能模板。英语作文模板一定是有的,但是万能往往是不可能的。所谓的模板就是给大家提供一个写作思路以及固定的高分句型。考研倒计时一周了,当前阶段大家应该有一个属于自己的模板了,更确切地说是有了一个完善的写作思路以及背过了几个高分句型了。今天带大家一起梳理一下英语二大作文的写作思路, 给大家一个模板。首先英语二大作文考查的是图表作文,图表的类型诸多,例如柱状图,饼状图,线形图,表格等。2010-2021年间,柱状图考了6次,饼状图4次,线形图和表格各1次。那我们需要分别准备4个模板以应对这些图表吗?完全没有必要。这四类图表其实又可以细分为两类:动态图和静态图。动态图就是随时间变化数据也发生变化的图表,例如:柱状图,线形图。静态图则是没有体现数据随时间变化而改变的图表,例如:饼状图。在审题时,我们就要确定好考查的是动态图或是静态图,做到心中有数。接下来是就是作文框架。不管是哪类图表,框架都是三段式。第一段描述图表,第二段分析原因,第三段评价现象、预测趋势或给出具体原因。按照这个框架,咱们具体来看一下每段的模板句,你需要做的就是把模板句组合成自己的专属模板。第一段可以写3-4句话,第一句总体描述图表。通过对标题进行翻译,描述图表内容。例如:Emerging from the chart above is a noticeable phenomenon with regard to+(标题翻译)。接下来的句子就需要根据具体图表来写了。如果是动态图,那我们可以用到的句子就是能够体现数据变化的。例如:Based on the data, we can see that the number/percentage of 对象1+趋势动词+副词+from 数据1 to 数据2,while而 there was a +形容词+趋势名词+ in 对象2 + from 数据1 to 数据2。如果是静态图,那就需要体现比值,所占比例最大,第二大,以及其他比值都可以进行描写。例如:Based on the data, we can see that, [百分比 of sb. do sth., which is the highest percentage of N categories






One of your foreign friends plans to go sightseeing in China. Write an email to recommend one place.
Dear George,
I hear that you are planning a sightseeing trip in China. Well, I have just returned from a place I am sure you will enjoy. It is Xi’an, the capital of Shaanxi Province, and one of the most wonderful tourist destinations in the country.
Xi’an, called Chang’an in the old days, was the capital of seven dynasties, and so the place is full of ancient relics. I spent one week there, and didn’t have the chance to see even half of them. But the major attractions are the terracotta warriors guarding the tomb of China’s first emperor, the Flying Goose Pagoda and the Banpo Prehistoric Village.
Xi’an boasts plenty of modern hotels and restaurants, but they are not particularly cheap, so take lots of money with you. I hope you have as much fun as I had.
Li Ming
One of your foreign friends plans to go sightseeing in China. Write an email to recommend one place.
Dear George,
I hear that you are planning a sightseeing trip in China. Well, I have just returned from a place I am sure you will enjoy. It is Xi’an, the capital of Shaanxi Province, and one of the most wonderful tourist destinations in the country.
Xi’an, called Chang’an in the old days, was the capital of seven dynasties, and so the place is full of ancient relics. I spent one week there, and didn’t have the chance to see even half of them. But the major attractions are the terracotta warriors guarding the tomb of China’s first emperor, the Flying Goose Pagoda and the Banpo Prehistoric Village.
Xi’an boasts plenty of modern hotels and restaurants, but they are not particularly cheap, so take lots of money with you. I hope you have as much fun as I had.
Li Ming
The survey in the table demonstrates the dissatisfaction with urbanization in a city during the past decade. Specifically speaking, residents expressed their least satisfaction with the problem of heavy traffic at the rate surging from 18% in 2005 to 58% in 2015. In comparison, the problems of air pollution and housing shortage also deteriorated in a relatively steady and moderate way.
Of course, the severe problem of heavy traffic in the process of urbanization should be under the spotlight of urban citizens. The excessive reliance on automobiles, combined with poor infrastructure construction, makes the traffic congestion an unbearable issue, incurring more concerns and discontents among urban citizens. Although the growth of transporting system is unprecedentedly rapid, it still cannot meet the increasing needs of urban dwellers—the typical after-effect of overpopulation in the city. As to the dissatisfaction of the problem concerning housing shortage, the reason can be best put down to the fact that an increasing number of rural labors swarm into cities to hunt for employment, giving rise to the shortage of housing.
A healthy development of urbanization calls for the co-efforts from both authorities and citizens. The test of any urbanization, however, lies not only in the extent of industrialization and modernization of the city, but in the satisfaction and well-being of common dwellers.
Write an essay based on the following chart in your writing, you should
interpret the chart, and
give your comments
You should write about 150 words.
The column chart reveals market size of web game in China from the first quarter of 2010 to the second quarter of 2011. During the period of one and a half years,there has been a sudden jump from RMB 520 million to 820 million, a rise of 300 million, at the year-on-year growth rate of more than 50%.
When computer’s entertaining function is highly spoken of, such a problem does deserve our serious concern. First and foremost, the most serious harm ofInternet games come from their contents, which affect children’s mental fitness.The majority of games involve violence, such as fighting and killing. To win or kill their opponents, children are permitted to use all various means like guns, knives and bombs. When they are enjoying the pleasure of success, a violent turn of mind is developed and rooted in them, which may induce future violent behavior in their real life. What is more, being indulged in Internet games also does harm to children’s physical health. The radiation from the computer can arouse many uncomfortable feeling, like a headache, poor eyesight and even losing hair.Being lack of sleep and dinner, children are more inclined to get irritable and suffer from severe malnutrition.
Of course, it is not the end of the story. Being indulged in Internet games also affects children’s study, and their communication with others. All these facts indicate that it is time for us to manageInternet games by the whole society.
Dear schoolmates,
Over the past fifteen days,the novel virus has made its way around China.It has a strong impact on our life and study.Faced with the crisis,we students should respond actively to the appeal from authority and experts.In order to ease the serious condition,all of students had better do as follows.
First of all,stay at home and don't go out if not necessary.Be responsible for yourself and others.In addition,do wear masks while you are in the open air.As we all know,it can reduce the risk of contracting the virus.Washing hands as often as possible is needed,too.Most importantly,everyone ought to have a positive attitude to the campaign with the disease.Attitude is everything.
My dear friends,there may be a long way to go for us.Let's work hand in hand to overcome anxiety and do some bits.We have faith in the fact that tomorrow is another day.
The Students'Union
The bar chart represents significant changes in college online education subscriptions in China and US from 2013 to 2015. To be specific, the past three years has witnessedsubstantialgrowthin the proportion of e-learning in China from 10% to nearly 40%, withthepercentage in US increasingmoderately.
Believe it or not,this trend is a sign of educational reform. Thanks to the accessibility and popularity of Internet and electronic devices, universities in both US and China have stepped into an era of online education, transforming the traditional pattern of education. Moreover, in a university where new technologies are available, students in mounting numbers in China, shrugging off their former prejudice against computers, gradually find online education an irreplaceable tool.
All in all, with the acceleration of online education in Chinese universities, students will have access to more opportunities of updated information, diverse options, and better flexibility. Just as some educationalists and experts predicted, the 21st century will be the era of online learning.
In the picture, an actress is performing Peking Opera on the stage, trying to impress her audience by special tones and symbolic gestures. However, she receives distinct responses—the old man is appreciating the performance with absorbed interest while the young man is bored into sound sleep.This picture is the miniature of the current situation of Chinese traditional culture. With the impact from western and modern culture shock and integration, Chinese traditional and classical culture is facing an unprecedented challenge and crisis, since a large segment of Chinese young generation is indifferent to or even discards it. Some youngsters, for example, argue that traditional Chinese medicine is unscientific and Chinese drama is out-of-date in this day and age. Hence, it is all deliciously ironic when you see quite a lot of foreigners regard Chinese traditional culture as priceless treasure and frequently resort to traditional Chinese philosophy for solutions to present problems.It is high time for us to treasure and advocate our own valuable culture. The protection of national and folk culture is of great significance to Chinese cultural diversity and also to the harmonious development between local economic and social development. Chinese traditional culture moves forward, notonlythrough co-efforts from authorities and mass media but also because of the fact that ordinary people, especially the new generation of youngsters, place a high value on preserving and performing it.
Symbolically portrayed in the above caricature are two adults, almost hit by two bombs of rumors from the Internet. Wearing scared expressions, the two figures are trying to escape, but it seems no way for them to get out of the coverage of these gossips. And there is a caption saying “Cyber Rumors”.
What the drawer wants to implicate is that Internet rumors are so destructive that anyone can hardly bear but nobody can absolutely isolated from them. Take celebrities for example, if descriptions of their certain behaviors and words have been put into the Internet, which is available to the public, they may be resisted or even abused via commenting or relaying. Cyber rumors can impose moral kidnapping on people involved, making victims suffer physically and mentally. In addition, social ability, even the country’s reputation may be upset, and netizens’ trust to the Internet will also be hurt.
In terms of shortcomings cyber rumors carry mentioned, the government should publish relevant laws and regulations with all haste and ensure their enforcement on creators of Internet rumors. Besides, institutions concerned should appoint specialists to check regularly to eliminate the spread of cyber rumors. Furthermore, any citizen surfing on the Internet should strengthen their moral cultivation, rejecting to erroneous cyber information on their initiative. Only through efforts of all dimensions can cyber rumors fail to harm individuals and human society.


2022年考研英语作文题目预测 参考范文两篇

2022年考研英语作文题目预测 参考范文两篇




In the past,people tend to keep on the rail. No matter who doesn’t follow the rules, hewould be criticized by the public opinion. Nowadays, with the rapid developmentof our society, more and more people recognize the importance of creation. The developmentof our country, our society even ourselves need creation.

First of all,creation is the most important factor to improve the ability of our country. Somepeople think that the essence of the human civilization is the result ofcreation. It is certain that in order to stand a good place in theinternational circle, our country has to train the creative people, so thatthey can make great breakthrough for our mother.

All in all, as allof us know that how much importance creation for us. We have to learn as muchas possible knowledge to prepare ourselves to be creative people. In otherwords, we have to study well to serve our county.


On Dedication

The word dedication naturally reminds me of the speech delivered by Winston Churchill in 1940 during the Second World War, in which he said: I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. 

Nowadays, it seems that the real war is gradually moving away from us in this relatively peaceful world, but there is another war waiting for us. That is the war fighting against the Covid-19 which abruptly broke out in the beginning of the year 2020.

 In this smokeless war, a great number of medical staffs and volunteers illustrate the meaning of the word dedication with their determined actions.


1、Thank you very much for…

2、I would like to apply the vacancy of…

3、I am writing this letter to submit my application for…

4、In reply to your advertisement in …, I beg to apply for the post of … in your company.

5、I am writing to apply for the position that you have advertised in…

6、I am writing this letter to thank you for …

7、I am writing to express my sincere thanks for …

8、I feel greatly indebted to you for …

9、I really do not know how to express my gratitude for your help.

10、I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for…




考研英语小作文格式:1、DearXXXX,首字母都要大写,还有靠左顶格写。(1)知道对方的姓:DearMr.Wang。(2)知道对方的名字:DearBob。(3)知道对方的职位:DearPresident。(4)知道与对方的关系:DearFriend。(5)不知道对方是谁:DearSirorMadam。2、正文分三段,可以写目的、要求等内容,每段缩进4个字母,正文全部右对齐,一段没写完,第二行顶格写。3、结尾,通用Sincerely yours和LiMing注意大小写。小作文万能写信目的A. I am writing this letter to you to make suggestions for sth.B. I am writing this letter to you to make a complaint about sth.C. I am writing this letter to you to ask for some advice about sth.D. I am writing this letter to you to recommend sth.E. I am writing this letter to you to apply for sth.F. I am writing this letter to you to invite sb to attend sth.G. I am writing this letter to express my sincere gratitude for sth.H. I am writing this letter to express my sincere congratulations on sth.






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实在不行就套模板吧考研英语有网友推荐何老师的课程,这里有一份老师最新的考研英语资料分享给你;链接: 提取码:bis8湖北新文道,为我国考研教培行业注入新力量。湖北新文道秉承着“教育成就卓越梦想”的使命,致力于通过教育为广大考研学子铺就通往卓越梦想的道路,立志打造深耕专业、锐意进取的业内标杆。若资源有问题欢迎追问!

