
时间:2024-04-20 06:10:10编辑:coo君


六级作文类型:类型可以分为题材和出题类型两个方面去分析。六级作文题材有三种,分别是essay议论文(论述文),letter信件,email邮件。近年来考essay的概率是95%,建议考生重点准备essay即可。六级作文出题类型有四种,分别是话题说明类,选择解释类,意义措施类,图表类。1、话题说明类作文:比如2015年6月作文。“knowledge is a treasure”(知识是一个宝藏),要求考生在作文中举例说明这个话题。这种给出明确主题,要求考生举例说明的作文都属于话题说明类。考生一般需要根据话题给出三个论点和论据去说明主题来完成作文。2、选择解释类作文:比如2017年6月作文“suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to major inscience or humanities at college。”(假如你去给建议学理科还是学人文专业),要求考生选择其中一个选项,然后解释为什么。这种给出两个选项,要求考生选择其中一个然后来解释为什么选择这个选项的都属于选择解释作文。考生一般选择其中一个选项,然后用总分总形式写选择原因的结构来完成作文。3、意义措施类作文:比如2016年12月作文“essay on innovation.your essay should include the important of innovation and measures to be taken to encourage innovation.”(你的文章应该包括创造的重要性,和鼓励创造的措施。)这种给出一个话题,要求考生描述重要性并且给出方法的都属于意义措施作文。考试根据话题描述重要性后,再给出措施的文章结构来完成作文。4、图画作文:比如2014年12月。这种类型出现在英语六级考纲内,但今年考频并不高,建议考生了解,做适当练习。这种一般是先描述图画,然后结合文字题目的要求进行回答。写作话题出题概率:六级作文话题的重复考概念特别高。所以建议考生在考前把真题都浏览过,这样在真正的考试中遇到,类似话题概率大,并且不会有不认识题目的情况出现。作文字数要求:写150词到200词。(建议160到180词)




2022年12月六级听力难度是正常水平。本次大学六级听力试题难度大,对话部分第一篇关于用户投诉,第二篇讨论人工智能(AI),短文第一篇讲述如何存钱。第二篇短文讲述职场着装重要性,第一篇讲座讨论关于人们的幸福感问题,第二篇讲座讨论人有时候撒谎的原因。第三篇讲座讨论不同年龄段对于音乐的喜欢程度。本卷难度大,有大量的同义替换,且需要考试理解之后作答的题目偏多,可见该考试对于考生的听力能力要求愈趋严格。 在阅读和翻译部分题型也没有发生太多的改变,还是和往年所考查的内容大致方向相同,大部分同学都发现自己在这方面做得算是处在一个中等水平,与其他同学相比的话不算什么优势也不算什么劣势,对自己本次通过六级考试也没有太大的信心。关于六级英语考试的难度,还是与个人复习的情况有关,在一些通过了六级考试的同学来说六级考试是比较简单的,而一些没有通过六级考试甚至是参加了很多次六级考试的同学来说,能够考到425分已经是非常不错的成绩了。六级考试对于以后的发展是非常重要的,无论六级考试的难度有多大都需要努力去克服这个困难,争取一次性通过六级考试,对于那些一次没有通过考试的同学来说,也不要灰心起气馁,毕竟以后还有机会参加六级考试。全国英语四六级改革之后,报道成绩满分为710分。六级作文总分是106.5分,阅读理解总分是248.5分翻译部分总分是106.5分。听力部分总分是248.5分。英语六级听力共25小题,前15小题每题7.1分;后10小题,每题14.2分。听力在六级考试中所占分值较大,考生必须认真学习听力。




大学英语六级考试(又称CET-6,全称为“College English Test-6”)是由国家统一出题的,统一收费,统一组织考试,用来评定应试人英语能力的英语能力的全国性的考试,每年各举行两次。符合大学英语六级考试报名条件的人员包括:全日制普通高校专科、本科和研究生中的在校生;另外,本校已设六级考点,原则上不得跨校考试。大学英语六级考试是一项大规模标准化考试,这种考试属于尺度相关常模参照性考试(criterion-related norm-referenced test),即以教学大纲为考试的依据,但同时又反映考生总体的正态分布情况。


内容来自于B站up 主“我是瑞斯拜” 。这些仅是我个人的学习笔记。要看完整内容烦请移步B站。 老版:with the rapid development of ——(主题词 ), it's of great necessity for —— to ——. 新版:In the contemporary world, ——(主题词) have / has become increasingly important. It's of great necessity for —— to ——. 当今世界, 已经变得越来越重要。对于某类人来说,做某件事非常有必要。 sb. (students, freshman, citizens, parents, patients, senior people, residents, staff,) reasons and concerts evidence to support my point are follows. The followings are reasons and concerts evidence to support my point. As an old saying goes, ——. For ——(us college students / all of us), it has an increasingly important significance: ——(解释含义). The following reasons can account for this issue. ln the contemporary world, ——(主题词) have/has become increasingly important. When faced with decision of (A) or (B) , quite a few would deem that —— , but others, in contrast, believe that A/B is the premier choice and that is also my point. Among countless reasons which support my view, there are three conspicuous aspects as follow. 当面对A或B的决定时,相当多的人会认为,但另一些人,相反,认为 A/B是首要的选择,这也是我的观点。在无数支持我观点的理由中,有三个显著的方面如下。 As is starkly mirrored (reflected) in the image / chart(表格) that —— (一句话,描述图片) It is revealed that ——(图片内涵) The following reasons can account for this issue. (过渡句) In the first place, there is no doubt that—— Based on big data, most of —— (successful social elites) admitted that —— (they are spent 2/3 of time in doing sth.) Moreover, no one can deny that ——. (—— makes us weaker / stronger) Where there is / are ——, there is ——. Last but not least, I firmly believe that ——(观点3) 加分版: The + 比较级 + 动词,the + 比较级 + 动词 eg:the more friends you have, the happier you are. 简单版: Although······ In conclusion, ——. If we spare no effort to ——, the future of —— will be both hopeful and rosy. ln the contemporary world, the ability to meet challenges has become increasingly important. lt's of great necessity for students to improve the ability to solve problems when facing difficulty. The following are reasons and concrete evidence to support my view point. In the first place,there is no doubt that we can' t divorce from reality that challenge is everywhere(we can ' t avoid challenges). Based on big data,most successful social elites admitted that they've spent 2/3 of their time in facing challenges . Moreover,no one can deny that challenges make us stronger. Where there are difficulties, there are opportunities . Last but not least, l firmly believe that without the ability to meet challenges, we can't make any achievements. ( lf we don't have the ability to meet challenges, we can’t do anything.) The more problems you solve, the smarter and capable you are . In conclusion, the ability to meet challenges and solve problems is essential for everyone. If we spare no effort to cultivate this ability, the future of our study and career will be both hopeful and rosy. As an old saying goes: What is worth doing, worth doing well. For us college students, it has an increasingly important significance: If you want to achieve something, you need a serious attitude. The following reasons can account for this issue. ln the first place,there is no doubt that we can’t divorce from the reality that attitude plays an important role in one's success. Based on big data, most successful social elites admitted that they have a serious mindset towards everything. Moreover, no one can deny that a serious attitude makes us stronger. Where there is serious spirit, there are opportunities. Last but not least, l firmly believe that without a serious attitude, we can't make any achievements.(If we don't have the serious mindset, we can't do anything.) The more serious you are, the more possibility you will succeed . ln conclusion, the serious attitude towards everything is essential for everyone. If we spare no effort to(不遗余力)cultivate this mindset, the future of our study and career will be both hopeful and rosy. As is starkly mirrored in the chart(表格) that Chinese rural population has been all lifted out of poverty. lt is revealed that China's achievements in poverty alleviation are extraordinary.(图片内涵)The following reasons can account for this issue.(过渡句) ln the first place,there is no doubt that officials in the governments have played an important role in this process . Based on big data, most of the governors involved have admitted that they've spent2/3 of their time in the rural area. Moreover; no one can deny that the poverty alleviation policy is indeed beneficial. Where there are good policies, there are incentives. Last but not least, I firmly believe that the personal efforts of the rural residents can' t be ignored. The harder they work,the wealthier they are. In conclusion, the accomplishment of poverty alleviation in China is outstanding. lf we spare no efforts to implement the policy and maintain the work, the future of our country will be both hopeful and rosy.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The Popularity of Adventure Activities. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:








  The Popularity of Adventure Activities

  Nowadays, there are more and more adventure activities, like bungee jumping and rocking, which enjoy great popularity, especially among the youth. Some people think these activities are of high risk and should be constrained or even be forbidden, while others insist these activities bring people fresh experience and should be encouraged. As for me, I agree with the latter opinion。

  The following reasons can support my view. Firstly, attending adventure activities is a fashionable and efficient means to temper people’s courage and willpower, which is scarcely seen among modern young people. Secondly, people in modern society are facing great pressure. Taking adventure activities has been proved to be an very effective channel to alleviate the pressure of working and life. Finally, from the economic point of view, it’s a new economic growth point which will surely attract a lot of people to take part in。

  From the foregoing, we can safely draw a conclusion that adventure activities bring us many rewarding enjoyments and we should try to ensure its sound development. But it is worth noting that adventure activities are not suitable to everyone. These activities require good health condition. Therefore, people should take full account before taking any adventure activity。




我这里有这个资源,分享给你:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1FsydgS9n-J5jthmHKrjq4w?pwd=1234 提取码:1234大学英语考试CET(College English Test)全国大学英语等级考试是教育部主管的一项全国性的教学考试,其目的是对大学生的实际英语能力进行客观、准确的测量,为大学英语教学提供服务。全国大学英语等级考试分为三级、四级、六级。


《历届英语六级真题》百度云网盘资源下载地址链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/17mrvR6N5rz5DVcnjTZ-W7w?pwd=keki 提取码:keki (资源内含:听力、真题、翻译、写作、答案解析等骨灰级整理)英语六级一般指大学英语六级考试。 大学英语六级考试(又称CET-6,全称为“College English Test-6”)是由国家统一出题的,统一收费,统一组织考试,用来评定应试人英语能力的全国性的考试,每年各举行两次。


我这里有这个资源,分享给你:https://pan.baidu.com/s/15Kx6Xjf0kkHinNXXVP_EBg?pwd=1234 提取码:1234国家大学英语四、六级考试是教育部为评价高等院校英语教学水平和质量所设立的一项全国性的考试,一度因为众多高校把四级证书和学位证挂钩而饱受社会批评和师生抱怨。2005年2月,教育部公布了英语四、六级考试改革方案,将原来的百分制改为710分的计分体制,不划及格线,不颁发合格证书,不少高校随后纷纷宣布将学生学位证书和四级证书脱钩,教育部相关负责人也表示,希望社会降低对大学英语四、六级的关注度。


《历届六级真题》百度云网盘资源下载地址链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/17mrvR6N5rz5DVcnjTZ-W7w?pwd=keki 提取码:keki (资源内含:听力、真题、翻译、写作、答案解析等骨灰级整理)英语六级一般指大学英语六级考试。 大学英语六级考试(又称CET-6,全称为“College English Test-6”)是由国家统一出题的,统一收费,统一组织考试,用来评定应试人英语能力的全国性的考试,每年各举行两次。


The ideal rural lifestyle reflected in the art and literature is a great characteristic in Chinese civilization. It is largely attributed to the Taoism affection to nature。There are two most preferred topics in traditional Chinese paintings. One kind depicts various happy scenes of family life in which the elderly play chess and drink tea, young men farm and harvest in the field, women weave or sew clothes and kids play in the outside. The other depicts the recreations of rural life. In these paintings, fishermen fish on the lake, farmers hew or collect herbs on the hills and scholars compose poems or paintings under pine trees. These two themes respectively represent the ideal life of Confucianism and Taoism。云贵高原(the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau)大部分位于云南,贵州省境内,总面积约50万平方公里,平均海拔2000-4000 米,是中国第四大高原。云贵高原西高东低,河流众多,形成了许多又深又陡的峡谷(canyon)。峡谷中许多地方土壤肥沃,非常有利于多钟农作物生长。云贵高原独特的自然环境造就了生物和文化的多样性。它是中国森林和矿产资源类型十分丰富的地区,也是古人类起源的重要地区。云贵高原是中国少数民族数量最多的地区,各民族都保留了自己丰富多彩的文化传统。The Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, located mostly in Yunan Prov-ince and Guizhou Province, is the fourth largest plateau in China which covers a total area of 0.5 million square kilome-tres and rises 2,000-4,000 metres above the sea level on average. The plateau slopes from the west to the east with many rivers flowing through, gradually forming a lot of steep canyons where there are fertile lands which benefit the growth of many crops.The unique natural environment of the plateau contributes to great biological and cultural diversity. It is well recog-nized as both an area rich in forest and mineral resources and an important human cradle. It is also the region with the most minority peoples in China, where their colourful cultural traditions are well preserved.




  为您提供四六级备考资料以及历年真题,下文《历年真题:2013年12月大学英语六级真题》由英语频道为您整理,希望对您有帮助,欢迎您访问浏览更多考试资讯。    Part I Writing (30 minutes)    作文一: 大学快要毕业了,需要找工作,写一封求职信说明申请工作的原因和自己能胜任的理由。    作文二: For this part, youare allowed 30 minutes to write an essay about the impact of informationexplosion by referring to the saying "a wealth ofinformation creates a poverty of attention". You can cite examplesto illustrate your point and then explain what you can do to avoid beingdistracted by irrelevant information? You should write at least 150 words butno more than 200 words.    作文三: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write anessay on happiness by referring to the saying”Happiness is not the absence of probems”,but the ability to dealwith them.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point and then explain how you can develop your ability todeal with problem and be happy.you should write at least 150words but nomore than 200words.    Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)    Section A   Directions: In this section,you will hear 8 short conversationsand 2 long conversations.At the end of each conversation,one or more questionswill be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the questions willbe spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During thepause,you must read the four choice marked A),B),C) and D),and decide which isthe best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with asingle line through the centre.   注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。   1.A)Labor problems. C)An error in the order.   B)Weatherconditions. D)Misplacing ofgoods.   2.A)What the woman says makes a lot of sense.   B)The rich are opposed to social welfare.   C)He is sympathetic with poor people.   D)He agrees with Mr.Johnso’s views.   3.A)He will be practicing soccer. C)He will be attending a meeting.   B)He has work to finish in time. D)He has a tough problem to solve.   4.A)Mary should get rid of her pet as soon as possible.   B)Mary will not be able to keep a dog in the building.   C)Mary is not happy with the ban on pet animals.   D)Mary might as well send her dog to her relative.   5.A)The twins’ voices are quite different.   B)Lisa and Gale are not very much alike.   C)He does not believe they are twin sisters.   D)The woman seems a bit hard of hearing.   6.A)The serious economic crisis in Britain.   B)A package deal to be signed in November.   C)A message from their business accociates.   D)Their ability to deal with financial problems.   7.A)It is impossible to remove the stain completely.   B)The man will be charged extra for the service.   C)The man has to go to the main cleaning facility.   D)Cleaning the pants will take longer than usual.   8.A) European markets. C) Luxury goods.   B) A protest rally. D) Imported products.   Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have justheard.   9. A) He made a business trip. C)He talked to her on the phone.   B) He had a quarrel with Marsha. D) He resolved a budget problem.   10.A) She may have to be fired for poor performance.   B) She has developed some serious mental problem.   C) She is in charge of the firm’s budget planning.   D) She supervises a number of important projects.   11. A) She failed to arrive at the airport on time.   B) David promised to go on the trip in her place.   C) Something unexpected happened at her home.   D) She was not feeling herself on that day.   12.A) He frequently gets things mixed up.   B) He is always finding fault with Marsha.   C) He has been trying hard to cover for Marsha.   D) He often fails to follow through on his projects.   Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have justheard.   13. A) They are better sheltered from all the outsidetemptations.   B) They are usually more motivated to compete with their peers.   C) They have more opportunities to develop their leadershipskills.   D) They take an active part in more extracurricular activities.   14. A) Its chief positions are held by women.   B)Its teaching staff consists of women only.   C) Its students aim at managerial posts.   D) Its students are role models of women.   15.A)It is under adequate control.   B) It is traditional but colourful.   C) They are more or less isolated from the outside world.   D) They have ample opportunities to meet the opposite sex.    SectionB   Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 shortpassages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both thepassage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line throughthe centre.   注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。    PassageOne   Questions 16 to 19 are based on the passageyou have just heard   16.A. By invading the personal space of listeners   B.BY making gestures at straiegic points   C.BY speaking in a deep , loud voice   D.BY speaking with the local accent   17. A. To promote sportsmanship amongbusiness owners   B.To encourage people to support local sports groups   C.To raise money for a forthcoming local sports event   D.To show his family’S contribution to the community   18. A . They are known to be the style ofthe sports world   B.They would certainly appeal to his audience   C.They represent the latest fashion in the business circles   D.They are believed to communicate power and influence   19. A. To cover up his own nervousness   B.To create a warm personal atmosphere   C.To enhance the effect of background music   D.To allow the audience to better enjoy his slides    Passage Two   Questions 20 to 22 are based on passage youhave just heard .   20. A . She was the first educated slave ofjohn wheatley’s   B.She was the greatest female poet in colonial Americe   C.She was born about the time df the war of independence   D.She was the first African-American slave to publish a book   21.A . Revise it a number of times   B.Obtain consent from her owner   C.Go through a scholarly examination   D.Turn to the colonial governor for help   22. A. Literary works calling for theabolition of slavery   B.Religious scripts popular among slaves in America   C.A rich stock of manuscripts left by historical figures   D.Lots of lost works written by African-American women    Passage 3   23. A)it is a trait ofgenerous character   B) it is a reflection of self-esteem   C) it is an indicator of high intelligence   D) it is a sign of happiness and confidence   24 A) it wasself-defeating   B)it was aggressive   C)it was the essence of comedy   D) it was something admirable   25) A)it is a double-edged sword   B) it is a feature of a given culture   C)it is a unique gift of human beings   D)it is a result of both nature and nurture    SectionC   Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When thepassage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its generalidea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill inthe blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passageis read for the third time, you should check what you have written.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。It is important that we be mindful of the earth,theplanet out of which we are born and by which we are nourished,guided,healed-theplanet ,however,which we have(26)_____to a considerable degree in these pasttwo centuries of (27)_____exploitation,this exploitation has reachedsuceh(28)_________that presently it appears that some hundreds of thousands ofsepecies will be(29)______before the end of the century.   In our times,human shrewdness has mastered thedeep(30)________of the earth at a level far beyond the capatities of earlierpeoples,we can break the mountains apart,we can drain the rivers and flood thevalleys,we can turn the most luxuriant forests into throwaway paper products,wecan(31)_________the great grass cover of the westem plains andpour(32)______chemicals into the soil until the soil is dead and blowsaway in the wind,We cn pollute the airwhith acids,the river with sewage(污水),the seas with oil.We can inventcomputers(33)______processing ten million calculations per second.And why?Toincrease the volume and thd wasteheap,our managerial skills are measured by the competence(34)____inaccelerating this process.If in these activities the physical features of theplanet are damaged,if the environment is made inhospitable for(35)_______livingspecies,then so be it ,We are ,supposedly,creating a technoligical wondreworld.    Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)    SectionA   Directions: In thissection, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select oneword for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following thepassage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Eachchoice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the correspondingletter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.   Questions 36 to 45 are based on the followingpassage.   Quite often, educators tell families of children who are learningEnglish as a second language to speak only English, and not their nativelanguage, at home. Although these educators may have good (36) __________intentions, their advice to families is misguided, and it (37) __________ stems from misunderstandings about the processof language acquisition. Educators may fear that children hearing two languageswill become (38) __________permanentlyconfused and thus their languagedevelopment will be (39) __________ delayed;this concern is not documented in the literature. Children are capable oflearning more than one language, whether (40) __________simultaneouslyorsequentially(依次地). In fact, most children outside of the United States are expectedto become bilingual or even, in many cases, multilingual. Globally, knowingmore than one language is viewed as an (41) __________assetand even a necessityin many areas。   It is also of concern that the misguided advice that students shouldspeak only English is given primarily to poor families with limited educationalopportunities, not to wealthier families who have many educational advantages.Since children from poor families often are (42) __________identified asat-risk for academic failure, teachers believe that advising families to speakEnglish only is appropriate. Teachers consider learning two languages to be too(43) __________overwhelming for children from poor families, believing that thechildren are already burdened by their home situations。   If families do not know English or have limitedEnglish skills themselves, how can they communicate in English? Advisingnon-English-speaking families to speak only English is (44)__________equivalent to telling them not to communicate with or interact withtheir children. Moreover, the (45) __________underlying message is that thefamily's native language is not important or valued。   A)Asset I)permanently   B)Delayed j)prevalent   C)Deviates k)simultaneously   D)Equivalent L)stems   E)Identified M)successively   F)Intentions N)underlying   G)Object O) visualizing   H)overwhelming


   Passage Two   Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.   Just over a decade into the 21stcentury, women’s progress can be celebrated across a range of fields. They holdthe highest political offices from Thailand to Brazil, Costa Rica to Australia.A woman holds the top spot at the International Monetary Fund; another won theNobel Prize in economics. Self-made billionaires in Beijing, tech innovators inSilicon Valley, pioneering justices in Ghana-in these and countless otherareas, women are leaving their mark.   But hold the applause. In SaudiArabia, women aren’t allowed to drive. In Pakistan. 1,000 women die in honorkillings every year. In the developed world, women lag behind men in pay andpolitical power. The poverty rate among women in the U.S. rose to 14.5% lastyear.   To measure the state of women’sprogress, Newsweek ranked 165 countries, looking at five areas that affectwomen’s lives: treatment under the law, workforce participation, politicalpower, and access to education and health care. Analyzing data from the UnitedNations and the World Economic Forum, among others, and consulting with expertsand academics, we measured 28 factors to come up with our rankings.   Counties with the highest scores tendto be clustered in the West, where gender discrimination is against the law,and equal rights are constitutionally enshrined(神圣化). But there were some surprise. Some otherwise high-rankingcountries had relatively low scores for political representation. Canada rankedthird overall but 26th in power, behind countries such as Cuba andBurundi. Does this suggest that a woman in a nation’s top office translates tobetter lives for women in gencral? Not exactly. “Trying to quantify or measurethe impact of women in politics is hard because in very few countries havethere been enough women in politics to make a difference.” Says Anne-MarieGoetz, peace and security adviser for U.N. Women.   Of course, no index can account for everything.Declaring that onecountry is better than another in the way that it treats more than half itscitizens means relying on broad strokes and generalities. Some things simplycan’t be measured. And cross-cultural comparisons can’t account for differencesof opinion.   Certain conclusions are nonethelessclear. For one thing, our index backs up a simple but profound statement madeby Hillary Clinton at the recent Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit. “Whenwe liberate the economic potential of women. We elevate the economicperformance of communities, nations, and the world,” she said,” There’s astimulative effect that kicks in when women have greater access to jobs and theeconomic lives of our countries: Greater political stability. Fewer militaryconflicts. More food. More educational opportunity for children. By harnessingthe economic potential of all women. We boost opportunity for all people.”   注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。   61.What does the author think about women’s progress so far?   A.It still leaves much to be desired   B.It is too remarkable to be measured   C.It has greatly changed women’s fate   D.It is achieved through hard atruggle   62.In what countries have women made the greatest progress?   A.Where women hold key posts in government   B.Where women’s rights are protected by law   C.Where women’s participation in management is high   D.Where women enjoy better education and health care   63.What do Newsweek ranking reveal about women in Canada?   A.They care little about political participation   B.They are generally treated as equals by men   C.They have a surprisingly low social atatus   D.They are underrepresented in politics   64.What does Anne-Marie Goetz think of a women being in anation’s top office?   A.It does not necessarily raise women’s political awareness   B.It does not guarantee a better life for the nation’swomen   C.It enhances women ‘s status   D.It boosts women’s confidence   65.What does Hillary Clinton suggest we do to make the world abetter place?   A.Give women more political power   B.Stimulate women’s creativity   C.Allow women access to education   D.Tap women’s economic potential    Part IV Translation (30 minutes)   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes totranslate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer onAnswer Sheet 2.    翻译一: 中国人自古以来就在中秋时节庆祝丰收,这与北美地区庆祝感恩节的习俗十分相似,过中秋节的习俗与唐代早期在中国各地开始流行,中秋节在农历八月十五,是人们拜月的节日,这天夜晚皓月当空,人们合家团聚,共赏明月。2006年,中秋节被列为中国的文化遗产,2008年又被定为公共假日,月饼被视为中秋节不可 或缺的美食,人们将月饼作为礼物馈赠亲友或在家庭聚会上享用。传统的月饼上带有“寿”(longevity)、“福”或“和”等字样。    翻译二: 丝绸之路:闻名于世的丝绸之路是一系列连接东西方的路线。丝绸之路是古代中国的丝绸贸易。丝绸之路上的贸易在中国、南亚、欧洲和发挥这重要作用。正是通过丝绸之路,中国的造纸、火药、指南针、印刷术传遍各地。同样,中国的丝绸、茶叶和瓷器也传遍各地,欧洲也是通过丝绸之路出口各种商品和植物,满足中国市场的需要。    翻译三: 中国园林是经过三千多年演化而成的独具一格的园林景观。它既包括为皇室成员享乐而建造的大型花园,也包括学者、商人和卸任的政府官员为摆脱嘈杂的外部世界而建造的私家花园。这些花园构成了一种意在表达人与自然之间应有的调和关系的微缩景观。典型的中国园林周围有围墙,园内有池塘、假山、树木、花草一级各种各样由弯曲的小路和走廊衔接的建筑。散步在花园中,人们可以看到一系列精心设计的景观犹如山水画卷一般展示在面前。

