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  即日起英语频道推出历年真题专题,为您提供四六级备考资料以及历年真题,请您密切关注下文《2010年12月英语六级真题》由英语频道为您整理,希望对您有帮助,欢迎您访问浏览更多考试资讯。    2010年12月大学英语六级考试真题    Part I Writing (30 minutes)   Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My Views on University Ranking. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.   1. 目前高校排名相当盛行;   2. 对于这种做法人们看法不一;   3. 在我看来……   My Views on University Ranking    Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)   Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.   Into the Unknown   The world has never seen population ageing before. Can it cope?   Until the early 1990s nobody much thought about whole populations getting older. The UN had the foresight to convene a “world assembly on ageing” back in 1982, but that came and went. By 1994 the World Bank had noticed that something big was happening. In a report entitled “Averting the Old Age Crisis”, it argued that pension arrangements in most countries were unsustainable.   For the next ten years a succession of books, mainly by Americans, sounded the alarm. They had titles like Young vs Old, Gray Dawn and The Coming Generational Storm, and their message was blunt: health-care systems were heading for the rocks, pensioners were taking young people to the cleaners, and soon there would be intergenerational warfare.   Since then the debate has become less emotional, not least because a lot more is known about the subject. Books, conferences and research papers have multiplied. International organisations such as the OECD and the EU issue regular reports. Population ageing is on every agenda, from G8 economic conferences to NATO summits. The World Economic Forum plans to consider the future of pensions and health care at its prestigious Davos conference early next year. The media, including this newspaper, are giving the subject extensive coverage.   Whether all that attention has translated into sufficient action is another question. Governments in rich countries now accept that their pension and health-care promises will soon become unaffordable, and many of them have embarked on reforms, but so far only timidly. That is not surprising: politicians with an eye on the next election will hardly rush to introduce unpopular measures that may not bear fruit for years, perhaps decades.   The outline of the changes needed is clear. To avoid fiscal (财政) meltdown, public pensions and health-care provision will have to be reined back severely and taxes may have to go up. By far the most effective method to restrain pension spending is to give people the opportunity to work longer, because it increases tax revenues and reduces spending on pensions at the same time. It may even keep them alive longer. John Rother, the AARP’s head of policy and strategy, points to studies showing that other things being equal, people who remain at work have lower death rates than their retired peers.   Younger people today mostly accept that they will have to work for longer and that their pensions will be less generous. Employers still need to be persuaded that older workers are worth holding on to. That may be because they have had plenty of younger ones to choose from, partly thanks to the post-war baby-boom and partly because over the past few decades many more women have entered the labour force, increasing employers’ choice. But the reservoir of women able and willing to take up paid work is running low, and the baby-boomers are going grey.   In many countries immigrants have been filling such gaps in the labour force as have already emerged (and remember that the real shortage is still around ten years off). Immigration in the developed world is the highest it has ever been, and it is making a useful difference. In still-fertile America it currently accounts for about 40% of total population growth, and in fast-ageing western Europe for about 90%.   On the face of it, it seems the perfect solution. Many developing countries have lots of young people in need of jobs; many rich countries need helping hands that will boost tax revenues and keep up economic growth. But over the next few decades labour forces in rich countries are set to shrink so much that inflows of immigrants would have to increase enormously to compensate: to at least twice their current size in western Europe’s most youthful countries, and three times in the older ones. Japan would need a large multiple of the few immigrants it has at present. Public opinion polls show that people in most rich countries already think that immigration is too high. Further big increases would be politically unfeasible.   To tackle the problem of ageing populations at its root, “old” countries would have to rejuvenate (使年轻) themselves by having more of their own children. A number of them have tried, some more successfully than others. But it is not a simple matter of offering financial incentives or providing more child care. Modern urban life in rich countries is not well adapted to large families. Women find it hard to combine family and career. They often compromise by having just one child.   And if fertility in ageing countries does not pick up? It will not be the end of the world, at least not for quite a while yet, but the world will slowly become a different place. Older societies may be less innovative and more strongly disinclined to take risks than younger ones. By 2025 at the latest, about half the voters in America and most of those in western European countries will be over 50—and older people turn out to vote in much greater number than younger ones. Academic studies have found no evidence so far that older voters have used their power at the ballot box to push for policies that specifically benefit them, though if in future there are many more of them they might start doing so.   Nor is there any sign of the intergenerational warfare predicted in the 1990s. After all, older people themselves mostly have families. In a recent study of parents and grown-up children in 11 European countries, Karsten Hank of Mannheim University found that 85% of them lived within 25km of each other and the majority of them were in touch at least once a week.   Even so, the shift in the centre of gravity to older age groups is bound to have a profound effect on societies, not just economically and politically but in all sorts of other ways too. Richard Jackson and Neil Howe of America’s CSIS, in a thoughtful book called The Graying of the Great Powers, argue that, among other things, the ageing of the developed countries will have a number of serious security implications.   For example, the shortage of young adults is likely to make countries more reluctant to commit the few they have to military service. In the decades to 2050, America will find itself playing an ever-increasing role in the developed world’s defence effort. Because America’s population will still be growing when that of most other developed countries is shrinking, America will be the only developed country that still matters geopolitically (地缘政治上).   Ask me in 2020   There is little that can be done to stop population ageing, so the world will have to live with it. But some of the consequences can be alleviated. Many experts now believe that given the right policies, the effects, though grave, need not be catastrophic. Most countries have recognised the need to do something and are beginning to act.   But even then there is no guarantee that their efforts will work. What is happening now is historically unprecedented. Ronald Lee, director of the Centre on the Economics and Demography of Ageing at the University of California, Berkeley, puts it briefly and clearly: “We don’t really know what population ageing will be like, because nobody has done it yet. “   注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。   1. In its 1994 report, the World Bank argued that the current pension system in most countries could ______.   [A] not be sustained in the long term   [B] further accelerate the ageing process   [C] hardly halt the growth of population   [D] help tide over the current ageing crisis   2. What message is conveyed in books like Young vs Old?   [A] The generation gap is bound to narrow.   [B] Intergenerational conflicts will intensify.   [C] The younger generation will beat the old.   [D] Old people should give way to the young.   3. One reason why pension and health care reforms are slow in coming is that ______.   [A] nobody is willing to sacrifice their own interests to tackle the problem   [B] most people are against measures that will not bear fruit immediately   [C] the proposed reforms will affect too many people’s interests   [D] politicians are afraid of losing votes in the next election   4. The author believes the most effective method to solve the pension crisis is to ______.   [A] allow people to work longer [C] cut back on health care provisions   [B] increase tax revenues [D] start reforms right away   5. The reason why employers are unwilling to keep older workers is that ______.   [A] they are generally difficult to manage   [B] the longer they work, the higher their pension   [C] their pay is higher than that of younger ones   [D] younger workers are readily available   6. To compensate for the fast-shrinking labour force, Japan would need ______.   [A] to revise its current population control policy   [B] large numbers of immigrants from overseas   [C] to automate its manufacturing and service industries   [D] a politically feasible policy concerning population   7. Why do many women in rich countries compromise by having only one child?   [A] Small families are becoming more fashionable.   [B] They find it hard to balance career and family.   [C] It is too expensive to support a large family.   [D] Child care is too big a problem for them.   8. Compared with younger ones, older societies are less inclined to ______________________________.   9. The predicted intergenerational warfare is unlikely because most of the older people themselves _________________________.   10. Countries that have a shortage of young adults will be less willing to commit them to ____________________________.    Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)    Section A   Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D], and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.   注意: 此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。   11. [A] The man is the manager of the apartment building.   [B] The woman is very good at bargaining.   [C] The woman will get the apartment refurnished.   [D] The man is looking for an apartment.   12. [A] How the pictures will turn out. [C] What the man thinks of the shots.   [B] Where the botanical garden is. [D] Why the pictures are not ready.   13. [A] There is no replacement for the handle.   [B] There is no match for the suitcase.   [C] The suitcase is not worth fixing.   [D] The suitcase can be fixed in time.   14. [A] He needs a vehicle to be used in harsh weather.   [B] He has a fairly large collection of quality trucks.   [C] He has had his truck adapted for cold temperatures.   [D] He does routine truck maintenance for the woman.   15. [A] She cannot stand her boss’s bad temper.   [B] She has often been criticized by her boss.   [C] She has made up her mind to resign.   [D] She never regrets any decisions she makes.   16. [A] Look for a shirt of a more suitable color and size.   [B] Replace the shirt with one of some other material.   [C] Visit a different store for a silk or cotton shirt.   [D] Get a discount on the shirt she is going to buy.   17. [A] At a “Lost and Found”. [C] At a trade fair.   [B] At a reception desk. [D] At an exhibition.   18. [A] Repair it and move in. [C] Convert it into a hotel.   [B] Pass it on to his grandson. [D] Sell it for a good price.   Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.   19. [A] Unique descriptive skills. [C] Colourful world experiences.   [B] Good knowledge of readers’ tastes. [D] Careful plotting and clueing.   20. [A] A peaceful setting. [C] To be in the right mood.   [B] A spacious room. [D] To be entirely alone.   21. [A] They rely heavily on their own imagination.   [B] They have experiences similar to the characters’.   [C] They look at the world in a detached manner.   [D] They are overwhelmed by their own prejudices.   Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.   22. [A] Good or bad, they are there to stay.   [B] Like it or not, you have to use them.   [C] Believe it or not, they have survived.   [D] Gain or lose, they should be modernised.   23. [A] The frequent train delays. [C]The food sold on the trains.   [B] The high train ticket fares. [D] The monopoly of British Railways.   24. [A] The low efficiency of their operation.   [B] Competition from other modes of transport.   [C] Constant complaints from passengers.   [D] The passing of the new transport act.   25. [A] They will be de-nationalised. [C] They are fast disappearing.   [B] They provide worse service. [D] They lose a lot of money.    Section B   Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.   注意: 此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。    Passage One   Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.   26. [A] The whole Antarctic region will be submerged.   [B] Some polar animals will soon become extinct.   [C] Many coastal cities will be covered with water.   [D] The earth will experience extreme weathers.   27. [A] How humans are to cope with global warming.   [B] How unstable the West Antarctic ice sheet is.   [C] How vulnerable the coastal cities are.   [D] How polar ice impacts global weather.   28. [A] It collapsed at least once in the past 1.3 million years.   [B] It sits firmly on solid rock at the bottom of the ocean.   [C] It melted at temperatures a bit higher than those of today.   [D] It will have little impact on sea level when it breaks up.   29. [A] The West Antarctic region was once an open ocean.   [B] The West Antarctic ice sheet was about 7,000 feet thick.   [C] The West Antarctic ice sheet was once floating ice.   [D] The West Antarctic region used to be warmer than today.


2008年下半年全国大学英语四六级考试时间确定为12月20日(周六)。 上午9:00---11:20考英语四级; 下午3:00---5:20考英语六级。全国大学英语四、六级考试(CET)系教育部主办、教育部考试中心主持和实施的一项大规模标准化考试。自1987年开始实施以来,四、六级考试已走过了近三十年的历程。为顺应我国高等教育发展的形势,深化大学英语的教学改革,四、六级考试经历了多次改革和完善,目前考试内容涵盖听、说、读、写、译等语言技能。CET笔试考试时间为每年6月和12月,CET口试考试时间为每年5月和11月。自2016年12月起,报考同一年度笔试的考生则具备报考同一级别口语考试资格。相关信息详见www.cet.edu.cn.CET同时设有非英语考试科目,包括日语四级(CJT4)、日语六级(CJT6)、俄语四级(CRT4)、俄语六级(CRT6)、德语四级(CGT4)、德语六级(CGT6)和法语四级(CFT4),非英语考试科目每年6月开考一次,且不含口语考核环节。


   Passage Two   Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.   30. [A] Whether we can develop social ties on the Internet.   [B] Whether a deleted photo is immediately removed from the web.   [C] Whether our blogs can be renewed daily.   [D] Whether we can set up our own websites.   31. [A] The number of visits they receive. [C] The files they have collected.   [B] The way they store data. [D] The means they use to get information.   32. [A] When the system is down. [C] When the URL is reused.   [B] When new links are set up. [D] When the server is restarted.    Passage Three   Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.   33. [A] Some iced coffees have as many calories as a hot dinner.   [B] Iced coffees sold by some popular chains are contaminated.   [C] Drinking coffee after a meal is more likely to cause obesity.   [D] Some brand-name coffees contain harmful substances.   34. [A] Have some fresh fruit. [C] Take a hot shower.   [B] Exercise at the gym. [D] Eat a hot dinner.   35. [A] They could enjoy a happier family life.   [B] They could greatly improve their work efficiency.   [C] Many cancer cases could be prevented.   [D] Many embarrassing situations could be avoided.    Section C   Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.   注意:此部分试题在答题卡2上作答。   Psychologists are finding that hope plays a surprisingly vital role in giving people a measurable advantage in realms as (36) ______ as academic achievement, bearing up in tough jobs and coping with (37) _______ illness. And, by contrast, the loss of hope is turning out to be a stronger sign that a person may (38) _______ suicide than other factors long thought to be more likely risks.   “Hope has proven a powerful predictor of (39) _______ in every study we’ve done so far,” said Dr. Charles R. Snyder, a psychologist who has devised a (40) _______ to assess how much hope a person has.   For example, in research with 3,920 college students, Dr. Snyder and his (41) _______ found that the level of hope among freshmen at the beginning of their first semester was a more (42) _______ predictor of their college grades than were their S.A.T. scores or their grade point (43) _______ in high school, the two measures most commonly used to predict college performance.   (44)”_____________________,” Dr. Snyder said. “When you compare students of equivalent intelligence and past academic achievements, what sets them apart is hope.”   In devising a way to assess hope scientifically, Dr. Snyder (45)__________   __________. “That notion is not concrete enough, and it blurs two key components of hope,” Dr. Snyder said. (46)”____________________.”    Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes)    Section A   Directions: In this section, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words. Please write your answers on Answer Sheet 2.   Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.   Most young boys are trained to believe that men should be strong, tough, cool, and detached. Thus, they learn early to hide vulnerable emotions such as love, joy, and sadness because they believe that such feelings are feminine and imply weakness. Over time, some men become strangers to their own emotional lives. It seems that men with traditional views of masculinity are more likely to suppress outward emotions and to fear emotions, supposedly because such feelings may lead to a loss of composure (镇定). Keep in mind, however, that this view is challenged by some researchers. As with many gender gaps, differences in emotionality tend to be small, inconsistent, and dependent on the situation. For instance, Robertson and colleagues found that males who were more traditionally masculine were more emotionally expressive in a structured exercise than when they were simply asked to talk about their emotions.   Males’ difficulty with “tender” emotions has serious consequences. First, suppressed emotions can contribute to stress-related disorders. And worse, men are less likely than women to seek help from health professionals. Second, men’s emotional inexpressiveness can cause problems in their relationships with partners and children. For example, men who endorse traditional masculine norms report lower relationship satisfaction, as do their female partners. Further, children whose fathers are warm, loving, and accepting toward them have higher self-esteem and lower rates of aggression and behavior problems. On a positive note, fathers are increasingly involving themselves with their children. And 30 percent of fathers report that they take equal or greater responsibility for their children than their working wives do.   One emotion males are allowed to express is anger. Sometimes this anger translates into physical aggression or violence. Men commit nearly 90 percent of violent crimes in the United States and almost all sexual assaults.   注意: 此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。   47. Most young boys have been trained to believe that men who show tender feelings are considered to be ______________.   48. Some men believe that if they expressed their emotions openly they might ______________.   49. According to the author, men who suppress their emotions may develop ______________.   50. Men who observe traditional masculine norms are said to derive less satisfaction from ______________.   51. When males get angry, they can become ______________ or even commit violence.




属于高分。大学英语六级考试(又称CET-6,全称为“College English Test-6”)是由国家统一出题的,统一收费,统一组织考试,用来评定应试人英语能力的全国性的考试,每年各举行两次。大学英语六级考试作为一项全国性的教学考试由“国家教育部高教司”主办,每年各举行两次。从2005年1月起,成绩满分为710分,凡考试成绩在220分以上的考生,由国家教育部高教司委托“全国大学英语六级考试委员会”发给成绩单。2007年1月起,六级考试不再接受非在校生报名。2020年5月29日,教育部考试中心发布公告,根据党中央、国务院关于新冠肺炎疫情防控工作的有关精神,经研究决定,原定于2020年6月13日举行的全国大学英语四、六级考试延期并分两次举行,考试日期分别为7月11日和9月19日。


内容来自于B站up 主“我是瑞斯拜” 。这些仅是我个人的学习笔记。要看完整内容烦请移步B站。 老版:with the rapid development of ——(主题词 ), it's of great necessity for —— to ——. 新版:In the contemporary world, ——(主题词) have / has become increasingly important. It's of great necessity for —— to ——. 当今世界, 已经变得越来越重要。对于某类人来说,做某件事非常有必要。 sb. (students, freshman, citizens, parents, patients, senior people, residents, staff,) reasons and concerts evidence to support my point are follows. The followings are reasons and concerts evidence to support my point. As an old saying goes, ——. For ——(us college students / all of us), it has an increasingly important significance: ——(解释含义). The following reasons can account for this issue. ln the contemporary world, ——(主题词) have/has become increasingly important. When faced with decision of (A) or (B) , quite a few would deem that —— , but others, in contrast, believe that A/B is the premier choice and that is also my point. Among countless reasons which support my view, there are three conspicuous aspects as follow. 当面对A或B的决定时,相当多的人会认为,但另一些人,相反,认为 A/B是首要的选择,这也是我的观点。在无数支持我观点的理由中,有三个显著的方面如下。 As is starkly mirrored (reflected) in the image / chart(表格) that —— (一句话,描述图片) It is revealed that ——(图片内涵) The following reasons can account for this issue. (过渡句) In the first place, there is no doubt that—— Based on big data, most of —— (successful social elites) admitted that —— (they are spent 2/3 of time in doing sth.) Moreover, no one can deny that ——. (—— makes us weaker / stronger) Where there is / are ——, there is ——. Last but not least, I firmly believe that ——(观点3) 加分版: The + 比较级 + 动词,the + 比较级 + 动词 eg:the more friends you have, the happier you are. 简单版: Although······ In conclusion, ——. If we spare no effort to ——, the future of —— will be both hopeful and rosy. ln the contemporary world, the ability to meet challenges has become increasingly important. lt's of great necessity for students to improve the ability to solve problems when facing difficulty. The following are reasons and concrete evidence to support my view point. In the first place,there is no doubt that we can' t divorce from reality that challenge is everywhere(we can ' t avoid challenges). Based on big data,most successful social elites admitted that they've spent 2/3 of their time in facing challenges . Moreover,no one can deny that challenges make us stronger. Where there are difficulties, there are opportunities . Last but not least, l firmly believe that without the ability to meet challenges, we can't make any achievements. ( lf we don't have the ability to meet challenges, we can’t do anything.) The more problems you solve, the smarter and capable you are . In conclusion, the ability to meet challenges and solve problems is essential for everyone. If we spare no effort to cultivate this ability, the future of our study and career will be both hopeful and rosy. As an old saying goes: What is worth doing, worth doing well. For us college students, it has an increasingly important significance: If you want to achieve something, you need a serious attitude. The following reasons can account for this issue. ln the first place,there is no doubt that we can’t divorce from the reality that attitude plays an important role in one's success. Based on big data, most successful social elites admitted that they have a serious mindset towards everything. Moreover, no one can deny that a serious attitude makes us stronger. Where there is serious spirit, there are opportunities. Last but not least, l firmly believe that without a serious attitude, we can't make any achievements.(If we don't have the serious mindset, we can't do anything.) The more serious you are, the more possibility you will succeed . ln conclusion, the serious attitude towards everything is essential for everyone. If we spare no effort to(不遗余力)cultivate this mindset, the future of our study and career will be both hopeful and rosy. As is starkly mirrored in the chart(表格) that Chinese rural population has been all lifted out of poverty. lt is revealed that China's achievements in poverty alleviation are extraordinary.(图片内涵)The following reasons can account for this issue.(过渡句) ln the first place,there is no doubt that officials in the governments have played an important role in this process . Based on big data, most of the governors involved have admitted that they've spent2/3 of their time in the rural area. Moreover; no one can deny that the poverty alleviation policy is indeed beneficial. Where there are good policies, there are incentives. Last but not least, I firmly believe that the personal efforts of the rural residents can' t be ignored. The harder they work,the wealthier they are. In conclusion, the accomplishment of poverty alleviation in China is outstanding. lf we spare no efforts to implement the policy and maintain the work, the future of our country will be both hopeful and rosy.


关于2022年6月英语六级第二套试卷作文部分的真题及答案出炉了,我已整理好了, 想看的朋友不要错过了,下面是我整理的“2022年6月英语六级作文部分真题及答案(第二套)”,欢迎大家参考阅读。   2022年6月英语六级答案第二套   六级作文部分   Writing   To write an essay that begins with the sentence   "nowadays more and more people choose to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle."   范文   Nowadays more and more people choose to live an environ-mentally friendly lifestyle. They tend to produce less rubbish in their daily life and try to recycle anything that can be reused. Some even become enthusiasts and encourage more people around them to change their lifestyles into the more environ-mentally friendly ones.   Simon, one of my best friends, is a typical youngster who lives an environmentally friendly lifestyle. He tries not to buy prod-ucts during the manufacture of which much pollution may be caused. After using up the goods he bought, he would always reuse the packages of the goods for other purposes. He also tries to reduce the pollution from human-made machines. No matter in very hot summer or in freezing cold winter, he never uses air conditioners. He believes that it does us good to stay in a natural environment and reducing the use of air condition-ers can save more electricity as well.   As people's awareness of protecting and guarding the earth becomes stronger,an increasing number of people from differ-ent fields will join to live sustainably and eventually make the world a more worthy place to live.


2014年6月英语四级考了515分,算比较差的水平。大学英语四级考试,即CET-4,College English Test Band 4的缩写,是由国家教育部高等教育司主持的全国性英语考试。考试的主要对象是根据教育大纲修完大学英语四级的在校专科生、本科生或研究生。大学英语四、六级标准化考试自1986年末开始筹备,1987年正式实施。英语四级考试目的是推动大学英语教学大纲的贯彻执行,对大学生的英语能力进行客观、准确的测量,为提高我国大学英语课程的教学质量服务。国家教育部委托“全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会”(1993年名为“大学英语四、六级标准化考试设计组”)负责设计、组织、管理与实施大学英语四、六级考试。报名条件(1)考试对象限制在普通高校内部四年制或以上根据教育大纲修完大学英语四级的在校大学本科生或研究生。(2) 同等程度的大专生或硕士研究生经所在学校同意,可在本校报名参加考试。(3) 同等程度的夜大或函授大学学生经所在学校同意,可在本校报名参加考试。从2007年1月的考试开始,大学英语四六级考试将不再对社会考生开放,只对在校大学生开放。以上内容参考:百度百科-大学英语四级考试








大学英语六级考试(又称CET-6,全称为“College English Test-6”)是由国家统一出题的,统一收费,统一组织考试,用来评定应试人英语能力的英语能力的全国性的考试,每年各举行两次。符合大学英语六级考试报名条件的人员包括:全日制普通高校专科、本科和研究生中的在校生;另外,本校已设六级考点,原则上不得跨

