
时间:2024-04-23 07:28:45编辑:coo君


1、学生如何选择合适的三一口语考试级别?三一口语级别的选择可根据考试手册对各级要求的描述,结合自己的学习情况和实践经历,选择一个合适于本人的级别参加考试。因为从四级开始,考生需要自选并准确谈话题目。考官针对考生所选的话题和文章在交谈和问答中完成考试要求。2、三一口语可不可以跨级报考?三一口语考试共分12级,不同年龄、不同能力的考生,都可找到适合自己的级别,而且可以跨级别报考。三一口语考试题目设计不仅涉及语言功能、语法项目、词汇、语音等内容,还要考查考生的交际能力,一些对话涉及的内容与考生的学识阅历密切相关。比如6级考试中旅游的话题,考生答题时出现了一些问题:一位小考生描述的故事是,和家人一起开车去海南玩,车一直开到海边,大家高兴地下海玩耍。故事内容没涉及要乘坐渡轮这一细节,也没描述琼州海峡。由于考生学识阅历所限,以致故事与实际情况有出入。7级考试的对话题目涉及民族习俗、全国和地方性的物产和产品、污染与资源再生利用等,这些内容如果让一个小学生来答,明显超出了其知识和阅历范围。这些考生即使报考高级别考试,通过考试是比较困难的。所以,即使从原则上讲,三一口语允许跨级别报考,但考虑到孩子的知识理解与巩固,我们并不赞成跨级别报考。同时,我们也不赞成,孩子以一个月报考一个级别的进度去考试,因为,这样,不仅会给孩子学习造成很大的压力,同时,也会因为孩子的英语知识掌握不牢,而降低通过的几率。3、 考官能否根据学生水平当场为考生降级考官只针对考生所报考级别进行考试,虽然考试内容涵盖该级别之前的各级要求,但考官不能随意往下降一级给予成绩。4、报考三一口语4—6级,如何准备话题?报考4—6级的考生,由个人自选话题进行准备,为更真实考察考生水平,根据新大纲编制的级别描述在4—6级自选话题部分作了调整,4级应准备4个讲述点,5级应准备5个讲述点,6级应准备6个讲述点,考生在考前应按要求填写话题表,进考场时交给考官,考官任意抽选各讲述点由考生讲述。凡不填写话题表的考生,将不会取得这部分的成绩。5、GESE级别描述中提到的新增话题是什么意思?新增话题是指相对本级以前各级所列出的话题而言,考生在准备某一级别的考试时,应准备包括本级及以前各级所列的所有话题及语言要求。6、7级的C比6级的A好,而6级的C要比5级的A好?看到这个似乎矛盾命题后就会有疑问,按一般的道理:既然7C比6A 好,那么自然6C要比5A好。 其实这个观点并不矛盾,我们从三一口语考试的分级框架来分析:它分为预备级(1-3),初级(4-6),中级(7-9)和高级(10-12),四个级别分别再细化为3级,总共12级。三一口语级别的划分依据是按照人们平常的生活、工作和学习的场景,虽然这个口语考试系统非常严密,但我们经过长期的教学后发现:在初级和中级的衔接中,跨度比较大,中级涉及的语法、词汇和交流场景都是初级中从来没有遇到过的。首先从语法功能的角度分析,7级需要很好的掌握虚拟语气(虚拟条件句),名词性从句,定语及状语从句,而且要求口语的流畅表达,难度着实不低。其次我们来比较一下7级和6级的话题:通过上表,我们可以看到很明显的一点:7级的每一个话题都要比6级中的任何一个话题深刻很多,甚至到了教育,民族习俗和污染和废物回收利用这种社会性的公共讨论的话题,我们往往能在电视新闻等访谈节目中看到这类话题的讨论,所以,如此高难度的问题孩子们也能通过的话,就更可以证明考生的水平确实很好。因此,7级C的证书确实能够很好的证明孩子具备复杂话题讨论的能力,有足够的实力进入相应的重点中学。当然同样是7级,7A自然要比7B和7C好。那么,为什么又说5级的A要比6级的C好呢,原因很简单,因为5级和6级同属于三一口语的初级段,无论是对于语法还是对于话题所涉及的知识难度上讲,差异性并不大,而涉及的话题的关联性也很强。先看上面的两个级别的表格,拿5级的节日来说,我们可以随时和6级的购物,旅游,服饰和钱币结合起来,想想看,一谈到节日无非就是过节如何庆祝,那怎么庆祝呢,肯定要到商店里买东西,也就是购物,买新衣服,那就是服饰;如果你谈到节日里去外地游玩,也就涉及到旅游,如果你要庆祝一个节日肯定也要考虑到钱财和消费水平,也就是钱币;同时5级也可以与4级的话题中的很多话题相关联,比方同样再拿节日举例子,过节了,去商店,去买食物,节日的假期去进行自己的业余爱好和体育运动。由此可以看出5级在三一口语中的桥梁作用,学好五级在总结1-4级所有知识点的同时,我们又可以为六级的学习打下一个良好的基础,所以一个5级A的证书可以很好的证明考生的能力。


1.What's this?......This is a bus / plane / ship / car.

2.What's that?......That is a dinosaur / cat.

3.What month is it?......It is November now.
January, February, March,
April, May, June,
July, August, September,
October, November, December
4.How many days are there in November?......There are thirty days.

5.Is it February this month?......No, it isn't
Is it June this month? ..... Yes, it is.

6.Is it Tuesday?......No, it isn't. It's Wednesday.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

7.Where is the tamato?......The apple is in the box.

8.Where is the cat?......The cat is under the box.

9.Is the cat behind the box?

10.What is she doing?......She is singing./ playing football.

11.How many people are there in your family?
There are ....
12.Who are they?
Mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, cousin
13.Do you have any friends?
Yes, I do. / NO, I don’t.
14.Who is your best friend?
My best friend is ....


pets, computer game, my teacher, my spare time, my family, my school life, the importance of the internet, my favourite book, chinese education VS western education, local product - the silk, the age gap between generations...
因为6级的mind map里,考官不一定在按部就班的问上面的6个问题了,


Which kind of fashion do you prefer?Are your parents in favour of your fashion?

  Wearing snow boots is a fashion this winter.More and more young girls like to wear them. I prefer this kind of fashion. Firstly, the fashion is good for all the young girls.The snow boots are both comfortable and cheap.Secondly, the fashion is suitable for pupils. We shouldn’t spend more time on it. If we buy a pair of snow boots, we can wear them at least a winter and when we have PE lessons,we can also wear them.Which kind of fashions do you prefer?

  My mother is in favour of my fashion. When I asked her to buy a pair of snow boots for me,she accepted at once.The next day,she bought me a pair of snow boots because my mother thinks this kind of fashion is good and it is suitable for me.


Hong Kong Disneyland

Why Hong Kong Disneyland was built
There are several reasons for Walt Disney Company to build HK Disneyland: they wanted to expand their business to Asia so that they can earn more money; they wanted to bring more fun to people in Asian countries; one more reason is that they wanted to introduce their culture to people in different countries. I guess the first reason is most precise. Do you think so?
The location of Hong Kong Disneyland
Hong Kong Disneyland is located in Lantau Island in Hong Kong New Territories. Having been built near the sea, it takes up an area of 126 hectares. There is a special shuttle bus for tourists from Hong Kong International Airport to Disneyland. There even is a dedicated rail line between Disneyland Resort Station and Sunny Bay Station. This railway is the second railway line just for Disney in the world. It extends in all directions. The distance from Hong Kong Disneyland to Department of Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel and Hollywood Hotel is only a few minutes ride.
Four Theme Parks of Hong Kong Disneyland
Hong Kong Disneyland has some of the unique attractions. It consists of four theme parks: they are Main Street USA, Adventure land, Fantasyland and Tomorrow land. Within the park you also can find Disney cartoon characters like Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, Mulan, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, etc.

My favorite Disney items
There are many items we can enjoy in HK Disneyland. But the following are my favorite. At the entrance of the Disneyland there is a huge fountain, a big fish squirts a lot of water from its mouth continuously. Above the water is the Mickey playing skateboard, it is wonderful. Walking into the park, we can ride Thomas train around the park and then we get off at my favorite Hundred Acre Wood, where I usually take Winnie's honey pot to do traveling. On the way we can see the Pooh eating honey; we can see a variety of ghosts and goblins making trouble, also we can see Tiger jumping up and down, it’s really great fun! The next item I enjoy is the Adventureland where we can feel the African jungle and experience the exciting Tarzan drift.

Why I love to visit Hong Kong Disneyland
Since the first time I traveled there in winter holidays in 2009, I have been attracted by the unique atmosphere here. Whenever the holidays come, I’d like to travel to Hong Kong Disneyland, because I want to see my favorite cartoon characters, especially Winnie the Pooh that has brought me endless joy. So far, I have been there three times. I’d like to travel there also because visitors are all well behaved. They help to keep the park clean and tidy, people queue for turns orderly.

1.When was HK Disneyland built?
2.How far is it from Hong Kong International Airport to Disneyland ?
3.How much is the ticket for one item? Do they charge one item by one item or do they charge wholly?
4.Have you ever been to other Disneyland in other countries?
5.How many countries have Disneyland?
6.Where is the biggest Disneyland?
7.Have you seen any special cartoon characters in Disneyland?
8.How did you feel when you visited the HK Disneyland for the first time?


My new year wishes
1. What wishes I have made for this year

  The New Year is a time for wishes. Most of us could make a list of dos and don’ts. The same old favorites repeat year in year out. This year I have made lots of New Year wishes: I decide to get up earlier each morning, eat less, find more time to play with my friends, study well at school, be nice to people I don’t like, read more books, and have a travel outside Beijing. Past experience has taught us that certain wishes are beyond gain. So this year I will try my best to challenge myself and do the best. ( Sir, have you ever made any New Year wishes?)

  2. Why I made new year wishes

  Generally speaking, I like making wishes a lot. Because firstly, I feel ambitious when I have a goal for myself, and I will do my best to achieve the goal. If I can make it come true, I will be pretty happy. In a word, I think that the wishes can inspire me to work harder. It can motivate my life. Secondly, to be honest, no matter whether I achieve it or not, I still enjoy the process I work for it. It’s the most valuable part, because I can get different lessons as long as I experience it.

  3. The wishes I prefer

You know, every year we make a number of wishes, but sometimes we fail in our efforts because our plans are too ambitious and we never have time to carry them out. We also make the basic mistakes of speaking out our wishes to everybody so that we look even more foolish when we fail to achieve our goals. So this year I plan to keep my wishes to myself. I will try hard to achieve my favorite wish that I’d like to have a travel outside Beijing. You know, travelling is relaxing to my body and mind. It can make my life more colorful and more interesting, and it can broaden my horizon. So I prefer to have a travel outside Beijing.

  4. I will do lots of things for my wishes

  Since I have made so ambitious New Year wishes, I will make every effort to reach the goals. You know, I am not a person to give up my goals easily. Everybody has already known my wishes, so if I was back where I had started from, I would be very embarrassed. Definitely, I decide to get up earlier and do more exercises and carry out my wishes. I will go to Zhongguancun Book Store more often to read more books, and I will ask my parents to take me out frequently. To improve my oral English, I will take an English training course. Anyway, I will do lots of things to make my wishes come true.

  5. What wishes I plan to make next year

  When the clock strikes twelve on December 31st, people all over the world cheer and wish each other a very Happy New Year. For some, this event is no more than a change of a calendar. For others, the New Year symbolizes the beginning of a better tomorrow. So, I look forward to a good year ahead, I wish my family will be healthy and we may enjoy each day in comfort. I wish I can get more love of friends and family. I can have more time to play and I can have more chances to travel. I think tomorrow will be different, because it is another day.


交际能力 第一部分:自选话题 ● 就所列的4个讲述点给予陈述 ● 根据考官所提问题作出回答,并有所讨论;若考官有要求,应提供更多的事实和细节 ● 向考官提出至少一个与自选话题相关的问题 ● 尽可能运用本级所要求的语言功能 第二部分:对话 ● 正确理解考官的提问,回答切题 ● 用简单语言与考官进行讨论 ● 简短直接地与考官进行适度的交流 对话题目 ● 假日 ● 商店 ● 工作 ● 业余爱好或体育运动 ● 食物 ● 周末或季节性活动 语言功能 ● 讲述过去的事情 ● 谈论未来的计划和打算 ● 表达简单的比较 ● 表达好恶 ● 表述动作发生的方式和频繁程度 新增语法项目 ● 规则动词和常用不规则动词的一般过去时 ● 用going to 表示将来要做或要发生的事情 ● 表示方式与频繁程度的副词 ● 形容词的比较级和最高级 ● 连词 but 词汇 ● 与自选话题相关的词汇 ● 与对话话题相关的词汇 ● 表示动作发生频繁程度的副词和词组,如:sometimes, often, never, every day, once a week ● 表示过去时间的副词,如:yesterday, last night 语音 ● 自选话题和对话话题相关词汇的发音正确 ● 语流中恰当使用弱式发音 ● 过去时结尾‘ed’的三种不同发音,如:played /-d/ , walked /-kt/, wanted /-id/ 特别提示: 除上述要求外,本级考试中还包括前面各级别的所有要求

http://baike.baidu.com/view/1193273.html?wtp=tt 这是在百度知道上找到的。希望会有所帮助。


我已将考过八级了。可以告诉你,在我考六级时,考官问我的是:do you often go traveling?do you enjoy traveling?why?tell me the reasons.我朋友考试后,我问他考得是什么,他考的是:do you think travel is a good thing or a bad thing ?can you tell me the most terrible traveling experence?我只能告诉你这么多了。祝你考试成功~





考生在自选话题部分,应准备足以讨论5分钟的材料。考生可借助自带的画片,照片,图表,模型或实物进行讨论,但不可带鸟、昆虫、爬行动物或者其他活的动物进入考场; 更不允许携带刀具或其它利器等危险物品进入考场。
所有4-6级考生的自选话题部分必须填写《话题表Topic form》(见附表1),并带入考场与考官进行讨论。
《话题表Topic form》中4级要求围绕所选话题准备4个讲述点, 5级应准备5个讲述点,6级应准备6个讲述点。所填写的讲述点不能太笼统,如:“Introduction to topic” , “Conclusion to topic”, “What I did next …”, 正确填法参见(附表1)。
在4级考试中,考官会问及话题表中的4个讲述点;在5、6级考试中,考官至少会问及话题表中4个或4个以上的讲述点。话题表是4、5、6级第一部分考试的关键, 若事先未填写《话题表》,该部分考试将无法进行。考生若没有准备自选话题,本部分不给成绩,本次考试也就无法通过。

第二部分:对话 (5分钟)


4 级
● 就所列的4个讲述点给予陈述
● 根据考官所提问题作出回答,并有所讨论;若考官有要求,应提供更多的事实和细节
● 向考官提出至少一个与自选话题相关的问题
● 尽可能运用本级所要求的语言功能
● 正确理解考官的提问,回答切题
● 用简单语言与考官进行讨论
● 简短直接地与考官进行适度的交流

● 假日
● 商店
● 工作
● 业余爱好或体育运动
● 食物
● 周末或季节性活动

● 讲述过去的事情
● 谈论未来的计划和打算
● 表达简单的比较
● 表达好恶
● 表述动作发生的方式和频繁程度

● 规则动词和常用不规则动词的一般过去时
● 用going to 表示将来要做或要发生的事情
● 表示方式与频繁程度的副词
● 形容词的比较级和最高级
● 连词 but

● 与自选话题相关的词汇
● 与对话话题相关的词汇
● 表示动作发生频繁程度的副词和词组,如:sometimes, often, never, every day, once a week
● 表示过去时间的副词,如:yesterday, last night

● 自选话题和对话话题相关词汇的发音正确
● 语流中恰当使用弱式发音
● 过去时结尾‘ed’的三种不同发音,如:played /-d/ , walked /-kt/, wanted /-id/

特别提示: 除上述要求外,本级考试中还包括前面各级别的所有要求
5 级
● 正确理解考官的提问,回答切题
● 能就准备的话题连贯地用多个句子讲述
● 与考官就准备的话题进行轻松随意的讨论。讨论中考官可能要求考生进一步提供相关话题的信息、事实和细节
● 根据考官要求,就所述内容作进一步说明或解释
● 向考官提出至少一个与自选话题相关的问题
● 尽可能运用本级要求的语言功能
● 正确理解考官的提问,回答切题
● 按考官要求针对某些内容陈述原因或给予说明
● 向考官提出至少一个与对话话题相关的问题

● 节日
● 汽车和自行车
● 重大或特殊的活动(如:生日等)
● 娱乐 (如:电影院,电视,俱乐部等)
● 音乐
● 近期个人遇到或经历的事情

● 谈论未来———提供信息、作出预测
● 表达对事物取舍中的偏爱或喜爱
● 描述近期发生的事情
● 说明理由
● 描述事情发生的过程
● 表达数量

● 现在完成时, 包括for, since, ever, never和 just的使用
● 由because引导的从句
● 用will表示将来时
● 表示数量的形容词和副词,如:a lot(of), not very much, many
● 表示取舍的词语,如:I prefer , I’d rather

● 与自选话题相关的词汇
● 与对话话题相关的词汇
● 表示过去和将来的词语,如:two days ago, in the future

● 自选话题和对话话题相关词汇的发音正确
● 弱式和缩略式的组合,如:I’ve been to…
● 基本疑问句的一些语调

特别提示: 除上述要求外,本级考试中还包括前面各级别的所有要求
6 级
● 正确理解考官的提问,回答切题
● 能持续针对话题表中所列的讲述点提供信息、阐述观点
● 清晰描述事情发生的前后顺序
● 与考官就准备的话题进行轻松随意的讨论。讨论中考官可能要求考生进一步提供信息、事实和细节
● 向考官提出至少一个与自选话题相关的问题
● 尽可能运用本级所要求的语言功能
● 正确理解考官的提问,回答切题
● 提供相关信息, 并表达自己的观点
● 主动与考官开展对话
● 向考官提出至少两个与对话话题相关的问题
● 旅游
● 有关金钱的相关话题
● 时尚 (如:服饰、行为等)
● 规章制度
● 健康与健身
● 购物

● 表达个人的观点和印象,询问他人观点和印象
● 表达意向和目的
● 表达责任心和必要性
● 表述确定性与不确定性

● if 和when引导的条件句
● 过去进行时
● 与本级语言功能相关的情态词,如:must, have to, need to, might
● 不定式用于表示目的

● 与自选话题相关的词汇
● 与对话话题相关的词汇
● 表达将来时的词语,如:the day after tomorrow, in a year’s time

● 自选话题和对话话题相关词汇的发音正确
● 正确使用句子重音明确语义
● 掌握语句层面的语调和语流特点
● 掌握较为复杂的疑问句句型的语调

特别提示: 除上述要求外,本级考试中还包括前面各级别的所有要求

考试内容: 三部分


第一部分:自选话题讨论 (5 分钟)


第二部分:互动交流 (4分钟)


第三部分:对话 (5分钟)


