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英语四级听力部分约有35道题,听力部分248.5分听力部分占整套试题的35%,除听力篇章外每个题都是7.1分。1、短对话占8%,8个题目,每小题7.1分。2、长对话占7%,分为2段,每段3-4个题,共7小题,每小题7.1份。3、短文理解占10%,共10个小题,每小题7.1份。4、短文听写占10%,共10个小题,每小题7.1份。 在四级听力测试的题目中,有关原因及结果或是引起与被引起的关系比重很大,若是考生对此类问题加强认识,则对提高听力大有裨益。首先要掌握一些体现原因的词,如because,as,due to,on account of,in that,so…that,such…that,now that,thanks to,owing to,result in, give rise to等等。熟悉这些词或词组的表达法很重要。另外,表达先后顺序通过时态上也可体现出因果关系。


天狗老师2020.02.10 听力全篇直播百度网盘免费资源在线学习 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Reg6cYws6boCXgetvuM49g 提取码: fkr8 天狗老师2020.02.10 听力全篇直播 天狗-听力-KSLM2-T26S2&S3&T24-2020-2-10.mp4 T26原文.pdf T26-S3.mp3 T26-S2.mp3 T24原文.pdf T24-S4.mp3 T24-S3.mp3 T24-S2.mp3 T24-S1.mp3 KSLM2-T26S3(21-25).pdf KSLM2-T26S3(21-25)答案.jpg KSLM2-T26S2答案.jpg KSLM2-T26S2.pdf KSLM2-T24L答案 (答案有误的地方 直播已纠正).jpg


四级听力及原文参考如下:以下为第二套英语四级听力(部分)A 22-year-old Chinese woman who suffered from a persistent cough was shocked to learn that she had a piece of chicken bone lodged in her lung. The unnamed womanfrom the province of Shandong started have coughing problems when she was 7 or 8 years old. For 14 years, she made numerous hospital visits. However, no doctor could identify any problem. Her uncontrollable coughing was a mystery. Finally, the woman got a full body scan at a hospital in the city of Qingdao. This special medical procedure revealed she had a chicken bone stuck in her lung.


听力 “长对话1原文”M : Mrs. Darlson Thanks very much for coming down to the station .I just like to go over some of the things that you told to the police officer Palar at the bank .W :All rightM : Well, Could you describe the man who rob the bank for this report that we’re filling out here ? now anything at all you can remember would be extremely helpful to usW: Well ,just ,I can only remember basically what I said beforeM :That’s all rightW: The man was tall ,six foot ? and he had dark hair and he had a moustacheM: Very good ,all right ,did he have any other distinguishing marks ?W: Eh , no, none that I can rememberM: Do you remember how old he was by any chance?W: Oh ,well ,I guess around thirty ,maybe younger .give or take a few yearsM :En ,all right ,do you remember anything about what he was wearing ?W: Yes yes , he had on a dark sweater ,a solid colorM :Ok ,anything else that strikes you at the moment ?W:I remember he was wearing a light shirt under the sweater yes yesM : All right Mrs. Darlson ,I really appreciate what you have been through today. I ‘m just going to ask you to look at some photographs before you leave if you don’t mind .It won’t take very long .Can you do that for me ?W: Oh of courseW: Would you like to step this way with me please ?W: OK ,sureM: Thank you !Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. what do we learn about the woman ?20. what did the suspect look like ?21. what did the man finally ask the woman to do ?对话2W: Good morning, I am calling about the job that was in the paper last night.”M: “Well, Could you tell me your name?”W: “Candid Forseat.”M: “Oh yes, what did exactly is it that interests you about the job”W: “Well, I thought it was just right for me.”M: “Really, en, could you tell me a little about yourself”W: “Yes I am twenty- three, I’ve been working abroad”M: “Where exactly have you been working?”W: “In Geneva.”M: “Oh, Geneva, and what were you doing there?”W: “Secretarial work, previous to that, I was at university”M: Which university was that?W: The University of Manchester, I’ve got a degree in EnglishM: You said you’ve been working in Geneva, do you have any special reason for wanting to come back?W: I thought it would be nice to be near to the familyM: I see and how do you see yourself developing in this job?W: Well, I am ambitious. I do hope that my career in secretary will lead me eventually into managementM: I see, you have foreign languages?W: French and ItalianM: Well, I think the best thing for you to do is to reply in writing to the advertisementW: Can’t I arrange for an interview now?M: Well, I am afraid we must wait until all the applications are in in writing and we will then we decide on the short list, and if you are on the short list, of course we shall see youW:Oh, I seeM: I look forward to receiving your application in writing in a day or twoW:Oh, yes, yes, certainlyM: Ok. Thank you very much, good byeW:Thank your goodbyeQuestions 22-25 are based on the conversation you’ve just heard.22. How did the woman get to know the job vacancy?23. Why did the women find the job appealing?24. What has the woman been doing in Geneva?25. What was the woman asked to do in the end?2010年12月18日四级答案听力短对话原文Q11.M: Oh my god! The heat is simply unbearable here! I wish we’d gone to the beach instead.W: Wow, with the museums and restaurants in Washington, I’d be happy here no matter what the temperature.Q: What does the woman mean?Q12.M: How’s the new job going?W: Well, I’m learning a lot of new things, but I wish the director would give me some feedback.Q: What does the woman want to know?Q13W: Can you help me work out a physical training program John?M: Sure, but whatever you do, be careful not to overdo it. Last time I had two weeks worth of weightlifting in three days and I hurt myself.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?Q14M: I have an elderly mother and I’m worried about her going on a plane. Is there any risk?W: Not if her heart is all right. If she has a heart condition, I’d recommend against it.Q: What does the man want to know about his mother?Q15.M: Why didn’t you stop when we first signaled you at the crossroads?W: Sorry, I was just a bit absent-minded. Anyway, do we have to pay a fine?Q: What do we learn from the conversation?Q16.M: I’m no expert, but that noise in your refrigerator doesn’t sound right. Maybe you should have it fixed.W: You’re right. And I suppose I’ve put it off long enough.Q: What will the woman probably do?Q17.M: I did extremely well on the sale of my downtown apartment. Now I have enough money to buy that piece of land I’ve had my eye on. and build a house on it.W: Congratulations! Does that mean you will be moving soon?Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?Q18.W: My hand still hurts from the fall on the ice yesterday. I wonder if I broke something.M: I’m no doctor. But it’s not black and blue or anything. Maybe you just need to rest it for a few days.Q: What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?


W: 你又再玩电脑,你忘了你是怎么向我保证的吗?

M: 我又没有玩游戏,我玩得是填字游戏,这有助于增加我的词汇量。


从对话中能看出,W 是在劝 M不要再玩游戏了,而 M 的回答是我没有,而是





我这里有这个资源,分享给你:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1nQ6BAZVy5Jl1TNfBWMSmOA?pwd=1234 提取码:1234大学英语考试CET分为三级、四级、六级;英语专业考试TEM分为四级、八级;公共英语考试PETS分为1~5级;剑桥商务英语BEC分为一、二、三级;翻译资格考试(CATTI)分为口译和笔译,各有一、二、三级;职称英语考试分为初级、中级、高级。


  1、The International Labor Organization says the number of people without jobs is increasing. In its latest update on global employment trends, the agency says projections of the number of unemployed people this year range from 210 million to nearly 240 million people. The report warns that 200 million poor workers are at risk of joining the ranks of people living on less than 2 dollars per day in the past three years. The director general of the International Labor Organization Juan Somavia notes that some countries have taken measures to address the effects of the global crisis.译:国际劳工组织说,没有工作的人数正在增加。 该机构在最新的全球就业趋势报告中说,今年的失业人数预计在2.1亿到2.4亿之间。 该报告警告说,在过去三年中,有2亿贫困工人面临加入每天生活费不足2美元的行列的风险。 国际劳工组织总干事胡安 · 索马维亚指出,一些国家已经采取措施应对全球危机的影响。

  2、Q1. What is the news report mainly about?译:这篇新闻报道主要是关于什么的?

  3、Q2. What does, Juan Somavia, the director general of the International Labor Organization say?译:国际劳工组织总干事胡安 · 索马维亚怎么说?




四级考试听力是电台播放的只需要调到他的频率无论在哪里都可以听到。英语四级考试时,需要带符合要求的听力耳机。需要注意的是,英语四级考试大部分学校选择使用听力调频耳机进行测试,因此需要带上英语四级听力专用耳机和备用电池,且明确自己所在学校播放听力的频道。少部分学校使用收音机等设备在考场中外放,可不带耳机。短文听力技巧:1、 纵向归选项,划出不一样的谓语宾语表语部分。2、 顺序出题,绝大部分题听到什么选什么,少数同义替换解题。3、 疑问语气和因果转折关系词(because, but, etc)后极易出考点。4、 边听边做!不等问题!听力播放结束后,老师会立刻回收答题卡。考前注意观察自己的前后座位号,一般是按从小到大的顺序收取。如果你的座位号在中后段,可能还有几十秒的挣扎时间;如果不幸在前面,监考老师会用飞的速度、抢的力度,收走你的答题卡。以上内容参考 百度百科-四级



考试的第二个项目是听力理解(LISTENING COMRPEHENSION)。听力理解属于接收性语言技能单项测试,其目的是测试考生在类似日常生活的情景中获取口头信息的能力。该部分考试时间约为20分钟,共30题,记分为30分,比重为15%。
听力理解共分三小节,每小节有10道题,每道题后有约5秒的间隙,要求考生从所给的A, B, C, D四个选择项中选出一个与原文最贴近、 意义最契合的最佳答案,并根据要求用2B铅笔在答题纸上画线。每题只能选择一个答案,多选作废,答错不倒扣分,答题纸由机器阅卷。

第一部分(Section A: Conversations)有若干组对话,每组约200个单词,在听完对话后有3至4道题;

第二部分(Section B: Passages)有若干篇短文,每篇长度约为200个单词,在每篇后有3至4道题;

第三部分(Section C: News Broadcast)由若干条新闻组成,每条新闻后有若干道题。在听力理解部分的选材中,对话和短文部分的内容与日常生活和学习生活相关,而新闻为VOA和BBC等中为学生所熟悉的一般新闻报道、短评或讲话等,听力理解中涉及的语法不超出考试大纲的相关规定,出现的词语原则上不超出《大纲》对专业四级的词汇要求,此外,背景知识也在考生掌握或理解的常识之内,不会出现专门测试背景知识或智力的题目。

