
时间:2024-04-28 03:09:08编辑:coo君


【英语四级】每年6月和12月第二个星期六09:00-11:20。_x005f_xd83d_四六级时间安排①笔试在每年6月和12月各一次。②口试在笔试前进行,每年5月和11月各一次。③2021年上半年英语四六级考试时间为6月12日,下半年为12月11日。成绩查询。①英语四六级成绩查询入口一般在考后两个月后由官网开通。③具体的开通时间会由官网提前十天发布通知。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com








您好,根据中国教育考试网常见问题解答中关于成绩、证书查询中的规定,往届的四级成绩是无法查询的。不过您可以登录您的母校的教育系统,每一所大学的教育系统都会登记学生的等级考试记录。扩展资料:大学英语四级考试,即CET-4,College English Test Band 4的缩写,是由国家教育部高等教育司主持的全国性教学考试。考试的主要对象是根据教育大纲修完大学英语四级的在校专科生、本科生或研究生。大学英语四、六级标准化考试自1986年末开始筹备,1987年正式实施。英语四级考试目的是推动大学英语教学大纲的贯彻执行,对大学生的英语能力进行客观、准确的测量,为提高我国大学英语课程的教学质量服务。国家教育部委托“全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会”(1993年前名为“大学英语四、六级标准化考试设计组”)负责设计、组织、管理与实施大学英语四、六级考试。参考链接:中国教育考试网——关于成绩查询问题解答


   Lions' tracks.    Conversation 1   M: I bet you're looking forward to the end of this month. Are you?   W: Yes, I am. How did you know?   M: David told me you had a special birthday coming up.   W: Oh…yeah that's right. This year will be my golden birthday.第8题   M: What does that mean? I've never heard of a golden birthday.   W: I've actually just learnt this concept myself. Fortunately, just in time to celebrate. A golden or lucky birthday is when one turns the age of their birth date. So, for example, my sister's birthday is December 9th and her golden birthday would have been the year she turned nine years old. Come to think of it, my parents did throw her a surprise party that year. 第9题   M: Interesting. Too bad I missed mine. My golden birthday would've been four years ago. I assume you got big plans then.   W: Actually yes. My husband is planning a surprise holiday for the two of us next week. I have no idea what he's got in mind, but I'm excited to find out. Has he mentioned anything to you?   M: He might have.   W: Anything you'd like to share? I'm dying to know what kind of trip he has planned on where we're going. 第10题   M: You know nothing at all?   W: Not a clue. Hard to imagine, isn’t it? Though I must say I think he's been having even more fun keeping the secret from me in the past few weeks.   M: I'm sure both of you will have a fantastic time. Happy golden birthday! I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back. 第11题   第一篇长对话中心点都和某个特殊的日子以及礼物相挂钩   第八题就考查了中心点(并且重心落在女性身上)   第九题围绕某个特殊的日子,要给女性一份礼物,所以在做题过程中确定好第八第九的紧密联系,有了这个特殊的日子,才有礼物   第十题出现了husband和man。选项中的关键区分词只有gift/trip; bought/planned; troubling/up to   第十一出现的人物he考查细节信息,选项中还同时出现了介词,根据课上所讲,介词出现的时候要关注介词的两端:A. glad/guide B. tell the woman …C. eager/ learn D. wants/ find out   Q8. What is the woman looking forward to?   Her 'lucky birthday'. 原文   Q9. What did the woman's parents do on her sister's lucky birthday?   Threw her a surprise party. 原文   Q10. What is the woman eager to find out about?   The trip her husband has planned. 原文   Q11. What does the man say at the end of the conversation?   He is eager to learn how the couple's holiday turns out.    Conversation 2   W: Mr. Green, what do you think makes a successful negotiator?   M: Well, that’s hard to define. But I think successful negotiators have several things in common. They are always polite and rational people. They are firm but flexible. They can recognize power and know how to use it. They are sensitive to the dynamics of the negotiation. 第12题 The way of rises and falls and how it may change direction. They project the image of confidence, and perhaps most importantly, they know when to stop. 第13题   W: And, what about an unsuccessful negotiator?   M: Well, this is probably all of us when we start out. We are probably immature and over-trusting. Too emotional or aggressive. We are unsure of ourselves and we want to be liked by everyone. Good negotiators learn fast. 第14题 Poor negotiators remain like that and go on losing negotiations.   W: In your opinion, can the skills of negotiation be taught?   M: Well, you can teach someone how to prepare for a negotiation. There are perhaps six stages in every negotiation. Get to know the other side. 第15题 State your goals. Start the process. Clarify areas of disagreement or conflict. Reassess your position. Making acceptable compromises. And finally, reach some agreement in principle. These stages can be studied. And strategies to be used in each can be planned beforehand. But I think, the really successful negotiator is probably born with six sense about responding appropriately to the situation at hand.   W: The artistic sense you’ve just described?   M: Yes. That’s right.   第二篇长对话总体和人物相关,以细节题为重心   12-14考查的都是they为主的细节信息,15题涉及动作;考查难度不大,但是在部分单词中可能会产生障碍,ensitive/dynamic/negotiation/compromise/intention/formulate   Q12: What does the man say about good negotiators?   They are sensitive to the dynamics of a negotiation. 原文   Q13: What does the man say may be the most important thing to a successful negotiator?   They know when to stop. 原文   Q14: How is a good negotiator different from a poor one?   They learn quickly. 原文   Q15: What is the first stage of negotiation according to the man?   Get to know the other side. 原文




  8:40——9:00 试音时间
  9:00——9:10 阅读考场注意事项,发放考卷,贴条形码
  9:10——9:40 作文考试阶段
  9:40——10:05 听力测试
  10:05——10:10 考试暂停5分钟,收答题卡1(即作文和听力)


2012年05月21日 03时08分,《2011英语:2012年英语四级考试翻译高分训练及详解(6)》由liuxue86.com英语我整理.

1. The substance does not dissolve in water _____ (不管是否加热).
2. Not only _____ (他向我收费过高), but didn't do a good repair job.
3. Your losses in trade this year are nothing _____ (与我相比).
4. On average, it is said, visitors spend only_____ (一半的钱) in a day in Leeds as in London.
5. By contrast, American mothers were more likely _____ (把孩子的成功归因于) natural talent
6. There is no rush now —— _____ (比赛已经取消了).
7. I'm not supposed to let anyone in without a card, _____ (但对你我就破一次例).
8. _____ (我们得把休假日推迟) until you're better.
9. Don't bother carrying all those things, _____ (我本不想给你添许多麻烦).
10. _____ (我不大想去参加那个聚会), but I'd better put in an appearance.
11.__________________ (直到失去健康) that people know the value of health.
12. The bag was stuffed____________________( 脏衣服)
13.___________________ (很多朋友不在), we decided to put the meeting off.
14._______________________ (给我印象最深的) were her liveliness and sense of humor.
15. There engines are___________________ (不如我们制造的那些发动机功率大) .
1. whether (it is) heated or not
2. did he charge me too much
3. compared with mine
4. half as much (money)
5. to attribute their children's success to
6. the match has been called off
7. but I'll make an exception in your case
8. We'll have to put off (going on) vacation
9. I didn't mean to give you a lot of trouble
10. I don't really want to go to the party
11. It is not until they lose it
12. with dirty clothes
13. With many friends absent
14. What impressed me the most
15. less powerful than the ones we have made


   Part IV Translation (30 minutes)   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.    【四级翻译原文】   中国教育工作者早就认识到读书对于国家的重要意义。有些教育工作者2003年就建议设立全国读书日。他们强调,人们应当读好书,尤其是经典著作。通过阅读,人们能更好地学会感恩、有责任心和与人合作,而教育的目的正是要培养这些基本素质。阅读对于中小学生尤为重要,假如他们没有在这个关键时期培养阅读的兴趣,以后要养成阅读的习惯就很难了。   注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。    【四级翻译参考译文】   Chinese educators have already realized the significant meaning of reading for the country. Some educators suggested setting aside a special day for national reading in 2003. What they emphasized is reading good books, especially classical works. People could better learn to feel grateful, have more sense of responsibility, be willing to cooperate with others through reading, which is exactly fit for the purpose of education. It is more important for primary and secondary students to read. Were they not interested in reading at the critical time, developing habit for reading in the future will be more difficult。    【四级翻译原文】    【四级翻译参考译文】   为了促进教育公平,中国已经投入360亿元,用于改善农村地区教育设施和加强中西部地区农村义务教育。这些资金用于改善教学设施、购买书籍,使16万多所中小学收益。资金还用于购置音乐和绘画器材。现在农村和山区的儿童可以与沿海城市的儿童一样上音乐和绘画课。一些为接受更好教育而转往城市上学的学生如今又回到了本地农村学校就读。   In order to promote education equity, China has invested 36 billion to improve rural educational facilities and strengthen the rural compulsory education in the central and western regions. The funds were used to better school facilities, buy books, which benefited more than 160,000 primary and secondary schools. They were also spent to purchase music and painting apparatus. Nowadays children in rural and mountainous areas can have music and art classes the same as those children in coastal cities. Some students who transfer to cities for better education return to the local rural schools again。


  Part I Writing.(30 minutes)   1.各大学开设了各种各样的选修课;   2.学生因为各种原因选择了不同的选修课;   3.以你自己为例   听力题   1、   A.She used to be in poor health.   B.She was popular among boys.   C.She was somewhat overweight.   D.She didn\'t do well at high school.   2、   A.At the airport.   B.In a restaurant.   C.In a booking office.   D.At the hotel reception.   3、   A.Teaching her son by herself.   B.Having confidence in her son.   C.Asking the teacher for extra help.   D.Telling her son not to worry.   4、   A.Have a short break.   B.Take two weeks off.   C.Continue her work outdoors.   D.Go on vacation with the man.   5、   A.He is taking care of this twin brother.   B.He is worried about Rod\'s health.   C.He has been feeling ill all week.   D.He has been in perfect condition.   6、   A.She sold all her furniture before she moved house.   B.She still keeps some old furniture in her new house.   C.She plans to put all her old furniture in the base ment.   D.She brought a new set of furniture from Italy last month.   7、   A.The woman wondered why the man didn\'t return thebook.   B.The woman doesn\'t seem to know what the book isabout.   C.The woman doesn\'t find the book useful any more.   D.The woman forgot lending the book to the man.   8、   A.Most ofthe man’s friends are athletes.   B.Few people share the woman’s opinion.   C.The man doesn’t look like a sport *** an.   D.The woman doubts the mall’s athletic ability.   Conversation One.   听材料,回答下列问题:   9、   A.She has packed it in one other bags.   B.She is going to get it at the airport.   C.She has probably left it in a taxi.   D.She is aft\'aid that she has lost it.   10、   A.It ends in winter.   B.It will cost her a lot.   C.It will last one week.   D.It depends on the weather.   11、   A.The planeis taking off soon.   B.The taxi is waiting for them.   C.There might be atraffic jam.   D.There is a tot of stuff to pack.   12、   A.At home.   B.In the man\'s car.   C.At the air port.   D.By me side of a taxi.


  下文《2014年6月14日英语四级冲刺试题》由英语频道为您整理,希望对您的考试有帮助,欢饮您访问浏览更多考试资讯。    Part I Writing.(30 minutes)   1、1.目前,网上订餐逐渐成了一种流行的生活方式   2.出现这一现象的原因及其影响   3.我的观点   My view on Online Meal Ordering   _________________________________________   _________________________________________   _________________________________________   Section A   Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.   2、听音频:   ​   听听力,回答2-26题:   A.The weather forecast.   B.The cancellation of playing tennis.   C.The hot weather.   D.The tennis being played.   3、   A.He would be promoted if he didn't leave.   B.He must resign reluctantly.   C.He shouldn't leave under some pressure.   D.He has potentials to do better.   4、   A.It's hard for him to read the terrific news.   B.It's unexpected for him to know the news.   C.It calls attention to solve the rush-hour traffic.   D.It reminds us to focus on the danger of drunk driving.   5、   A.Stand the way Harry talks.   B.Invite Harry to the party.   C.Convince the woman to go to the party.   D.Refuse to go to the party.   6、   A.He has mastered German perfectly by himseff.   B.He feels that German novel pretty well.   C.He won't need teacher to guide him anymore.   D.He had read that German novel without much difficulty.   7、   A.He is not sure ff he is on the right street.   B.He does not believe what the announcer said.   C.He finds they have got to the wrong spot.   D.He thinks ~hey will be late for work.   8、   A.Chinese.   B.Japanese.   C.French.   D.Spanish.   9、   A.Because the students will have a lecture until four o'clock.   B.Because the students will be shown to a lecture until seven o'clock.   C.Because the students will be engaged until seven o'clock.   D.Because the students will watch an English film at four o'clock.   10、听听力,回答题:   A.The picnic they will have on weekend.   B.The forecast for the weather on weekend.   C.The timetable of their plan on weekend.   D.The suggestion for arrangement on weekend.   11、   A.Water is the only drink they can take.   B.She thinks water is the best for health.   C.Water is supposed to be readily available.   D.The man required her to take some drink.   12、   A.Film like a professional.   B.Prepare enough film.   C.Take a class to learn photography.   D.Fully charge the camera's battery.   13、 听听力,回答题:   A.Part of the dried, mushrooms have begun to decay.   B.The dried mushrooms didn't arrive on time.   C.Part of the dried mushrooms weren't inspected.   D.The dried mushrooms are lost during the shipment.   14、   A.They are exported for years.   B.They have good after-sale service.   C.They are high-class products.   D.They are well inspected before sale.   15、   A.The long period of shipment.   B.The way to pack the goods.   C.Some external conditions of goods.   D.The improper way to dry the goods.   16、   A.He will further examine the cause of the problem.   B.He will ensure the quality of the mushrooms.   C.He will take action to change the goods.   D.He will report the problem to his superiors.   17、 听听力,回答题:   A.Common people could meet one another at a sport.   B.People have no intention to have a contest on sports.   C.International sporting contests lead to hatred.   D.Sport creates goodwill between the nations.   18、   A.They are rivalling.   B.They are cruel.   C.They are patriotic.   D.They are combative,   19、   A.The behavior of the players and spectators.   B.The international level of the sports.   C.The attitude of the spectators and the nations.   D.The homer combined in the sports.   20、 听听力,回答题:   A.It's the work combined musical talents with expertise.   B.It's the song published in a collection.   C.It's the masterpiece enjoyed by kids and their parents.   D.It's the achievement made by the teacher.


《【2019年四级英语】》百度网盘资源免费下载链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1kuFuEjyCaUdM7m6zpMDduQ?pwd=csuc 提取码: csuc【2019年四级英语】|星火四级考前押题班|06.文都四六级实力抢分班|06.文都四级全程|05.韦林四级恋练有词|03.有道四级冲刺押题班|03.有道四级(19年6月)|02.考虫四级全程(19年6月)|01.新东方四级全程班(19年6月)|01.新东方四级冲刺押题班|四级阅读|四级语法|四级写作冲刺|四级听力|四级口语


  历年英语四级翻译真题及答案解析:外国人汉语演讲   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.   今年在长沙举行了一年一度的外国人汉语演讲比赛,这项比赛证明是促进中国和世界其他地区文化交流的好方法。它为世界各地的年轻人提供了更好地了解中国的机会。来自87个国家共计126位选手聚集在湖南省省会参加了从7月6日到8月5日进行的半决赛和决赛。比赛并不是唯一的活动,选手们还有机会参观了中国其他地区的著名景点和历史,名胜。    参考译文:   The Annual Chinese Speech Contest for Foreigners was held in Changsha this year. The contest was proved to be a good way to promote cultural exchanges between China and other regions all over the world. It provides an opportunity for young people around the world to understand China better.   A total of 126 players from 87 countries gathered in the capital of Hunan province to participate in the semi-final and the final from July 6th to August 5th.   Competition is not the only activity. Players also have a chance to visit famous and historical attractions in other parts of China.    历年大学英语四级翻译真题及答案解析:丽江古镇   云南省的.丽江古镇是中国著名的旅游目的地之一。那里的生活节奏比大多数中国城市都要缓慢。丽江到处都是美丽的自然风光,众多的少数民族同胞提供了各式各样、丰富多彩的文化让游客体验。历史上,丽江还以“爱之城”而闻名。当地人中流传着许多关于因爱而生、为爱而死的故事。如今,在中外游客眼中,这个古镇被视为爱情和浪漫的天堂。    参考翻译:   Lijiang, an ancient town of Yunnan Province, is one of the most famous tourist destinations. Its pace of life is slower than that of most cities of China. There are many natural beauties everywhere in Lijiang and many ethnical minorities provide tourists with a great variety of cultural experience. Lijiang is also well-known as the “city of love”in history. Many stories about life and dying for love have spreaded widely among the locals. Nowadays, for tourists home and abroad, the ancient town is regarded as a paradise of love and romance.    历年大学英语四级翻译真题及答案解析:中国父母   中国父母往往过于关注孩子的学习,以至于不要他们帮忙做家务,他们对孩子的首要要求就是努力学习,考得好,能上名牌大学.他们相信这是为孩子好,因为在中国这样竞争激烈的社会里,只有成绩好才能保证前途光明.中国父母还认为,如果孩子能在社会上取得大的成就,父母就会受到尊敬.因此,他们愿意牺牲自己的时间、爱好和兴趣,为孩子提供更好的条件.    参考解析 :Chinese parents usually intend to pay too much attention to their childrens study to such an extent thatthey even dont require their children to help them do the chores.Their primary requirement for their childrenis to study hard, get good grades and go to famous universities, They believe this does good to their childrenbecause in the society of China which is full of intense competition, only perfect academic performance canensure a bright future.Chinese parents also believe if their children can make great achievements in thesociety, they will receive respect accordingly.Therefore, they are willing to sacrifice their own time, hobbiesand interests to provide better conditions for their children.   难点注释   1.翻译第一句时,“过于关注……”还可以译为focus too much on…/be too focused on…等;“做家务”还可译为do housework.   2.翻译第二句时,“努力学习”“考得好”和“能上名牌大学”作表语,可用动词不定式来表达.“他们对孩子的首要要求”是句子的主语,有两种译法:一是直接用名词短语表达,即their primary requirement for theirchildren;二是用名词性从句表达,即what they require their children first to do.    历年英语四级翻译真题及答案解析:乌镇   Directions:For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.   乌镇是浙江的一座古老水镇,坐落在京杭大运河畔。这是一处迷人的地方,有许多古桥、中式旅店和餐馆。在过去一千年里,乌镇的水系和生活方式并未经历多少变化,是一座展现古文明的博物馆。乌镇所有房屋都用石木建造。数百年来,当地人沿着河边建起了住宅和集市。无数宽敞美丽的庭院藏身于屋舍之间,游客们每到一处都会有惊喜的发现。    翻译审题:   本文主要介绍了乌镇的一些特色,属说明文。译文应采用较正式的说明性语言,时态主要用一般现在时。原文中简单句和复合句并存,复合句中较多考查考生对非谓语动词或定语从句的掌握。在审题时,将复合句的关系理清,会更容易、清楚地将原文意思表达出来。    重点词汇:   坐落 locate   迷人的 charming   经历 undergo   宽敞 spacious   完整译文:   Wuzhen is an ancient water town in Zhejiang Province.10cated on the bank of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.This is a charming place,with many ancient bridges,Chinese hotels and restaurants.0ver the past 1,000 years,the water system and life styles in Wuzhen have not undergone many changes.thus making it a museum showing the ancient civilization.All the houses in Wuzhen are built of stone and wood.For centuries,the local people have built houses and markets along the river.Countless beautiful spacious courtyards hide between houses,and visitors will make a surprising discovery wherever they go.


  大学英语四级考试于本周末拉开序幕,同学们准备得怎么样了呢?听力部分一直是大多数同学的软肋,考试前一定要找找感觉。为大家精选了一套英语四级听力模拟题,希望对您有帮助!    2014年12月英语四级听力模拟试题 :   Section A   Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 passages. All the end of each conversation, one or more question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked [A], [B],[C] and [D], and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.   11.   [A] The girls got on well with each other.   [B]It‘s understandable that girls don’t get along.   [C] She was angry with the other young stars.   [D] The girls lacked the courage to fight.   12.   [A] The woman does her own housework.   [B]The woman needs a housekeeper.   [C] The woman‘s house is in a mess.   [D] The woman works as a housekeeper.   13.   [A] The Edwards are quite well-off.   [B]The Edwards should cut down on their living expenses.   [C] It’ll be unwise for the Edwards to buy another house.   [D] It‘s too expensive for the Edwards to live in their present house.   14.   [A] The woman didn’t expect it to be so warm at noon.   [B]The woman is sensitive to weather changes.   [C] The weather forecast was unreliable.   [D] The weather turned cold all of a sudden.   15.   [A] At a clinic.   [B]In a supermarket.   [C] At a restaurant.   [D] In an ice cream shop.   16.   [A] The woman did not feel any danger growing up in the Bronx.   [B]The man thinks it was quite safe living in the Bronx district.   [C] The woman started working at an early age to support her family.   [D] The man doesn‘t think it safe to send an 8-year-old to buy things.   17.   [A] The man has never seen the woman before.   [B]The two speakers work for the same company.   [C] The two speakers work on the same floor.   [D] The woman is interested in market research.   18.   [A] The woman can’t tolerate any noise.   [B]The man is looking for an apartment.   [C] The man has missed his appointment.   [D] The woman is going to take a train trip.   Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.   19.   [A] To make a business report to the woman.   [B]To be interviewed for a job in the woman‘s company.   [C] To resign from his position in the woman’s company.   [D] To exchange stock market information with the woman.   20.   [A] He is head of a small trading company.   [B]He works in an international insurance company.   [C] He leads a team of brokers in a big company.   [D] He is a public relations officer in a small company.   21.   [A] The woman thinks Mr. Saunders is asking for more than they can offer.   [B]Mr. Saunders will share one third of the woman‘s responsibilities.   [C] Mr. Saunders believes that he deserves more paid vacations.   [D] The woman seems to be satisfied with Mr. Saunders’ past experience.   【 听力原文 】   11.   M: What would be like working with those young stars?   W: It was a great group, I always got mad when people said that we didn’t get along, just because we were girls, there was never a fight. We had a great time.   Q: What does the woman mean?   12.   M: Are you telling me you don‘t have a housekeeper?   W: No, we don’t. If you make a mess, you clean it up yourself.   Q: What do we learn from this conversation?   13.   W: I hear that the Edwards are thinking of buying another house.   M: Should they be doing that with all the other expenses they have to pay? Anyhow, they are over 70 now, their present house is not too bad.   Q: What does the man imply?   14.   M: You look like you are freezing to death. Why don‘t you put this on?   W: Thank you, it was so warm at noon. I didn’t expect the weather to change so quickly.   Q: What do we learn from the conversation?   15.   M: I‘ll have the steak, French Fries, and let’s see, chocolate ice-cream for dissert.   W: Oh, Oh, you know these things will ruin your health, too much fat and sugar, how about ordering some vegetables and fruit instead?   Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?   16.   M: What was it like growing up in New York‘s Bronx District? Was it safe?   W: To me, it was. It was all I knew. My mom would send me to the shop and I’d go and buy things when I was about 8 years old.   Q: What do we learn from the conversation?   17.   M: Nice weather, isn‘t it? Oh, I’ve seen you around the office, but I don‘t think we’ve met, I am Henry Smith, I work in the Market Research Section.   W: Nice to meet you, Henry. I am Helen Grant, I am in the Advertising Section on the ninth floor.   Q: What can we infer from the conversation?   18.   M: Mam, I hear you have an apartment for rent, can I take a look at it?   W: Sure, you‘re welcome any time by appointment, but I have to tell you the building is close to a railway with the noise. You might as well save the trip.   Q: What do we learn from the conversation?   Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.   Conversation 1   W: Please have a seat, Mr. Thunders. I received your resume last week, and was very impressed.   M: Thank you!   W: We are a small financial company trading mostly stocks and bonds. May I ask why you are interested in working for us?   M: Your company has an impressive reputation and I always want to work for a smaller company.   W: That’s good to hear. Would you mind telling me a little bit about your present job?   M: I‘m currently working in a large international company in charge of a team of 8 brokers, we buy and sell stocks for major clients worldwide.   W: Why do you think you are the right candidate for this position?   M: As a head broker, I have a lot of experience in the stock market, I deal with the clients on the daily bases, and I enjoy working with people.   W: Well, you might just be the person we’ve been looking for. Do you have any questions?   M: Uh-hum, if I were hired, how many accounts would I be handling?   W: You will be working with two other head brokers, in another words, you will be handling about a third of our clients.   M: And who would I report to?   W: Directly to me.   M: I see. What kind of benefits package do you offer?   W: Two weeks of paid vacation in your first year employment, you are also been entitled to medical and dental insurance, but this is something you should discuss with our Personnel Department. Do you have any other questions?   M: No, not at the moment.   W: Well, I have to discuss your application with my colleagues and we‘ll get back to you early next week.   M: OK, thanks, it’s been nice meeting you!   W: Nice meeting you too! And thanks for coming in today.   19.   What‘s the purpose of Mr. Thunder’s visit?   20.   What is Mr. Thunder‘s current job?   21.   What can we conclude from the conversation?   【 答案 】11.A 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.A 17.B 18.A 19.B 20.C 21.A   以上就是为大家提供的 2014年12月英语四级听力模拟题 ,希望对您有帮助!想要成功拿下接下来的英语四级考试,你还需掌握更多应试技巧,按 CTRL+D 收藏并持续关注本站,竭诚助您考试一臂之力!    猜你喜欢:


  2015年6月13日的英语四级考试刚刚结束,本次考试为多题多卷,整理了不同版本的真题及参考答案,供考生参考,下面是整理的 2015年6月英语四级听力对话原文(网友版) ,欢迎查看。    Short conversations   1.   W: I’m going to give up playing chess. I lost again today.   M: Just because you lost? Is that any reason to quit?   Q: What does the man imply?   2.   M: Do you know Sally’s new address? She’s got some mail here, and I’d like to forward it to her.   W: Well, we’ve not been in touch for quite a while. Let’s see. Mary should know it.   Q: What does the woman mean?   3.   W: I missed classes this morning. Could you please lend me your notes?   M: My notes? You’ve never see my handwriting, have you?   Q: What does the man imply?   4.   M: I’m taking my girlfriend to the fancy new restaurant for her birthday tonight.   W: I went there last weekend, I found it rather disappointing.   Q: What does the woman mean?   5.   W: Winter is over at last. Time to put away my gloves and boots.   M: I’ve been waiting for this for months.   Q: What does the man mean?   6.   W: Thank you for bringing the books back.   M: I thought you need them over the weekend. Many thanks for letting me use them.   Q: What do we learn from the conversation?   7.   W: Are you working flexible hours?   M: No, I’m not. The weather today is so nice, so I decided to walk to work, and that meant I had to leave an hour earlier than usual.   Q: What did the man decided to do?   8.   W: Our plane has been circling for a long time. Why the delay?   M: The airport is closed for a while this morning, and things are still not back to normal.   Q: What does the man mean?   Long conversation    长对话一   Woman: Morning, this is TGC!   Man: Good morning, Walter Barry here, calling from London. Could I speak to Mr. Grand, please?   Woman: Who’s calling, please?   Man: Walter Barry, from London.   Woman: What is it about, please?   Man: Well, I understand that your company has a chemical processing plant. My own company LCP, Liquid Control Products, is a leader in safety from leaks in the field of chemical processing. I’d like to speak to Mr. Grand to discuss ways in which we could help TGC to protect itself from such problems and save money at the same time.   Woman: Yes, I see. Well, Mr. Grand is not available just now.   Man: Can you tell me when I could reach him?   Woman: He’s very busy for the next few days. Then he’ll be away in New York. So it’s difficult to give you a time.   Man: Could I speak to someone else, perhaps?   Woman: Who, in particular?   Man: A colleague, for example?   Woman: You are speaking to his personal assistance. I can deal with calls for Mr. Grand.   Man: Yes, well, could I ring him tomorrow?   Woman: No, I’m sorry, he won’t be free tomorrow. Listen, let me suggest

