
时间:2024-04-28 04:18:55编辑:coo君




2022年下半年四级考试时间:12月17日09:00-11:252022年下半年六级考试时间:12月17日15:00-17:25考试顺序:8:40/14:40 考生入场1、出示准考证、身份证、学生证;2、手机严禁带入考场;3、入座后请调试耳机试听;注意事项:1、证件不齐者严禁入场,不能参加考试。2、核对好听力频率,开考后不再试听。9:00/15:00 下发考试材料1、检查试题册、条形码、答题卡的印刷质量。2、阅读试题册正面“敬告考生”内容。3、粘贴条形码、填写个人信息。4、非听力考试期间不得佩戴耳机且不得提前翻阅试题册,否则按违规处理。5、作文题目在试题册背面,使用黑色签字笔在答题卡1上作答。6、作文题考试时间为30分钟,之后将立即进行听力考试。9:10/15:10 考试正式开始,开始作答作文。9:35/15:35 提示考生继续作答,5分钟后将开始听力考试。9:40/15:40 听力考试开始。




属于高分。大学英语六级考试(又称CET-6,全称为“College English Test-6”)是由国家统一出题的,统一收费,统一组织考试,用来评定应试人英语能力的全国性的考试,每年各举行两次。大学英语六级考试作为一项全国性的教学考试由“国家教育部高教司”主办,每年各举行两次。从2005年1月起,成绩满分为710分,凡考试成绩在220分以上的考生,由国家教育部高教司委托“全国大学英语六级考试委员会”发给成绩单。2007年1月起,六级考试不再接受非在校生报名。2020年5月29日,教育部考试中心发布公告,根据党中央、国务院关于新冠肺炎疫情防控工作的有关精神,经研究决定,原定于2020年6月13日举行的全国大学英语四、六级考试延期并分两次举行,考试日期分别为7月11日和9月19日。


600分以上就算高分。大学英语四级考试,即CET-4,College English Test Band 4的缩写,是由国家教育部高等教育司主持的全国性英语考试。考试的主要对象是根据教育大纲修完大学英语四级的在校专科生、本科生或研究生。大学英语四、六级标准化考试自1986年末开始筹备,1987年正式实施。英语四级考试目的是推动大学英语教学大纲的贯彻执行,对大学生的英语能力进行客观、准确的测量,为提高我国大学英语课程的教学质量服务。国家教育部委托“全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会”(1993年名为“大学英语四、六级标准化考试设计组”)负责设计、组织、管理与实施大学英语四、六级考试。考试改革新大学英语四级考试试卷结构就所测试的语言能力而言,试点阶段的四级考试由以下四个部分构成:1.听力理解;2.阅读理解;3.写作和翻译。听力理解部分新闻占7%,对话占8%,篇章占20%。阅读理解部分分值比例为35%;其中仔细阅读部分(Reading in Depth)25%,快速阅读部分(Skimming and Scanning)10%。仔细阅读部分分为:a.选择题型的篇章阅读理解;b.篇章层次的词汇理解(Banked Cloze)或短句问答(Short Answer Questions)。快速阅读理解部分测试的是浏览阅读和查读能力。写作和翻译部分分值比例为30%;其中写作部分(Writing)15%,翻译部分(Translation)15%。写作的体裁包括议论文、说明文、应用文等,翻译部分测试的是句子、短语或常用表达层次上的中译英能力。成绩分为总分和单项分。


《大学英语四级》百度网盘资源免费下载链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1VPLxMDG38yqHxagBv1nQ7A?pwd=4w3m 提取码: 4w3m大学英语四级|2019年6月CET4|2018年6月CET4|2018年12月CET4|2017年6月CET4|2017年12月CET4|2016年6月CET4|2016年12月CET4|2015年6月CET4|2015年12月CET4|2014年6月CET4|2014年12月CET4|2013年6月CET4|2013年12月CET4|2012年6月CET4





  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Selfhelp Traveling of College Students. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:







  Self-help Traveling of College Students

  So called self-help traveling refers that travelers themselves arrange travel route, travel time, and all the other matters during travel, without any guide and team leader. Nowadays this kind of traveling model is gaining more and more popularity among college students. According to the survey, over 80% of college students prefer self-help traveling to following a tour group.

  Why are college students so fond of self-help traveling? Above all, self-help traveling gives travelers more freedom and space. College students don’t like being restricted. They want to arrange their travel as they wish. Moreover, self-help traveling provides college students a good chance to improve their adaptability and viability. Besides, the expenses in self-help traveling are controlled by travelers themselves. It is a good choice for those college students who have not much money for their disposal.
  As a college student, I enjoy self-help traveling very much, and I have benefited a lot from it. For one thing, I have appreciated many amazing scenery that those travelers who follow tour groups can not. For another, self-help travel helps me learn how to deal with people better.


46. Authors still published in printed versions will be considered important ones.


解析:对应D段末句。printed versions(纸质版本)对应hard copy(印刷版本),be considered important ones(被认为重要)对应become the mark…to reckon(认为是标志)。

47. Some people are still in favor of printed books because of the sense of touch they can provide.


解析:对应N段第三句提到的tactile pleasure in books(书本的触觉上的愉悦)。

48. The radio business has changed greatly and now attracts more listeners.


解析:对应J段最后两句。changed greatly(巨大改变)对应a very different business(相当不同的行业),attracts more listeners(吸引更多听众)对应enlarged their audience(扩大受众面)。

49. Contrary to many people’s prediction of its death, the film industry survived.


解析:对应H段第二句。many people’s prediction对应widely predicted。

50. Remarkable changes have taken place in the book business.



51. Old technology sometimes continues to exist because of its reliability.


解析:对应L段第三句。continues to exist(继续存在)对应remain(保持),reliability(可靠)对应backup(支持、后盾)。

52. The increase of e-book sales will force the book business to make changes not seen for centuries.


解析:对应B段第三句。make changes(做出改变)对应go through a transformation(经历转变),not seen for centuries是对该句后部分时间表达的概括。

53. A new technology is unlikely to take the place of an old one without a clear advantage.


解析:对应F段第一句。a clear advantage(明显优势)岁对better, cheaper or both的概括。take the place of(代替)对应replace(代替)。

54. Paperbacks of popular literature are more likely to be replaced by e-books.



55. A house with a fireplace has a stronger appeal to buyers.


解析:对应M段第三句。has a stronger appeal to buyers(对购买者有很强吸引力)对应a powerful selling point(强劲卖点)。

第二篇:The Touch-Screen Generation

本文选自2013年4月的The Atlantic



46.The author attended the conference, hoping to find some guiding principles for parenting in the electronic age.


解析:对应D段第一句: come to the developers’ conference 对应 attended the conference(出席会议), that they might offer some guiding principle for American parents 对应hoping to find some guiding principles for parenting(提供指导原则)。

47.American parents are becoming more doubtful about the benefits technology is said to bring to their children.


解析:G段第一句American parents完全重现, more, not less, wary(谨慎的)对应more doubtful。

48.Some experts believe that human intelligence develops by the use of hands.


解析:对应A段最后一句:.Some experts 对应 developers(开发者), human intelligence develops by the use of hands 对应 The hands are the instruments of man’s intelligence.(人类才智由双手的使用而发展)

49.The author found a former Montessori teacher strict control over her kids’ screen time.


解析:E段第一句和最后一句综合得来。 a former Montessori teacher 完全是原文重现,I give them a limit of half an hour and then stop.对应strict control over her kids’ screen time.(严格控制玩电子设备的时间)。

50.Research shows interaction with people is key to babies’ brain development.


解析:C段第二句 research on brain development 完全重现, critical need 对应key(关键),direct interactions with parents and other significant care givers对应interaction with people(人际互动)。

51.So far there has been no scientific proof of the educational benefits of iPads.


解析:H段倒数第二句中,To date对应So far(如今),no body of research has definitively proved that 对应no scientific proof(无科学依据)。

52.American parents worry that overuse of tablets will create problems with their kids’interpersonal relationships/


解析:G段的最后两句中:Parents与 tablets完全重现, can’t make eye contact and has an avatar for a girlfriend(不敢直视他人或只能在家幻想女盆友——好邪恶) 对应 create problems with their kids’interpersonal relationships(人际交往发生了问题)。

53.The author expected developers of children’s apps to specify the benefits of the new technology.


解析:D段的倒数第二句, articulate(清晰表达) some benefits of the new technology对应specify(详述)the benefits of the new technology.

54.The kids at the gathering wre more fascinated by the iPads than by the helicopter.


解析:A段第三句出现helicopter, 第四句的转折 But mostly they looked down, at the iPads and other tablets displayed around the hall like so many open boxes of candy.对应more fascinated by the iPads(但部分人看着iPad就像看糖果般目不转睛)。

55.The author permits her children to use the screen for at most half an hour a day.


解析:F段第四句, permissive对应permits(允许), half an hour a day完全重现, my rule at home对应The author。


考试日期通常情况下为每年6月份、12月份的第三个星期六。2012年12月为第四个星期六,22日。2013年12月考试时间是2013年12月14日。2014年6月考试时间是2014年6月14日。2014年12月考试时间为2014年12月20日2015年6月考试时间为2015年6月13日2015年12月考试时间为2015年12月19日2016年6月考试时间为2016年6月18日2016年12月考试时间为2016年12月17日2017年6月考试时间为2017年6月17日2017年12月考试时间为2017年12月16日2018年6月考试时间为2018年6月16日2018年12月考试时间为2018年12月15日2019年6月考试时间为2019年6月15日考试流程:8:50---9:00试音时间9:00---9:10播放考场指令,发放作文考卷9:10取下耳机,开始作文考试9:35---9:40重新戴上耳机,试音寻台,准备听力考试 9:40开始听力考试,电台开始放音9:40---10:10听力考试10:10听力考试结束后收答题卡一(即作文和听力)10:10---11:25完成剩余考试 11:25全部考试结束




  2014年第一次的英语四级考试只剩一周左右的时间了,对还在奋战四级的同学们鼓励鼓励,最后再坚持一下吧,坚持就是胜利!临近考试,每天至少一套题保证对试卷的把握和感觉,做完一份试卷再认真分析,试卷会越做越好的。下面由为你准备的《2014年6月英语四级模拟卷及答案》,希望对你的英语四级考试能有帮助,更多英语四级的考试资讯尽在,欢迎收藏(Ctrl+D)访问本站,谢谢。   2014年6月14日英语四级模拟试题(答案附后),祝大家把高分抱回家!   下面考试开始!    作文   Directions:   Understanding is a drop of golden sun, is wellspring of life, and is a bridge between man and the soul of man. Understanding is tolerance, is a kind of selfrestraint. The world needs understanding.   Write an essay which should cover:   1) describing the drawing below,   2) stating its main idea, and   3) giving your comment.    阅读一   Perhaps the most famous theory, the study of body movement, was suggested by Professor Ray Birdwhistell. He believes that physical appearance is often culturally programmed. In other words, we learn our looks--- we are not born with them.   A baby has generally informed face features. A baby, according to Birdwhistell, learns where to set the eyebrows by looking at those around--- family and friends. This helps explain why the people of some areas of the US looks much alike.   New Englanders or Southerners have certain common face features that can not be explained by genetics (遗传学). The exact shape of the mouth is not set at birth, it is learned after. In fact, the final mouth shape is not formed until well after new teeth are set. For many, this can be well into grown-ups. A husband and wife together for a long time often come to look somewhat alike. We learn our looks from those around us.   This is perhaps why in a single country there are areas where people smile more than those in other areas. In the US, for example, the south is the part of the country where the people smile most frequently. In New England they smile less, and in the western part of New York States still less. Many southerners find cities such as New York cold and unfriendly, partly because people in Madison Avenue smile less than people on Peachtree Street in Atlanta, Georgia. People in largely populated areas also smile and greet each other in public less than people in small towns do.   1.Ray Birdwhistell believes that physical appearance ___________.   A.has little to do with culture B.has much to do much culture   C.is ever changing D.is different from place to place   2.According to the passage, the final mouth shape is formed _________.   A.before birth B.as soon as one’s teeth are newly set   C.some time after new teeth are set D.around 15 years old   3.Ray Birdwhistell can tell what area of the US a person is from by _______.   A.how much he or she smiles B.how he or she raise his or her eyebrows   C.what he or she likes best D.the way he or she talks   4.People who live _________ are more friendly.   A.in largely populated areas B.in New York City   C.in the country D.in the North    阅读二   EFL TEACHERS   Summer Posts   Once again we require 10 excellent TEFL Teachers for our summer program. Large thriving(兴旺) Arels- Felco school offers special package to qualified, TEFL experienced teachers.$1,500 and free accommodation for 200 hours teaching from 2 July-24August. Overtime available. Good Possibility of longer term and permanent posts. Shorter contracts available. Letters of application and C.V. to Teacher Recruitment(征募) (Dept. E),ChurchillHouse School,40-42 Spencer Square, Ramsgate, Kent CT11 9LD.   Fax: (0843)584827.   Established 20 years. Recognized by the British Council anda member of Arels- Felco.   1.What does “package” in the advertisement refer to ?   A.The salary. B.The number of the teaching hours   C.The free accommodation provided. D.All the above.   2.Some teachers may be able to ______________.   A.accomplish the job ahead of schedule   B.quit the job when they choose to do so   C.enjoy free accommodation for a longer time   D.continue working at the school after the summer   3.Arels-Felco is probably_____________.   A.a company B.the name of a school   C.an educational organization D.a housing agency    阅读三   California—Upset by the war in Iraq, Julia Wilson expressed her anger and impatience with   President Bush last spring on her web page on MySpace.com . She posted a picture of the president, wrote “Kill Bush ” across the top and drew a sword stabbing his outstretched hand. She later replaced her page after learning in her eighth-grade history class that such threats are a federal offense.   It was too late, Federal authorities had found the page and placed Wilson on their checklist. They finally reached her this week in her biology class. The 14—year—old was taken out of class Wednesday and questioned for about 15 minutes by two Secret Service agents. The incident has upset her parents, who said the agents should have included them when questioning their daughter.   The teenager said the agents’ questioning led her to tears. “I wasn’t dangerous,” said Wilson, an honor student who describes herself as politically enthusiastic. “I’m a peace-loving person. I’m against the war in Iraq. I’m not going to kill the president.”   Her mother, Kirstie Wilson, said two agents showed up at the family’s home Wednesday afternoon, questioned her and promised to return once her daughter was home from school.   After they left, Kirstie Wilson sent a next message to her daughter’s call phone, asking her to come straight home and telling her that two men from the secret service wanted to talk with her.   But moments later, Kirstie Wilson received a text message from her daughter saying agents had pulled her out of class.   Julia Wilson said the agents threatened her, saying she could be sent to court for making the threat. “They yelled at me a lot,” she said. “They were unnecessarily mean.”   Wilson and her parents said the agents were justified in questioning her over her MySpace.com posting. But they said the agents went too far by not waiting until she was out of school and the agents should have more quickly figured out they weren’t dealing with a real danger.   Assistant Principal Paul Robinon said the agents gave him the impression the girl’s mother knew they were planning to question her daughter at school. There is no legal requirement that parents be notified.   “This has been an on-going problem.” said Ann Brick, a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties union in San Francisco.   Former governors Pete Wilson and Gray Davis vetoed(否决) bills that would have required that parents give permission or be present when their children are questioned at school by law enforcement officers.   1.Julia Wilson was questioned because .   A.she wanted to kill President Bush   B.she set up the website Myspace.com   C.the agents thought she might be a threat to the federal   D.she was a peace-loving person   2.What can we infer from the text?   A.Julia Wilson will be put into prison for making a threat.   B.Kirtie Wilson thought it wrong to question her daughter in school without them.   C.Assistant principal thought there was no need to inform Julia’s parents when questioning her.   D.Ann Brick believes that teenagers should not be politically enthusiastic.   3.What does the underlined word “mean” mean in the text?   A.cruel and violent B.poisonous   C.kind-hearted D.unfair   4.The author wrote this story mainly to .   A.struggle against the war in Iraq started by the US   B.discuss whether parents should be included when children are questioned   C.warn teenagers not to post web pages on websites   D.criticize the former governors who vetoed the bill    翻译   春节贴年画(pasting New Year Prints)的风俗源自于往房子外面的门上贴门神(Door Gods)的传统。随着木质雕刻品的出现,年画包含了更广泛的主题,最出名的就是门神,三大神—福神、薪神和寿神(Three Gods of Blessing, Salary and Longevity),寓意着庄稼丰收、家畜兴旺和庆祝春节。年画的四大产地分别是苏州桃花坞,天津杨柳青,河北武强和山东潍坊。现在中国农村仍然保持着贴年画的传统,而在城市里很少有人贴年画。    答案    作文范文:   The human being differs from the wild beast in that the latter is liable to have a hostile view of others and interact in an unreasonable and aggressive manner. Primitive humans might have acted in such fashion, but civilized humans should cultivate more appropriate behaviors.    In the drawing above, a man carrying a large load accidentally steps on a woman's foot. Given that he gracefully apologizes, the woman both accepts his apology and assures him not to worry.    The man and woman depicted interact with each other in a courteous and compassionate manner. The woman understands the man did not intentionally step on her foot, and therefore whether or not she is in pain, she does not attack or blame him. Because she is able to view the situation from his perspective, conflict is diverted. Mutual understanding such as this is a fundamental aspect of civilized society.   Some people tend to think the worst of others and become angry over even the smallest of matters, regardless of how their own actions are disturbing in turn. Such intolerance only leads to more conflict. Disrespecting or mistreating,people not only inflicts pain upon others, but can also harm one's own conscienceand attitude.    Having compassion for others is an important facet of social intercourse. Once one strives to understand the experience and perspective of another, one can avoid much trouble and conflict, thus making life more peaceful and just for all.    写作译文:   人类和野兽的区别就在于后者倾向于相互仇视,交往时不讲道理且好斗。原始人也许会如此行事,但文明人应该养成更得体的举止。   上图中,一个手里捧着很多东西的先生无意中踩了旁边女士的脚。在他有礼貌地道歉后,这位女士不仅接受了他的道歉,还让他不必在意。   上图中的先生和女士诠释了在与人交往时应有的礼貌和富有同情心的态度。这位女士知道他并不是有意要踩她的脚,所以无论疼不疼,她都不会攻击或是埋怨这位先生。因为她能设身处地地看待这件事情,一场冲突就避免了。像这样的相互理解是构成文明社会的基本方面。   一些人往往把别人想得特别坏,为点鸡毛蒜皮的事就大发雷霆,而全然不顾他们自己的行为是多么让别人讨厌。这种偏狭只会导致更多的冲突,对人无礼或粗暴不仅会给别人带来不愉快,而且会损害自己的道德水准和仪态。宽厚是社交中重要的一面,一旦一个人努力去理解别人的做法和看法,他就会避免许多麻烦和冲突,而这会让所有人的生活都变得更美好。   阅读一.BCAC   阅读二.DDC   阅读三.CBAB    翻译译文   The custom of pasting New Year Prints in Spring Festival originated from the tradition of pasting Door Gods on the external doors of the houses. With the creation of board carvings, New Year paintings cover a wide range of subjects. The most famous ones are Door Gods and Three Gods of Blessing, Salary and Longevity, signifying the abundant harvest of crops, the prosperity of domestic animals and the celebration of Spring Festival. Four producing areas of New Year Prints are Taohuawu of Suzhou, Yangliuqing of Tian Jing, Wuqiang of Hebei and Weifang of Shandong. Now the tradition of pasting New Year paintings is still kept in rural China, while it is seldom followed in cities.


  在上午刚刚结束的英语四级过后,大家的心情肯定也是忐忑不安,心里又是希望自己能过的,看看答案你就有底了,谁都不想一考再考,但是觉得过的同学就可以准备半年后的六级了,心里没谱的同学也可以开始着手下一次的四级考试了,一战再战,总会过关,加油吧!下面是为你提供的《 2014年6月英语四级真题及答案 》,希望对你的学习会有启发和帮助。    作文   Suppose a foreign friend of yours iscoming to visit your hometown/ campus/China, what is the place would you show him or her andwhy?   The most interesting place   Dear Pacival,   I am thrilled to know that you are going to visit my hometown and I can’t wait see you again. I miss everything that happened when I was in your city, and your parents and you were so kind to me that I will try my best this time to make your stay an enjoyable and memerable one.   My home town,Changsha, is the capital of Hunan province and best known as the star city for its well developed entertainment industry and tourism. There are numerous places and attractions worth recommending, and Yuelu Mountain is the first one that I’d like to introduce to you. Firstly, in the foot of Yuelu Mountain is the prominent Yuelu Academy. It has an exceedingly long history and its architecture is characteristic of Song Dynasty. Then, after a half hour, we will reach the Bird Forest. There are various rare birds there, and they can sing, perform, and interact with us. After about an hour, we will arrive at the peak, Baiyun Summit. The scenery there is spectacular and we can have a wonderful panorama of the whole city.   I bet you must be very excited about all these activities, and the Yuelu Mountain is waiting for us to explore. All you need to do is pack up and go, and I assure you that this trip will be a great fun.   Should you have any question and suggestion, please let me know.   I am looking forward to your arrival.   Yours sincerely,   Romeo    翻译:   Part IV   Translation(30 minutes)   为了促进教育公平,中国已投入360亿元。用于改善农村地区教育设施和加强中西部地区农村义务教育(compulsory education)。这些这些资金用于改善教学措施、购买书籍,使16万多所中小学受益。资金还用于购置音乐和绘画器材。现在农村和山区的儿童可以与沿海城市的儿童一样上音乐和绘画课,一些为接受更好教育而转往城市上学的学生如今又回到了本地农村学校就读。   翻译答案:   In order topromote equity in education, China has invested 36 billion yuan for theimprovement of educational facilities in rural areas and strengthening of ruralcompulsory education Midwest. These funds were used to improve the teachingfacilities, purchase of books, so that more than 160,000 primary and secondaryincome. Funds are also used to purchase music and painting equipment. Nowchildren in rural and mountainous areas with children’s coastal cities likemusic and painting lessons. Some receive a better education for the city schoolstudents now transferred back to the local rural schools.   翻译一   为了促进教育公平,中国投入360亿元,用于改善农村地区教育设施和加强中西部农村义务教育(compulsory education )。这些基金用于改善教学设施,购买书籍,使116万多所中小学受益。资金还用于购置音乐和绘画器材,现在农村和山区的儿童可以与沿海城市的儿童一样上音乐和绘画课。一些为接受更好教育而转往城市上学的学生如今又回到本地农村学校就读。   In order to promote the justice in education, China has already invested 36 billion RMB, which is used to enhance the teaching facilities of the countryside and compulsory education of rural area of mid-west. These funds can be used to improve the teaching aids and to purchase books, benefiting 16,000 middle schools and primary schools. Furthermore, these funds can also be used to purchase instrument for music and paintings. Nowadays, children from countryside and mountain areas can enjoy music class and painting class like the children in coastal areas do. Some students who were previously transferred to cities for better education now return to local areas to study.   翻译二   中国进一步发展核能,因为核电目前只占其总发电量的2%。该比例在所有核国家中居第30位,几乎是最低的。   2011年3月日本核电站事故后,中国的核能开发停了下来,中止审批新的核电站,并开展全国性的核安全检查。到2012年10月,审批才又谨慎地恢复。   随着技术和安全措施的改进,发生事故的可能性完全可以降低到最低程度。换句话说,核能是可以安全开发和利用的。   China should develop the energy of nuclear more, for nuclear power only accounts for 2% of the gross electrical power output, which makes China the least, the 30th, in the list of countries which own nuclear power.   After the Japan's accidents in March 2011, the exploration of nuclear power has been suspended, including halting the examining and approving new nuclear power stations as well as safety inspection of all the nuclear stations in the country. The approval didn't recover until October, 2012.   With the improvement of technology and safety arrangement, the possibilities of nuclear accidents could be reduced to the minimum degree. That is to say, nuclear power could be developed and utilized without accidents.   翻译三   中国的教育工作者早就认识到读书对于国家的意义。有些教育工作者2003年就建议设立全民读书日。他们强调,人们应当读好书,尤其是经典著作。通过阅读,人们能更好的学会感恩、有责任心和与人合作,而教育的目的正是要培养这些基本素质。阅读对于中小学生尤为重要,假如他们没有在这个关键时期培养阅读的兴趣,以后要培养成阅读的习惯就跟难了。   Chinese education workers have already realized the significance of reading for a nation. Some workers suggested that we should have a national reading day in 2003. They emphasized that people should read good books especially the classical ones. Through reading, people can learn better how to be grateful, responsible and cooperative. The goal of education is to cultivate these basic personalities. Reading is especially important for middle and primary school students. Suppose they don't nurture the interest of reading at that key moment, it will be harder to develop a habit to read books.    听力答案   Section A:   1.B Use a ladder to help her reach the tea.   2. D Outside an gallery art.   3.D New students usually cannot offer a fair evaluation.   4.C Doris fixed up some of the bookshelves.   5.D He has found a better position.   6.A They should finish the book as soon as possible.   7.D The furniture the man bought is inexpensive.   8.B The woman is waiting for the call.   9. A She had a job interview to attend   10. C Submit her roommate's assignment   11. A Where Dr. Ellis's office is located   12. C He can handle it quite well   13. B The 6:30 one   14. C The time on the train is enjoyable   15. A Reading newspapers.   16. D Get key information by reading just once or twice   17. A Choose one's own system of marking   18. B By reviewing only the marked parts.   19. D Everybody needs some sleep for survival.   20. C It is a rare exception   21. B His mother's injury just before his birth.   22. C She developed a strong interest in finance   23. D She inherited a big fortune from her father   24. A She was extremely mean with her money   25. B She built a hospital with her mother's money   Section C: 复合式听写:   26. identical   27. approach   28. back and forth   29. opposite   30. indicates   31. referring to   32. parallel to   33. reserved   34. at the right angle   35. embarrassing    选词填空   第一篇 全球变暖   36 I melted   37 G line   38 A appealing   39 k ranging   40 D dramatic   41 F impact   42.N sensible   43.B average   44.J persist   45.L recently   第二篇 石油   36.C declining   37.E difficult   38.D derived   39.L refine   40.J growth   41.M reserves   42.I feasible   43.G economically   44.k option   45.O steps   


英语四级取得证书时间是:在当年的九月或者是来年的三月收到四级证书。一般在开学以后都是学校发的,得12个月吧。一般来说, 有两种情况,是你在学校,直接就可以领到四六级证书纸质版在所在学校领取,因为英语四六级成绩查询时间在考后两个月左右,所以英语四六级成绩单会在成绩查询后一个月下发,如果是6月份考的话,大约在9月。考生们在考试过后等待一到两个月就可以在官网上查询到自己的成绩,成绩合格并且通过考试的考生们将会在一段时间后收取到自己的四级证书,通过四级考试的考生们可以根据学院所发布的要求来进行领取。由于各个地区的领取时间以及考试政策有所不同,考生们可以听取自己所在学院的安排,如果考生在相应时间内未收到四级证书的话,可以首先登录官方网站查询自己的成绩是否通过,通过的话就可以向班级内部人员反映,提交上去问题等待相关人员来进行解决即可。四级考试所考察的是考生的英语综合水平以及自主学习能力,在准备阶段,可以制定好适合自己的学习计划,并且认真落实。


根据往年全国大学英语四、六级考试成绩公布时间间隔,一般成绩会在考试结束后的66天左右公布。大学英语四级考试,即CET-4,College English Test Band 4的缩写,是由国家教育部高等教育司主持的全国性英语考试。考试的主要对象是根据教育大纲修完大学英语四级的在校专科生、本科生或研究生。大学英语四、六级标准化考试自1986年末开始筹备,1987年正式实施。英语四级考试目的是推动大学英语教学大纲的贯彻执行,对大学生的英语能力进行客观、准确的测量,为提高我国大学英语课程的教学质量服务。国家教育部委托“全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会”(1993年前名为“大学英语四、六级标准化考试设计组”)负责设计、组织、管理与实施大学英语四、六级考试。扩展资料:大学英语考试根据理工科本科和文理科本科用的两个《大学英语教学大纲》,由教育部(原国家教育委员会)高等教育司组织的全国统一的单科性标准化教学考试,分大学英语四级考试(CET-4)和大学英语六级考试(CET-6)两种。每年考试过后8月份或9月份公布成绩并颁发成绩单,根据教育部规定四六级考试不设置及格线,四级425分(含425分)以上可以报考六级,所以大家普遍认为四六级的合格线为425分。英语四六级的分数是排位分,没有总分。报名时间CET全国英语四六级考试的考试时间为:每年6月份、12月份(每年时间略有不同)。2019年1月15日,中国教育部考试中心与英国文化教育协会在京联合发布雅思、普思考试与中国英语能力等级量表对接研究结果。雅思听力得5分,即达到中国英语能力等级量表四级水平。考试流程:8:50---9:00试音时间;9:00---9:10播放考场指令,发放作文考卷;9:10取下耳机,开始作文考试;9:35---9:40重新戴上耳机,试音寻台,准备听力考试;9:40开始听力考试,电台开始放音;9:40---10:05听力考试;10:05---10:10听力考试结束后(停止答题)收答题卡一(即作文和听力);10:10---11:25继续考试,完成剩余考试;11:25全部考试结束。参考资料来源:百度百科-大学英语四级考试


英语四级考试是从8:50到11:25。四级考试时间安排如下:8:50---9:00试音时间;9:00---9:10播放考场指令,发放作文考;9:10取下耳机,开始作文考试;9:35---9:40重新戴上耳机,试音寻台,准备听力考试;9:40开始听力考试,电台开始放音;9:40---10:05听力考试。10:05---10:10听力考试结束后(停止答题)收答题卡一(即作文和听力);10:10---11:25继续考试,完成剩余考试;11:25全部考试结束。四六级一般代指英语四六级,四六级考试是教育部主管的一项全国性的英语考试,其目的是对大学生的实际英语能力进行客观、准确的考量,为大学英语教学提供测评服务。大学英语四、六级考试作为一项全国性的教学考试由“国家教育部高教司”主办,分为四级考试(CET-4) 和六级考试(CET-6),每年各举行两次,分别在同一天的上午和下午进行。从2005年1月起,成绩满分为710分,由国家教育部高教司委托“全国大学英语四六级考试委员会”给每位考生发成绩单。2013年12月考次起,全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会对四、六级考试的试卷结构和测试题型作局部调整。调整后,四级和六级的试卷结构和测试题型相同。为了适应新形势下社会对大学生英语听力能力需求的变化,进一步提高听力测试的效度,全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会自2016年6月考试起对四、六级考试的听力试题作局部调整。



