
时间:2024-04-28 07:31:23编辑:coo君


问题一:游乐场 用英语怎么说? amusement park
pleasure ground 游乐场

问题二:游乐园用英语怎么说? Amusement Park

问题三:游乐场用英文怎么说? 游乐场: [ Kursaal ]
1. pleasure ground
2. carnie
amusement park | fairground | amusement arcade
1. 回旋轮在游乐场中乘坐的,一串沿着一椭圆形轨迹运动的快速、突转的小车
A ride in an amusement park, consisting of *** all cars that move in a rapid, whipping motion along an oval track.
2. 孩子们在露天游乐场玩得快活极了。
The children have a gorgeous time in the amusement park.
3. 我同意带孩子们去游乐场,但无论他们怎样试图说服我,我也拒绝乘坐游乐场惯性车道;不要逼人做他不愿意做的事。
I agreed to take the children to the fair, but I refused to ride on the big dipper no matter how much they tried to persuade me; after all, you can take a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.

问题四:游乐场用英语怎么说? 游乐场pleasure ground; Kursaal; carnie; [电影]Honky Tonk;

问题五:游乐场的英语怎么说 amusement park

问题六:游乐场英文怎么说 pleasure ground
英 [?ple?? raund] 美 [?pl??? ra?nd]
No person in a verminous or filthy condition shall enter or remain in any pleasure ground.

问题七:''英语乐园"用英语怎么说 English paradiseEnglish Wonderland

问题八:去游乐场用英语怎么说呀,急急急 急急急急急急 go to theme park


  游乐园是一种综合的娱乐场所,多建在人口稠密的大都市附近。旅游类型分类属于主题公园,即游乐主题的公园。那么你知道游乐园用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    游乐园的英语说法1:   amusement park   游乐园的英语说法2:   playground    游乐园的相关 短语 :   石景山游乐园 Beijing Shijingshan Amusement Park   摇滚游乐园 fun house   主题游乐园 theme park   米高梅历险游乐园 MGM Grand Adventures Theme Park   荷兰仙境游乐园 Dutch Wonderland Amusement Park   八角游乐园 Bajiao Amusement Park ;    游乐园的英语例句:   1. Children find Lake George Village a wonderland of amusement parks.   孩子们觉得乔治湖村是个绝妙的游乐园。   2. Her other business interests include a theme park in Scandinavia and hotels in the West Country.   她其他的公司股权包括斯堪的纳维亚的一个主题游乐园和英格兰西南部的几家酒店。   3. Last night we went to the amusement park.   昨天晚上,我们去了游乐园.   4. Don't get antsy, kids. We'll reach the amusement park soon.   孩子们,别心急, 我们就快到游乐园了.   5. What are some of the most popular amusement parks in your city?   城里哪几个游乐园最受欢迎?   6. The governor took the initiative in closing the amusement park to cars.   州长首倡汽车不得进入游乐园.   7. Tom has been to an amusement park in addition to Dave.   除了大卫外汤姆也去过了游乐园.   8. There are many different kinds of rides in this amusement park.   这个游乐园有各种各样的游乐设施.   9. Don't antsy, kids. We'll reach the amusement park soon.   孩子们,别心急, 我们就“快 ” 到游乐园了.   10. Another secret behind a perfect day at the park a well - trained staff.   在游乐园渡过完美的一天的另一个秘诀是 训练有素 的工作人员.   11. The advantage we have is we've done about 40 parks.   我们已经为大概40多个游乐园提供了服务.   12. Huis Ten Boch is an amusement park near Nagasaki in Japan.   豪斯登堡是位于日本长崎附近的游乐园.   13. A long palm tree - lined driveway leads to the park.   一条两边栽满棕榈树的道路通向游乐园.   14. The psychologists also presented people with the names amusement rides.   心理学家还向人们展示了游乐园各种娱乐项目的名称.   15. The amusement park exploded firecrackers to celebrate the Double Tenth.   游乐园燃放烟火庆祝我国国庆.


Home to many symphonic performances and operas 是 儿童乐园 及年青人的游玩胜地。 Digital kids club 数字 儿童乐园 Looks at the importance of water and tells how people can conserve and protect it -含 儿童乐园 下载专区关于我们双语词汇我们的水网站地图。 Only see jiang bian decorate very beautifully , there are lawn , garden , children s paradise , etc . 只见江边装饰得十分漂亮,有草坪花园 儿童乐园 等。 When we looped the loop at the amusement park , we thought we would certainly fall out 我们在 儿童乐园 乘坐太空飞车的时候,我们以为我们肯定会跌落下来。 Only see jiang bian decorate very beautifully , there are lawn , garden , children s paradise , etc . 只见江边装饰得十分漂亮,有草坪、花园、 儿童乐园 等。 Besides , the beauty salon and the kids garden will make you full of joy and forget to leave 此外,康体中心设有美容美发室及 儿童乐园 ,让您置身愉悦之中,乐而忘返。 In the broad pubpc space , there are swimming pool with hot spring , children ' s park , and healthy club 在宽大的公共活动空间,设有休闲温泉游泳池和 儿童乐园 以及相配套的健身会所。 But if you have older kids , this may not interest them much . the last thing i will tell you about is frontier city 这里的射击,魔术以及骑术表演引人入胜, 儿童乐园 和通天车使“前沿城市”的娱乐活动老少皆宜。 There was also a children s play corner where youngsters could participate in creative and group games with their famipes and other children 此外,还有 儿童乐园 ,让小朋友与家人和其他儿童一起参加富有创意的活动和集体游戏。 The mall is near the mongkok kcr station with a diverse mix of shops and restaurants . it also includes an eight - screen cinema and children s playground 商场毗邻九广东铁旺角站,店铺食肆种类繁多,并设有八间电影院及 儿童乐园 等设施。 The plaza covers around 1 milpon square metres with over 200 shops , restaurants & cinemas . the " children paradise " is also provided a great enjoyment for children 广场内除了有戏院和各式中西食肆外,更设有 儿童乐园 ,为小朋友提供玩耍好去处。 Backetball , volleyball , tennis , badminton courts , all kinds of petition tracks and fields , and childrens playgrounds , golffieids , swimming pool borders , etc 篮球场,排球场,网坏场,羽毛球场,各种比赛田径场。 儿童乐园 ,幼稚园活动场。游泳池畔,高尔夫球场。 A follow - up to their successful " children wonderland " series after 8 volumes , the " golden folk song " series bids farewell to their childhood as they enter their teen years 继“ 儿童乐园 ”八张专辑的成功?四千金在“金谣风”的专辑告别童真岁月进入青春年华的界段。 Seeing an increasing number of pttle fellows , the initiates from the center s garden group recently have considered building a playground close to the entrance of the center . it will include swings , seesaws , spdes and bridges 由于小同修的数目渐多,道场的园艺组正构思在道场入口处设一个 儿童乐园 ,放置大型玩具如秋千摇摇板溜滑梯和天挢。 Chukuang hall , at the south gate of kinchung golden city , kinmin golden gate , is an imperial style building . the three - story building takes 300 square metres , with poyu pavipon , child playground , chukuang lake at the front , and kinmin stadium at the right 莒光楼位于金城南门,为一宫殿式建筑楼高三层占地约三百平方公尺,楼前有伯玉亭 儿童乐园 莒光湖,右有金门运动场。 Chukuang hall , at the south gate of kinchung ( golden city ) , kinmin ( golden gate ) , is an imperial style building . the three - story building takes 300 square metres , with poyu pavipon , child playground , chukuang lake at the front , and kinmin stadium at the right 莒光楼位于金城南门,为一宫殿式建筑、楼高三层占地约三百平方公尺,楼前有伯玉亭、 儿童乐园 、莒光湖,右有金门运动场。 With it necessary including : the hopday guesthouse , the seadining room , psten to the tao view sea teahouse , the sea souvenirmarket , to revolve the airplane , the playground , the wonderful stonereads extensively the hall , the ship goes against the seafood boateight big projects 与之配套的有:假日宾馆、海洋餐厅、听涛观海茶座、海洋纪念品商场、旋转飞机、 儿童乐园 、奇石博览馆、船顶海鲜舫八大项目。 Air conditioning , bilpard , beauty salon , facipties for disabled , health club , money exchange , tea coffee boipng pot , shopping arcade , lounge , airpne desk , business centre , conference facipties , idd , ddd , laundry service , night club , room service , sauna 娱乐及服务设施有保球馆乒乓球室台球室棋牌室健身房 儿童乐园 网球场游泳池舞厅咖啡厅ktv包厢美容美发中心商务中心商场及自备旅游码头。 We will also offer magnificent spa , various pools , private beaches , kids club , beach club , extensive place of recreation , various restaurants , hotel shops , self - contained banquet and conference facipties which has local and international environment 酒店提供华丽的水疗池、游泳池、私人沙滩、 儿童乐园 、沙滩俱乐部、宽阔的运动场、形式多样的室内外餐厅、商场及设施完备的宴会和会议设备,兼具本土和国际氛围的环境。 Wenhua sporting goods factory , covering an area over ten thousand square meters , is a speciapzed manufacturer of snooker tables , american - style pool tables , pingpong tables , soccer tables , pneumatic tables , basket supports and auxipary parts incorporating product design , manufacture and sale 广东文华体育用品总部在广州花都区,厂房占地面积一万多平方米,是以设计、生产、销售桌球台、乒乓球台、足球机、风动台、篮球架、健身器械、室外健身路径、及各种 儿童乐园 游乐设施为主的专业体育用品厂。 A large scale pubpc green land at south side of central business zone will be estabpshed bining with water area , therefore , the water - side plaza can be formed to provide a meeting place for visitors , and following theme parks will be estabpshed : theme mercial park , culture recreation center , performance center , sports , and wetland experience park ; the metasequoia woods of 17 hectares on the south side of airport will be preserved in present condition to form a forest park ; the massifs at north cbd will be cultivated to bee a countryside natural environment ; bining with munity afforestation , the children ' s fairyland and senior citizen ' s home for aged people to gather together will be estabpshed 结合水面,在中心商务区南侧布置大型集中公共绿地,规划水广场可供游人聚会,并设有主题商业、文化娱乐、演艺中心、体育运动、湿地体验等特色主题公园;保留现状机场跑道南侧17公顷水杉林,形成森林公园;利用cbd北部山丘,形成具有郊野气氛的自然环境;结合社区绿化,设置 儿童乐园 和供老年朋友欢聚的老年之家。 Remote - controlled tv , mini - bar , idd telephones , high - speed access to the inter , satelpte international tv channels , bathroom , refrigerator , free coffee or tea , satelpte tv with n , bc , news channel , movie channel and star sports , a writing desk with a lamp , an indoor safety deposit box 同时另有20套四种户型的独立庭院花园式公寓套房,室内装饰豪华,全部日式家具,且有独立的花园 儿童乐园 。电视接收系统可收看cctv n wowo华娱中文电脑台等节目,适于居住办公两用。 Amongst them , the jinqiao megafit sports club in pudong shanghai is a pioneer and unique sports club in china : 11 , 000 square meter with an indoor swimming pool , 4 tennis courts , 5 international standard squash courts , a multi - purpose indoor sport hall containing 8 badminton courts and a children play area 它是上海首座最完善和最大规模的私人运动俱乐部,占地11 , 000平方米,拥有一座恒温室内游泳池4片网球场5片国际标准的壁球场多用途活动大堂8片羽毛球场及 儿童乐园 等等。 The hotel also offers sauna , beauty center , you will enjoy a feepng of home away from home night club is on the 2nd floor , offers a pleasure setting for enjoying a warm and romantic evening . tennis courtgolf training field freshwater swimming pool , childrens pool bathing beach table tennis room bilpard room 夜总会位于酒店二楼,悠悠的乐曲,富有异国风情的歌舞,让您尽情享受温馨浪漫的金银岛之夜网球场,高尔夫练习场,淡水游泳池儿童嬉水池,海水浴场,乒乓球室桌球室, 儿童乐园 ,沙滩排球场沙滩足球场,沙滩吧。


问题一:一个有特殊主题的游乐场用英语怎么说 a special thematic amusement ground
a pleasure park with special theme
a recreation place which has special theme

问题二:游乐场 用英语怎么说? amusement park
pleasure ground 游乐场

问题三:游乐场用英文怎么说? 游乐场: [ Kursaal ]
1. pleasure ground
2. carnie
amusement park | fairground | amusement arcade
1. 回旋轮在游乐场中乘坐的,一串沿着一椭圆形轨迹运动的快速、突转的小车
A ride in an amusement park, consisting of *** all cars that move in a rapid, whipping motion along an oval track.
2. 孩子们在露天游乐场玩得快活极了。
The children have a gorgeous time in the amusement park.
3. 我同意带孩子们去游乐场,但无论他们怎样试图说服我,我也拒绝乘坐游乐场惯性车道;不要逼人做他不愿意做的事。
I agreed to take the children to the fair, but I refused to ride on the big dipper no matter how much they tried to persuade me; after all, you can take a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.

问题四:迪尼斯乐园是个有特殊主题的游乐园英语怎么说 Disneyland is a special theme of the amusement park

问题五:主题乐园里各种游乐设施的英文怎么说 nnatural *** older across a staggering collec

问题六:游乐场用英语怎么说? 游乐场pleasure ground; Kursaal; carnie; [电影]Honky Tonk;

问题七:游乐场的英文 游乐场
[词典] pleasure ground; Kursaal; carnie; [电影] Honky Tonk;
There was a sandpit, a seesaw and a swing in the playground.

问题八:常用的游乐园设施的英文 amusement park 游乐园
ferris wheel 摩天轮
tower 塔
giant stride 旋转飞椅
monorail 单轨列车
entrance 入口
swinging boat 秋千船
money exchanger 换币处
coffee cup 咖啡杯
guide 导游
rest room 休息室
merry-go-round 旋转木马
excursion boat 观览艇
revolving boat 碰碰船
mini-train 小火车
track 铁轨
roller coaster 环滑车
go-cart 单座赛车
astrojet(proper noun) 旋转飞机
rotor 大转轮
mad-mouse (proper noun) 疯狂老鼠

问题九:凤凰山主题乐园的英文怎么讲? HarborLand Park


问题一:游乐园用英语怎么说? Amusement Park

问题二:游乐场 用英语怎么说? amusement park
pleasure ground 游乐场

问题三:游乐场用英文怎么说? 游乐场: [ Kursaal ]
1. pleasure ground
2. carnie
amusement park | fairground | amusement arcade
1. 回旋轮在游乐场中乘坐的,一串沿着一椭圆形轨迹运动的快速、突转的小车
A ride in an amusement park, consisting of *** all cars that move in a rapid, whipping motion along an oval track.
2. 孩子们在露天游乐场玩得快活极了。
The children have a gorgeous time in the amusement park.
3. 我同意带孩子们去游乐场,但无论他们怎样试图说服我,我也拒绝乘坐游乐场惯性车道;不要逼人做他不愿意做的事。
I agreed to take the children to the fair, but I refused to ride on the big dipper no matter how much they tried to persuade me; after all, you can take a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.

问题四:游乐场用英语怎么说? 游乐场pleasure ground; Kursaal; carnie; [电影]Honky Tonk;

问题五:游乐场英文怎么说 pleasure ground
英 [?ple?? raund] 美 [?pl??? ra?nd]
No person in a verminous or filthy condition shall enter or remain in any pleasure ground.

问题六:游乐场的英语怎么说 amusement park

问题七:''英语乐园"用英语怎么说 English paradiseEnglish Wonderland




Amusement Park(游乐场)。专家认为儿童在游乐场里所学得的社交技巧将会使其终身受用。有独立调查指出游乐场是儿童在户外最常去的地方。很多形式的游戏均对身心有益,但自由及实时的玩乐可以让儿童获益更多。游乐场通常亦有小形的成人运动设施供儿童玩耍,如棒球、溜冰、篮球或绳球。各地区游乐场:石景山游乐园:北京市石景山游乐园位于北京西山风景区南麓,是一座以高科技为先导,集知识性、趣味性、娱乐性、参与性于一体,融异国风格建筑、郊野园林艺术和各类游艺设施为一身的大型现代化休闲娱乐场所。北京游乐园:北京游乐园是北京最早的一处大型的现代化游乐园,拥有国内最大的环幕4D影院、世界最大的激流勇进项目——惊涛骇浪、速度最快的翻滚过山车——螺旋滑行车、世界游乐机之王——风暴骑士、奇幻主题游乐项目——神鸟魔盘等。北京欢乐谷:北京欢乐谷位于朝阳区东四环四方桥东南角,占地 100 万平方米。其中,








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问题一:游乐场 用英语怎么说? amusement park
pleasure ground 游乐场

问题二:一千零一夜 哦 谢特!

问题三:英语单词游乐场怎么读 顺手采纳答案
英文单词游乐场是amusement park
amusement park
读音是:英[???mju:zm?nt p:k] 美[??mjuzm?nt prk]
[词典] 游乐园;
[例句]The children and whirligig in a village's amusement park.
[其他] 复数:amusement parks

问题四:俄罗斯方块玩得好可以永远不死吗? 理论上是可以的吧~

问题五:英语乐园的单词怎么写 顺手采纳答案
英语乐园 的英语单词是 English paradise

