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你是否想过聆听也有对错之分?至今,很少有人思考过这个问题。下面是我整理的中石油职称英语阅读理解材料,欢迎阅读!Listening Faults 聆听的误区1. Have you ever thought of listening as something you could do right or wrong? Few people had, until recently. Now it is being proved that most of us aren't letting our ears do all they should to help us. And we are losing out in ways both large and small, which is too bad when we realize that good listening can be very valuable indeed. In fact it is surprising just how big a part our two listening ears play in our success in school, in our careers, in our relations with family and friends.1、你是否想过聆听也有对错之分?至今(until recently),很少有人思考过这个问题。目前已经证明,大多数人没能让耳朵尽其所能来帮助我们。当我们意识到有效的倾听是多么重要时,我们才知道自己在很多方面(in ways)都有所损失,这真是太糟糕了(which is too bad)。事实上,两只耳朵在我们的学匀、工作和与家庭、朋友的关系里扮演的角色之重要实在令人惊讶(surprising)。2. Therefore, how we listen is extremely important. Yet it has been proved that most of us are guilty of from one to nine bad listening habits.2、因此,如何聆听极其重要。然而,事实证明下面提到的九个聆听坏习惯中或多或少都能在大多数人的身上找到。3. Few of us want to be poor listeners or even realize that we are-until we meet up with situations which show us.3、没有人愿意做一个不会听话的人,即便就是这样的人,本人也意识不到,除非事实明摆在眼前。4. Take Janet, for instance.4、以简尼特为例。5. It came as a horrid shock to her to learn on the way to Sunday school one morning that she was to have read certain chapters in the Bible and be prepared with a little talk on them that day. And no wonder Janet was surprised. She thought she had been listening in class the week before. But apparently the words had bounced right off her ears. Why? How had she listened wrong?5、一天早晨,在去教会的周日学校的路上,她突然记起她应该要读过《圣经》中的几个章节,并且还要准备好在那天就这几个章节作一个小小的发言,这让她非常震惊。也难怪简尼特有此反应。(And no wonder Janet was surprised.)她以为一个星期前自己在课堂上认真听讲,但很显然,这些话只是从她耳边掠过。为什么?她错在哪里?(过去完成进行时had been doing; 过去完成时had+过去分词)


中石油职称英语阅读理解文章讲解   在今后的1000年里,我们的世界会面临哪些问题呢?下面是我整理的中石油阅读理解:21世纪的趋势,希望能帮到大家!   Trends for 21st Century 21世纪的趋势   1.What problemswillour world encounter in the next1,000 years? Social scientistsand economists, farming experts and environmentalists posethis question and examinedata and informationfrom surveys.   1、在今后的1000年里(in the next1,000 years),我们的世界会面临哪些问题呢?(特殊疑问句语序; encountervi. 遭遇)社会科学家、经济学家、农业专家和环境保护主义者提出(pose)了这个问题,并对调查所得的数据和信息(data andinformation from surveys)进行了研究。   2. In every field, experts examine changes to understandthe state of the field.To understand a country’s economy,economistscheck growthin an industrysuch assteel.To understand the state ofbusiness, they maylook atthe number of building permitsfornew houses. The informationlearnedshows increases or decreases. Important trends emergein each field.   2、各个领域的专家都通过对变化的研究来了解该领域的状况。为了了解一个国家的经济状况(To understand a country’s economy),经济学家对某个行业,如(such as)钢铁业的增长情况(growth)进行调查。为了了解行业的状况(To understand the state of business),他们可能会调查新房建造许可证的发放数量(the number of 数量;buildingpermits 施工执照;建筑许可证)。得到的资料(learned过去分词作定语,修饰the information)能显示出增长或减少的情况,各个领域的重要趋势就能体现出来(emerge vi. 显现;浮现;暴露)。   3. Population   3、人口   4. Population is importanttoevery person on Earth. Peopletendto live longerin most places. In Central Europe,however,life spanis droppingbecausehealth careis notwhatit was a few years ago. Factorsaffectinggeneral healthinclude excessive smoking,drinking ofalcoholandpolluted water supplies.   4、人口多少对地球上的每个人都很重要。在大多数地区(in most places)人们的寿命越来越长(tend to dosth. 倾向于;往往会)。但在中欧,由于卫生保健(health care)不如前几年,人的寿命(life span)正在缩短(is dropping)。影响大众健康(affecting general health)的`因素包括吸烟过度(excessive smoking),酗酒以及饮水污染(alcohol n. 酒精;polluted adj. 受污染的; watersupplies 供水)。   5. The population explosiononour planethas been increasingat an alarming ratebutthe percentage of increaseis decreasing.One out of every five peopleon Earth is Chinese,yetChina’s growth ratehas slowed.Asthe number of womengoingto schoolincreases, the growth rate declines.   5、我们星球上的人口的爆炸正在以惊人的速度(at an alarmingrate)加剧着,不过增长的百分比(the percentage of increase)在减小。地球上每五个人中就有一个(One out of every five people)是中国人,但中国的人口增长速度己经减慢了。随着(as)受教育(going to school修饰the number ofwomen)的妇女越来越多,人口增长率正在下降。   6. FoodProduction   6、粮食生产   7. The production of grainseemsto be decreasingmainlybecauseof climate changes. Natural disasterslike storms and floodshavewashed awaymany crops.   7、谷物产量似乎正在减少,这主要是由于气候的变化。暴风雨(storms)和洪水(floods)这类自然灾害(natural disasters)毁掉了许多庄稼。(wash away 冲走;冲垮)   8.With lessland forcattle and sheep,less meat like beefand lamb is being produced. Production of chicken, turkey and fishhas increased,however. The amount of ocean fishhas not increased,butfish farm productionhas.   8、由于(with)可供饲养牛羊的土地减少了,牛肉和羊肉生产越来越少(less meat like beef and lamb is beingproduced现在进行时被动语态)。不过鸡肉、火鸡肉和鱼的产量提高了。但海鱼(ocean fish)的产量没有提高,只是人工养鱼场(fish farm)的产量提高了。   9. Fish farming is veryefficient:producing a kilogram of fish utilizesless than2 kilograms of feed.In contrastittakes2.2 kilograms of feedtoproduce 1 kilogram of chicken. Onekilogram of beefrequires7 kilograms of grain. People,therefore, may eatless red meatinthe future andmore fish.   9、养鱼业(fish farming)的生产效率相当高(efficientadj. 有效率的):生产1公斤鱼只需要不到2公斤的饲料(less than 少于;小于;不超过;utilize vt.利用),而(in contrast 与此相反;相比之下)生产1公斤鸡肉需要2.2公斤的饲料,生产1公斤牛肉需要7公斤谷物(grain)。因此,人们将来可能会少吃红肉(牛肉、羊肉等)(less red meet),多吃鱼类(more fish)。   10. Energy   10、能源   11.Usingfossil fuelsfor energyhas not changed very muchbutwindenergy useis increasingsignificantly. Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Britain, and America havelarge wind power projects. China, India,Mexico, New Zealand, and Ukraine are also developing wind power.   11、以化石燃料为能源的情况(Using fossil fuels for energy)没有发生多大变化,但是(but)对风力的利用正越来越受到重视(is increasingsignificantly)。丹麦、德国、荷兰、英国和美国都有大型风力发电项目(large wind power projects)。中国、印度、墨西哥、新西兰和乌克兰也正在开发风力发电。   12. Energy fromnuclearpower plantsissteadily increasingbutthe problem ofdangerous wastelimits growthin many regions.Becausemany electrical companies consider nuclear energytoo expensive,the trend istowardless dangerous sources of energy.   12、核电厂(nuclear powerplants)提供的能源在稳步上升,但因为核电厂的有害废料(dangerous waste)问题,在许多地区其发展受到限制。由于许多电力公司都认为核能代价太大(too expensive太昂贵),因此总体趋势是发展危险性小的能源(less dangerous sources of energy)。   13.Whilenatural gasuse is increasing,use of coalas fuelis decreasing. Naturalgas, an outstandingenergy source,can be used to heat homes, make electricity, and power cars.   13、随着(while)天然气使用量的增长,煤炭作为燃料的使用量(use of coal as fuel)正在减少。天然气这种优质的(outstandingadj. 杰出的)能源可以用于家庭取暖、发电和驱动汽车。(be used to dosth. 被用来做…)   14. Economics   14、经济   15.Ascountriesaround the world trademore withone another,more products are available.Butthefast development of the world economywillbring aboutmany new problems.Withfewer trees, the paper industry is producing more paper fromrecycled materials.However,the paper-making processunfortunately damages the planetasit useslarge amounts of water, burnsfossilfuelsand produces large amounts ofchemicalwaste.   15、随着(as)世界各国之间贸易量的增加(one another 彼此,通常为三者以上;each other 彼此,通常为两者之间; trade vi. 交易),可买到的产品越来越多(be available 可供使用的)。但世界经济的快速发展会带来许多新问题(bring about 引起;导致)。由于树木减少,造纸厂更多地依靠再生材料(recycled materials)造纸,但不幸的是(unfortunately),造纸工艺(the paper-making process)也对我们的星球造成损害(damages),因为(as)它要用大量的水,燃烧大量的化石燃料(fossil fuels),而且还会产生大量的化学废料(chemical waste)。   16. Automobile productionisdown,whilebicycle productionis up. Crowded highways,high gasoline costs, and ease of bicycling are three reasons forthis change.   16、汽车产量在下降,而(while)自行车产量在上升。导致这一变化的三个原因是:高速公路拥挤不堪(crowded adj.拥挤的),汽油价格昂贵,而骑自行车出行轻便自如(ease n. 轻松;悠闲)。   17. Health   17、健康   18.Three major health trendsexistaswe begin the new century. Health careis better thanever.Medical research breakthroughs includefinding tumors earlyand saving livesthrough CAT scans and surgery. Surviving cancer is a new trend. HIV/AIDS,however,is spreadingquicklyall over the world.   18、在我们迈入新世纪之际,呈现出了三个主要的健康趋势(three major health trends)。(1)卫生保健工作不断改善(better thanever 好于以前),(2)医学研究领域有新的突破(breakthrough n. 突破;突破性进展),包括利用CAT扫描(即计算机化X射线轴向分层造影扫描)和外科手术(surgery n.)来及早发现肿瘤并挽救生命(findingtumors early and saving lives)。癌症病人的生存率得到提高也是一个新趋势。然而,艾滋病(HIV/AIDS)却正在全世界迅速蔓延(spread vi. 传播)。   19. The third major trend istowardan attitude of indifference. Peopleseem to have forgottenwaysto keep diseases under control.Althoughmedical sciencehad achievedcontrol overseveral dangerous diseases,some are returning. For instance, tuberculosis, once a dangerous killer, was cured. Now the disease is appearingagain.   19、(3)第三个趋势是人们的态度变得越来越无动于衷。人们似乎已经忘记了(seem to have forgotten 不定式的完成时形式)如何控制疾病(to keep diseases under control不定式作定语,修饰ways)。虽然(although)医学早已能够控制若干危险的疾病(control over 控制;支配;征服),有些病却正在卷土重来(some are returning)。例如(for instance),曾经是危险杀手(once a dangerous killer)的肺结核原本已被消灭(was cured),而现在这种疾病又死灰复燃了。   20. Nature   20、自然   21. Pollutioncontinuesto affect our forests and water.The bird population is decreasingbecause ofoil spills and spreading cities. Seas and oceans are changing.Treesarecut down, more soilwashesaway, and water qualityis affected.Many of these trees are in our rain forestswhere thick areas of plants and trees, home for many birds andanimals,aredisappearing.   21、污染不断破坏着我们的森林和水源(continue to do sth.; continue 后接不定式作宾语)。由于(because of)海上石油泄漏(oil spills; spill n. 溢出)和城市不断扩大,鸟类的数量正在减少。海洋在改变,树木遭砍伐(被动语态;cut-cut-cut;cut down 消减;砍倒;wash away 冲走),越来越多的泥土被冲走,水质(water quality)受到了影响(被动语态)。许多热带雨林中的树木遭到砍伐,那里茂密的(thick)植物和树木原本是许多鸟类和动物的家园,现在却正在消失。   22. Conclusion   22、结论   23.Ourchallengesfor this new centuryare clear. The problems ofnumerousinhabitants onthis small planetwill continue to be important toeach of us. These challenges showthatall of usneedtobeinvolved insolving the problems.May wefind new waystoaccomplish the task?   23、在新世纪中,我们所面临的挑战是显而易见的(clear)。在这个小小星球上(on this small planet)的很多人面对的问题(the problems of numerous inhabitants; numerousadj. 许多的; inhabitantn. 居民;居住者)仍将是关系到我们每个人(each of us)的重大问题。这些挑战表明,我们所有人(all of us)都必须参与解决这些问题(need to do sth. 需要做某事;be involved in参与,被卷入…中;涉及到…)。但愿我们(may we)能找到新的途径去完成这一使命(to accomplish the task不定式作定语,修饰new ways)。   关于本文的两点说明:   在做“阅读理解题”时,需要特别注意but, however,while, although等“转折连词”,理解它们前、后句子所要表达的意思。   as在本文中出现了几种不同用法,as可是考试中的“大热门”。   conj.(连词):因为;随着;虽然;当…时   As(随着)the number of women going to school increases, the growth rate declines. (第5段)   As(随着)countries around the world trade more with one another, more products areavailable. (第15段)   However, the paper-making processunfortunately damagesthe planetas(因为)it uses large amounts of water, burns fossil fuels and produces large amountsof chemical waste. (第15段)   Three major health trends existas(当…时候)we begin the new century. (第18段)   prep.(介词):当作;如同;以…身份   To understand a country’seconomy, economists check growth in an industrysuch as(比如)steel. (第2段)   While natural gas useis increasing,use of coalas fuel(作为燃料)is decreasing.(第13段)   练习:   1. encounterin the next 1,000 years?   A. What problems will our world B.What problems our world will   2. The production of grain mainly because of climate changes.   A. seems to be decreased B.seems to be decreasing   C. seems to decrease D.seems to is decreasing   3. Natural disasters like storms and floods have washed amany crops.   A. away B. out C. in D. to   4. With less land for cattle and sheep, less meat like beef andlamb .   A. are being produced B.is producing   C. is being produced D.is produced   5.However, the paper-making process unfortunately damagesthe planet it uses large amounts of water, burns fossilfuels and produces large amounts of chemical waste.   A. as B. so C.if D. with   6. Automobile production is down, bicycle production is up.   A. which B. while C. where D.when   7.The third major trend is toward an attitude of .   A.difference B. indifferent C. indifference D. different   8.These challenges showthat all of us solving the problems.   A.need to are involved in B.need to be involved   C.needs to be involved in A.need to be involved in ;


  17. Personality Listening: You become so concerned with the way the speaker looks or how he talks that what he says fails to penetrate. Perhaps unconsciously you decide that a person who dresses or speaks like that can't have much to say. That could be a very false conclusion. Who knows what you may be missing? It's the old story: you can't judge a gift by the package. Better to judge him after you have heard him out.   17、关注个人式聆听(Personality Listening)(8):过分关注讲话者的长相(the speaker looks)或是他说话的方式(how he talks),那么他所说的内容(what he says)就很难入心(fail to penetrate)。也许你会下意识地(unconsciously)认为这样穿着或这样讲话的人(a person who dresses or speaks like that)不会说出什么有见地的话来(can’t have musch to say)。这样的结论实属错误(这可能会是一个非常错误的结论)。谁能知道你会错过什么?俗话说(it’s the old story),不要从包装来判断礼物的价值(人不可貌相)。最好在倾听完(hear out)之后再作评价。   18. Half-An-Ear Listening: Often other sounds compete for your attention-and win. Your father gives you a list of errands. But his voice must compete with, say, your favorite song on the radio. Later, you find that half an ear wasn't enough. You didn't listen to your father's words closely enough to hear and remember them. You have to telephone home for a repeat performance. And you can't really blame your father for being irritated. Better to turn off the radio, shut the door on competing noises, if possible. If not, guard against your tendency to listen to distracting sounds.   18、半个耳朵式聆听(Half-An-Ear Listening)(9):常常会有其他的声音来吸引(compete for)你的注意力--还占了上风。比如,父亲正在给你交待要办的事情(a list of errands),他的声音不得不与收音机里传来的你最喜欢的歌声相抗衡(compete with)。后来你发现这样“半个耳朵听”根本不行,因为你没有听到并记住父亲的话,于是只能打电话回家再次询问。你实在不能责怪父亲为此发火(irritated)。如果可能,最好关掉收音机、关上门挡住繁杂的噪音(把吸引你的声音关在门外)。如果不可能,管住你自己不要被这些声音所吸引。   19. So there are the forces-some within ourselves, some outside-that work against us in our efforts to listen. But once we learn what they are and how to fight them, we are well on our way to getting rid of wasteful listening habits.   19、所以,某些因素(-既有内在的,也有外在的-)总是阻碍(work against)我们去全力倾听。然而,一旦认识了它们并了解如何去克服,在聆听时我们就一定能够改掉(get rid of)这些耗时低效的坏习惯。   练习:   1.Yet it has been proved that most of us are guilty____ one to nine bad listening faults.   A from of B of from C in from D from in   2. But apparently the words had ____ right off her ears.   A bind B bound C bounded D bounced   3. There are about nine ways of listening that net us ____ but trouble.   A anything B something C nothing D one thing   4. Unless you are very unusual indeed, says Dr. Nichols, you must _____ guilty to several of the following bad listening habits.   A please B plead C pleasure D plus   5. Without warning, they have taken ____ your mind entirely.   A place B over C off D down   6. So what to do to keep daydream from _____ in?   A filtering B filling C filled D feeling   7. Anyone who refuses too often to listen to the other side of a question risks becoming ___.   A broad-minded B narrow-minded C mindful D strong-minded   8. You pretend _____ close attention, but you are thinking something else.   A giving B to giving C to be giving D to be given   9. Your eyes give you ____, if your absent-minded answers don’t.   A up B in C away D off   10. If you let the words enter your mind, you may be surprised to discover that they make ____.   A sense B sensible C sensitive D sensation   11. But while you are busy _____facts A, B, and C in your mind, you are losing out facts D and E.   A to plant B planting C plant D to planting   12. You are unable ____ fully on listening.   A to contribute B to concentrate C to conclude D to concern   13. Where note-taking is necessary---and you may be surprised to find out ____ it isn’t if you concentrate fully on listening---try to jot down only a memory-jogging word or two.   A how much B how often C how many D how old   14. You become so concerned with the way the speaker looks or how he talks ____ ___ he says fails to penetrate.   A so, what B that, which C so, that D that, what   15. Your father’s voice must compete _____ your favorite song on the radio _____ your attention.   A for, for B for, with C with, for D with, of   16. And you can’t really blame your father for ______.   A irritate B being irritating C irritating D being irritated   17. Once we learn what they are and how to fight them, we are well on our way to ___ wasteful listening habit.   A get rid of B rid of C getting rid of D be got rid of    答案: 1B 2D 3C 4B 5B 6A 7B 8C 9C 10A11B 12B 13B 14D 15C 16D 17C


  Why To Mark a Book 怎样在书上做标记   1. You know you have to read "between the lines" to get the most out of anything. I want to persuade you to do something equally important in the course of your reading. I want to persuade you to "write between the lines." Unless you do, you are not likely to do the most efficient kind of reading.   1、你知道读书必须要阅读“字里行间的言外之意”,以求最充分的理解(to get the most out of anything)。我劝(persuade)你在读书过程中(in the course of your reading)做一件同等重要的事情(to do something equally important);我劝你“在字里行间里写字”。不这样做(unless),就达不到最有效的阅读效果。   2. I contend, quite bluntly, that marking up a book is not an act of mutilation but love.   2、坦率地说,我认为(contend),在书上涂抹标记(marking up a book)不是一种损毁行为(an act of mutilation),而是爱。   3. You shouldn't mark up a book which isn't yours. Librarians (or your friends) who lend you books expect you to keep them clean, and you should. If you decide that I am right about the usefulness of marking books, you will have to buy them. Most of the world's great books are available today, in reprint editions, for a modest sum.   3、当然,你不应该(shouldn't)在不属于你的书上做标记。借给你书的图书管理员(或者你的朋友)希望你保持书的整洁,你应该这样做。如果你认为我说的在书上做标记颇有益处这番话是对的,你就得自己买书。现在,绝大部分世界上的好书都有再版(reprint edition),我们很容易买到,并且价格合理(a modest sum)。   4. There are two ways in which you can own a book. The first is the property right you establish by paying for it, just as you pay for clothes, and furniture. But this act of purchase is only the prelude to possession. Full ownership comes only when you have made it a part of yourself, and the best way to make yourself a part of it is by writing in it. An illustration may make the point clear. You buy a beefsteak and transfer it from the butcher's icebox to your own. But you do not own the beefsteak in the most important sense until you consume it and get it into your bloodstream. I am arguing that books, too, must be absorbed in your bloodstream to do you any good.   4、一个人拥有书的方式有两种,第一种是花钱(by paying for it)取得(establish)财产所有权(property right),就像(just as)你花钱买衣服和家具一样。但是,这种购买行为仅是拥有书的前提(prelude to possession)。只有你将它化为自己的一部分后,你才完全占有了它(full ownership comes);同时,把你自己融入书中的最好方法就是在书中写字(by writing in it)。打个比方可能使这个观点更清楚(An illustration may make the point clear)。你买了一块牛排(beefsteak),把它从屠夫的冰箱里移到了你自己的冰箱里。但是,从最重要的意义上说(in the most important sense),你并没有拥有这块牛排,除非你吃下它并将它吸收进你的血液(bloodstream)之中。我的观点是(I am arguing that),书的营养也必须应该被“吸收到血液”中,才能对你有所裨益。   5. Confusion about what it means to own a book leads people to a false reverence for paper, binding, and type-a respect for the physical thing-the craft of the printer rather than the genius of the author. They forget that it is possible for a man to acquire that idea, to possess the beauty, which a great book contains, without staking his claim by pasting his bookplate inside the cover. Having a fine library doesn't prove that its owner has a mind enriched by books; it proves nothing more than that he, his father, or his wife, was rich enough to buy them.   5、对于“拥有书籍”的真正含义的(about what it means to own a book)误解(confusion)使人们错误地崇敬(a false reverence)纸张、装订和样式-这是对物质的崇敬(a respect for the physical thing)-是崇敬印刷工人的技艺(craft),而不是书籍作者的才华。他们忘记了,即使不在(without)封面里贴上藏书票(by pasting his bookplate inside the cover)表明自己对书籍的拥有,人们也可以从一本伟大的著作中获得它的精神(to acquire that idea),领略它的美丽(to possess the beauty)。一个好书房并不能证明它的主人学富五车;仅仅(nothing more than)说明他、他的父亲或是他的妻子有钱买书而已。   6. There are three kinds of book owners. The first has all the standard sets and best-sellers-unread, untouched. (This deluded individual owns woodpulp and ink, not books.) The second has a great many books-a few of them read through, most of them dipped into, but all of them as clean and shiny as the day they were bought. (This person would probably like to make books his own, but is restrained by a false respect for their physical appearance.) The third has a few books or many every one of them dog-eared and dilapidated, shaken and loosened by continual use, marked and scribbled in from front to back. (This man owns books.)   6、书籍拥有者可以分为三种。第一种人拥有全部的标准成套书和畅销书(best-sellers)--既没读过,也没碰过(unread, untouched)。(这种人占有的只是纸浆和油墨,不是书籍。)第二种人藏书很多--其中几本(a few of them)被通读过(read through 仔细阅读),大部分(most of them)则浅尝辄止(dip into 浏览, 稍加审视),但是所有的书都跟新买时一样整洁光亮(as clean and shiny as the day they were bought)。(这种人可能想使书籍真地为其所用,但因错误地过分关注书籍的外观而裹足不前。第三种人藏书或多或少--因不断使用,每本书都书角卷起(dog-eared),破旧不堪(dilapidated),装订破损,书页松散(loosened),全书从扉页至末页都画满了记号,涂满了字句(scribble)。(这种人才是书的真正拥有者。)   7. Is it false respect, you may ask, to preserve intact and unblemished a beautifully printed book, an elegantly bound edition? Of course not. I'd no more scribble all over a first edition of "Paradise Lost" than I'd give my baby a set of crayons and an original Rembrandt! I wouldn't mark up a painting or a statue. Its soul, so to speak, is inseparable from its body. And the beauty of a rare edition or of a richly manufactured volume is like that of a painting or a statue.   7、你可能要问,将一本印刷精美、装帧雅致的书保存完好,难道也是不恰当的吗?当然不是(of course not)。我绝不会在一本初版的《失乐园》上乱涂乱写(scribble),就像我不会把一幅伦勃朗的原作连同一盒蜡笔交给我的孩子任意涂抹一样!(no more…than 与…同样不) 我决不会在一幅绘画或者一座雕像上做标记。可以说,它们的灵魂与它们的躯体是不可分的。(be inseparable from 不可与...分开) 精美的善本或丰富的卷册就像一幅绘画和一座雕像。   8. But the soul of a book can be separated from its body. A book is more like the score of a piece of music than it is like a painting. No great musician confuses a symphony with the printed sheet of music. Arturo Toscanini revered Brahms, but Toscanini's score of the C-minor Symphony was so thoroughly marked up that no one but the maestro himself could read it. The reason why a great conductor makes notations on his musical scores-marks them up again and again each time he returns to study them-is the reason why you should mark your books. If your respect for magnificent binding or typography gets in the way, buy yourself a cheap edition and pay your respects to the author.   8、但是,一本书的灵魂能够从它的躯体里分离出来。与其说它像一幅画(a printing),还不如说它更像一首乐曲的总谱(the scroe of a piece of music; scroe【音乐】总谱;(电影等的)配乐; a piece of music 一段音乐;一首音乐;一首乐曲)。任何伟大的音乐家都不会将一首交响曲(a symphony)和一张印刷的乐谱相混淆。托斯卡尼尼非常崇敬(revere)博拉姆斯,但他的C小调交响曲的乐谱上画满了标记,以致(that)只有大师本人 (no noe but the maestro himself) 才能看懂。为什么一个伟大的指挥家(a great conductor)会在乐谱上做记号(make notations)-甚至每次研究都会重复标记-其中的奥妙正是你应该在书上做记号的原因。如果你对华美的(magnificent)装帧和印刷的尊重妨碍(get in the way)你读书的话,就给自己买一种便宜的版本,同时对书的作者表达敬意就可以了。   9. Why is marking up a book indispensable to reading? First, it keeps you awake. (And I don't mean merely conscious; I mean wide awake.) In the second place, reading, if it is active, is thinking, and thinking tends to express itself in words, spoken or written. That marked book is usually the thought-through book. Finally, writing helps you remember the thoughts you had, or the thoughts the author expressed.   9、为什么在阅读过程中在书上做标记是必不可少的(indispensable)呢?首先,它会使你保持清醒。(我指的不是仅仅神智清醒(merely conscious);我的意思是它能使你全神贯注(wide awake)。)其次(in the second place),如果阅读(reading)是一种能动的行为,那么它就是思考,而想法(thinking)常常需借助口头的或书面的语言来表达出来。做过记号的书,通常是读者认真思考过的书(the thought-through book)。最后,写可以帮助你记住阅读时的思想,或作者所表达的思想。   10. If reading is to accomplish anything more than passing time, it must be active. You can't let your eyes glide across the lines of a book and come up with an understanding of what you have read. Now an ordinary piece of light fiction, like, say, Gone 14h'th the Wind, doesn't require the most active kind of reading. The books you read for pleasure can be read in a state of relaxation, and nothing is lost. But a great book, rich in ideas and beauty, a book that raises and tries to answer great fundamental questions, demands the most active reading of which you are capable. You don't absorb the ideas of John Dewey the way you absorb the songs of a popular singer. You have to reach for them. That you cannot do while you're asleep.   10、如果(你的)阅读的目的不仅仅是(more than)消磨时间(passing time),那就应该是一种积极的思维活动,仅仅让你的眼睛在书上扫视一遍,你不可能对所读的'内容(what you have read)有所理解。当然,一部普通的消遣小说(light fiction),比如说(like, say,)《飘》,并不需要那种最积极的思维式的阅读。作为消遣的书,可以轻松地读而不会有所失。但一本思想丰富、文字华美,试图提出(raise)带根本性的重大问题并加以回答的伟大著作,则要求你尽可能地进行(of which you are capable; be capable of v.能够)最积极的阅读。你不可能像欣赏(absorb)流行歌曲那样领略(absorb)杜威的思想。你要花力气才能获得,漫不经心是做不到的。   11. If, when you've finished reading a book, the pages are filled with your notes, you know you read actively. The most famous active reader of great books I know was President Hutchins, of the University of Chicago. He also had the hardest schedule of business activities of any man I know. He invariably read with a pencil, and sometimes, when he picked up a book and pencil in the evening, he found himself, instead of making intelligent notes, drawing what he called "caviar factories" on the margins. When that happened, he put the book down. He knew he was too tired to read, and was just wasting time.   11、如果,你读完一本书的时候,书页上写满了你的批注(your notes),你就知道自己的阅读是积极的(actively)。我知道的最有名的采用积极方式阅读伟大著作的人(the most famous active reader of great books)是芝加哥大学的校长哈金斯。他也是我所知道的公务最繁忙的人(the hardest schedule of business activities of any man)。他读书时总是(invariably= always)拿着铅笔。有时,当他在晚上拿起书和铅笔的时候,发觉自己并没有(instead of)在做有意义的笔记(intelligent notes),而是在页边空白处(on the margins)乱涂乱画一些他称之为“鱼子酱工厂”(caviar factories)的东西。一出现这种情况,他就会放下书本。他知道自己太累了以致读不下去,(再继续看书)完全是在浪费时间。   练习:   1.I want to persuade you _______ something equally important in the course of your reading.   A doing B to do C to doing D have done   2. There are two ways _____ you can own a book.   A by which B of which C in which D with which   3. I am arguing that books must _____ your bloodstream to do you any good.   A absorb in B be absorbed in C soak in D suck in   4. Confusion about ____ it means to own a book leads people to a false reverence for paper, binding and type—the craft of printer rather than the genius of the author.   A which B that C what D whose   5. They forget that it is possible for a man to acquire that idea, to possess the beauty, which a great book contains, without _____ his claim by ____ his bookplate inside the cover.   A starting, pasting B staking, passing C staking, pasting D stake, paste   6. Having a fine library doesn’t prove that its owner has a mind _____ by books.   A rich B colorful C enriching D enriched   7. The second has a great many books--a few of them read through, most of them ____, but all of them as clean and shiny as they ____.   A dipped into, bought B dip into, were bought   C dip into, buy D dipped into, were bought   8. A book is _____ like the score of a piece of music _____ it is like a painting.   A no more, than B more, than C same, as D too, to   9. Why is marking up a book ____ to reading?   A dependable B indispensable C dependent D disposal   10. A book that raises and tries to answer great fundamental questions, demands the most active reading _____ you are capable.   A to which B of which C by which D to what   答案: 1B 2C 3B 4C 5C 6D 7D 8B 9B 10B


中石油职称英语阅读理解材料分析及参考答案   你是否想过聆听也有对错之分?至今,很少有人思考过这个问题。下面是我整理的中石油职称英语阅读理解材料,欢迎阅读!   Listening Faults 聆听的误区   1. Have you ever thought of listening as something you could do right or wrong? Few people had, until recently. Now it is being proved that most of us aren't letting our ears do all they should to help us. And we are losing out in ways both large and small, which is too bad when we realize that good listening can be very valuable indeed. In fact it is surprising just how big a part our two listening ears play in our success in school, in our careers, in our relations with family and friends.   1、你是否想过聆听也有对错之分?至今(until recently),很少有人思考过这个问题。目前已经证明,大多数人没能让耳朵尽其所能来帮助我们。当我们意识到有效的倾听是多么重要时,我们才知道自己在很多方面(in ways)都有所损失,这真是太糟糕了(which is too bad)。事实上,两只耳朵在我们的学匀、工作和与家庭、朋友的关系里扮演的角色之重要实在令人惊讶(surprising)。   2. Therefore, how we listen is extremely important. Yet it has been proved that most of us are guilty of from one to nine bad listening habits.   2、因此,如何聆听极其重要。然而,事实证明下面提到的九个聆听坏习惯中或多或少都能在大多数人的身上找到。   3. Few of us want to be poor listeners

