
时间:2024-04-30 15:49:48编辑:coo君


英语跟中文相反,中文是大地方先说,而英文中是小地方先说,所以越小的地方就写的越靠前。所以你的这个中文地名是这样的 Room 1,1/F,Unit 1,house 5, No.16 (of) Jianshe Road(or street),Chengdu,Sichuan Province ,China.


Chongqing地名翻译原则:1.中国地址翻译成英文的翻译基本原则是:音译。用汉语拼音转写,参考《中国地名汉语拼音字母拼写规则》,但不用标记调号。2.汉语地名:地名分专名和通名,专名按照汉语拼音方案处理,首字母大写,连写,不需要连接符。通名要按英文翻译。如:广东省 Guangdong Province. 单音节的名称要专名和通名连写:如泰山:Taishan Mt. 注意:景德镇应该是: Jingdezhen, 不是 Jingde Town.


英译汉时人名、地名必须翻译出来,不能保留英文。因为人名、地名是考察对文章文化背景知识是否了解的重要一方面。如提到哲学,就必须知道Satter这个名字, 你不能写成撒特,或照抄Satter, 而必须写成萨特,因为萨特是被介绍到中国来的,在许多翻译文本里都有这个人名。需要注意的是:一个单词必须有词根,前缀或后缀,可有可无。比如今天学了一个词根ced-“走,让”,那就把学到的各种前缀自己总结一下,比如加上re-,构成recede,就是后煺了。扩展资料:在考研论坛里:专有名词如果是知名人士的人名或者地名的话一定要翻译成汉语而且要对,如果是名不见经传的人名或者地名就根据音译翻译过来。地名如果是较熟知的,必须写对,如Times river,必须写成泰晤士河,而不是“时代河”,如果罕见,就应该按拼读法进行翻译,如Coventry,拼读成考文垂。考研英语大纲所要求必须掌握的构词知识。用这种方法,考生需要懂什幺是词根,什幺是词缀。举个例子,precedent这个单词,pre-称作前缀,表示在前面;ced-称作词根,表示走或让;-ent称作后缀,表示人或事。连着一起,即走在前面的一件事,就是“先例,前例”的意思。




写作思路:从地理位置,名胜古迹等多个方面介绍重庆。My home is located in southwest China, surrounded by mountains, there are two river, the Yangtze River and Jialing River, which is the largest city in China with a total population of over thirty million. 我家位于中国西南,群山环绕,有两条江,长江和嘉陵江,它是中国最大的城市,总人口达三千多万。We are not only rich in natural resources in Chongqing, there are many world famous attractions, such as the Dazu Rock Carvings, the Three Gorges. Parks, squares and Riverside Road is a good place for leisure citizens. Chongqing hot pot is famous. 我们重庆不仅自然资源丰富,还有很多世界著名的名胜,如大足石刻、三峡。公园、广场和滨江路是市民们休闲的好去处。重庆火锅也是举世闻名的。We are Chongqing, transport facilities, to Chongqing, the best tourist season in the spring, neither cold nor hot. In recent years we Chongqing, Chongqing has changed dramatically, warm, friendly, hardworking, intelligent Chongqing determined to build their home more beautiful.我们重庆交通便利,来重庆最好的旅游时节是春天,不冷不热。我们重庆最近几年,重庆发生了巨变,热情、友好、勤劳、智慧的重庆人决心把自己的家乡建设得更加美好。写作英语作文的方法:英语作文想写好作文,必须具备扎实的基本功,作文的基本功主要体现在词、句、段三个方面。单词方面,积累单词,扩大词汇量,弄清词的确切用法及相似词的用法区别,以及很多固定短语、习语的用法,要准确地表达想要表达的意思。句子方面,注意一些常用的句式,平时看到比较好用的句式要记下来,多模仿,还要在写文章时注意长短句的结合。段落方面,注意整篇文章的整体布局,要从整体上把握每段的中心思想,避免偏题、走题。提高写作水平不是一朝一夕所能完成的,最重要的是养成好的学习习惯,平时注意多积累,勤动笔、多思考,潜移默化中写作水平便会不断提高。


Widely acknowledged as the largest industrial and economic center in southwestern China, Chongqing City is a popular destination for travelers with its hilly slopes, rivers, night views and spicy food.
Meaning "double celebrations" in Chinese, the city was built in the 11th century BC during the Zhou Dynasty. The city was founded in 1997. Prior to then, it was a city in Sichuan Province. Now Chongqing is the biggest city in China in terms of area and population.
Known as one of China‘s "Three Furnaces" (along with Wuhan and Nanjing), Chongqing is unbearably hot during the summer. The surrounding mountains seem to trap the heat. It is pleasant to visit the city in other seasons.
Also known as "Fog City" in addition to "the Furnace," Chongqing is covered with a thick layer of fog for an average of 68 days a year, usually in spring or autumn. The fog gives the place an air of mystery.
Spread across a number of low hills (average elevation of 400 meters), surrounded by mountains, and straddling the Yangtze River, Chongqing is a natural wonder.
The main features of the downtown area are the hilly slopes. Travelers soon learn to get used to the feeling of going up and down, up and down. Locals compare the terrain to San Francisco.
At night, climbing up onto one of the less-populated hills affords panoramic views of the city's night lights. Due to the city's hilly terrain, you can see a hierarchy of lights in all directions.

