deep snow

时间:2024-05-01 21:11:17编辑:coo君

求魔法科高校劣等生同人漫Deep snow全集。(百度云或者邮箱都可以)大谢~

与王爷同居:史上最强王妃 简介: 她是而来,横空出世的魔法师公主. 他是表面废柴,实则腹黑的妖孽级王爷. 当腹黑遇到腹黑,当强大遇到强大,这个世界注定要波涛汹涌. 合作还是pk?这是个问题! 本书美男众多,有歪诗为证: 镜中花无名,风来香满袖. 千里霜如雪,苍穹月无双. —————————————— 特种兵公主:寡人就是祸水 简介: 不要爱上朕,寡人是祸水! 女特种兵重生后宫遗腹子,十岁幼龄假冒男儿身坐上龙位. 内有奸臣贼子,外有敌国虎视又如何?! 看一代天“娇”翻云覆雨,笑傲天下,抱得美男归! 此文美男众多,有歪诗为证:风行碎星魄,烈焰舞箫音,耀阳映雪色,融却北宫寒. ———————————————————— 特种兵公主:王的霸道狐宠(祸水的姐妹篇) 简介: 女特种兵重生妖狐公主,一朝醒来却成了九王爷的契约宠物. 主人强悍,宠物更强悍. 什么?!万一主人挂了,宠物也会挂!不行,我要解除契约! 在此之前,各位想对我家主人图谋不轨的童鞋请小心,本妖很霸道很阴险! —————————————————— 妃贼出没请注意:误窃天下 (大盗王妃pk妖孽王爷) 简介: 职业大盗成王妃,美男和珠宝洗干净等我! 她是超级大盗,身手敏捷,聪慧腹黑. 一次意外地许愿却时空,成为九王爷私养的宠妃. 她不过只是想盗块宝石,没想到却误窃了他的心,误窃了这天下! —————————————————— 宅门成寡妇:妻势汹汹 简介: 别人非后即妃,唯她云端却成为乔府倍受冷落的大少奶奶. 婆婆不疼,妯娌不爱,好不容易相公死而复生,偏偏又引得小三纠缠不止. 她欲脱身而去,却奈何生若浮云,不能逆风而动, 放荡不羁的三叔、腹黑专情的相公、神秘妖孽的九王…… 每人都有神秘背景,却偏与她纠纠缠缠. 待雨停风住,她又该云归何处?!


回家:go home发音:英 [ɡəu həum] 美 [ɡo hom] 例句:1、I think I'll go home and have a shower. 我觉得我得回家冲个澡。2、Then we'd go home and cuddle up together to watch TV. 然后我们就回家,依偎在一起看电视。3、You shall have tea before you go home,' he added. “在你们回家以前可以喝点茶,”他又说。扩展资料同义词组:come home , get home , go back home , come back home例句:1、I often have to meet with the mothers and fathers of the fallen, those who do not come home. 我经常要会见那些阵亡官兵的父母亲,那些军人不能再回家。2、But at the eleventh hour, when I was packing to go back home, they called and said they wantedto hire me. 但是直到我在整理行装准备回家的最后一刻,他们才打电话来说想要雇用我。3、Li Chenxi’s parents work in a restaurant in Inner Mongolia. They come back home only once a year. 李晨曦的父母在内蒙的一个餐厅打工,一年只回家一次。


货车——truck的读音:英 [trʌk]、美 [trʌk] n.货车;(铁路的)无盖货车;(行李)搬运车vt.用卡车装运vi.驾驶卡车;以物易物1、Don't leave your truck there 别把货车停在那儿。2、Her parents were creative and left-field and wanted Polly to become a singer or a truck driver. 波莉的父母想法新奇怪异,竟希望她做歌星或是货车司机。扩展资料相关词:一、goods英 [gʊdz] n.商品,货物;动产;本领;合意的人They traded land for goods and money 他们用土地换取了货物与金钱。二、cargo英 [ˈkɑ:gəʊ] 美 [ˈkɑ:rgoʊ] n.(船或飞机装载的)货物;负荷,荷重The salvage of the ship and cargo was under way. 打捞沉船和货物的工作正在进行之中。


卡车的英文:truck 读法 英 [trʌk] 美 [trʌk] 短语:1、truck mixer 混凝土搅拌车2、Manual truck 手推车3、crane truck 汽车起重机示例:he liquor was sold legally and trucked out of the state.这种酒合法出售,由卡车运出该州。扩展资料词语用法:truck是“货车,卡车,载重汽车”,多为美国用语,还可指“无盖货车,敞车”。have no truck with可作“不和…来往”解,也可作“不能忍受”解。词义辨析:truck, automobile, bus, car, lorry, taxi这六个词都可作“汽车”解。其区别是:1、car和automobile意思相同,均指载人或载物的汽车。前者是一般用词,后者是正式用词; 前者主要用于英式英语,后者主要用于美式英语;car是车的总称,尤指私人的小轿车。2、bus指大型公共汽车。lorry与truck均指载货卡车。前者主要用于英式英语,后者主要用于美式英语。car在英美均可指火车车厢; truck在英国可指铁路上的敞篷货车。taxi指出租车。


My Home Town   My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.
  But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.
  In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.
  I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.
My brother (我的哥哥)
I've a brother. He is a good brother. He studies very well and he is very look after me.One day, I was ill.He took me to the hospital.The doctors and the nurses said:"you have a good brother!"I said:"Yes,he is a good brother ."And my brother was shy.Oh,I'm forget to tell you what my brother looks like.He is very tall and thin. His favourest sport is play basketball and he like play the guitar. He play them is very well他是一位好哥哥。他学习很好,而且他很照顾我。


the place changes and goes.
like a wind, like clouds.
like the traces of the heart,
no halt at the places.
the place is so far away, be far apart.
people's hand does not reach.
so merely has (the) worship.
the place is a lofty lord.
can't meet nobody put on.
we will lose the lofty which changes.
not all were desired. however, we're never sad.
still, there is still the place.far away.
far away.
(the wind) blows through the place.
an endless, with all.
like the ripple float on the water.
it blows at as it goes.
the place is no make at all. nothing is shown.
like the sand clasped by hand. it falls vainly.
the place is (a) profound lord,
and wear the vain faint light.
but we will find it in the place.
the hut at which it stands still.
if not cencerned with all,
it will maintain that no dye.
therefore there is still the hut.
it's lonly, solitary.
no halt at the soars to the sky.
like the verdure (which) meets with sunrise,
it grows up as reborn.
the hut has held new one.
that's different from all.
like the sand castle of the children,
but realized with the mind.
the person is a vain statue.
wear taciturnity calm.
still,we will know a huge flow.
it is stopped by nobody.
soon, the wind wears the snow cloud.
will be dyed to snow-white.
summer grass will incline,
no sunlight,feebly shade.
the place buried in deep snow.
like the collapsing castle.
like the head of the shade,
figure will be thrown away.
the hut buried in deep snow.
it sinks in to the flood.
and the "not dyeing" is dyed out,
and waits for a oppose one.
even if all are healed, be gonna no return.
there is still the place.far way. far away.
the place changes and goes.
like a wind, like clouds.
like the traces of the heart,
no halt at the places.
the place is a lofty lord.
can't meet nobody put on.
still,there is still the place.
far away. far away.
这片土地瞬息万变 像清风 像白云
像心之轨迹 没有一刻停息
这片土地是如此遥远 遥远
人们无法触及 因此没有崇敬之情
这片土地仿佛是心头重负 无人能够承受
我们将失去这个地方 它是如此高不可攀
虽然不尽如人意 但我们并不忧伤
这片土地依旧存在 遥不可及
宛如水面上的波纹 多少涟漪在荡漾
此地浑然天成 看不见任何事物
仿佛手里紧握的沙子 转眼便从指间滑过
这片土地是如此幽深 被一道虚幻的微光所围
但我们一定要找到 那间伫立于此的小屋
倘若漠不关心 它将依然没有色彩
有这样一间小屋 孤独的立在那里
顺风而行 在空中飘扬
就像绿芽沐浴在阳光中 茁壮成长
小屋来了新客人 有些与众不同
就像孩子的沙堡 但心中可以明白
他是一坐虚无的雕像 沉没无语
我们知道洪潮即将来临 无人能挡
很快 风披上了雪的外衣 被染成了银白
这片土地被深埋在积雪中 像那坍塌的城堡
像那阴影的一角 形象尽不抛弃
小屋被厚厚的雪覆盖 深陷其中
全身被染上色彩 等待对手的到来
纵使万物恢复原貌 也是一去不复反
这片土地依旧存在 遥不可及
此地瞬息万变 像清风 像白云
像心之轨迹 没有一刻停息
此地仿佛是心头重负 无人能够承受
这片土地依旧存在 遥不可及

clannad 智代篇的结尾歌是什么歌???

Lia - Ana

作词:萩原ゆう Yuu Hagiwara
编曲:戸越まごめ Magome Togoshi



The place changes and goes【这片土地 沧桑变幻】
Like a wind, like clouds【如风舞动 似云流转】
Like the traces of the heart【恍若心之轨迹】
no halt at the places【没有一刻停息】

The place is so far away, be far apart【这片土地 是如此遥远】
people's hand does not reach【人们伸手难及】
so merely has the worship【心中仅存对未知的景仰】

The place is a lofty lord【这片土地 正如崇高的神祉】
can't meet nobody put on【负载于所有生命之上】
We will lose the place【我们将失去它】
so lofty which changes【任它高傲地俯视一切】

Not all were desired【即使万事不尽人意】
However,we're never sad【我们也不会悲伤哀叹】
Still, there is still the place【这片土地一切如旧】
far away, far away【仍然遥不可及】

The wind blows through the place【清风徐来】
an endless,with all【永无止息】
Like the ripple float on the water【似水波荡漾】
It blows as it goes【任其流动飘扬】

The place is no make at all【无人能使它改变】
Nothing is shown【万物踪迹俱灭】
Like the sand clasped by hand【若手心紧握的银沙】
It falls vainly【悄然滑落逝去】

The place is a profound lord【这片土地 神秘幽远】
and wear the vain faint light【为晨曦之光紧紧环绕】
But we will find it in the place【我们定将细寻】
The hut at which it stands still【其中的某处恬静小居】

if not concerned with all【如果缺少爱】
It will maintain that no dye【万物皆会失去耀眼光芒】
therefore there is still the hut【山间小屋 依旧直立】
It's lonly,solitary【孤独无依】

no halt at the wind【伴随着无尽的风】
it soars to the sky【它飞向广阔苍穹】
Like the verdure which meets with sunrise【宛若阳光哺育的幼苗】
It grows up as reborn【它茁壮成长 如获新生】

The hut has held new one【小屋中迎来新客】
that's different from all【他与众不同】
like the sand castle of the children【像童年记忆中的沙堡】
but realized with the mind【源远流长 永被铭记】

The person is a vain statue【宛若雕塑 沉默寡言之人】
wear taciturnity calm【若即若离 似将逝去】
still,We will know a huge flow【但巨大的洋流将让一切消失】
It is stopped by nobody【无人可挡】

Soon,the wind wears the snow cloud【不久那寒风将到来】
will be dyed to snow-white【为一切换上银装】
Summer grass will incline【夏草在风中挣扎】
No sunlight,feebly shade【阳光不再 乱姿影残】


The place buried in deep snow【这片土地为白雪所没】
like the collapsing castle【如消逝着的城堡】
like the head of the shade【似阴影之首】
figure will be thrown away【即将被永远抛弃】

The hut buried in deep【那小屋被深深掩埋】
It sinks in to the flood【沉没于浩荡大流中】
and The "not dyeing" is dyed out【灰暗的过往也被染上五彩】
and waits for a oppose one【等待着 新的一切】

Even if all are healed【即使所有的伤痛都愈合】
be gonna no return【即使曾经的存在都化为乌有】
there is still the place【这片土地仍将存在】
far away .far away【仍然遥不可及】

The place changes and goes【这片土地 沧桑变幻】
Like a wind, like clouds【如风舞动 似云流转】
Like the traces of the heart【恍若心之轨迹】
no halt at the places【没有一刻停息】

The place is a lofty lord【这片土地 正如崇高的神祉】
can't meet nobody put on【负载于所有生命之上】
Still, there is still the place【这片土地一切如旧】
far away, far away【仍然遥不可及】

7下英语课文翻译(上海教育出版社)U5“Facts about water”

您好,很高兴为您解答,不知道是不是,您想要的那篇。 有关水的事实 Facts about water
Here are some interesting facts about water:

About 70% of the human body is water.

Oceans cover about 75% of the Earth, but ocean water is salty.

Therefore most of the water in the world is not drinkable.

Groundwater may be drinkable, but it is not easy to find groundwater that is clean and safe to drink.

If water drips from your tap every 10 seconds, you will waste about 315 litres of water a year—enough to fill two baths!

Having a bath uses about twice as much water as taking a shower. Having a shower instead of a bath can save up to 400 litres a week.

