you are a miracle

时间:2024-05-03 13:40:06编辑:coo君

音乐分为哪几种 各有什么区别

音乐可以分为古典音乐、民间音乐、原生态音乐、现代音乐(包括流行音乐)等。区别如下:1、古典音乐依赖于原声乐器,这些乐器发出的声音没有通过电子手段而加以改变,如小号、小提琴和钢琴;流行音乐经常使用电吉他和电贝司、电子合成器和计算机等。民间音乐采用简单乐器演奏,如弦乐器,甚至舞曲曲调与步伐。原生态音乐一般采用本民族的原生态乐器。2、古典音乐更依赖与事先准备好的乐谱,因此,音乐作品(如一部交响曲)从某种程度上说是一个固定了的实体;流行音乐更多地依赖于口头和听觉传播,每次演出时的乐谱均有所不同,我们很少在流行音乐会上看到演奏者在看谱子。民间音乐和原生态音乐的乐谱还是演奏形式,都有着极强的民族性和地域性。3、古典音乐主要是器乐音乐,虽然并不完全是这样,它是通过音乐语言和气氛表达含义;大部分流行音乐需通过歌词或抒情诗来表现音乐的内涵。民间音乐和原生态音乐一般与当地的民俗习惯相溶合,与当地的民俗活动相结合。4、古典音乐在时间上一般都较长,并且包含多种意境,欣赏者必须长时间集中精力;大多数流行音乐在时间长度上相对比较短,平均只有三四分钟,每首作品从开始到结束仅表达一种基调。民间音乐长短不定,视歌曲内容而定。扩展资料按旋律风格(一)古典音乐"Classic"一词来源于拉丁语,原指罗马社会上等阶层,后转义为人类具有普遍性和永恒性价值的业绩。在国外,这种音乐类型被称之为“classical music”,“classical”有“古典的、正统派的、古典文学的”之意。所以我们国人将之称为“古典音乐”,确切地说应该是“西洋古典音乐”。首先从概念上解释,“古典音乐”是一种音乐类别的名称。然而即使在国外,对于“classical music”一词的具体意义,也有诸多不同的解释,其中主要异议来自于对“古典音乐”时代划分理念的不同:1、以超时代的普遍性、永恒性的艺术价值和音乐艺术最高业绩为标准,将那些能作为同时代,后代典范的,具有具有永久艺术价值的音乐统称为“古典音乐”。根据这一标准,古典音乐又被称为“严肃音乐”或“艺术音乐”,用以区分通俗音乐(流行音乐)。2、特指1750~1820年左右的古典乐派时期。古典乐派的风格形成于巴洛克时期音乐的逐渐消失之中,消融于浪漫乐派风格的逐渐形成之中,经历了巴洛克音乐向早期古典乐派的过度。众多乐派中,维也纳古典乐派代表人物有:海顿、莫扎特,贝多芬。(二)流行音乐流行音乐(pop music)是根据英语popular music翻译过来的。按照汉语词语表面去理解,所谓流行音乐,是指那些结构短小、内容通俗、形式活泼、情感真挚,并被广大群众所喜爱,广泛传唱或欣赏,流行一时的甚至流传后世的器乐曲和歌曲。这些乐曲和歌曲,植根于大众生活的丰厚土壤之中。因此,又有“大众音乐”之称。但是,这样的界定有可能使那些本不属于流行音乐的音乐如《国际歌》、《义勇军进行曲》、《马赛曲》、《洪湖水浪打浪》、《歌唱祖国》、《东方红》《南泥湾》等,仅仅因为它们也在群众中广泛流传而都可被划归为流行音乐。另一方面,又把那些分明是流行的音乐,由于它们流传不开(这在流行音乐中也为数不少)而排除在流行音乐之外。显然,流行音乐不一定都流行,流行的音乐也不只是流行音乐。流行音乐准确的概念应为商品音乐,是指以赢利为主要目的而创作的音乐。它是商业性的音乐消遣娱乐以及与此相关的一切“工业”现象。(见前苏联《音乐百科词典》1990 年版)它的市场性是主要的,艺术性是次要的。(三)民族音乐广义指浪漫浪漫主义中后期兴起的富有民族色彩的,或是宣扬民族主义的乐派。狭义地讲,指中国民族音乐。所谓中国民族音乐就是祖祖辈辈生活、繁衍在中国这片土地上的各民族,从古到今在悠久历史文化传统上创造的具有民族特色,能体现民族文化和民族精神的音乐。而广义上,中国音乐是泛指世界上具有五声调式特征的音乐。中国的民族音乐艺术是世界上非常具有特色的一种艺术形式。中华民族在几千年的文明中,创造了大量优秀的民族音乐文化,形成了有着深刻内涵和丰富内容的民族音乐体系。这一体系在世界音乐中占有重要的地位。我们要认识中国音乐,不能仅仅会唱一些中国歌曲,听几段传统乐曲,还必须从民族的、历史的、地域的角度去考察中国音乐,了解中国音乐,从而真正理解中国音乐的内涵,了解它在世界音乐体系中的地位和历史价值。中国民族音乐分为:民间歌曲、民间歌舞音乐、民间器乐、民间说唱音乐和民间戏曲音乐。参考资料来源:百度百科:音乐



歌词高潮you are a miracle,女英文歌,是叫什么名字

Friend Like You - JawsShow me what you wanna doAnd I'll just go and follow youTime's too slow and I'm not sureWhen death's knocking at your doorDo you wanna look back and say you did it well?Do you wanna look back and say you did it well?I could use a friend like youSave the world I've come in toI could use a friend like youDo the things we shouldn't doSitting in your little chairLook at me until I stareAsking me "how was my day?"I won't tell you anywayDo you wanna look back and say you did it well?Do you wanna look back and say you did it well?I could use a friend like youSave the world I've come in toI could use a friend like youDo the things we shouldn't doI could use a friend like youDo the things we shouldn't doI could use a friend like youSave the world I've come in to

2013 SBS歌谣大战的主题曲 《You are a miracle》音译歌词!

搜嘟咯on gio屋搜咯哇搜哦接pio里克丽派刚嫩几搜嘟撸嫩西刚啊西窝搜哦接古米克丽ki冷嫩吉撒狼哈够音那哟克得也哈路得日撒狼哈够音那哟克得也撒朗得日南 米都哟 克得搜囧喊马额米 蛮得咯内ki就克得噶一米哈够一搜哟涩散诶音嫩够蛮哟咯克得嫩音米怒股噶也Miracle 阿冷打我Miracle 哦冷都怒股噶路给哈给就屋里嫩音米唉够一搜哟莫撒狼黑呀阿嫩几克得怒泥塔嫩mo东够涩搜 西加得够一搜哟啊马内一日都nun不洗给就克得啦嫩一哟咯There can be no greater love I am the light of world You are the light of world We are the light of world We're shining bright together吼西南涩散一噶起司喷噶bua够哟he都内里嫩平木得痕波克搜安对撒狼求龙哦地咯噶都米里撒蓝得木等够西 哦留窝 伞嫩够西 搜咯窝Don't be afraid my friendI'm your fam Your biggest fan南 米都哟 克得恰跟送gi咯mong求nun木日克得噶一米哈够一搜哟涩散诶音嫩够蛮哟咯克得嫩音米怒股噶也Miracle 阿冷打我Miracle 哦冷都怒股噶路给哈给就屋里嫩音米唉够一搜哟 莫撒狼黑呀阿嫩几克得怒泥塔嫩mo东够涩搜 西加得够一搜哟啊马内一日都nun不洗给就克得啦嫩一哟咯There can be no greater love益几马拉哟克得咯音内 涩伞诶内林比起一搜哦东哦懂都kio古给嫩擦蓝也克林家也本里蓝够普地一几马拉哟克得噶一米哈够一搜哟涩散诶音嫩够蛮哟咯克得嫩音米怒股噶也Miracle 阿冷打我Miracle 哦冷都怒股噶路给哈给就屋里嫩音米唉够一搜哟 莫撒狼黑呀阿嫩几克得怒泥塔嫩mo东够涩搜 西加得够一搜哟啊马内一日都nun不洗给就克得啦嫩一哟咯There can be no greater loveI am the light of worldYou are the light of worldWe are the light of worldWe're shining bright togetherI am the light of worldYou are the light of worldWe are the light of worldWe're shining bright togetherMake love lady rainy corn克得冷阿冷打我ki就New Babies bornYou already know that克得怒泥塔嫩mo东够涩 西加gi对Come on we'll light up the world We're shining bright like the starsCome together there's no greater love克得那嫩一由Yes you areYou are baby light of worldAnd we gonna shine together like diamonds and pearls克得噶一米哈够一搜哟涩散诶音嫩够蛮哟咯克得嫩音米怒股噶也Miracle 阿冷打我Miracle 哦冷都怒股噶路给哈给就屋里嫩音米唉够一搜哟 莫撒狼黑呀阿嫩几克得怒泥塔嫩mo东够涩搜 西加得够一搜哟啊马内一日都nun不洗给就克得噶一米哈够一搜哟涩散诶音嫩够蛮哟咯克得嫩音米怒股噶也Miracle 阿冷打我Miracle 哦冷都怒股噶路给哈给就屋里嫩音米唉够一搜哟 莫撒狼黑呀阿嫩几克得怒泥塔嫩mo东够涩搜 西加得够一搜哟啊马内一日都nun不洗给就克得那嫩一由There can be no greater love

谢谢 采纳吧~~~~~~

日韩群星唱的You Are A Miracle的中文歌词和音译歌词

韩国群星 - You Are A Miracle(SBS歌谣大战主题曲)所度咯 问 giao无 所咯我缩 哦姐 飘里可里 吧嘎嫩几所度了嫩 西嘎 那西我缩 哦姐 古米可里 ki咯嫩几撒狼哈过 音那哟 可得也 哈路的了撒狼哈过 银那哟 可得也 萨兰的了南 米多哟 可得 速囧汉 吗米 满的咯嫩 gi jiuo可得嘎 一米 哈过 一所哟 sei桑也 一嫩 过吗呢咯可得嫩 一米 奴滚嘎也 Miracle 啊龙大on Miracle哦呢多 奴滚嘎了 无给 哈给jiuo无里嫩 一米 唉过 一所哟 无哦撒狼黑呀 哈嫩几可得 奴你 大嫩 莫等 过sei所 西加对过 一所哟啊马 内一冷 多 nun噗西给jiuo可得拉嫩 一有咯 There can be no greater loveI am the light of world You are the light of worldWe are the light of world We're shining bright together后西那 sei桑一 嘎齐 四扑嘎八 括哟hi多 内里嫩 比母的很不尅所南对 萨兰qiuo龙 哦滴龙嘎多米林 萨兰的莫等 过西 哦聊我 撒嫩 过西 所咯我Don't be afraid my friend I'm your fam Your biggest fan南 米多哟 可得 恰跟 孙gi咯 萌去 nun木冷可得嘎 一米 哈过 一所哟 sei桑也 一嫩 过吗呢咯可得嫩 一米 奴滚嘎也 Miracle 啊龙大on Miracle哦呢多 奴滚嘎了 无给 哈给jiuo无里嫩 一米 唉过 一所哟 无哦撒狼黑呀 哈嫩几可得 奴你 大嫩 莫等 过sei所 西加对过 一所哟啊马 内一冷 托 nun噗西给jiuo可得拉嫩 一有咯 There can be no greater love一几 吗啦哟 可得咯 一内sei桑也 内林 比齐 一所哦东 哦顿多 kiao古给嫩恰拉也 可林恰一 噗你兰过噗滴 一几 吗啦哟可得嘎 一米 哈过 一所哟 sei桑也 一嫩 过吗呢咯可得嫩 一米 奴滚嘎也 Miracle 啊龙大on Miracle哦呢多 奴滚嘎了 无给 哈给jiuo无里嫩 一米 唉过 一所哟 无哦撒狼黑呀 哈嫩几可得 奴你 他嫩 莫等 过sei所 西加对过 一所哟啊马 内一冷 多 nun噗西给jiuo可得拉嫩 一有咯 There can be no greater loveI am the light of world You are the light of worldWe are the light of world We're shining bright togetherI am the light of world You are the light of worldWe are the light of world We're shining bright togetherMake love ladyrainycorn可得嫩 啊龙大on gi jiuo New Babies born(You already know that)可得 奴你 大嫩 莫等 过sei 西家gi对Come on we'll light up the worldWe're shining bright like the starsCome together there's no greater love可得嘎 一米 哈过 一所哟 sei桑也 一嫩 过吗呢咯可得嫩 一米 奴滚嘎也 Miracle 啊龙大on Miracle哦呢多 奴滚嘎了 无给 哈给jiuo无里嫩 一米 唉过 一所哟 无哦撒狼黑呀 哈嫩几可得 奴你 大嫩 莫等 过sei所 西加对过 一所哟啊马 内一冷 多 nun噗西给jiuo可得拉嫩 一有咯 There can be no greater love-------------------END-------------------

"We're A Miracle"Here we are, safe at last We can breath a sigh, seems the storm has passed Through it all, no one knew, That all the tears in heaven, would bring me back to youNo one I know, imagined we would make itBut it only matters that we both believe[Chorus:]You and me, we're a miracle; meant to be And nothing can change it Mountains move And oceans part When they are standing in our way You and me, we're a mircale; Angels stand watching over And heaven shines upon us, everyday Everytime, I felt near defeatYou were there for me ohBy my side completelyYou give me strength set me free... hey yeah yeahIts just because of you ohh..I'm all that i can be ohh..When im with you, the world is ours to reach forTogether there is nothing we can't do. ooh ooh..[Chorus][Bridge:]The chance was so unlikely That we would ever win Two stars among the heavens Destiny brought you to me [Chorus]You and me, We're a miracle (miracle)You and me, We're a miracle (miracle)Miracle


are you a student是什么意思?

意思是 你是这里的一个新学生吗词语解析new 英[nju:] 美[nu:]adj. 新的,崭新的; 新鲜的,新到的; 现代的; 初次(听到)的;adv. 新近,最近;[例句]They've just opened a new hotel in the Stoke area他们刚在斯托克地区开了一家新宾馆。student_百度翻译student 英[ˈstju:dnt] 美[ˈstu:dnt]n. 中学生; 学生,大学生; 研究者,学者; 初学者;[例句]Warren's eldest son is an art student, at St Martin's.沃伦的大儿子是圣马丁学院艺术系的学生。Are you 后面+名词或 现在进行时{be(am,is,are) doing} 例:Are yo【 a student】?(你是一名老师吗?) Are you 【learning Engliah】?(你正在学英语吗?) Do you 后面+动词 例:Do you 【eat】eggs?(你吃鸡蛋吗?)

找一首应该是英文歌,在酒吧听到的一女的唱的,高潮听起来大概是in you

Don't Let Me Down
歌手:The Chainsmokers
所属专辑:Don't Let Me Down
Don't Let Me Down - The Chainsmokers/Daya
Written by:Andrew Taggart/Emily Warren/Scott Harris
Crashing hit a wall
Right now I need a miracle
Hurry up now I need a miracle
Stranded reaching out
I call your name but you're not around
I say your name but you're not around
I need you I need you I need you right now
Yeah I need you right now


Security considerations

Prior to use, carefully read the safety notes, correct use of this product.
Write about security matters here, be sure to follow.
After reading it, you may often need, be sure to save this book
Warning this was once an error is handled and used, gives rise to thepossibility of death and serious injury people logo
Note for once an error is handled and used, can cause harm and the contentsof the damaged articles symbol
Flag meaning and examples
Is banned from doing mean concrete details with icon and text display. (Themeaning of the figure on the left is against splitting)
Was definitely meant to do, to do something with the icon and text display(left means (pull out power plug from the socket)

AC 100V cannot use. Because of fires, electric shock accident.

Insert the power plug firmly into the socket because of electric shock,short-circuiting, fire

Wire is damaged, broken, processing, bend, pull, twist, bundle is greatpressure is not enough. Because it can cause fire and electric shock.

Alone in rated current of 15A outlet on the wall, and other appliances used,jacks, abnormal heat and cause a fire

If the power plug and socket is damaged, loose, do not use. Because it willcause electric shock, short-circuit, and fire.

Power plug attached to the dust, then you want to erase, if left attacheddust plugs in them, can cause fires and fires

Put it in a place where children cannot touch because can cause burns andelectric shock

Gaps in the case do not put tacks, wire and other metal objects. Becausethey can lead to electric shock and hurt

Unplug the plug from the socket after use, as can cause fire and fault

Do not put it near curtains and other combustible materials. Because it willcause a fire

When touched, to be safe, please pull out the plug from the socket becauseit will cause electric shock, fire, injury

Do not place oil into the tray, debris disks, can cause fires

Cannot be split, and non-repair technicians cannot repair because it willcause a fire. Electric shock and other hazards. Please go to the shop or theDoshisha service consulting and repair

Do not use on exception of cooking uses

Do not use wet hand to plug in, it will cause electric shock

Exceptions are, smell the odor, smoke, immediately unplug and stop usingthe. Because it will cause a fire, an electric shock

Ban on immersion, because it may cause fire and electric shock.


you are my miracle 是哪首英文歌的歌词

= =是不是《when you believe》。。

many nights we've pray.  
with no proof anyone could hear.
and our hearts a hopeful song.
we barely understood.
now we are not afraid.
although we know there's much too fear.
we were moving mountains. 
long before we knew we could.
there can be miracles.
when you believe.
though hope is frail.
it's hard too kill.
who knows what miracles ?
you can achieve.
when you believe
somehow you will.
you will when you believe !
in this time of fear.
when prayer so often proves in vain.
hope seems like the summer birds.
too swiftly flown away.
and now i am standing here.
my heart's so full i can't explain.
seeking faith and speaking words.
i never thought i'd say.
there can be miracles.
when you believe.
though hope is frail.
it's hard too kill.
who knows what miracles ?
you can achieve.
when you believe
somehow you will.
you will when you believe !
they don't always happen when u ask.
and it's easy to give in to fear.
but when u're blinded by ur pain.
can't see ur way safe through the rain.
a small but still resilient voice.
says love is very near.
there can be miracles.
when you believe.
though hope is frail.
it's hard too kill.
who knows what miracles ?
you can achieve.
when you believe
somehow you will.
you will when you believe !
you will when you believe !

