
时间:2024-05-09 03:31:29编辑:coo君




第一幕 与太阳共舞

第二幕 心灵的哭泣

第三幕 凯瑟琳伯爵夫人

第四幕 致Caoineadh Chu Chulain的挽歌

第五幕 雷电

第六幕S hivna神话

第七幕 火舞

第八幕 走进春天——收获

第九幕 大河之舞下半场

第十幕 梦醒美洲第十一幕准备起飞

第十二幕 新世界的劳工

第十三幕 家乡永在心中


《大河之舞》犹如一部叙述爱尔兰祖先与大自然抗争,以及经历战争、饥荒等种种苦难后流离失所,重建家园的长篇血泪史诗。历史宛如一条长河,滔滔不绝的传承着智慧、勇气、生命与爱。千江万水淘尽千古风流人物,回顾历史,这些的确值得我们珍惜和拥有。   《大河之舞》是利落流畅的爱尔兰踢踏舞,还是忧郁热情的西班牙弗朗明哥?是气质优柔的古典芭蕾,还是活力动感的现代舞?都不是,又都是,这就是《大河之舞》,一座连结过去与未来的巨桥,将爱尔兰人民重建家园的血泪史,以全新动人的百老汇音乐剧面容呈现!   超级制作人莫亚·多何第(MOYA DOHERTY)在这场《大河之舞》百老汇音乐剧中以严谨的舞蹈编排与精准的场面调度要求,力图展现多样化的表演艺术风貌。该剧以传统爱尔兰民族特色的踢踏舞为主轴,融合热情奔放的西班牙佛朗明哥舞,并吸取古典芭蕾与现代舞蹈的精髓,共同营造出一场气势如虹,剧力万钧的精彩舞作。而爱尔兰管弦乐团的演奏及合唱团的天籁美声更是起到了画龙点睛的作用。《大河之舞》是一场力感、动感、质感与美感兼具的百老汇音乐歌舞盛宴。   百老汇超级制作人莫亚·多何第在1994年的欧洲电视歌唱比赛中,特别为大会制作了7分钟的舞剧短片,令3亿观众看得心醉神迷,意犹未尽。这段7分钟的舞剧短片就由麦克·弗莱利自编自导并领衔主演,后来成为改变了麦克命运,乃至成千上万爱舞人命运的《大河之舞》。舞剧短片获得轰动性的成功后,麦克,莫亚便与著名作曲家比尔·惠南以及名导约翰·麦根共同策划制作,在充实了原始版本的构架后,完成了这部精彩绝伦的歌舞作品——《大河之舞》。1995年,《大河之舞》在都柏林的波音剧院首演,结果大获成功,并且引燃了全球的踢踏舞热潮,更是被全球艺评人一致推崇为当代最具爱尔兰民族风格的经典音乐剧,全剧精心动魄的庞大制作令人叹为观止。1997年此剧更是获得了格莱美《年度最佳音乐剧》的殊荣。《大河之舞》一剧受到了世界各地的观众和媒体的一致好评,直至近日,国际上的演出邀请仍在不断地增加,喝彩声也从未停歇……   目前《大河之舞》由新锐舞王柯林·唐恩(COLIN DUNNE)率团演出。荣获9次世界冠军的舞王柯林·唐恩以卓越的舞艺与巨星特质著称于世,他浑然散发出璀璨耀眼的巨星光芒。这次他更是以令人震撼慑服的肢体语言,引领您跨越时空,驰骋于眩目神迷的百老汇舞台之上。


Riverdance is a theatrical show consisting of traditional Irish step dancing, notable for its rapid leg movements while body and arms are kept largely stationary.

Riverdance was first performed during the interval of the 1994 Eurovision Song Contest on April 30, in a seven-minute format produced by Moya Doherty, John McColgan , dancers Michael Flatley and Jean Butler and composer Bill Whelan. The music accompanying the dancing, composed by Bill Whelan, which featured the Irish choral group Anúna, the RTÉ Concert Orchestra and assorted traditional musicians, was released as a single in Ireland, where it went straight to number one and remained there for eighteen weeks.

The Eurovision broadcast has been cited as one of the crucial moments in the creation of the Celtic Tiger myth amongst the Irish themselves — a moment when to be Irish was to be at the forefront of European culture. (Others cited include Ray Houghton scoring against either England in 1988 or Italy in 1994 and Mary Robinson being elected President of Ireland in 1990.)

The Eurovision performance featured an opening section entitled "Cloudsong" featuring Anúna, directed by Dublin composer Michael McGlynn. Anúna were founded in 1987 and continue performing and recording to this day. They left the show in 1996, and their unusual choral sound has brought them success in their own right. They have recorded nine albums, and feature on all versions since 1996 of the Riverdance album.

In November 1994, tickets were sold in Dublin for the first full-length show of Riverdance, which opened at the Point Theatre on February 9, 1995 including in the cast Irish Dancing Champion Jean Butler. The show ran for five weeks and was a sell-out. Later in 1995, the show enjoyed another sell-out run of six weeks at the Point Theatre, and two sell-out runs of four and eighteen weeks at the Hammersmith Apollo in London. In October 1995 Michael Flatley, who had been with the show since its inauguration, quit the production due to mutual "creative differences" with the owners over its direction — he went on to produce his own show, Lord of the Dance.

In March 1996, the show was performed in the United States for the first time — at Radio City Music Hall in New York City — where it sold out eight times. Between March 2000 and August 2001, the show was performed on Broadway at the Gershwin Theatre.

On March 5, 2002, the 5,000th performance of the show was celebrated in Edinburgh and San Francisco.

Riverdance continues to be performed all over the world. Each production company is named after an Irish river. Currently performing companies are the Boyne (touring the United States), Avoca and Foyle (in Europe). Current productions are half the size[1][2] of the original performances

